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4-Star Aeon Written Walkthrough


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Hey there! My name is Projector (go by Project0r in-game) and I've been making a lot of content around Hardmode TFs lately. I have a few guides posted in the Forth Trident section, including an Omega K'ong fight walkthrough and a non-meta run of 4* Aeon! My YT also has an Incan guide for LGTF, and a bunch of different recorded runs with and without discord audio.


Wanted to share this here for visibility, but I wrote out a step by step 4-star ASF guide for anyone who wants to learn or lead a 4Star Aeon. I am assuming that those interested in this have some level of familiarity with Aeon and the different missions. I want to clarify that this is stuff I have learned, but I am eternally grateful to people like Apollo, Maya, Eos, Loc, Bloodom, and many others who have spent countless hours testing builds and strategies to figure out the best ways to accomplish a lot of this content. This is not the ONLY way to do this (you can do a kill-most if you want, it will just take a LOT longer).

I know a lot about 4-starr content now, but it's thanks to people like them. I do not take credit for "figuring out" anything I am sharing below.

Pre-Requisites and Setup
Team Lead should have Master of Aeon badge. It is REQUIRED to do the full Vanguard fight in the 5th mission. If Team Lead does not have it, then before the fifth mission, you will need people to relog until the star passes to a team member that does have it. There is no way around this, so never assume you have the badge--always double-check before starting.

How to Handle Deaths

  • Get a full tray of Immortal Recovery inspirations and feel free to email some to yourself.
    • I keep one email in my inbox titled "immortal recovery" and just Reply to it whenever I need to send more to myself. That way you can access additional ones inside missions if you need.
  • If you die, you should use Immortal Recoveries immediately and get back into the fight. Don't wait for it to be "safe," just stand back up and start fighting IMMEDIATELY. Team Lead should call for rebuffing whenever people rez, but do NOT throw off a barrier timing, or else you're just ensuring that your whole team will die a little bit later when the early barrier wears off.
  • AVOID using powers like Rise of the Phoenix or the START Vendor Rezzes. Anything that makes you untouchable will also make you unbuffable. Always fun to use a self-rez, become untouchable, miss Barrier because you were untouchable, and then die again immediately because you didn't get Barrier. These self-rez powers, when used incorrectly, can actually mean you are out of the fight for an entire minute if you happen to miss a Barrier.
    • The ONLY time I use these self-rez powers is when our team has wiped and I want to rez and stay alive long enough to reposition myself somewhere safe, die again to break any aggro, and then use an IR and TP my team members to me. 
  • Team lead should be mindful of when the next barrier will be so you can give advance warning on when to use Immortal Recoveries. (e.g. "Next Barrier in 5 seconds--REZ NOW"

Team Comp: 

  • 1 DPS
  • 2-3 debuff/def buff (Cold is great since it offers both debuff and defense buffs). Force Field is another amazing option.
  • 1 Kin
  • 1 second healer (Nature or EA are optimal)
  • 1 tank
  • 1 flex role (bring whatever)
  • Ideally, some players should have Fold Space, as Fold Space is what allows your team to stay together for barrier calls while still clearing rooms. You shouldn't have to go chasing enemies. Fold Space them to your team instead.


If going into this brand new, it can be safe to have that last flex role being an extra Defense Buffs.


An optimal Speed Comp usually looks like this:

  • 2 Fire/Fire Blasters
  • 3 Ice/Cold Corruptors
  • 1 Tanker or Scrapper with Confront (usually Bio/BA or BA/Bio)
  • 1 Ice/Kin Corruptor
  • 1 Ice/Nature or Ice/Elec Affinity Corruptor


Targeting Macros I use:

/macro SMEL targetcustomnext enemy alive Smelter

/macro BRIC targetcustomnext enemy alive Brickernaut

/macro RS targetcustomnext enemy alive Ripplesurge

/macro ZOE targetcustomnext enemy alive Princess

/macro SHIM targetcustomnext enemy alive Shimmering


Incarnate Setups
Option #1 (If you need additional Def): 6 Barrier Core, 1 Clarion Core, 1 Incan Core (obviously need some form of stealth. Celerity+SS is fine for this TF)
Incarnate setup option #2 (If you need additional End Recovery): 5 Barrier Core, 1 Incan Core, 1 Ageless Core
Incarnate setup option #3 (Speediest option if you have an experienced team): 5 Barrier Core, 2 Incan Core, 1 Clarion

Anyone running Incan needs to have some form of invis. Super Speed+Celerity Proc in Stealth is enough.


