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LGTF Hami damage

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So they changed a few things in LGTF. Cannot TP Penny, and the Hami mission now requires no EoE because Hami damage us toxic in that instance


Is this the case in 1-4 star LGTF as well? Or us that “standard” Hami special damage requiring EoE?

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1 hour ago, Snarky said:

So they changed a few things in LGTF. Cannot TP Penny, and the Hami mission now requires no EoE because Hami damage us toxic in that instance


Is this the case in 1-4 star LGTF as well? Or us that “standard” Hami special damage requiring EoE?

I didn't see anything about Yin. From the Patch Notes:


Hamidon Essence

This temporary power is now a Toggle and can now be traded if the leader wants give the Advanced Mode danger immunity to another player.


Otherwise this power continues to only be a visual effect on normal mode.


This power now has a unique power icon: 




Mission 4

Weakened Hamidon, Mitochondria Electrolyte, and Mitochondria Antibody attacks changed from Special to Toxic damage.



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You absolutely can still TP Penny. Did it earlier this week.

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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Uun said:

You absolutely can still TP Penny. Did it earlier this week.


It's only "master of" that disables penny porting, iirc. That's been around for ages though, and not new.


1-4* you don't need to lead her out anyway, and normal runs you can port her like before.


Hammi and the mitosis are also toxic everywhere iirc, hard mode included.

Edited by VertigoIguana
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ExAstris - Arachnos Widow

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