LKN-351 Posted April 21, 2024 Posted April 21, 2024 (edited) I've had fun with this build, but could it use anything else Edited April 21, 2024 by LKN-351 Are you looking for Ultramode style, candy coated enhancements and powers? WELL YOU'VE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!! (they're also in the City Mod installer)
Troo Posted April 21, 2024 Posted April 21, 2024 Well that is a very nice and thrifty build! Man, I wish more folks would put out builds like this. No PvP IOs, no Superior ATOs, no Very Rare purple IOs, no Superior Winter Pack IOs.. dang., Well done. I'm curious to see some of the recharge and damage numbers. I might mess around with porting this to Stalker/Brute. I'll check if I have and scrapper regens. 1 1 "Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown (Wise words Unknown!) Si vis pacem, para bellum
LKN-351 Posted April 21, 2024 Author Posted April 21, 2024 Thanks, I wanted a cheap build since I new I'd have to change things around here and there. I just ran it on a Manti and I need more mez resist and those crane kicks are still noticeable so I need more S/L. So far I only have one of the two LotG. I may have to move another slot into MoG for a third, but I'm hoping i don't have to. We'll see how it goes when that second is slotted. 1 1 Are you looking for Ultramode style, candy coated enhancements and powers? WELL YOU'VE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!! (they're also in the City Mod installer)
LKN-351 Posted April 25, 2024 Author Posted April 25, 2024 I've updated this and according to the numbers it should be closer to what i wanted. If anyone has any suggestions, I'm all ears. Troo absolutely hit the nail on the head, I try to keep it a cheaper build but still solid. I'd post the build download but I havent figured out which option in mids does that. I've only gotten errors when I've tried. Are you looking for Ultramode style, candy coated enhancements and powers? WELL YOU'VE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!! (they're also in the City Mod installer)
LKN-351 Posted April 25, 2024 Author Posted April 25, 2024 For some reason in game Mez is only at 58.52% as opposed to MIDS at 70% Are you looking for Ultramode style, candy coated enhancements and powers? WELL YOU'VE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!! (they're also in the City Mod installer)
Due Regard Posted April 25, 2024 Posted April 25, 2024 I feel as though some of your slotting choices are... interesting. Chasing set bonuses instead of slotting the primary aspects of the powers. Death is the best debuff.
LKN-351 Posted April 26, 2024 Author Posted April 26, 2024 I kept the acc/end use/dmg/recharge so on and so fourth at the values I prefer for each power while still getting the set bonus i was looking for. The main reason I've never put much effort into messing with the IO system is because I didn't want to 'nerf' a power to get whatever set bonus. No offense, but I'm either reading your post wrong or completely confused about IOs cause I thought the point was to add them in to get the set bonus and/or the proc. Are you looking for Ultramode style, candy coated enhancements and powers? WELL YOU'VE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!! (they're also in the City Mod installer)
Due Regard Posted April 26, 2024 Posted April 26, 2024 The game is balanced around SO usage for most content, and that is with the assumption of powers being enhanced to ~+95% of their core attribute: Damage for attacks, Heal/Def/Res for defensive powers, etc. Multi-aspect IO's are either a way to get "extra" slots - being more efficient than SO's: By level 50, Dual/Tri/Quad IO's enhance a greater percentage than a single SO would. This is where people go with FrankenSlotting, using Dual/Triple/Quads from multiple sets so that they get 4-5 slots of enhancement out of 3-4 slots - Saving slots for elsewhere in the build. Slotting for set bonuses is ON TOP of this. Hence, bonus. Slot the primary aspects of the power using an appropriate set, and using enough pieces to also pick up desirable bonuses. Each bonus might be small, but they aggregate into something larger. Lastly, you've got the edge-case builds, or Proc monsters - These combine aspects from frankenslotting, set bonuses, and traditional power selection - while maximizing possible proc damage through attacks. While VERY effective at what they do, they are also a lot of effort to create/play. TLDR: Slot the powers with IO's to get similar enhancement as if slotting with SO's 1-2 Acc if it can miss 3 Dam if it hurts things 3 Heal/Def/Res if it saves things 3 Rech if it takes forever to come back Sprinkle EndRed on clicks and toggles Sparse Rech on long recharge attacks E.g. 33% Acc, 95% (ED'd from 100%) Dam, 33% EndRed in each of your attacks is a good goal. 1 Death is the best debuff.
