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Power Pool Concepts


Martial Training:


Design Intent: Martial Training is meant to be something of an estranged sibling to Fighting. Offering regeneration and recovery, different animations, as well a greater focus on speed, Martial Training can help cover a little extra in a build or let you go ham in some weird melee oriented non-melee AT build.


T1: Thunder Kick (As per Martial Arts, with the usual nerfs to pool versions of primary/secondary sets)

T2: Bodily Harmony: (Toggle for +regeneration. It's not a passive as thematically, martial arts techniques like this require concentration and meditation.)

T3: Cobra Strike (As per Martial Arts, with the usual nerfs to pool versions of primary/secondary sets)

T4: Disciplined Endurance: (Toggle for a chance of a preformance shifter esque infusion of endurance; albeit smaller.)

T5: Crane Kick (As per Martial Arts, with the usual nerfs to pool versions of primary/secondary sets)





Design Intent: It's literally a pistol lol. Give yourself a little bit of extra range damage as well as a chance to quote whatever action movie of choice you want. 


T1: Single shot (As per basic enemy pistols)

T2: Pistol Whip (As the basic enemy attack)

T3: Marksmanship (Toggle for +accuracy, not tohit, accuracy)

T4: Pistol Burst (Fires multiple shots of the pistol in one go, moderate lethal damage, reduces enemy defence)

T5: Empty clip (literally half of the dual pistol ability of the same name.) 



Currently concepting: Arm Cannon (Ranged damage set), Mechanical Combat (Blaster secondary), Toxic Blast, Toxic Control, Toxic Manipulation, Water Armour, Water melee. 

"Titan/Bio scrappers are the stealthiest toons in the game."


"How's that possible? They don't have any inherent stealth and you'd never take concealment pool powers on them!"


"You see; they're perfect at stealth because nobody will notice if there's nobody to notice."

  • 3 weeks later

Atomic Control: You make use of the power of the atom to bind, intoxicate, and manipulate your foes and even calll forth irradiated allies to your side. Atomic Control tends to reduce enemy defences and oft bypasses conventional defenses.


Design Intent: This is mostly for thematic's sake and to be in a way; the mirror universe counterpart of dark control (highly pet focused for a control set, but focused on making enemies easier to hit rather than making it harder for them to hit you)


T1: Electron Shackles (As per Atomic Manipulation)

T2: Positron Cell (As per Atomic Manipulation)

T3: Neutron Burst (Targeted AoE, Immobilise, similar damage scaling to Living Shadows, DoT, -Defense, small -Regen)

T4: Radiation Sickness (Infectious -Regen, -Defense, -Speed, -Recharge speed)

T5: Neural Cancer (Short Ranged Cone, about 1/2 terrify's damage scaling, Foe Disorient, -Defense)

T6: Make it Glow (Medium ranged Targeted AoE: About 3/4th's terrify's damage scaling, Fear, -Defense)

T7: Radioactive Parasites (Foe Targeted, summons two pets with the following resistances ( S20 L20 E20 T20 ) and the following abilities, X-Ray Beams, Contaminated Strike, Self Destruct)

T8: Radioactive Cloud (As per Atomic Manipulation)

T9: Irradiated Monster (Summons a radioactive monster with the following resistances: S25 L25 F35 C15 E50 N15 P20 T50 and the following abilities: Contaminated Strike, Radioactive Smash, Electron Haze, Electron Shackles)

"Titan/Bio scrappers are the stealthiest toons in the game."


"How's that possible? They don't have any inherent stealth and you'd never take concealment pool powers on them!"


"You see; they're perfect at stealth because nobody will notice if there's nobody to notice."


Xaeon, +2


1 for the Pool sets you came up with and another for Atomic Control...I really like that set and would love to get it on a controller!!!

"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting


Nice sets, well thought out and designed!

Archetype Concept Compilation -- Powerset Concept Compilations: Assault Melee


The Great Archetype Concept Battle: Final Round


Archetype Proposal Amalgamation


Psi-Blade: You generate blades of psionic force with your mind, carving through your enemies and proving deadly to large numbers of foes who must be wary of your vicious sweeps.


Design Intent: The awakened have enough psychic themed melee powers unique to themselves that could; when combined with psionic melee; create a distinct set themed entirely around the creation of psychic weaponry. This is mostly meant for cool factor and aesthetic than anything else. I'm still not sure on a special mechanic, this is more made out of my love for psions.


