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Energy-Themed Power Set Suite

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I'd like to throw out another power set suite - this time for energy. (Pure energy as opposed to kinetics, gravity, force field, and radiation - which I would say are categorically related and often mixed-and-matched with one another but can still be thematically distinct a good chunk of the time.) As with the thread on the water power set suite, this would be so that we can flesh out [remaining] power sets for a specific theme alongside one another so that each set's power names and themes can be given a specific theme or, at least, not step on each other's toes.


Energy already has great coverage and is represented in:

  • Blast
  • Manipulation
  • Melee
  • Armor
  • Assault
  • Ancillary (counting Force and Body as Energy)

... with a few proliferation exceptions (Tankers for EA, Sentinels for a mastery).


This leaves us with two categories left:

  • Control
  • Affinity


With that in mind, here are the sets I'd like to suggest.
I'll put annotations in this faded font color.


You are able to control the flow of energy around you to manipulate your foes. Condensing, expelling, even outright redirecting movement or stopping it in its tracks. Most attacks deal smashing and energy damage concurrently, and many will leave your foes with inhibited damage potential.

This set is a mashup of Gravity Control and Electric Control with a focus on dealing damage rather than keeping things perpetually locked-down. Its shared secondary effect for all attack powers is a damage debuff.

GravityControl_Crush.png Photon Bombardment (Ranged) Foe Minor Damage over Time (Energy), Immobilize, -Movement, -Damage
GravityControl_Lift.png Force Lift (Ranged) Foe Moderate Damage (Smashing, Energy), Knockup, -Damage
GravityControl_GravityDistortion.png Zero-Point Energy (Ranged) Foe Moderate Damage-over-Time (Smashing, Energy), Hold, -Damage
ElectricMelee_TargetedChainInduction.png Reflecting Blast (Ranged Chain) Foe Minor Damage (Smashing, Energy), Knockdown, -Damage
DarkCast_TenebrousTentacles.png Obstruction Field (Ranged Cone) Foe Minor Damage-over-Time (Smashing, Energy), Immobilize, -Damage
ElectricMelee_PBAoEStun.png Concussive Burst (PBAOE) Foe Moderate Damage (Smashing, Energy), Knockback, Disorient, -Damage
GravityControl_GravityDistortionField.png Energy Vacuum (Ranged AOE) Foe Hold, -Damage
UmbralAura_StygianCircle.png Quantum Entanglement

Toggle] (PBAOE) Foe Chance for Minor Energy Damage (Special);

Self Heal (Special - per foe)

GravityControl_Singularity.png Entropic Force (Location) Summon Pet (Living Entropy)


I'm wrapping the detailed power info in spoiler boxes so the post isn't gigantic.


GravityControl_Crush.png Photon Bombardment
(Ranged) Foe Minor Damage over Time (Energy), Immobilize, -Movement, -Damage
Blasts an enemy with a fine spray of light particles. Though small and weak, the particles are sufficient to cause minor energy damage over time as their momentum slows your foe's movement if not outright immobilizing them. The photons will also steal some energy as they pass by, reducing the affected foe's damage for a time.
Damage: Minor
Recharge: Fast


GravityControl_Lift.png Force Lift
(Ranged) Foe Moderate Damage (Smashing, Energy), Knockup, -Damage
You can nearly-instantly convert part of a foe's potential energy into kinetic energy, directing it upward. The affected foe will be knocked into the air and suffer from smashing damage as they come crashing back down to the ground. The portion of energy converted will also be lost to them, reducing their damage potential.
Damage: Moderate
Recharge: Fast


GravityControl_GravityDistortion.png Zero-Point Energy
(Ranged) Foe Moderate Damage-over-Time (Smashing, Energy), Hold, -Damage
Forces a targeted foe's energy state to its minimum, removing all motion from their body. The affected foe is held in place, unable to act, and suffers moderate smashing and energy damage over time as the atmosphere bears down on them while their body cannot push back.
Damage: Moderate
Recharge: Moderate


Standard clones of a ST immob, Lift/Levitate, and a ST hold. Not looking to break any ground with these three powers; just add another control set that has a damaging knockup power for t2 like Mind Control and Gravity Control.


ElectricMelee_TargetedChainInduction.png Reflecting Blast
(Ranged Chain) Foe Minor Damage (Smashing, Energy), Knockdown, -Damage
Fires a bolt of energy that rebounds multiple times, damaging and knocking down multiple enemies in succession. The bolt steals some energy from the foes it bounces off of, reducing their damage capabilitiy for a time after striking.
Damage: Minor
Recharge: Moderate


A clone of Jolting Chain. Together with the t2 clone of Lift/Levitate, this control set is set up for more damage than its contemporaries.