LKN-351 Posted April 26, 2024 Author Posted April 26, 2024 Can you really tell from a non-interactive image that I didn't slot the core aspects? I wouldn't think so, but maybe you memorized (or looked up) each set I have slotted to see. Honestly I tried my best to not go over ED when slotting. MIDS does passively warn the user with the colours in the pop-ups, some did go into the green and I think Dull Pain may have gotten into the red. If someone would let me know how to add a link to download the build for others I would do it and I think that would give a better idea. 8 hours ago, Errants said: I feel as though some of your slotting choices are... interesting. Could you elaborate? This is my first time actually putting a ton of effort into using IOs to shore up things on a build and I just chose things that fixed things I didn't like. The build is really fun to play, Scrappers have lower numbers and regen is nerfed every time theres a chance and he stays upright and I have used heal more times than I've used the other click powers. Yeah, I'll hit an inspire or two when I see teammates health getting lower or something looks like I could have issues but its very survivable. Are you looking for Ultramode style, candy coated enhancements and powers? WELL YOU'VE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!! (they're also in the City Mod installer)
Due Regard Posted April 26, 2024 Posted April 26, 2024 I played Kat/Regen extensively on Legacy, and Crushing Impact was one of my go-to sets... the 5th slot provides 5% global recharge. So, seeing Slash with only 4 was one of the first things I noticed. Follow Up can't be maxed for damage with only 2 lvl 30's in it. CJ six slotted, Boxing slotted with anything... There's many interesting things I see there. If you could export the chunk/slotting, it would be imported, and better feedback might be delivered. Note: If you're having fun, you're not doing it "wrong", just different. Since you're asking if it could use anything else, here is a similar build I whipped up, just slotting level 30 Commons (about even with +1 SO's). Looking at the differences, how much did you gain by going IO's? If wanted, I can look into a IO kit out later (There's ways for little slot/influence/merit tax to amp a build quickly... without going all purples everywhere), I need to sleep, now. Death is the best debuff.
tidge Posted April 26, 2024 Posted April 26, 2024 I am leveling up a Claws/ Scrapper right now, and while I am going to have an "expensive" build when done, right now I am facing the following question on the primary: How many attacks do I really need (for most content)? I don't min-max recharge times and attack chains, so I'm not trying to find a theoretical answer. My initial play has had these choices, all by level 8. T2 Swipe T3 Slash T4 Spin T5 Followup Leveraging the ATOs and some leftover PVP/Winters/O-Force, I didn't need many slots to make these four attacks feel like a solid attack chain from the get-go. I could tell I was playing a Scrapper really early. I picked up T8 Eviscerate at 22, and upon midlife respec intend to have T9 Shockwave at 26. The T7 Focus doesn't feel critical to my intended style of play, but I have slots for it and I was thinking of dropping it in at level 32 or 35... I have other choices for this build that demand I take more pool powers early. While I enjoyed having all those melee attacks early, I'm thinking that Slash will be dropped. Am I in left field with this? Because of other powers I am putting in the build, I think this will have Hasten (almost perma FWIW) at 32 or 35... so I am feeling that chaining attacks isn't going to be too much of an issue while Hasten is available... I should mention: I plan to slot the attacks for set bonuses (and enhancement values).
Troo Posted April 26, 2024 Posted April 26, 2024 (edited) The Common build shown is fine. A goal adding at least common uniques offering +end, +maxhp, scaling resist, and any +rech are likely going to be the biggest difference. I'd agree to overall prioritize ACC DAM and Heal for this character's individual powers. The next level (cost wise) build will do all of this and start to chase Recharge. Don't be hesitant about respecs and tweaking. The level after that, if you really like the character, is to start tackling slow debuffs. This is when a preferred attack chain(s) has been identified and winters start getting sprinkled in for their 10-15% slow resistance with two or three enhancements. Here's a pre accolades/incarnate example that was trying to maximized individual powers AND recharge AND regeneration which then dropped some slots from Tough to try some Slow. Scrapper - Energy Melee - Regeneration.mxd Scrapper - Energy Melee - Regen Slow Prot.mxd Edited September 10, 2024 by Troo "Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown (Wise words Unknown!) Si vis pacem, para bellum
