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3 minutes ago, Seed22 said:

I’d rather just leave and not bother trying to control the other person’s play. 

I'd imagine that some folks fall victim to the sunk-cost fallacy, and would rather rage and vent than cut their loses and move on, as you pointed out...

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16 hours ago, Seed22 said:

That makes perfect sense to deal with. Absolutely kick those kind of players as they’re legit leeching for sure

I dunno; I’ve been kicked from multiple MSR’s in the past for participating then going to the bathroom. Back when I was on Indom years ago where the nightly leader was a real stick in the mud.

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20 hours ago, Seed22 said:

*Some will claim ad hominem blah blah blah but it’s really not. I’ve seen this type of behavior elsewhere IRL and the reasoning resembled my remark, and what’s happening here looks awfully familiar so…see a shovel call it a shovel and all that


I always thought an ad homenim attack had to be pointed directly at a specific person... such as "Of course it is a bad idea, it was made by @GenericHero222"


There have been occasional random posts accusing forum participants of ad hominem attacks, but less than half the time do I think there has been an argument made ad hominem.


Of course, this is just the kind of thing we can expect @tidge to write, so nobody should believe it.

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An ad hominem attack substitutes a personal attack in place of logic or reasoning. It's actually really narrow - for the fallacy to be committed, someone has to be targeting a personal characteristic of the other side, then use that as proof that their argument is wrong.


It isn't ad hominem if the other side throws insults as long as they use proper logic as a rebuttal instead of the insults. If someone claims "Empathy is the best support set", and someone else replies "You're a complete imbecile, Empathy gives up too much utility compared to other sets for negligible gains in healing", that's not ad hominem. Possibly rude, but not ad hominem.


Similarly, if the reply to "Empathy is the best support set" is "You're a complete imbecile"...that's still not ad hominem, because it doesn't look like there's even an attempt to refute the claim.


If the reply to "Empathy is the best support set" is "Well, you have to be a complete imbecile to think that, so you're wrong", that would be ad hominem - using an insult as a rebuttal instead of logic or data.


You can enjoy this if you want more reading on this particular fallacy.

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Regarding the initial statement:


The first victim was PI Radio Missions, which with the new mob upgrades did go a long way at making them challenging; but when your team of 8 only has 2 50s, trying to do it at +4/8 where it would be challenging becomes impossible, and +2/8 or less, simply not worth my time.

I run PI 54 very frequently with my blasters or MM and i am not picky about players levels. In fact I'd take event the bored level 15 player because he can't find a team and i love the challenge. If mobs are too strong and the team cannot make it, then that's the game, but it never happened in hundreds of runs and asides, an occasional wipe is good to raise concentration again 😉


In the end it all comes down to the person leading the group and the willingness to enforce some constraints.



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  • 3 weeks later
On 6/13/2024 at 10:48 AM, Krimson said:

What I would like to know is what percentage of the player base do complaints like this come from? So far as I know, MSR runs well enough that people keep doing it for some reason. If you have an MSR, and three players are complaining about leechers, but the other 45 players are having a good time, who's the real problem?

You may want to poll the raid leaders, and get a sense of their experiences and feelings

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  • 4 weeks later
10 hours ago, shortguy on indom said:


It is for the three people unable to join the MSR because the league is full... How much of an issue it is depends on the raid leader.

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