Barrier Teams:
Team 1: Team lead (or whoever is calling barriers) + 1 player
Flex 1: 1 player (If you go with a 5 barrier setup, just refer to "Flex 1" as "Flex," instead, since there won't be a flex 2)
Team 2: 2 players
Flex 2: 1 player 

Barrier timers are tracked by the cooldown of Team 1's barrier. Give about 5-7 seconds of lead time when calling the next barrier in case someone is held, doesn't hear you, is mid-attack animation, or lags. So, Flex 1 barrier should be called at 1:35 CD for Team 1 Barrier (ideally goes off at 1:30), Team 2 called at 1:05 CD, Flex 2 called at 0:35 CD, and then that cycle repeats when Team 1's barrier recharges. 

If running with 5 barriers, call Team 1, then Team 2 at 1:15, then Flex at 0:30, then repeat with Team 1 as soon as it recharges.

How to Incan Cancel
An Incan Cancel is when you incan your team but cancel the knockback effects before they knock anything back. This will NOT cancel the Teleport function of Incandescence

  • When you aim your incan, immediately move your mouse to your buff bar, right click the Incan icon, and hit 'C.' If you do this fast enough, you can actually do it before the incan is even finished with the animation, meaning it can be cancelled before you even land.
  • You have about 1 second to cancel it after you land before it starts knocking everything back.
  • You need to be quick in order to find the Incan icon before it gets pushed to the side as your team's buffs start filling up your buff bar. Occasionally, you won't be able to cancel your incan at all because your buff bar is full, so the icon doesn't show up. Oh well.

Pre-Mission 1:
If anyone on your team has RIkti Dummies from prior 4star aeon experience, spawn these outside of the mission door and have you kin spawm Fulcrum Shift/Siphon Power until you start the SF.

Feel free to also pop an Ultimate inspiration just before your team lead starts the SF, so you can do the first mission with your incarnate level at 50+2.

Mission 1 (Run this exactly like a speed Aeon):

  1. Enter mission 
    1. This mission is the exact same map as the "Capture Dr. Aeon" mission from the Ms Liberty TF. The only difference is the Aeon version does not have the last Elevator you would take to actually fight Aeon. Instead, it stops where you fight the last AV in MLTF.
  2. Aggro security bot and Team 1 Barrier on the Security bot (unless someone is afk/not paying attention, then do it before aggroing the bot)
  3. Kill Security Bot
  4. Incan runs to end of mission while the rest of team clears the 4 scientists on the first floor in that first big room.
  5. Will probably need a Flex 1 barrier during this time. 
  6. When the Nav bar says 6 scientists left, Incan to the final room.
  7. Incanner needs to cancel incan knockback by right clicking the power in their buff bar and hitting cancel. 
  8. Continue calling barriers on the right timer. If this portion is taking a long time, you may need to give a specific location for the next barrier call (e.g. "Team 2 Barrier on Project0r!" or "Flex 2 barrier on the glowie!")
  9. Take out the Head of R&D and make sure someone talks to him and speeds through the dialogue to activate the glowie
  10. Finish mission like a normal Speed Aeon. If you did this method properly, the last scientist will be the one by the glowie. If there is still one left after this, it means one of the ones in the last room probably ran off and hid.
  11. Exit

Mission 2:

This is run exactly like a speed run, except make sure to incan team to the cauldron. You don't want to drag any Boomers or Smelters to the cauldron, or else you'll have to deal with Taunts and heals. There are also two smelters standing on the entrance-side of the cauldron that will "activate" when the AV hits 50% HP. See steps below:

