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AI Generative Art


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Somewhat long post about my adventures in starting with AI Art!

I downloaded Stable Diffusion last night. Never used any AI Art stuff before. So, I'm naive and unskilled. First thing first... AI is thirsty. Nearly every time I used my COH character screen shots for a base, the shirts came off. Some AI spots even added nipples for the heck of it when unneeded. 

Anyway, I first used Stable Diffusion's text to image feature and described my character Hyperboy. Here is what I got after many tries. Outfit is the right colors but not the right spots. Oh well, close enough. Boyfusion model.
Hyperboy 1

 Not bad I think. But is there more? Yes, yes there is. Incoming Krea AI - Enhancer. 
Hyperboy 1 Enhanced

But hold on... Stable Diffusion is not done. How dare Krea touch it's goodies. RealisticVision model coming in hot.
Hyperboy 1 More Enhanced

But, does Stable Diffusion even need Krea as a step in between? What if we add in a few references to some IRL cuties, can we imagine it? Nah, lets not imagine, lets do it!
Hyperboy 1 Real
Oh my, lookin' pretty darn good. Found more clothes. Gonna have to ID this kid tho. Wait, what's this? Krea coming in ring side with the folded chair?!
Hyperboy 1 Older
Krea adding in some nice oil painting to Hyperboy which results him him being a little older and me not being put on special lists somewhere with the government, fantastic! Finally tho... Stable Diffusion wanted me to know it has more where that came from. The mistress of the night tempting me with her freshly baked goods...
Hyperboy Realistic
The goods? Spot fixing. Using masks to fix small issues here and there. Masking is where you highlight areas to re-gen while leaving the rest of the imagine alone... Krea, come on girl, get with the times.

And there we have it folks. My first day using AI Art. I can't even draw stick figures. I have no artistic bone in my body. Art, painting, drawing, music... nothing. And this is what I got in a day. If I can do it, you can too!

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Light Star character series
Twink character series

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DOUBLE POST... With good reason. I didn't want a single huge post, but divided on topic instead.

Anywho... Stable Diffusion isn't the only game in town. Copilot by Microsoft has a prompt only FREE online tool. I described Hyperboy there and it was more accurate than what Stable Diffusion gave me. Still off, but at least the colors somewhat closer to where they should be!
Hyperboy Copilot
Pretty nice actually. Playing with art styles and costume material descriptions got this...
And this...
Not shabby at all Microsoft... maybe you are a real software company!

Well, that's that for Microsoft anyway. Doubt anyone knows my LEGENDARY Twink Star on Everylasting, but Copilot had nice ones for him too...
Twink Star 1
And they even got a little artistically creative and threw him into a Pixar movie...
Twink Star Pixar

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Light Star character series
Twink character series

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Posted (edited)

Alright... final post of the night, I promise.

What to talk about? Heh, how are you? I been alright... Oh wait, ART, my bad. Anyway, What about using screen shots in game for reference?
Lets go with this...
Hyperboy in the flesh! Or erm, in the pixels? Its been bad. But there's help! Stable Diffusion simply butchered anything I put in. Not my fault, no sir. But helllllloooo... Krea? KREA ENHANCE!
Well there we go, now we're cookin' with peanut butter! But can we get... better? Stable Diffusion wants to hold me tight and tell me it'll be okay, she still loves me...
Well... she may love me but she is still mad. But going from a low res in-game screen shot of a character in a game from 20 years ago to that? I can't be upset how she's treated me.
What's this? Openart.ai has some tools too? Well lets try... oh god... oh my... where are all my shirts?! Why are there so many nipples?! Well... throwing Krea's Hyperboy into Openart.ai and adjusting the prompt some to identify Hyperboy as a MAN...
Interesting. I don't love it... but I don't hate it... or do I? Is that what I feel inside? Pure hatred? Maybe. But I owed it to myself to go through with it.

Anyway, that's what I got. Hundreds and hundreds of images made. So many deleted. The conjoined triplets... the 7 fingered men.... It has been a journey. I got more already but there's no story to those other than ooo shiny... I'll leave you all with OpenArt.ai's version of my current avatar and my original main in COH, Light Star!
From this...
To this...
Openart.ai hates me all I hold dear, obviously.


Edited by DanaDark
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Light Star character series
Twink character series

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8 hours ago, DanaDark said:

my character Hyperboy

How old is the character meant to be? His face looks like he’s 13 but his arms look 30. AI weirdness.

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27 minutes ago, Trike said:

How old is the character meant to be? His face looks like he’s 13 but his arms look 30. AI weirdness.

Character is about 19/20-ish. AI definitely has a lot left to be desired but also I am so new at this that my prompt-fu for refining isn't all that great. As someone literally incapable of making any art, I am just amazed at what even I can do with this stuff! Hoping my post encourages people in similar inability like me to give it a whirl instead of just looking at what others have generated. ❤️

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Light Star character series
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20 hours ago, Erratic1 said:

Been using Krea.ai and it has a quick enhance mode (which does not seem to cost any processing time budget) and a full enhance which does. Below shows the results, from original (left), to quick enhance (center), to full enhance (right):



I've been playing with Krea for a little while now, but I haven't seen the quick enhance feature.  Where is that?

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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, Player2 said:

I've been playing with Krea for a little while now, but I haven't seen the quick enhance feature.  Where is that?


It is on the Generate page on the right side of the screen. Looks like a couple of stars IIRC



*typo fixed

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3 hours ago, Trike said:

New Orion Labs locations have opened!




Here are some doors that we don't see anywhere else in the game...  screenshot-240514-14-33-21-enhanced.png


It's like they caused one little environmental crisis and then closed up shop everywhere for good.

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