DarkCast_TenebrousTentacles.png Obstruction Field
(Ranged Cone) Foe Minor Damage-over-Time (Smashing, Energy), Immobilize, -Damage
You saturate an area with free-flowing power, creating a zone of dense energy. Foes in the affected area will be immobilized, unable to move but still able to attack though with reduced force. The excess energy in the area will also deal minor smashing and energy damage over time. Stronger foes may be able to resist the effects of the field.
Damage: Minor
Recharge: Moderate


The set's AOE immobilize comes at the same tier as Gravity Control's. I could shift it higher but I figured it better to let the player get Reflecting Blast for AOE damage before the AOE immob to set it up for Containtment damage.


ElectricMelee_PBAoEStun.png Concussive Burst
(PBAOE) Foe Moderate Damage (Smashing, Energy), Knockback, Disorient, -Damage
Unleashes a powerful burst of energy that propagates in the air around you. The rapidly-expanding wall of force is strong enough to both knock foes back and disorient them simultaneously. The sonic boom this creates also disappates some energy from affected foes' bodies, reducing their damage potential for a time.
Damage: Moderate
Recharge: Slow


GravityControl_GravityDistortionField.png Energy Vacuum
(Ranged AOE) Foe Hold, -Damage
You rapidly push the energy out from around a targeted foe, creating a space devoid of any motion and energy. Foes caught in the vacuum will be completely unable to move or act until the energy around them flows back in, and even then with reduced damage potential.
Recharge: Very Long


UmbralAura_StygianCircle.png Quantum Entanglement
[Toggle] (PBAOE) Foe Chance for Minor Energy Damage (Special); Self Heal (Special - per foe)
While active, you become entangled with any nearby foes. Damage you suffer will be partially reflected back at foes standing too close to you in the form of energy. Additionally, any healing those same foes receive will be partly carried over to you as well. (NOTE: Functionally, this power grants you an auto power that has a chance to deal minor energy damage on hit and grants nearby foes a power that deals healing to you when they receive heling.)
Recharge: Moderate


The set's main flavor power. Since the healing effect is tied to enemy healing, the survivability bonus is more of an occasional bonus.


GravityControl_Singularity.png Entropic Force
(Location) Summon Pet (Living Entropy)
You create a living nexus of chaotic energy. The creature will attack alongside you, knocking down or holding foes. It cannot be healed, except by its own Quantum Entanglement, but is somewhat resilient to damage and mez effects. Type "/release_pets" in the chat window to release all your pets.
Recharge: Very Long


Invulnerability_TemporaryInvulnerabilty.png Resistance
Flight_TravelFlight.png Fly
UmbralAura_StygianCircle.png Quantum Entanglement                           
GravityControl_GravityDistortion.png Zero-Point Energy
ElectricMelee_TargetedChainInduction.png Reflecting Blast


Given the set's focus on damage, I didn't want to give it a super-strong control pet by cloning Singularity. Hopefully I didn't defang it too much, either.


You are able to control and emit energy to aid your allies and weaken your enemies.

This set is also a mixed bag. In this case, it's a hodgepodge of effects from Force Field and Empathy with its own spin. Its standout buff area is team endurance - specifically keeping it up and aggressively trying to counter enemies like Sappers.

Untitled-1_0008_Layer-1.png.22117f13df53b9eab49744b6daa8f966.png Energy Bolt

(Ranged - Special) Foe Minor Damage (Smashing, Energy), Knockback/Knockdown (Special),

Disorient (Special); Self Consume (Potential Energy)

Untitled-1_0007_Layer-2.png.b62e8891fcf0b2708cd8fe41db748a2d.png Energy Boost

(Ranged - Special) Ally Heal, +Endurance, +Resistance (Endurance Drain);

Self Consume (Potential Energy)

Untitled-1_0006_Layer-3.png.5dbe9e8ac4b3c2f4f2cac833465f2a2b.png Energy Repulsion [Toggle] (PBAOE) Foe Repel, Chance to Knockback; Self -End (per foe)
Untitled-1_0005_Layer-4.png.02538b0966276b5b9bc438ce4f7042db.png Power Down

(Ranged Cone) Foe -Damage, -Endurance, -Recovery;

Self Build (Potential Energy - per foe)

Untitled-1_0004_Layer-5.png.dbaf4743afda5781c6e6d14c98caca54.png Reduce Entropy

(Ranged) Ally +Protection (Confuse, Disorient, Fear, Hold, Immobilize, Sleep),

+Perception, +Resistance (Endurance Drain)

Untitled-1_0003_Layer-6.png.22325da14e96e512e15e74072ee020d6.png Energy Dispersion

[Toggle] (PBAOE) Ally/Self +Defense (Smashing, Lethal), +Resistance (Heat, Cold, Energy,Negative, Toxic,

Psionic, Endurance Drain), +Protection (Disorient, Hold, Immobilize)