  1. Team Lead must talk to the Tournament organizer. If anyone is Fire primary or secondary, they can talk to him instead.
    1. If team lead: Lie, C, Cinderburn will get you in without fighting.
  2. Incan into the lava cauldron in the backroom (and cancel the incan) and immediately fire a Team barrier.
  3. This is just like a normal Aeon run up until the AV. Keep barrier calls going as needed.
  4. If any Smelters aggro, take them out before continuing. They are always your number one priority target and you should be looking out for them in every fight from here on out.
  5. Once the AV gets to half health, the NPCs around the cauldron will attack (which includes two Smelters). If you have any Ice Blast on the team, dropping blizzards just outside the entrance-side of the cauldron (where the Smelters are standing) will keep them aggroed so they don't heal the AV. If you do not have this option, you will need to taunt/take out the Smelters before continuing to defeating the Cauldron Champion.
  6. Radial Lores ONLY can be used for the AV. They will be recharged by the time you are ready for Vanguard.
  7. Exit

Mission 3 (Again, run like a speed):

  1. Incanner should run to the end of mission and Incan in the far back corner of the room. Try to avoid tripping the ambushes on the first floor as they will run straight for your team waiting at the door. You can self TP past the floor lasers or fly/jump over them. 
  2. Priority targets: Glowie, Brokernaut Flashbang, 11th Gen Paragon Protector, Dr. Bushnell (Just a normal named NPC)
  3. This is the first mission with an exploding Brickernaut in the form of Brokernaut Flashbang. This means your targeting macro for Brickernauts won't work here specifically. If you have Psi procs in your holds, always save these CDs for when the explosion countdown starts. With my Ice Blast Corruptors/Defenders, I am able to use Freeze Ray and Dominate twice during a coundtown if I save the cooldowns properly beforehand.


Mission 4:
WARNING: Do NOT use Barrier before starting the Shivan fight on the ship! If you are close enough, you will give the Shivans/Echo Barrier as well.

  1. Beat up Echo and the Shivans (shouldn't need barrier for this, but if you feel so inclined, read the above warning)
  2. Have one Incan or someone with stealth+TP target run to the tube behind the Security Chief. Hug the back wall inside of the tube and TP the team to you. Single Target pull the Security Chief to the back of the tube to kill him. If you cannot kill the Chief before 4-econds left on the countdown prepare to either die to the explosion or start running. The incanner should leave early from this fight no matter what.
  3. Incan everyone to the hallway just before the last room (if everyone is alive and buffed, after the cutscene you can incan directly onto the grate in the front center of the room. 
  4. Pull enemies around the grate to the grate and clear the front of the room. Always pull more enemies to the team. There's no need to leave the group other than to pull specific mobs back to the group.
  5. Priority targets are Smelters then Golden Brickernauts. Scan constantly for these.
  6. Once there are only 2-3 mobs left and any remaining Smelters have been dealt with, have a Ranged DPS Single Target Pull Mr. Rivers (He is a Brickernaut). He will TP to you, so as soon as you hit him, rejoin the group on the grate.
  7. Defeat Mr. Rivers (remember, he is a Brickernaut). 
    1. Starting here, if a barrier timer lines up with the moment in a fight where the team will need to move, you should plan to call barriers AFTER moving to the next objective/location, not before. People often move pretty fast to get to the next location, so calling Barriers before, even calling to "Group up before we move" often fails. Unfortunately, I've experienced MANY teamwipe's on all 4star TFs because the leader tried to call it BEFORE the team needs to move instead of AFTER.
  8. Either Incan to Zoe or jump on the platform to start the fight. If it's time for the next barrier, call it out like this: "Team # Barrier on Zoe" if jumping to her or "Team # Barrier after Incan" if Incanning to her.
  9. Every 25%, Zoe will move to a different part of the room and summon reinforcements from the overhead portal, your job is to follow her, but check the first two ambushes for Smelters. Sometimes two will spawn, sometimes none will spawn. The tank should taunt these on their way to wherever Zoe lands, or else have fun dealing with a full health Zoe again and again if the Smelters aren't dealt with. Team lead calls Smelters out and asks any ranged DPS to spike the Smelters before continuing on Zoe. 
  10. If Zoe goes to the far side of the room, you can likely ignore any Brickernauts on the far side of the room (even if they aggro) and you can ignore the last ambush since it is only Luddites. Just focus ST DPS on Zoe and you should kill her before the Brickernauts become a problem. But team lead should still keep an eye on them just in case.
  11. Exit Mission



Mission 5 (Through Vanguard Fight):

