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Forcibly Disconnected

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Bug Report:


Twice in the last week I've been dropped from the game and I get a pop-up window that says something like "You have been forcibly disconnected from the game. MapShuttingDown."


The last time was 5 minutes ago, 5am UTC. I was playing on Excelsior server in Crey's Folley and I clicked on the Base Portal. The load screen loaded about 10% and froze. Then I Alt+Tab'd to find the pop-up message.


Hope this helps.

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There's a rare bug when entering a base that can forcibly disconnect you from a map. It happens every now and then and has been around for years.


Aside of a map going offline where your character iswhich would also forcibly disconnect you, the only other common option for forcibly disconnecting is if your account is logged in while you're actively using it (but that only happens if you share your login information with someone, or you juggle multiple accounts/characters and log one on while forgetting which accounts your already using).

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  • 3 weeks later

When I post a bug report here, someone replies "this bug has been around for years". I don't care.


I just got forcibly disconnected again logging into my base today. I wouldn't call 3 times in one month a "rare" bug.

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1 hour ago, CapedCanuck said:

When I post a bug report here, someone replies "this bug has been around for years". I don't care.


I just got forcibly disconnected again logging into my base today. I wouldn't call 3 times in one month a "rare" bug.

If you can get in your base, double check your base portal (the entrance). See if it is placed in a manner or location that is causing the game fits such as being recessed into an object or wall/floor. (Just to make sure. Though usually that just makes you log into the base stuck and unable to move.)

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  • City Council
On 6/22/2024 at 11:47 AM, CapedCanuck said:

When I post a bug report here, someone replies "this bug has been around for years". I don't care.


I just got forcibly disconnected again logging into my base today. I wouldn't call 3 times in one month a "rare" bug.

"MapShuttingDown" Isn't a bug, it's unfortunate timing.  When you transfer into a map that is shutting down you'll get that error, the most common time to run into that is zoning into your base at exactly the same time the map is shutting down due to inactivity.  If you have a reproducible method to trigger this outside of the map shutting down due to inactivity then please do share it.

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