Untitled-1_0002_Layer-7.png.3e521b3296f9c836962841c546fd0a4b.png Restore Power

(Ranged - Special) Ally Resurrect (Special), +Protection (XP Debt), +Regeneration (Special);

Self Consume (Potential Energy)

Untitled-1_0001_Layer-8.png.b14e38a071db3afc6c461386edb09182.png Perpetual Motion (PBAOE) Ally/Self +Endurance Discount, +Recharge, +Resistance(Endurance Drain, Recharge)
Untitled-1_0000_Layer-9.png.b78e240f8a1421e6eee418d3ede89372.png Maximum Power (Ranged) Ally +Damage, +Tohit, +Special, +Range



Untitled-1_0008_Layer-1.png.22117f13df53b9eab49744b6daa8f966.png Energy Bolt
(Ranged - Special) Foe Minor Damage (Smashing, Energy), Knockback/Knockdown (Special), Disorient (Special); Self Consume (Potential Energy)
Discharges a bolt of energy that knocks back a single foe, dealing minor smashing and energy damage. If you have used Power Down recently, this power becomes a ranged area-of-affect attack that instead knocks down foes and inflicts a short duration disorient, with its target cap determined by the number of Potential Energy stacks you currently possess.
Damage: Minor
Recharge: Fast


This power is basically a Force Bolt that can become Repulsion Bomb.


Untitled-1_0007_Layer-2.png.b62e8891fcf0b2708cd8fe41db748a2d.png Energy Boost
(Ranged - Special) Ally Heal, +Endurance, +Resistance (Endurance Drain); Self Consume (Potential Energy)
Heals a single ally and boosts their endurance slightly as well as granting them temporary resistance to endurance draining effects. The endurance drain resistance does not stack with itself. Additionally, if you have used Power Down recently, this power will heal allies in an area around your target - including yourself - up to as many targets as the number of Potential Energy stacks you currently possess.
Recharge: Fast


A single-target heal with some endurance-related flavor effects and the ability to become an AOE. I'm guessing, between the choices, this would be the power that people use the powered-up effect of the most.


Untitled-1_0006_Layer-3.png.5dbe9e8ac4b3c2f4f2cac833465f2a2b.png Energy Repulsion
[Toggle] (PBAOE) Foe Repel, Chance to Knockback; Self -End (per foe)
Creates a zone of energy that violently repels nearby foes. Each enemy that is repelled costs additional endurance. Some foes may be more resilient to the repulsion and run straight towards you but will still experience a continual pushing force and may even lose their footing while trying to stand their ground, at which point they will be knocked back.
Recharge: Slow


Very much just a Repel / Repulsion Field clone. Personally, I think some sets can do to have niche utility powers that are less universally-taken.


Untitled-1_0005_Layer-4.png.02538b0966276b5b9bc438ce4f7042db.png Power Down
(Ranged Cone) Foe -Damage, -Endurance, -Recovery; Self Build (Potential Energy - per foe)
You can drain the power of enemies in a cone in front of you. Affected targets will have their damage and recovery reduced as well as a portion of their endurance drained. Additionally, each foe you successfully hit with this power will provide a stack of Potential Energy that increases the effects of your next Energy Bolt, Energy Boost, or Restore Power.
Recharge: Slow


The set's main flavor power. An AOE debuff that is meant to be used often and powers up your next knockback, heal, or rez (which can be used as a buff instead). Note that the icon should be cone instead of TAOE but I don't know any cone icons with any "endurance down" symbol.


PowerBlast_Aim.png Potential Energy
[Auto] Self +Target Cap (Special)
You have drained the potential energy of your foes. Your next use of Energy Bolt, Energy Boost, or Restore Power will have its target cap increased and may even have its effects modified slightly.

This is just the visual indicator for the stacks that Power Down gives.


Untitled-1_0004_Layer-5.png.dbaf4743afda5781c6e6d14c98caca54.png Reduce Entropy
(Ranged) Ally +Protection (Confuse, Disorient, Fear, Hold, Immobilize, Sleep), +Perception, +Resistance (Endurance Drain)
Frees an ally from confusion, disorient, fear, hold, and immobilization effects and leaves them resistant to these effects for a good while. Also grants targets resistance to endurance drain effects. Protection improves with multiple applications and as you advance in level.
Recharge: Fast


Very much a Clear Mind clone.


Untitled-1_0003_Layer-6.png.22325da14e96e512e15e74072ee020d6.png Energy Dispersion
[Toggle] (PBAOE) Ally/Self +Defense (Smashing, Lethal), +Resistance (Heat, Cold, Energy, Negative, Toxic, Psionic, Endurance Drain), +Protection (Disorient, Hold, Immobilize)
Emits a constant energy wave that protects all nearby allies. The energy dispersion gives all allies within an increased defense against smashing and lethal attacks, protection from disorient, hold, and immobilize effects, as well as boosted resistance against heat, cold, energy, negative energy, toxic, and psionic damage.
Recharge: Slow


Dispersion Field but mixed between defense and resistance. Willpower stands out in my mind as a mixed melee defense set which gives resistance to physical (smashing/lethal) and defense to others (everything else), so this power is the reverse to balance those out.


