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Everything posted by CapedCanuck

  1. I just posted about this last month, after I did a quick search of the forums and couldn't find any posts about this topic. My feeling is the method used by thunderspy server is basically a hack of the costume system. That's why I love the Homecomming team. My impression is the Homecomming team are professional developers who build on CoH with proper planning and sound design. Modding a game with one hack on top of the next is the quickest way to break a game and the fastest route to the death of it. I AM NOT SAYING THUNDERSPY ARE AMATEURS OR HACKS. They do what works for them and more power to them. The Homecomming team probably has their hands full with their next plans for the game. Hopefully down the road MM pet customization will be added in a way that makes sense. My advice is to be patient. I'd rather not have MM pet costumes at all than some hack of the existing costume system.
  2. I saw this video about customizing mastermind pet costumes. I think this is a feature for the thunderspy.net private server. Would it be possible to add something like this to Homecoming? Just a thought, not a priority. I am so grateful to all the Homecoming souls for all their hard work and totally happy with the game as is. Thank you. https://youtu.be/jGHTAhW9xcM?si=weIbZ0ThCYqHp42D
  3. I played the original City of Heroes for eight years back in 2000 and never saw this before. Posted a report in case someone wants to know.
  4. Excelsior server about 11:00pm UTC. I was soloing Steven Sheridan's story arc "The Organ Grinder" with my hero Super Fred. When I entered the mission door in Crey's Folly, I found myself in another players mission. We both entered our missions at the same time because the first thing I saw was the other player fly down the tunnel in front of me. I don't think they even knew I was there. I think the other player was also soloing. The Crey's Folly screenshot shows the coordinates of the mission door I entered. I took a screenshot and exited the mission. When I re-entered the mission I was on the right map by myself.
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