T1: Psionic Cut (Melee, Minor DMG (Psionic/Lethal), Minor DoT (Lethal), -Rech(Foe)

T2: Psi-Blade (Melee, Moderate DMG(Psionic/Lethal), Foe -Rech)

T3: Psionic Slash (Melee (Cone), Moderate DMG (Psionic), Minor DoT (Lethal), -Regen(Foe), -DMG(Foe, All))

T4: Concentration

T5: Psi-Blade Sweep (Melee (Cone), High DMG(Psionic/Lethal), Foe Disorient, -Rech; )

T6: Taunt

T7: Whirling Slash (PBAoE, Moderate DMG(Psionic, Lethal), -Rech; )

T8: Greater Psi-Blade (Melee, Superior DMG(Psionic/Lethal), Foe -Rech, Hold;)

T9: Psychic Zweihander (Melee (Long Cone), High DMG (Psionic/Lethal), Minor DoT (Psionic/Lethal), -Speed (Foe, All), Chance for Disorient (Foe)) ( makes a VERY LOOOONG psi blade that you slice across the cone)


Scrappers/Stalkers replace Psionic Cut with psionic thrust which deals more damage but recharges more slowly. Stalkers replace psi-blade sweep with Assassin's strike.


Telekinetic Melee: You meld melee combat with your telekinetic might to create a deadly fighting style that can strike foes from afar or crush them to pulp up close, all while refusing to let them stay on their feet.


Design Intent: This one is instead based more on mental manipulation/psionic assault and the "telekinetic fist" animations used in psionic melee, compared to Psi-Blade it's more suited to soft controls. Still thinking on a special mechanic.


T1: Mental Strike (Melee, Light DMG(Psionic/Smash), Foe -Rech)

T2: Telekinetic Thrust (Melee, Minor DMG(Psionic/Smash), Foe Knockback

T3: Telekinetic Blow (Melee, High DMG(Psionic/Smash), Foe Knock Up,)

T4: Concentration

T5: Telekinetic Lift (Ranged, Moderate DMG (Psionic/Smashing), Knockup(Foe), creates a Telekinetic Fist SFX that slams the poor sod up)

T6: Taunt

T7: Remote Fist (Ranged AoE, Moderate DMG(Psionic/Smash), Foe Knockback, creates a Telekinetic Fist SFX that flies at the target from across the room to punch them and everyone near them in the face)

T8: Telekinetic barrage (Melee, Cone, Superior  DMG(Psionic/Smash), Foe Knock Down; uses shadow maul animation with a rapid barrage of mental strike/telekinetic blow fist SFXes)

T9: Mass levitate (PBAoE, High DMG(Smash), Foe Knock Up) 


Mental Melee: You make use of your telepathy in close quarters to viciously assail the minds of your foes, peeling away at their sanity and mental defenses with injuries both real and imagined.


Design Intent: This rounds out the psionic damage themed melee sets with a set mostly built around telepathic themed attacks. Also incorporates the illusory damage mechanic due to the "your mind makes it real" nature of the attacks.  All attacks have lower than normal "real" damage scalars but have bonus illusory damage that puts them at above average damage if you can put the enemy down fast enough. Boggle also works more effectively against enemies who are currently tagged with illusory damage, having a higher magnitude as their minds struggle with what is real or not.


T1: Psionic Break (Melee, Minor DMG (Psionic), DoT (Lethal), -Regen)

T2: Mind Probe (Melee, Moderate DMG(Psionic), Foe -Recharge)

T3: Psychic Roar (Melee, Minor DMG (Psionic), Terror)

T4: Concentration

T5: Frazzle (Melee (Cone), Moderate Dam(Lethal), Foe -DEF)

T6: Taunt

T7: Boggle

T8: Psychic Scream (Ranged (Cone), Moderate DMG(Psionic), Foe -Recharge)

T9: Psychic Shockwave (PBAoE, High DMG(Psionic), Foe Disorient, -Recharge)


Single Handed Spear: You make use of a spear, lance, or similar stabbing implement to strike your foes from afar with quick if low damaging attacks that cost little in the way of endurance. 


Design intent: The spear is the single most common melee weapon in human history; outstripping swords, maces, hammers, axes, and every other kind of pole arm combined. And yet it's so unrepresented in CoX that Valkyrie who gets her powers from a spear doesn't even really use it in battle. Staff Fighting is there yes, but it's not used at all the way you'd use a spear, and it's held in a two handed fashion. Also, there are to my knowledge, no melee sets that are focused on having reach (melee typed attacks with range).