Untitled-1_0002_Layer-7.png.3e521b3296f9c836962841c546fd0a4b.png Restore Power
(Ranged - Special) Ally Resurrect (Special), +Protection (XP Debt), +Regeneration (Special); Self Consume (Potential Energy)
Resurrects a fallen ally with full hit points and endurance. The resurrected ally is also protected from XP debt for 90 seconds. Additionally, if you have used Power Down recently, this power can be used on a living target and will instead grant an increase to regeneration and a pending resurrect to your targeted ally and nearby allies that will revive them should they fall in battle over the next 90 seconds. The target cap on the living buff matches the number of Potential Energy stacks you currently hold.
Recharge: Very Long


Very much resurrect but with a not-dead alternate application that's all the rage with the kids these days that allows it to become an AOE regeneration buff if you want. In a way, this together with Perpetual Motion (below) can be seen as cousins to the two RAs in Empathy. Though PM is endurance discount instead of a recovery boost.


Untitled-1_0001_Layer-8.png.b14e38a071db3afc6c461386edb09182.png Perpetual Motion
(PBAOE) Ally/Self +Endurance Discount, +Recharge, +Resistance(Endurance Drain, Recharge)
When activated, you and your nearby allies gain a steep endurance discount, a boost in recharge rate, and extreme resistance to both endurance drains and recharge rate debuffs.
Recharge: Very Long


Energy Manipulation's Conserve Power turned into a team buff along with a +Recharge component and resistance to debuffs to recovery and recharge.


Untitled-1_0000_Layer-9.png.b78e240f8a1421e6eee418d3ede89372.png Maximum Power
(Ranged) Ally +Damage, +Tohit, +Special, +Range
You bring out the full potential of a single ally. Maximum Power immensely enhances a single ally's damage, chance to hit, and range. All of their powers' secondary effects such as healing, buffs, endurance drains, and mez effects are improved as well.
Recharge: Very Long


If you want to compare it to Empathy, this would be Fortitude though not as potent. Its effects are Energy Manipulation's Build Up, Boost Range, and Power Boost rolled into one.


... and that about wraps it up. What are your guys' thoughts?

Edited by megaericzero
Updated Energy Affinity with its own power icons!
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  • megaericzero changed the title to Energy-Themed Power Set Suite
3 hours ago, megaericzero said:

I'd like to throw out another power set suite - this time for energy. (Pure energy as opposed to kinetics, gravity, force field, and radiation - which I would say are categorically related and often mixed-and-matched with one another but can still be thematically distinct a good chunk of the time.) As with the thread on the water power set suite, this would be so that we can flesh out [remaining] power sets for a specific theme alongside one another so that each set's power names and themes can be given a specific theme or, at least, not step on each other's toes.


Energy already has great coverage and is represented in:

  • Blast
  • Manipulation
  • Melee
  • Armor
  • Assault
  • Ancillary (counting Force and Body as Energy)

... with a few proliferation exceptions (Tankers for EA, Sentinels for a mastery).


This leaves us with two categories left:

  • Control
  • Affinity


With that in mind, here are the sets I'd like to suggest.
I'll put annotations in this faded font color.


You are able to control the flow of energy around you to manipulate your foes. Condensing, expelling, even outright redirecting movement or stopping it in its tracks. Most attacks deal smashing and energy damage concurrently, and many will leave your foes with inhibited damage potential.

This set is a mashup of Gravity Control and Electric Control with a focus on dealing damage rather than keeping things perpetually locked-down. Its shared secondary effect for all attack powers is a damage debuff.

GravityControl_Crush.png Photon Bombardment (Ranged) Foe Minor Damage over Time (Energy), Immobilize, -Movement, -Damage
GravityControl_Lift.png Force Lift (Ranged) Foe Moderate Damage (Smashing, Energy), Knockup, -Damage
GravityControl_GravityDistortion.png Zero-Point Energy (Ranged) Foe Moderate Damage-over-Time (Smashing, Energy), Hold, -Damage
ElectricMelee_TargetedChainInduction.png Reflecting Blast (Ranged Chain) Foe Minor Damage (Smashing, Energy), Knockdown, -Damage
DarkCast_TenebrousTentacles.png Obstruction Field (Ranged Cone) Foe Minor Damage-over-Time (Smashing, Energy), Immobilize, -Damage
ElectricMelee_PBAoEStun.png Concussive Burst (PBAOE) Foe Moderate Damage (Smashing, Energy), Knockback, Disorient, -Damage
GravityControl_GravityDistortionField.png Energy Vacuum (Ranged AOE) Foe Hold, -Damage
UmbralAura_StygianCircle.png Quantum Entanglement

Toggle] (PBAOE) Foe Chance for Minor Energy Damage (Special);

Self Heal (Special - per foe)

GravityControl_Singularity.png Entropic Force (Location) Summon Pet (Living Entropy)


I'm wrapping the detailed power info in spoiler boxes so the post isn't gigantic.