Run this exactly like a Speed Aeon until the third Dimensional Pull

  1. Stealth/TP to Golden Roller (or individual TP if you only have one Incanner).
    1. If you single target TP to GR, TP far enough away so you don't give Golden Roller a Barrier.
    2. If you incan to Golden Roller, Talk to him and start the fight before Incanning so you don't buff the Car when everyone lands.
      1. Team Barrier should be called as soon as you land from incan.
  2. First Dimenson Pull -- ST Pull the EB at to the fence.
    1. Stacking holds on the EB before he transforms will prevent the Dwarf transformation.
    2. If you have any Elec Affinity on the team, note their "static" effect will likely result in aggroing the whole mob. 
  3. Cutscene skip: If you have Teleport, you will need to go to the street corner (where the train track turns left) and TP straight from there to skip. If you have Mystic Flight, your Translocation will actually work directly from where the Shift spawns you in the map without triggering the cutscene.
  4. Incan/TP team to the fence in front of the EB. You can actually incan to the EB's side of the fence without being seen, just be sure to hug the fence. 
  5. If successful, call barrier as soon as you are back at GR.
  6. Second Dimension Pull -- Team Lead should call out which Bioelectric Pustule they will be at. Protip: The team lead can spam click the pustule itself without choosing a dialogue option until the dialogue option says "...and return to Langston Corp." That's how you know the other 3 Pustules have been clicked. Remember to call a barrier as soon as you land back at GR.
  7. Third Dimension Pull (VANGUARD FIGHT) -- Team Lead talks to Psi-Curse. You need to select the Top dialogue for EACH response until you can click "Agree to the deal" 
  8. While the team lead talks to Psi-Curse, the rest of the team pulls Apex to the back right part of the courtyard.
    1. I like to use either of the little ditches between Apex and the Alcove, but you can use the alcove, too.
    2. You can use TP target to get a pretty safe pull of Apex.
    3. Note: If you kill Apex before talking to Psi-Curse, it's fine. You can still make the deal with Psi-Curse as long as you don't activate the computer. 
  9. Once you activate the portal to go inside Portal Corps. (do NOT click "Return to Langston Corp"), everyone needs to run to the portal and go through it.
  10. Once through, Everyone runs to the right and follows the path to fight Glacia and Infernia. Don't use Barriers for this.
  11. Go through the portal, but instruct your team to stay put until you talk to Lady Grey.
  12. Talk to Lady Grey and choose the "Master" option. You did it right when Unai turns into an enemy and tries to run away.
  13. Team can come through the portal and through the next doorway. If they go through the doorway BEFORE you talk to Lady Grey, it can prevent the full Vanguard fight from spawning. It's not a guaranteed screw up, so if someone doesn't listen to you and goes ahead, it's fine. It's moreso that there is a slight chance it can happen, so it's better to be safe than sorry.
  14. If you want, feel free to clear the Med-bay area to activate the hospital. Otherwise if you teamwipe in the fight and can't get out of the room, you'll have to run/tp all the way back from the parking lot. 
  15. Stealth/TP to the small room just before the Weapons Depot area (there will be a circular hole with a rainbow ring around it--Do not enter this until you are ready).  
  16. Kill the Vanguard mob behind you if they aggro.
  17. Before doing anything else, go into Options>Graphics & Audio> and turn down Particle Count low, or use /noparticles 1 (trust me on this).


  1. One person runs in and aggros Incandescence so she uses her nuke (do not barrier yet)
  2. Person rejoins group, summon lores (except tank), buff, barriers, clarion
  3. Incan into fight, Tank grabs Hero 1's attention and pulls him slightly away so he can't taunt team members
  4. Defeat Order: Incandescent, Lady Grey, Levantera, Borea, Gaussian, Dark Watcher, Serpent Drummer, then Hero 1.
  5. Change up order as needed, but Incandescent is always first and Hero 1 is always last.
  6. Refocus Lores between each hero
  7. Cry in pain realizing you still have ~2.5 missions left.

Getting Hero 1 to half health while still defeating the others will make him waste his T9, allowing you to kill him faster

If Hero 1 dies early, the fight automatically ends and you don't get the rewards.


