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Target Last Targeted Enemy

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Retargeting an AV/boss can be a pain in the ass in the event of an AT needs to buff/heal and go back to the Last Targeted Enemy.


Lets say you are a Demon/Thermal mastermind, you forge your prince/garg and need or want to retarget a boss real fast to not miss a beat attacking

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FWIW you can target allies through enemies and vice-versa. When there's a mismatch between your target and who the power can effect (trying to attack an ally or buff an enemy), if their target is valid, you will activate the power on that entity instead.


So if your demon prince is aggroed to the AV and you target the prince to buff them, you can actually queue attacks and debuffs while still targeting the prince and your character will use them on the AV instead.


It's also useful in the reverse if you want to buff/heal whatever teammate a boss is attacking.

Edited by megaericzero
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