  Reveal hidden contents

GravityControl_Crush.png Photon Bombardment
(Ranged) Foe Minor Damage over Time (Energy), Immobilize, -Movement, -Damage
Blasts an enemy with a fine spray of light particles. Though small and weak, the particles are sufficient to cause minor energy damage over time as their momentum slows your foe's movement if not outright immobilizing them. The photons will also steal some energy as they pass by, reducing the affected foe's damage for a time.
Damage: Minor
Recharge: Fast


GravityControl_Lift.png Force Lift
(Ranged) Foe Moderate Damage (Smashing, Energy), Knockup, -Damage
You can nearly-instantly convert part of a foe's potential energy into kinetic energy, directing it upward. The affected foe will be knocked into the air and suffer from smashing damage as they come crashing back down to the ground. The portion of energy converted will also be lost to them, reducing their damage potential.
Damage: Moderate
Recharge: Fast


GravityControl_GravityDistortion.png Zero-Point Energy
(Ranged) Foe Moderate Damage-over-Time (Smashing, Energy), Hold, -Damage
Forces a targeted foe's energy state to its minimum, removing all motion from their body. The affected foe is held in place, unable to act, and suffers moderate smashing and energy damage over time as the atmosphere bears down on them while their body cannot push back.
Damage: Moderate
Recharge: Moderate


Standard clones of a ST immob, Lift/Levitate, and a ST hold. Not looking to break any ground with these three powers; just add another control set that has a damaging knockup power for t2 like Mind Control and Gravity Control.


ElectricMelee_TargetedChainInduction.png Reflecting Blast
(Ranged Chain) Foe Minor Damage (Smashing, Energy), Knockdown, -Damage
Fires a bolt of energy that rebounds multiple times, damaging and knocking down multiple enemies in succession. The bolt steals some energy from the foes it bounces off of, reducing their damage capabilitiy for a time after striking.
Damage: Minor
Recharge: Moderate


A clone of Jolting Chain. Together with the t2 clone of Lift/Levitate, this control set is set up for more damage than its contemporaries.


DarkCast_TenebrousTentacles.png Obstruction Field
(Ranged Cone) Foe Minor Damage-over-Time (Smashing, Energy), Immobilize, -Damage
You saturate an area with free-flowing power, creating a zone of dense energy. Foes in the affected area will be immobilized, unable to move but still able to attack though with reduced force. The excess energy in the area will also deal minor smashing and energy damage over time. Stronger foes may be able to resist the effects of the field.
Damage: Minor
Recharge: Moderate


The set's AOE immobilize comes at the same tier as Gravity Control's. I could shift it higher but I figured it better to let the player get Reflecting Blast for AOE damage before the AOE immob to set it up for Containtment damage.


ElectricMelee_PBAoEStun.png Concussive Burst
(PBAOE) Foe Moderate Damage (Smashing, Energy), Knockback, Disorient, -Damage
Unleashes a powerful burst of energy that propagates in the air around you. The rapidly-expanding wall of force is strong enough to both knock foes back and disorient them simultaneously. The sonic boom this creates also disappates some energy from affected foes' bodies, reducing their damage potential for a time.
Damage: Moderate
Recharge: Slow


GravityControl_GravityDistortionField.png Energy Vacuum
(Ranged AOE) Foe Hold, -Damage
You rapidly push the energy out from around a targeted foe, creating a space devoid of any motion and energy. Foes caught in the vacuum will be completely unable to move or act until the energy around them flows back in, and even then with reduced damage potential.
Recharge: Very Long


UmbralAura_StygianCircle.png Quantum Entanglement
[Toggle] (PBAOE) Foe Chance for Minor Energy Damage (Special); Self Heal (Special - per foe)
While active, you become entangled with any nearby foes. Damage you suffer will be partially reflected back at foes standing too close to you in the form of energy. Additionally, any healing those same foes receive will be partly carried over to you as well. (NOTE: Functionally, this power grants you an auto power that has a chance to deal minor energy damage on hit and grants nearby foes a power that deals healing to you when they receive heling.)
Recharge: Moderate


The set's main flavor power. Since the healing effect is tied to enemy healing, the survivability bonus is more of an occasional bonus.