T1: Stab (Melee, reach, Minor Damage (Lethal), Minor DoT (lethal), foe -speed)

T2: Thrust (Melee, reach, Moderate Damage (lethal), Minor DoT (lethal) foe -speed)

T3: Swipe (Melee, Cone, reach, Moderate damage (lethal/smashing) chance for foe knockdown)

T4: Build-Up

T5: Forest of Spears (Melee, Cone, reach, moderate damage (lethal), minor DoT (lethal), self +def)

T6: Taunt

T7: Hurl Javelin (Range, High damage (lethal), moderate DoT (lethal), foe -speed, foe -def)

T8: Impaling Stab (Melee, Reach, Superior Damage (lethal), Superior DoT (lethal), chance for hold, foe -def)

T9: Overwhelming Thrust (Melee, Reach, Cone Extreme Damage (lethal/smashing), extreme DoT (lethal), high knockback)


Water Armour: You control the power of liquids to guard you against incoming attacks, providing you with substantial absorbtion, regeneration, and a decent amount of defense and resistance; with excellent protection against fire damage in particular. You must be wary of energy attacks however, due to the conductivity of water.


Design Intent: I was largely inspired by seeing in the AMAs that the devs planned a water armour set to come some time soon (perhaps I26 or so) and went "wow that sounds like it'd be goofy as hell. I love it" I then thought about how water would actually go about protecting you from injuries and thought "absorbtion seems like it'd be a big deal as you draw up water from the surrounding area to soak up big blows that scatter some of your water shield away; requiring you to build up more of it." Water is also often associated with life, hence the Regeneration component. The energy hole is there because; as anyone who's played Pokemon knows, Water types are hard countered by Electric types. :P The powers are designed to be rather deliberately tricky to build as you have to choose whether you want more of one thing or the other in them.


T1: Water Bubble (Toggle for pulses of +absorbtion and a regeneration bonus and the following resistances at tanker scaling: Smashing: 15, Lethal: 10, Fire: 20, Cold: 15, Energy 7.5, Negative 10, Toxic 15, Psionic 12.5)

T2: Condensation (Click for a +absorbtion and moderate self heal proc)

T3: Waters of Life (Gamma boost styled +recovery and +regeneration passive)

T4: Watery Shields (Mez protections, +Typed defense with the following values at tanker scaling: Smashing: 10, Lethal: 5. Fire: 15. Cold: 10. Energy: 5. Negative: 7.5. Psionic: 10.)

T5: Dessicating Aura (Toggle for Aura that afflicts enemies with a recovery and regeneration penalty and gives you pulses of +absorb for every enemy in range every ten or so seconds.)

T6: Water Tanker (Passive for +Maximum Hitpoints and +Maximum endurance)

T7: Aquatic Might (Passive that gives typed defense and resistances at the following values: Smashing: 5, Lethal 2.5, Fire: 10, Cold 5, Energy 2.5, Negative 2.5, Toxic 5, Psionic 5 resistance. Defenses: Smashing: 2.5, Lethal 2. Fire: 5. Cold: 2.5, Energy 1.5, Negative 2, Psionic 2.5)

T8: Surf's Up (Targeted PBAoE, About 80% of the damage dealt by shield charge, but enemies have a chance of being held as they're left choking and drowning; does Cold/Smashing damage.)

T9: Rainfall (Self resurrection that gives you substantially increased regeneration and recovery for thirty seconds and gives enemies -to hit penalties.)



"Titan/Bio scrappers are the stealthiest toons in the game."


"How's that possible? They don't have any inherent stealth and you'd never take concealment pool powers on them!"


"You see; they're perfect at stealth because nobody will notice if there's nobody to notice."


Xaeon, these are really awesome.  Again, +1 Inf.  I’m particular fond of the spear set and the psi melee.

"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting


Xaeon, these are really awesome.  Again, +1 Inf.  I’m particular fond of the spear set and the psi melee.

Which psi-melee? I made three. :P

"Titan/Bio scrappers are the stealthiest toons in the game."


"How's that possible? They don't have any inherent stealth and you'd never take concealment pool powers on them!"


"You see; they're perfect at stealth because nobody will notice if there's nobody to notice."


Xaeon, these are really awesome.  Again, +1 Inf.  I’m particular fond of the spear set and the psi melee.

Which psi-melee? I made three. :P


Psi-blade...sorry misread the title on that one

"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting


Control Arrows: You utilise an array of specialist arrows designed to manipulate the battlefield, spread controlled chaos, and lock down large numbers of enemies at once.


Design Intent: The vast majority of control sets do not really mesh well with non-alien natural character concepts, so this was created to try and alleviate that. Control Arrows draw a fair deal of inspiration from Tactical Arrow, and while Petless, it is hurtier than most other control sets.