LKN-351 Posted April 26, 2024 Author Posted April 26, 2024 9 hours ago, Errants said: I played Kat/Regen extensively on Legacy, and Crushing Impact was one of my go-to sets... the 5th slot provides 5% global recharge. So, seeing Slash with only 4 was one of the first things I noticed. Follow Up can't be maxed for damage with only 2 lvl 30's in it. CJ six slotted, Boxing slotted with anything... There's many interesting things I see there. If you could export the chunk/slotting, it would be imported, and better feedback might be delivered. Ok, now I get what you where saying. I actually wanted a bit more recharge so I think I'll move a slot so I can have another Crushing Impact. I don't really think losing an ACC set bonus would hurt so I'll take one from Eviscerate. As far as like six slotting CJ, I dont completely understand how exemplaring works so I figure if I slot things at lower levels I'd be less likely to lose the procs. Maybe I was right, maybe i wasn't but I'd rather err on the side of caution and keep my additions from those procs if its an option. The share menu shows me Build Data(chunk), Forum Export(text), InfoGraphic(image), and Mobile Friendly (link). I tried to export the data chunk and I got a wall of gobbledegook text. Forum Export (all 5 formatting code types) and Mobile Friendly I get unhandled exceptions errors. The only other export options I see are under File and those are for test server and beta server and that doesnt seem like what I'm looking for in this situation. Yes I am using the most recent version of mids. 9 hours ago, Errants said: Looking at the differences, how much did you gain by going IO's? If wanted, I can look into a IO kit out later (There's ways for little slot/influence/merit tax to amp a build quickly... without going all purples everywhere), I need to sleep, now. I've been 'confused' and taunted so many times with this toon and it drives me up the wall, if I found a place to add some mez resist then I'll take it. You can't do much with taunt from what I understand but if i keep adding mezz resists eventually I wont get confused. Like I mentioned, the last Manti I ran I still got confused but it wasn't nearly as long as without IOs. I haven't play tested anything with the most current version of the build and theres some descrepancies between mids and ingame so I should be in a better place. If you want to do your own version then have at it. Honestly I think we might just have different goalposts for this specific build, but I do still wonder if I just had a different idea from the get go. I suppose we could compare and contrast the builds. Are you looking for Ultramode style, candy coated enhancements and powers? WELL YOU'VE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!! (they're also in the City Mod installer)
Erratic1 Posted April 26, 2024 Posted April 26, 2024 30 minutes ago, LKN-351 said: I tried to export the data chunk and I got a wall of gobbledegook text. That is the data chunk. It is not meant to be human readable, but can be imported by others to show a build.
LKN-351 Posted April 26, 2024 Author Posted April 26, 2024 4 hours ago, Troo said: The Common build shown is fine. A goal adding at least common uniques offering +end, +maxhp, scaling resist, and any +rech are likely going to be the biggest difference. I'd agree to overall prioritize ACC DAM and Heal for this characters individual powers. The next level (cost wise) build will do all of this and start to chase Recharge. Don't be hesitant about respecs and tweaking. The level after that, if you really like the character, is to start tackling slow debuffs. This is where a preferred attack chain(s) have been identified and winters start getting sprinkled in for their 10-15% slow resistance with two or three enhancements. I'm about to do respec number 4 on him to add 5% more recharge and possibly add that Gladiators Armor proc. I dont want to add purples or ATOs as a common practive to builds I make. IMO that turns to game into a grind for me and thats a definite fun killer. Those are nice builds you posted and I appreciate the input and I'll try to work out where I can add some slow resists. Are you looking for Ultramode style, candy coated enhancements and powers? WELL YOU'VE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!! (they're also in the City Mod installer)
LKN-351 Posted April 26, 2024 Author Posted April 26, 2024 @tidge if I where to lose an attack power it would definitely be Eviserate. With its 7ft range and 90 degree arc I seem to notice that very rarely do I hit more than one or two targets with it but that also could be due to the less dramatic effect it has versus Shockwave with its KB/KD. Shockwave is 30ft with 90degree though also so that makes a big difference. While it does seem like our style of play may be different Focus and Shockwave both have CCs and range for runners. Granted I have Combat Teleport also and its not effective if someone is actively running. It is extremely effective if someone runs, gets KD, use CT bind, attack. Focus and Shockwave are why I like Claws personally, those built in ranged attacks are totally useful. On the other hand I could see them being sacrificed to add other pool powers too though. Are you looking for Ultramode style, candy coated enhancements and powers? WELL YOU'VE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!! (they're also in the City Mod installer)
Troo Posted April 27, 2024 Posted April 27, 2024 more tips (which you may already know) a) jumping before using a cone attack can increase the targets in the cone. this can effectively turns cones into AoEs. b) this link is to the character copy to beta server where we can test things out without using in game currency or respecs. 8 hours ago, LKN-351 said: I dont want to add purples or ATOs as a common practive to builds I make. IMO that turns to game into a grind for me and thats a definite fun killer. Those are nice builds you posted and I appreciate the input and I'll try to work out where I can add some slow resists. Definitely, those expensive sets can be down the road if you find a character you want to invest in. the 20% Slow Resist in the Universal Travel set is easy to get and pretty cheap. 1 "Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown (Wise words Unknown!) Si vis pacem, para bellum