GravityControl_Singularity.png Entropic Force
(Location) Summon Pet (Living Entropy)
You create a living nexus of chaotic energy. The creature will attack alongside you, knocking down or holding foes. It cannot be healed, except by its own Quantum Entanglement, but is somewhat resilient to damage and mez effects. Type "/release_pets" in the chat window to release all your pets.
Recharge: Very Long


Invulnerability_TemporaryInvulnerabilty.png Resistance
Flight_TravelFlight.png Fly
UmbralAura_StygianCircle.png Quantum Entanglement                           
GravityControl_GravityDistortion.png Zero-Point Energy
ElectricMelee_TargetedChainInduction.png Reflecting Blast


Given the set's focus on damage, I didn't want to give it a super-strong control pet by cloning Singularity. Hopefully I didn't defang it too much, either.


You are able to control and emit energy to aid your allies and weaken your enemies.

This set is also a mixed bag. In this case, it's a hodgepodge of effects from Force Field and Empathy with its own spin. Its standout buff area is team endurance - specifically keeping it up and aggressively trying to counter enemies like Sappers.

PowerBlast_PowerPush.png Energy Bolt

(Ranged - Special) Foe Minor Damage (Smashing, Energy), Knockback/Knockdown (Special),

Disorient (Special); Self Consume (Potential Energy)

NewPraetorians_Clockwork_NanoRepair.png Energy Boost

(Ranged - Special) Ally Heal, +Endurance, +Resistance (Endurance Drain);

Self Consume (Potential Energy)

ForceField_RepulsionField.png Energy Repulsion [Toggle] (PBAOE) Foe Repel, Chance to Knockback; Self -End (per foe)
ColdDomination_HeatLoss.png * Power Down

(Ranged Cone) Foe -Damage, -Endurance, -Recovery;

Self Build (Potential Energy - per foe)

* The icon should be cone but there is no "cone endurance-down" in the game that I am aware of.

Empathy_MindWall.png Reduce Entropy

(Ranged) Ally +Protection (Confuse, Disorient, Fear, Hold, Immobilize, Sleep),

+Perception, +Resistance (Endurance Drain)

ForceField_DispersionBubble.png Energy Dispersion

[Toggle] (PBAOE) Ally/Self +Defense (Smashing, Lethal), +Resistance (Heat, Cold, Energy,Negative, Toxic,

Psionic, Endurance Drain), +Protection (Disorient, Hold, Immobilize)

NewPraetorians_Clockwork_QuickRepair.png Restore Power

(Ranged - Special) Ally Resurrect (Special), +Protection (XP Debt), +Regeneration (Special);

Self Consume (Potential Energy)

Empathy_RecoveryAura.png Perpetual Motion (PBAOE) Ally/Self +Endurance Discount, +Recharge, +Resistance(Endurance Drain, Recharge)
Empathy_Fortitude.png Maximum Power (Ranged) Ally +Damage, +Tohit, +Special, +Range


  Reveal hidden contents

PowerBlast_PowerPush.png Energy Bolt
(Ranged - Special) Foe Minor Damage (Smashing, Energy), Knockback/Knockdown (Special), Disorient (Special); Self Consume (Potential Energy)
Discharges a bolt of energy that knocks back a single foe, dealing minor smashing and energy damage. If you have used Power Down recently, this power becomes a ranged area-of-affect attack that instead knocks down foes and inflicts a short duration disorient, with its target cap determined by the number of Potential Energy stacks you currently possess.
Damage: Minor
Recharge: Fast


This power is basically a Force Bolt that can become Repulsion Bomb.


NewPraetorians_Clockwork_NanoRepair.png Energy Boost
(Ranged - Special) Ally Heal, +Endurance, +Resistance (Endurance Drain); Self Consume (Potential Energy)
Heals a single ally and boosts their endurance slightly as well as granting them temporary resistance to endurance draining effects. The endurance drain resistance does not stack with itself. Additionally, if you have used Power Down recently, this power will heal allies in an area around your target - including yourself - up to as many targets as the number of Potential Energy stacks you currently possess.
Recharge: Fast


A single-target heal with some endurance-related flavor effects and the ability to become an AOE. I'm guessing, between the choices, this would be the power that people use the powered-up effect of the most.


ForceField_RepulsionField.png Energy Repulsion
[Toggle] (PBAOE) Foe Repel, Chance to Knockback; Self -End (per foe)
Creates a zone of energy that violently repels nearby foes. Each enemy that is repelled costs additional endurance. Some foes may be more resilient to the repulsion and run straight towards you but will still experience a continual pushing force and may even lose their footing while trying to stand their ground, at which point they will be knocked back.
Recharge: Slow


Very much just a Repel / Repulsion Field clone. Personally, I think some sets can do to have niche utility powers that are less universally-taken.


