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Luck based character help

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So I have a power concept I have tried to replicate with the existing sets we currently have, but I'm not 100% happy. So I want your feedback and suggestions! The power concept I have is Luck! Bad luck and good luck. So this automatically lends itself for a buff/debuff set, so trollers, def, corr. 


So far I have tried:
Grav/dark troller
Grav/dark dom
Elec/time troller
Rad/dark def
Energy/temp blaster


My current one I'm considering is rad blast/time/psi corr (psi for WoC)


Anyone have any other suggestions?

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Pick the powerset that actually has a power called Lucky!




Super Reflexes - image.png.dc4ed88561585a59b9fde92d08382c40.png Lucky
"Your superior reflexes make you seem incredibly Lucky. Lucky improves your Defense to Area of Effect attacks and grants you resistance to Defense DeBuffs. Lucky also grants you minor Damage Resistance to all damage except Toxic and Psionic. This Damage Resistance is only available as you lose Health but it improves as your HP declines. This power is always on, and permanently increases your chance to evade area of effects and cone shaped attacks."

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back when I had a DP/psi blaster (would be DP/time if I rerolled it now) whose concept was basically luck/psychic powers making the bullets go where they were supposed to


of the debuff sets /time is definitely the one best suited to 'luck' powers imo, since its look isn't tied to a particular element or palette; you could go with kinetics too depending on how far you're willing to stretch the inflicting good/bad luck concept


then you need a blast set; you could go DP/archery/AR/beam and just be a dude with powers who also uses those weapons. Sonic and psi blast are also good aesthetic matches with /time; they have kinda similar looking particle effects you can apply the same colors to, and feature a lot of circles. You can color fire blast to kinda look similar to time, but you still get the sound profile and some of the powers (breath, rain) don't fit very well.

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