T1: Electrified Net Arrow (As Tactical Arrow)

T2: Ice Arrow (As Tactical Arrow)

T3: Concussive Arrow (Ranged, High Smashing Damage about 0.75 that of Propel's, Knockdown)

T4: Hallucenogenic Arrow (Ranged, moderate Toxic DoT, Confusion)

T5: Fear Gas Arrow (Targeted AoE, Minor Toxic DoT that does not awaken foes, foe fear)

T6: Wide Net Electric Arrow (Targeted AoE, similar damage to Electrified Net Arrow but also hits about as many enemies as fireball)

T7: Seismic Arrow (Targeted patch AoE, basically a reskin of Earthquake)

T8: Cryogenic Arrow (AoE version of Ice Arrow, deals cold DoT)

T9: Hallucenogen Dispersion Arrow (Targeted AoE, pulses Confusion and minor toxic Dot periodically until disappearing after 30 seconds)


Riot Gun: You make use of a specialist fire arm that is well suited to disabling your enemies and rarely lets them stay on their feet. 


Design Intent: Well suited for police type characters, Riot Gun is basically a big ol' multi-tool shotgun that will make your enemies learn to find you the most obnoxious son of a bitch in the North Atlantic.


T1: Taser Slug (Higher damaging than electrified net arrow, slower recharging)

T2: Beanbag (As per Assault Rifle)

T3: Slug (As per assault rifle)

T4: Buckshot (As per Assault Rifle)

T5: Beanbag Auto (Ranged, Cone, afflicts all enemies hit with a Beanbag)

T6: Knock-Out Gas Grenade (AoE, minor toxic DoT, foe sleep)

T7: Airburst Grenade (Targeted AoE, minor smash/lethal damage, knockdown, disorient)

T8: 12 Gauge (As per critter power)

T9: Taser-Auto (Ranged, Cone, afflicts all enemies hit with it with a taser slug)


Support Gun: You utilise a gun whose various modules are designed to provide aid and support to your allies through diminishing your enemies' ability to fight and offering some aid to friendlies.


Design Intent: This is kind of meant to be a jack of all trades support set that's split between debuffs, controls, and some ally support.


T1: Web Grenade

T2: Dart Shot (Toxic, Foe -Recharge, -Speed)

T3: Flash Bang Grenade (Similar to Flash Arrow)

T4: Glue Grenade (As per enemy power)

T5: Multi-Dart Shot (Toxic Foe -Recharge, -Speed)

T6: Smoke Grenade (As per Enemy Power)

T7: Sonic Grenade (As per enemy power)

T8: Incendiery Grenade (as per enemy power)

T9: EM Grenade (Targeted AoE,  Foe Hold, -End, -Regen, Special vs. Robots, Minor Energy Damage)   


Rifle Assault: You make use of a rifle as both a firearm and a club and spear in equal measure, assailing your enemies whether up close or from afar.


Design Intent: This is meant to be a no frills assault set for natural themed dominators or people who wanna use a gun but also want to hit people with it.


T1: Single Shot (As per Soldier of Arachnos)

T2: Pummel (As per Soldier of Arachnos)

T3: Burst (As per Soldier of Arachnos)

T4: Bayonet (As per Soldier of Arachnos)

T5: Heavy Burst (As per Soldier of Arachnos)

T6: Heavy Swing (Melee Cone, Moderate DMG(Smash), Knockdown)

T7: Bayonet Impalement (Melee, Extreme Lethal Damage, High Lethal DoT, Chance to Hold)

T8: Sniper Rifle (As per Assault rifle)

T9: Full Auto (As per Assault Rifle)


Tactical Gun: You make use of your gun as both a tool of control and as a weapon in close quarters combat and display considerable marksmanship. 


Design Intent: Why let archers have all the fun?


T1: Taser Slug

T2: Pummel

T3: Bayonet

T4: Marksmanship (Self +Damage, +To Hit, +Recharge)

T5: Knock-Out Gas Grenade

T6: Heavy Swing

T7: Conditioning (+Regeneration, +Max Endurance, +Max Recovery, +Max Health)

T8: 12 Gauge

T9: Bayonet Impalement (Melee, Extreme Lethal Damage, High Lethal DoT, Chance to Hold)

"Titan/Bio scrappers are the stealthiest toons in the game."


"How's that possible? They don't have any inherent stealth and you'd never take concealment pool powers on them!"


"You see; they're perfect at stealth because nobody will notice if there's nobody to notice."


I'm not a big fan of resist sets, but I would definitely be interested in trying out Psionic Shielding.

Archetype Concept Compilation -- Powerset Concept Compilations: Assault Melee


The Great Archetype Concept Battle: Final Round


Archetype Proposal Amalgamation


I'll be making a second psionic themed protection set cannibalising awakened powers that seem clearly intended to have been the basis of a protective set in the future.

"Titan/Bio scrappers are the stealthiest toons in the game."


"How's that possible? They don't have any inherent stealth and you'd never take concealment pool powers on them!"


"You see; they're perfect at stealth because nobody will notice if there's nobody to notice."

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