Incandescent's Nuke: Incandescent has a nuke that operates similar to the Brickernaut explosions without a countdown. This will wipe your team. One person, usually the tank, or someone with Phase Shift, runs through the barrier, aggroes Incandescent and stays long enough to trigger Incandescent's nuke animation. Please don't waste a barrier on this part. Just wait until after she is triggered. Once she begins the animation, she has been triggered successfully. She will not activate this until she is near her target, so you just need to live long enough for the "Incandescent has begun storing power" message to flash on screen. If you die, hosp and get a TP back to team. You cannot individually TP people in and out of the fight.


  1. You will have 30 minutes to do this fight once you aggro any of the Vanguard.
  2. One person will trigger Incandescent's nuke, then rejoin the team to buff.
  3. Once Incandescent is triggered and the team is regathered, summon lores and buff, fire Team Barrier and Clarion, then Incan into the fight. Incan in the only way to TP in and out of the room, as it technically is in another dimension.
  4. Tank needs to hold Hero 1 and keep him facing away from the team. Ideally, he's kept close enough to still get AoE damage, but not close enough to taunt the team/lores. The Tank should stay close enough to still get Barriers.
  5. HERO 1 MUST DIE LAST or else the fight will end immediately and you will not get the Mobile Combat Dummy or other rewards.
  6. The rest of the team focuses enemies in the following order: Incandescent is ALWAYS first, then the typical order is ladies first, then the men, with Serpent Drummer being last before fighting Hero 1.
  7. My usual order is Incandescent, Lady Grey, Levantera, Borea, Gaussian, Dark Watcher, Serpent Drummer, then Hero 1. You can switch these up based on who is easiest to target, just keeping Incandescent and Hero 1 first and last, respectively.
  8. CALL OUT TO REFOCUS YOUR LORES AFTER EVERY HERO IS DEFEATED. (Every team member must individually target Heroes to focus Lores. You cannot focus Lores by targeting through a teammate.)


Vanguard fight tips:

  1. Keep your team's Ranged Defense above 125% no matter what until most of the heroes have been taken out, so be prepared to call barriers a little earlier than normal if you need.
  2. Controlling Lores correctly while they are still active is vital, otherwise they can kill Hero 1 on their own.
  3. Dark Watcher can kill Illusion Decoys and damage through Phase Shift.
  4. If AoEs have brought any Vanguard members to low health, let AoEs continue to finish them off and focus your single target DPS on full-health targets.
  5. If your team wipes with Incandescent still alive, and you have to restart the fight, you will likely need to re-trigger her nuke before going in again, otherwise prepare to run away if you need to.
  6. Hero 1 can still hit the tank 2,300+ damage THROUGH capped Resistances and Defenses. So, the tank needs to have a lot of HP 🙂
  7. Use an additional Incan mid fight to boost your team's heals if needed.
  8. For efficiency, getting Hero 1 to just below half HP with AoEs while you take out the rest of the Vanguard is fastest, as he will use his T9 and burn through it while you are fighting the others. If not, it'll just take a little longer to kill him at the end.


Mission 5 Cont. (After Vanguard):

  1. Call for Barrier again after the cutscene and finish destroying GR. 
  2. Incanner should stealth to Mr. Rodney and the Brickernauts--Run past them to the far corner of the room, incan the team, buff up, and then a Ranged DPS should pull Rodney and the 3 Brickernauts.
  3. Plan to have to hide behind the containers if you can't kill the Brickernauts in time. My rule of thumb is, "There is always one more Brickernaut explosion." So, wait a little longer than you need to before coming back out.
  4. If you aim right, tou can TP through the window into the room with the glowie
  5. Exit mission.
  6. Reset Particle Count Graphic setting if you want!

Mission 6:

  1. Talk to Echo to spawn the glowies.
  2. Tank and one person should go to the north glowie. The tank should fold space or taunt the enemies to the left and away from the glowie . Do NOT just jump into the mob and then pull them off, as they will drop a location debuff that will continuously interrupt the glowie.
  3. For the Tower glowie, you can stealth this one by hiding behind the structure that the glowie is up against. The positioning has to be spot on though or they will see you.
  4. For the Southeast glowie, you can stealth this by hiding behind one of the tall bushes behind the glowie. If a Luddite turns around however, you will be spotted. So, cross your fingers and pucker up, or be ready to fight if they aggro.
  5. Gold Bricker ambushes will begin appearing as you clear glowies, so be quick!
  6. Once all glowies have been acquired, incan under the bridge and barrier/Clarion immediately, then jump on Ripplesurge
  7. /macro SHIM targetcustomnext enemy alive Shimmering (Use this to target and destroy the Shimmering Effusions when they spawn).
  8. Shimmerings must be destroyed with Single Target damage before they heal Ripplesurge and spawn instant death damage patches on the ground.
    1. If this happens, just avoid stepping on the damage patches. This isn't like Battle Maiden in Tinpex--these patches will instakill ANYONE that steps on them. 
  9. Kill Ripplesurge
  10. Exit Mission

