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Patch Notes for February 27th, 2024

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Hit or miss for me.  Sometimes it updates quickly, but more often then not it seems like it doesn't want to show me the history no matter what I do.  And a lot of times it shows the history for two seconds before going blank.

Currently playing on Indomitable as @Zork Nemesis; was a Protector native on live.

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Thanks so much for your effort, but I'm noting something with weapon costumes for Arsenal Control - if you select a holstered weapon, then (a) every time you enter the costume editor then weapons selection and their colours are reset, and (b) once you have the weapon selection you want, saving it (in an effort to work around this problem) works but one always gets an error when loading it again later?


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the new gamma changes are affecting me in a big way.  It's hard to describe but the game world is substantially darker more regularly and door missions, example oranbega maps are crazy dark compared to a few days ago.  The game essentially looked the same for 20 years and now it's almost impossible to see anything without regularly having to adjust the gamma settings.  and the fact that it doesn't change the GUI is frustrating too, the GUI is so so saturated compared to the game world that it is distracting.

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  • 5 weeks later

Wanted to give an update on my original post concerning my constant game crashes since the patch.

It was a rough 5 - 6 weeks.  Constant crashes back to the Windows 11 desktop... no pattern at all.  A couple of weeks ago, got a serious crash during play, where my entire brand-new, high-end desktop PC shut off during play.  Ouch.  I knew that was serious, so called CLX tech support.  Initially, diagnosis was a faulty CPU chip - would need to rebox desktop and ship it back for further testing/diagnosis/part(s) replacement, then send back to me.  However, a few days later I played for 2 straight days with no crashes.  I called to inform them, since I thought some BIOS changes might've eliminated the need for the RMA.  A different tech spent 2 days researching & diagnosing with me, with me unplugging connectors on motherboard, etc.  He finally determined the real issue was that my 10 case fans were never ramping up under load - ever.  They all spun at a slow RPM but never changed.  This caused the CPU chip to overheat & crash.  The shutoff was auto to prevent damage to the hardware.


So he reviewed my desktop build with the guy who built it.  Come to find out, because I have Lian Li case fans, they require a specific version of L-Connect 3 software in order for the case fans to be able to talk to the BIOS and/or Windows software.  Once we downloaded & installed that version and he setup a ramp-up schedule, voila!  All of a sudden, the case fans roared to life under load and kept the CPU chip cooled.


Even since then, CoH has never crashed.  I now run the game with every possible Ultra setting available, plus all the other max graphics settings with no issues.  My CPU chip never gets above 35C, even on an AE farm map fighting +4x8 foes with all the Fire powers going off everywhere.

So, while it turns out the patch wasn't technically the issue for me, it DID initiate a weeks-long path to finding out the root issue... so I'm thankful.  This was all ignorance on my part - I've never had a high-end desktop before (my last desktop was built in 2008 and only had 1 fan in the back to blow out hot air).  I had no idea case fans were supposed to ramp-up based on load.  Hopefully this post helps someone with a similar issue in the future.  Thanks for looking into this previously weeks ago!

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