ColdDomination_HeatLoss.png Power Down
(Ranged Cone) Foe -Damage, -Endurance, -Recovery; Self Build (Potential Energy - per foe)
You can drain the power of enemies in a cone in front of you. Affected targets will have their damage and recovery reduced as well as a portion of their endurance drained. Additionally, each foe you successfully hit with this power will provide a stack of Potential Energy that increases the effects of your next Energy Bolt, Energy Boost, or Restore Power.
Recharge: Slow


The set's main flavor power. An AOE debuff that is meant to be used often and powers up your next knockback, heal, or rez (which can be used as a buff instead). Note that the icon should be cone instead of TAOE but I don't know any cone icons with any "endurance down" symbol.


PowerBlast_Aim.png Potential Energy
[Auto] Self +Target Cap (Special)
You have drained the potential energy of your foes. Your next use of Energy Bolt, Energy Boost, or Restore Power will have its target cap increased and may even have its effects modified slightly.

This is just the visual indicator for the stacks that Power Down gives.


Empathy_MindWall.png Reduce Entropy
(Ranged) Ally +Protection (Confuse, Disorient, Fear, Hold, Immobilize, Sleep), +Perception, +Resistance (Endurance Drain)
Frees an ally from confusion, disorient, fear, hold, and immobilization effects and leaves them resistant to these effects for a good while. Also grants targets resistance to endurance drain effects. Protection improves with multiple applications and as you advance in level.
Recharge: Fast


Very much a Clear Mind clone.


ForceField_DispersionBubble.png Energy Dispersion
[Toggle] (PBAOE) Ally/Self +Defense (Smashing, Lethal), +Resistance (Heat, Cold, Energy, Negative, Toxic, Psionic, Endurance Drain), +Protection (Disorient, Hold, Immobilize)
Emits a constant energy wave that protects all nearby allies. The energy dispersion gives all allies within an increased defense against smashing and lethal attacks, protection from disorient, hold, and immobilize effects, as well as boosted resistance against heat, cold, energy, negative energy, toxic, and psionic damage.
Recharge: Slow


Dispersion Field but mixed between defense and resistance. Willpower stands out in my mind as a mixed melee defense set which gives resistance to physical (smashing/lethal) and defense to others (everything else), so this power is the reverse to balance those out.


NewPraetorians_Clockwork_QuickRepair.png Restore Power
(Ranged - Special) Ally Resurrect (Special), +Protection (XP Debt), +Regeneration (Special); Self Consume (Potential Energy)
Resurrects a fallen ally with full hit points and endurance. The resurrected ally is also protected from XP debt for 90 seconds. Additionally, if you have used Power Down recently, this power can be used on a living target and will instead grant an increase to regeneration and a pending resurrect to your targeted ally and nearby allies that will revive them should they fall in battle over the next 90 seconds. The target cap on the living buff matches the number of Potential Energy stacks you currently hold.
Recharge: Very Long


Very much resurrect but with a not-dead alternate application that's all the rage with the kids these days that allows it to become an AOE regeneration buff if you want. In a way, this together with Perpetual Motion (below) can be seen as cousins to the two RAs in Empathy. Though PM is endurance discount instead of a recovery boost.


Empathy_RecoveryAura.png Perpetual Motion
(PBAOE) Ally/Self +Endurance Discount, +Recharge, +Resistance(Endurance Drain, Recharge)
When activated, you and your nearby allies gain a steep endurance discount, a boost in recharge rate, and extreme resistance to both endurance drains and recharge rate debuffs.
Recharge: Very Long


Energy Manipulation's Conserve Power turned into a team buff along with a +Recharge component and resistance to debuffs to recovery and recharge.


Empathy_Fortitude.png Maximum Power
(Ranged) Ally +Damage, +Tohit, +Special, +Range
You bring out the full potential of a single ally. Maximum Power immensely enhances a single ally's damage, chance to hit, and range. All of their powers' secondary effects such as healing, buffs, endurance drains, and mez effects are improved as well.
Recharge: Very Long


If you want to compare it to Empathy, this would be Fortitude though not as potent. Its effects are Energy Manipulation's Build Up, Boost Range, and Power Boost rolled into one.


... and that about wraps it up. What are your guys' thoughts?


I'm not against more power sets, never, but would Electrical Affinity and Radiation Emission be Energy?

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24 minutes ago, BrandX said:


I'm not against more power sets, never, but would Electrical Affinity and Radiation Emission be Energy?

Electrical and radiation sets do energy damage, so I would think so.

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31 minutes ago, BrandX said:

I'm not against more power sets, never, but would Electrical Affinity and Radiation Emission be Energy?

6 minutes ago, Rudra said:

Electrical and radiation sets do energy damage, so I would think so.

Very much so, especially in COH. Radiation and Electricity sets both do energy damage while the "pure" energy sets actually do mixed smashing-energy. Force Field, Gravity, and Kinetics also fall under energy conceptually. Thermal too, in terms of physics.

