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4Star Aeon Complete Off-Meta Restricted Run -- Regular builds, no top powersets

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What annoys me is when players that refuse to clean up their low DPS builds say things like “4* builds are stupid because I have been on successful 4* runs and I don’t have a 4* build”. What they don’t realize? It worked out that way because they were in the “getting carried” slot. I play with multiple players like this that are just completely oblivious to their own subpar contribution.

Edited by arcane
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Elitism...can I just say that if someone calls you an elitist, (referencing to in-game), that's pretty high praise. I would never consider that a negative. The folks that do the "meta" (I really hate that word. Game within a game? It's all the same game!) on advanced mode are people who have learned a lot about mechanics, builds and the specific content. I kind of envy their ability to enjoy the harder stuff in game. And I don't think for a second these folks didn't spend time on their builds and learning the content. I'd guess some folks put more time in learning this than any homework assignment they might have done as kids in school. 

I have a lot of respect for players like Projector, Makerian, Ammonia, and the lady from Wales with the nice voice...Parr? Para? (Weirdo me, I can remember she's from Wales, but not her character's name)  who can just pop into any of the hard mode stuff and finish it as fast or faster than a pug can the standard version of the same TF. To me, that's a beautiful thing - to be able to do that. Thankfully, they carried me in one of their 1* runs so I can observe from the sidelines. 

The only way I'd run one again is if I knew the players and enjoyed their chatter over discord or team chat. 

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4 hours ago, Lunar Ronin said:

When the NC deal was announced in January, I came back.  I formed my own group on the Indomitable shard, one dedicated to steamrolling/kill most content, not speed runs.  We've been doing pretty well.  A couple of friends I made in my new group both told me that they did Dr. Aeon SF speed runs with others, and hated it.  They are like me, and both felt cheated out of the experience.  So we did a (regular) Dr. Aeon SF steamroll/kill most.  It took roughly two hours and 20 minutes, but it was a blast!  We had a lot of fun.


Thank you for being a part of the solution to this, even if you picked the afk farm server for it 😛

One of these days, I'd be happy to move a toon over there for an evening and join your crew for a run or two, if you'll have me!

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3 hours ago, arcane said:

What annoys me is when players that refuse to clean up their low DPS builds say things like “4* builds are stupid because I have been on successful 4* runs and I don’t have a 4* build”. What they don’t realize? It worked out that way because they were in the “getting carried” slot. I play with multiple players like this that are just completely oblivious to their own subpar contribution.

Really glad to hear someone else say this. It's very validating. People genuinely do not know how to evaluate their own performance in a run or see how they contributed. I have run into this quite often, and it's really frustrating because it does often cause me more stress trying to form because I have to undo that false narrative while also unfortunately, usually outing that player as being carried.

This is actually why I think playing an Ice/Cold Corruptor is one of the best ways to learn advanced mode. Not just because it teaches target priority, but also because you can most viscerally feel and experience the results of your powers immediately. I watch Kong just MELT when I hit a double heat loss on him and Dragon, regardless of any other debuffs. I watch AVs suddenly start ticking down faster after I apply a benumb or throw out another sleet. Perhaps no other AT or powerset combo has felt as impactful on fights. You can really feel it, which means you are also aware of when you aren't doing your job. You realize that an AV's health isn't going down, then you look at your power tray and see everything off of cooldown. lol


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14 hours ago, Projector said:

Really glad to hear someone else say this. It's very validating. People genuinely do not know how to evaluate their own performance in a run or see how they contributed. I have run into this quite often, and it's really frustrating because it does often cause me more stress trying to form because I have to undo that false narrative while also unfortunately, usually outing that player as being carried.

This is actually why I think playing an Ice/Cold Corruptor is one of the best ways to learn advanced mode. Not just because it teaches target priority, but also because you can most viscerally feel and experience the results of your powers immediately. I watch Kong just MELT when I hit a double heat loss on him and Dragon, regardless of any other debuffs. I watch AVs suddenly start ticking down faster after I apply a benumb or throw out another sleet. Perhaps no other AT or powerset combo has felt as impactful on fights. You can really feel it, which means you are also aware of when you aren't doing your job. You realize that an AV's health isn't going down, then you look at your power tray and see everything off of cooldown. lol


I know on LGTF 4*, it was a learning run so had to get a feel of the fights, which imo aren’t hard but you still need to put forth a little effort kind of learning what’s exactly damaging you.


So, this meant my Cold/Ice wasn’t contributing at max efficiency. I did alright, but the rest more familiar with the TF carried in that instance.


But on Aeon? Nah I ripped for sure. But thats because I’m absolutely familiar with that and ITF. 

My point being, putting in the literal minuscule amount of effort to get familiar with the content is part II of making a contributing HM toon.


Part I, the build? Easiest part imo. I smacked a HM build together with no mids. For any role(I have HM viable everything from tank to DPS. Hell even HM viable CC.) it’s seriously not hard. Unlike other MMOs with complex builders and nuanced meta it’s pretty laid out and solved here. At least till the procalypse comes.

Aspiring show writer through AE arcs and then eventually a script 😛


AE Arcs: Odd Stories-Arc ID: 57289| An anthology series focusing on some of your crazier stories that you'd save for either a drunken night at Pocket D or a mindwipe from your personal psychic.|The Pariahs: Magus Gray-Arc ID: 58682| Magus Gray enlists your help in getting to the bottom of who was behind the murder of the Winter Court.|



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