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I believe this is what you're after. Note that these are the bindings from the Beta server, which have leftdragworld and mbutton swapped from the current live build, but this is most likely what it will be going forward.


' "quickchat"
/ "show chat$$slashchat"
0 "powexec_slot 10"
CTRL+0 "powexec_serverslot 10"
SHIFT+0 "powexec_alt2slot 10"
ALT+0 "powexec_altslot 10"
1 "powexec_slot 1"
CTRL+1 "powexec_serverslot 1"
SHIFT+1 "powexec_alt2slot 1"
ALT+1 "powexec_altslot 1"
2 "powexec_slot 2"
CTRL+2 "powexec_serverslot 2"
SHIFT+2 "powexec_alt2slot 2"
ALT+2 "powexec_altslot 2"
3 "powexec_slot 3"
CTRL+3 "powexec_serverslot 3"
SHIFT+3 "powexec_alt2slot 3"
ALT+3 "powexec_altslot 3"
4 "powexec_slot 4"
CTRL+4 "powexec_serverslot 4"
SHIFT+4 "powexec_alt2slot 4"
ALT+4 "powexec_altslot 4"
5 "powexec_slot 5"
CTRL+5 "powexec_serverslot 5"
SHIFT+5 "powexec_alt2slot 5"
ALT+5 "powexec_altslot 5"
6 "powexec_slot 6"
CTRL+6 "powexec_serverslot 6"
SHIFT+6 "powexec_alt2slot 6"
ALT+6 "powexec_altslot 6"
7 "powexec_slot 7"
CTRL+7 "powexec_serverslot 7"
SHIFT+7 "powexec_alt2slot 7"
ALT+7 "powexec_altslot 7"
8 "powexec_slot 8"
CTRL+8 "powexec_serverslot 8"
SHIFT+8 "powexec_alt2slot 8"
ALT+8 "powexec_altslot 8"
9 "powexec_slot 9"
CTRL+9 "powexec_serverslot 9"
SHIFT+9 "powexec_alt2slot 9"
ALT+9 "powexec_altslot 9"
; "show chat$$beginchat ;"
\ "menu"
A "+left"
B "++first"
BACKSPACE "autoreply"
C "chat"
COMMA "show chat$$beginchat /tell $target, "
D "+right"
DELETE "+lookdown"
DOWN "+backward"
DOWNARROW "+backward"
E "+turnright"
END "+zoomout"
ENTER "show chat$$startchat"
ESC "unselect"
F "follow"
F1 "inspexec_slot 1"
SHIFT+F1 "team_select 1"
F10 "say $battlecry $$ emote attack"
F2 "inspexec_slot 2"
SHIFT+F2 "team_select 2"
F3 "inspexec_slot 3"
SHIFT+F3 "team_select 3"
F4 "inspexec_slot 4"
SHIFT+F4 "team_select 4"
F5 "inspexec_slot 5"
SHIFT+F5 "team_select 5"
F6 "local <color white><bgcolor red>RUN!"
SHIFT+F6 "team_select 6"
F7 "say <color black><bgcolor #22aa22>Ready! $$ emote thumbsup"
SHIFT+F7 "team_select 7"
F8 "local <color black><bgcolor #aaaa22>HELP! $$ emote whistle"
SHIFT+F8 "team_select 8"
F9 "local <color white><bgcolor #2222aa><scale .75>level $level $archetype$$local <color white><bgcolor #2222aa>Looking for team"
H "helpwindow"
HOME "+zoomin"
INSERT "+lookup"
LEFT "+turnleft"
LEFTARROW "+turnleft"
LeftDragWorld "+camrotate"
M "map"
MBUTTON "+camrotate$$camturn"
MouseChord "+forward$$playerturn"
MOUSEWHEEL "+camdistadjust"
N "nav"
P "powers"
PAGEDOWN "camreset"
PAGEUP "+camrotate"
Q "+turnleft"
R "++autorun"
RBUTTON "+mouse_look"
RIGHT "+turnright"
RIGHTARROW "+turnright"
S "+backward"
SPACE "+up"
SYSRQ "screenshot"
T "target"
TAB "target_enemy_next"
CTRL+TAB "target_enemy_near"
SHIFT+TAB "target_enemy_prev"
UP "+forward"
UPARROW "+forward"
V "+ctm_invert"
W "+forward$$playerturn"
X "+down"
Z "powexec_abort"


  • Thanks 3

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