Due Regard Posted April 27, 2024 Posted April 27, 2024 (edited) 10 hours ago, LKN-351 said: Ok, now I get what you where saying. I actually wanted a bit more recharge so I think I'll move a slot so I can have another Crushing Impact. I don't really think losing an ACC set bonus would hurt so I'll take one from Eviscerate. As far as like six slotting CJ, I dont completely understand how exemplaring works so I figure if I slot things at lower levels I'd be less likely to lose the procs. Maybe I was right, maybe i wasn't but I'd rather err on the side of caution and keep my additions from those procs if its an option. I've been 'confused' and taunted so many times with this toon and it drives me up the wall, if I found a place to add some mez resist then I'll take it. You can't do much with taunt from what I understand but if i keep adding mezz resists eventually I wont get confused. Like I mentioned, the last Manti I ran I still got confused but it wasn't nearly as long as without IOs. I haven't play tested anything with the most current version of the build and theres some descrepancies between mids and ingame so I should be in a better place. Many of the "older" sets have holes to Taunt/Confuse... mainly because more mobs were given Taunt in Homecoming, and Confuse became a bigger power for mobs late in Legacy's life. My preferred solution? Have a Break Free/Kill the Taunter/Use a PBAoE when Confused. I understand more your slotting now, chasing after those bonuses. Edit: Also, Leadership (Assault and Tactics) grant resists to those. I also see you're going for many 2-3 slot bonuses for +Regen or +HP. Regeneration's name is a bit of a misnomer... It should be more called Self-Empathy: Heal (Recon), Bigger Heal (Dull Pain), Regen Auras (FH, Int, IH), Recovery Aura (QR), Fortitude (MoG), Rez (Revive). Numbers wise, you're actually gonna have better performance adding more HP to make your regen and heals bigger, than by just adding +Regen... Additionally, you have 4 different Click powers as survivability tools... the more often they're up, the better you'll do. This is also why people build for slow resist. So, going offa that, here's a semi-budget build [notable expensive pieces: ATO globals/Procs (2), PvP Globals/Enhance (3) - These are pro'ly about ~80 million Inf if bought buy it now prices, so half the build? Much cheaper to get if you play converter games... Or can spend merits.], similar to what you made: 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 Edited April 27, 2024 by Errants Death is the best debuff.
LKN-351 Posted April 27, 2024 Author Posted April 27, 2024 @Troo I didn't know about the jumping dealio but I know about Brainstorm and exporting builds from MIDs into beta. The export there is a bit clunky but it works. When I first started building this toon I didnt have any idea what to do with it. I figured build it for what its for and see how it goes. I didn't like how it played but it was amusing. The high HP and high regen are left over from that. Regen alone made a noticeable difference on my blasters back on live so I though i'd try it out lol I like where your Def numbers are on your build Errant, but I'd prefer my mez values.... thats a whole other issue though cause they don't match what I'm getting ingame and I'm trying to find out what the situation is there in the MIDs forum. I think the next iteration of this build I'm going to lose some regen so I can hopefully gain some Def numbers. I do wonder why you only five slotted Eradication. I'm guessing its for the core aspect values, personally I'd prefer the AoE def there. What added to that absorb proc? Are you looking for Ultramode style, candy coated enhancements and powers? WELL YOU'VE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!! (they're also in the City Mod installer)
Due Regard Posted April 27, 2024 Posted April 27, 2024 3 hours ago, LKN-351 said: I like where your Def numbers are on your build Errant, but I'd prefer my mez values.... thats a whole other issue though cause they don't match what I'm getting ingame and I'm trying to find out what the situation is there in the MIDs forum. I think the next iteration of this build I'm going to lose some regen so I can hopefully gain some Def numbers. I do wonder why you only five slotted Eradication. I'm guessing its for the core aspect values, personally I'd prefer the AoE def there. What added to that absorb proc? Dead mobs deal no damage. And the absorb proc comes from PrevMaintenance. Death is the best debuff.
LKN-351 Posted April 27, 2024 Author Posted April 27, 2024 (edited) Death is the best debuff, I read that in someones signature lol I mean, if you're gunna put effort into making as much dmg as possible from the core aspects, why not use the proc from Scirocco's Dervish? It ticks the dmg from the power and also ticks the dmg from the proc which adds DPS. There was a thread recently that was talking about this tactic specifically. I'll find it and link it. EDIT: I didn't notice that you used the energy DMG proc I know where the absorb proc came from, but what added to it? Mine is 367.19 (27.42% of base HP) and yours is 374.56 (27.97% of base HP) its not much different but it is different. Its not incredibly important but I just wonder what made that change. Edited April 27, 2024 by LKN-351 Noticed after the fact lol Are you looking for Ultramode style, candy coated enhancements and powers? WELL YOU'VE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!! (they're also in the City Mod installer)
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