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32 minutes ago, megaericzero said:

Very much so, especially in COH. Radiation and Electricity sets both do energy damage while the "pure" energy sets actually do mixed smashing-energy. Force Field, Gravity, and Kinetics also fall under energy conceptually. Thermal too, in terms of physics.


That's what I was thinking.  Electric Control would also be energy control.



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21 minutes ago, BrandX said:

That's what I was thinking.  Electric Control would also be energy control.


That's more than fair. The reason I suggested both sets is that there's still room for "pure" energy character concepts separate from electricity, fire, or kinetics. Radiation, visually, is a good representative but I think, conceptually, there is still plenty of room for baseline energy to set itself apart from rad's focus on themes of sickness and degradation.


Mechanically, the sets - while largely hodgepodge - try to do something to stand out. Energy Control is more focused on damage than actual control; Energy Affinity is meant to be an endurance-protecting beast as opposed to endurance debuffing/draining that elec sets are known for.

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5 hours ago, megaericzero said:

That's more than fair. The reason I suggested both sets is that there's still room for "pure" energy character concepts separate from electricity, fire, or kinetics. Radiation, visually, is a good representative but I think, conceptually, there is still plenty of room for baseline energy to set itself apart from rad's focus on themes of sickness and degradation.


Mechanically, the sets - while largely hodgepodge - try to do something to stand out. Energy Control is more focused on damage than actual control; Energy Affinity is meant to be an endurance-protecting beast as opposed to endurance debuffing/draining that elec sets are known for.

I am of course open for more powersets 🙂

Energy Affinity however, doesn't seem to have a standard Support Set layout.

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, BrandX said:

I am of course open for more powersets 🙂

Energy Affinity however, doesn't seem to have a standard Support Set layout.

What does a standard support set layout look like?

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3 hours ago, megaericzero said:

What does a standard support set layout look like?


I should rephrase it, it seems off.  The first power seems like it's just putting a low damage Energy Blast into the support set.  And something about the set just feels lacking, when I look at it as a whole. *shrug*

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Focusing on Energy Control, I feel like the -damage component that a lot of them have as a secondary effect feels more like Kinetics' bag. Not sure what I would suggest as an alternative, though.
I do like that there is a big theme of knock(down/back/up) and a bit of disorient, and I could see more disorient stacking as a way to carry over the theme of Energy (particularly Energy Melee) while increasing the control components.

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Posted (edited)
31 minutes ago, BrandX said:


I should rephrase it, it seems off.  The first power seems like it's just putting a low damage Energy Blast into the support set.  And something about the set just feels lacking, when I look at it as a whole. *shrug*

Ah, understandable. I appreciate the feedback. Support sets are less patterned than other categories so it's harder for me to get a feel for over/underdoing it.


In the particular case of the tier 1 power, it's a blatant clone of Force Bolt / Repulsion Bomb that switches based on the set's gimmick. If it's too underwhelming, it can easily be junked for a new power.




Just now, Fade said:

Focusing on Energy Control, I feel like the -damage component that a lot of them have as a secondary effect feels more like Kinetics' bag. Not sure what I would suggest as an alternative, though.
I do like that there is a big theme of knock(down/back/up) and a bit of disorient, and I could see more disorient stacking as a way to carry over the theme of Energy (particularly Energy Melee) while increasing the control components.

Good point. I'm a bit apprehensive of giving a control set a hard control as its ubiquitous secondary effect instead of a debuff. Should it be a short-lived disorient?

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It's a tough one to design around, I'll admit. Looking at some other control sets for examples:
All of the Energy attacks in other sets (Energy Blast, Energy Melee, Energy Manipulation, Energy Assault) only really contribute stuns/disorients or knockback, so that's a limiting factor.
Gravity Control has a little bit of knockdown in Propel, but otherwise it doesn't use a "secondary effect" so much. Its powers break the mold a bit with enemy movement and having more attack-like powers than was standard on a control set at the time of its design.
Mind Control also doesn't have a secondary effect, other than just having a good damage type and ignoring positional defenses. Not something I'd suggest ripping off.
Illusion Control very much breaks all the molds, but its single-target hold also has a chance to sleep enemies around it in a splash area, like poison's debuffs. And, come to think of it, Gravity's Propel kind of has a splash area too, if you combo it.

Maybe a chance (a low chance, realistically) to do knockdown on nearby targets when you hit with a single target power?

Or, cribbing a bit from the Energy Melee revamps, some kind of Energy Focus-like builder that gets spent to improve knockdown chance? I hesitate to focus (pun intended) on that angle to avoid making Energy/Energy Dominators have two separate build/spend mechanics, which seems like it could be annoying to play.

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On 5/31/2024 at 11:50 PM, BrandX said:


I'm not against more power sets, never, but would Electrical Affinity and Radiation Emission be Energy?

There different kinds of energy so this would be different 

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