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Summon pets bug in Admiral Sutter's TF

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Yesterday I was a participant in a team of 8 doing Admiral Sutter's Task Force. I believe my level was reduced to 24 for the TF. I'm a beast mastermind, which at that level, should (re)summon 3 Tier 1 pets (wolves), 1 Tier 2 pet (big cat), and the Tier 3 pet (dire wolf). In the part of the TF with all the ships, outdoors, and indoors, I could only successfully summon 1 wolf. The exception was when I was in the hospital—I was able to summon them all just fine. Otherwise, interestingly, when I tried summoning my dire wolf, an ice boulder animation happened and instead of solidifying into a dire wolf (or an ice boulder), it exploded. When I first entered this zone, it brought all my pets successfully, and when I stepped out of the hospital, it took all my pets with me. It was only when I tried summoning them because they had died that it wouldn't work. I didn't run into these summoning problem in any other part/mission of the TF.

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I just had this too. My mastermind had his regular 6 pets up. When we zoned to the water/ships map, they all followed. As soon as I moved around a little, they all vanished. Targeting showed that they were far beneath the world.  /petcomall release got rid of them.  The largest and middle pets could not be resummoned (it plays the summoning animation, but no pets are added to the pets window or drawn in the world).  The smallest pet, which is supposed to summon 3 at a time, sometimes summons 0 and sometimes 1 pet. The 1 pet follows for a short time before falling through the world.  This is the same inside and outside of the ships.


Once this mission/map is complete, pets work normally for the rest of the TF.  Unfortunately, this mission is a LOT of the TF. 🙂

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This must be the same bug as Tin Mage TF's - last mission, when l've to release pets before going to tunnel and resummon afterwards - because the tunnel passage obviously does not have Pathways for pets and otha AI entities, such as enemies, which is why there's no enemies in those tunnels (same bug as certain player-made bases, pets cannot pathfind thea). So have to dismiss pets before moving through glitchy terrain, and resummon afterwards.

To keep this game safe, We have to give it to the world.

Arc ID #13097 - Archvillain Beatdown, try it out!

Arc ID #21066 - Archvillain Beatdown - Past Edition!

Letz now talk about existing Incarnate Lore Pets:


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1 minute ago, Purrfekshawn said:

(same bug as certain player-made bases, pets cannot pathfind thea).

SG bases don't have any pathfinding beacons because players can put objects anywhere in any given room they want. So MM pets, and other pets, can't follow their summoner through SG bases. There is limited follow ability for them within a small radius of the character, but that is unreliable at best.

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Posted (edited)

Interestingly, I just had a similar issue on the last mission of the Admiral Sutter TF.  Level 50 Demon Summoning/Dark Miasma Mastermind.  I used Assemble the Team to teleport everyone to the Col. Duray twins, and Dark Servant and all but one of my demon henchmen started falling through the map and began wandering around below the map aimlessly.  I had to release_pets, resummon, re-equip, and re-upgrade them all while everyone else was fighting Primal Col. Duray.

Edited by Lunar Ronin
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