Mission 7:

  • If you have it, Clarion Radial's +range can be helpful for this specific mission, but you don't need to go out of your way for it.
  • Assign two people to be Beam Runners that draw the Blue Beam away from the team during the Midas fight. My recommendation is Ice/Colds are great for this. I wouldn't recommend the tank, kin, or 2nd healer to do this role, as they will be far from the fight. Also, make sure these players turn their particle effects back up at least partially, or they won't properly see the blue beam in time.
  1. Take out the 3 blockade lines like a normal Aeon while being careful not to aggro the mobs inbetween.
    1. Optimal Method: Call team barrier at entrance.
    2. While the team is aggroing the first blockade line, 1 player flies/TPs to the second blockade line, hits Pyronic Judgement on them, and then TPs/flies back to the team at the first blockade line and they will follow. This will allow you to fight both of the first blockades while minimizing the risk of extra aggro. Ionic judgement could hit extra mobs, so I don't recommend it for this.
    3. Incanner stealths behind the final blockade line a little early and waits for the first two to be taken out. 
    4. Incan to the last blockade line (preferably incan to the little walled pocket that's in between the blockade line and the where the portal will spawn. Jump and Fold Space or just AoE the mob to pull them to you.
  2. Go through the portal
  3. Ranged should snipe the 3 Wavelength Disruptors (Clarion Radial will allow Ice Blast users to do this too)
    1. If anything is aggroed, do not bring that aggro to the glowie.
  4. Activate glowie and proceed through the portal.
  5. Incan everyone to a corner of the next room and buff up.
  6. Target Priority: Smelter, Brickernauts, Rodney, Zoe. Note: If you cannot kill the Brickernauts, you just need to back up far from them. No need to break line of sight, the space is open enough that you can get a safe distance away.
  7. Once fight is over the team stays put and summons Lores. The tank should not use their lores here so that they don't steal the tank's aggro and prevent Midas from entering a lava pit. The Incanner should not use their Lores because they need to still stealth to the end.
  8. Incanner runs to the end and incans everyone to either the doorway or the first lava pit. Incanner can summon lores now.
    1. The correct lava pit order is clockwise starting at the front left and ending at the front right. Any other order is a bannable offense, imo. 😉 Or it should be, at least.
    2. Barriers can be used however people want at this point. You don't NEED to keep calling barrier teams anymore.
  9. Two beam runners IMMEDIATELY move to the catwalks on the side of the room. The beam will alternatively target the furthest players from the group. You will see a blue beam appear first and just move out of it before the beam actually fires (the damage patch looks like the ones from fighting Battle Maiden in the Apex TF, but without the falling sword animation and it will be a darker blue).
  10. The person the beam targets can actually run back in and fight until the beam targets the OTHER beam runner, then they swap out. But it's important that both players run away from the team until the beam actually targets one of them. If only one person separates from the team at the start of each phase of the fight, it can still target the other players.
  11. For each Room warp, the beam runners still need to separate from the team and move to the sides of the room.
    1. Midas is actually "underneath" the map for each of the room warps (if you look down right when you warp, you will actually see your target reticle still on him underneath the map). This is why flight is a problem. If someone is flying, it counts as being far from Midas and they can draw the beam aggro away from the runners.
  12. First Room Warp at 75%: Defeat the Ripple Duplicates. If I am on a fire/fire blaster, I love dropping Targeting Midas in the middle, firing Pyronic Core Judgement (it will hit all of them if Midas is targeted), Inferno, Burnout, Inferno. If not save, burnout for the AV in the third room warp.
  13. Second Room Warp at 50%: Defeat the Midas Clone. It will either be the front center (6 o'clock) or the back right (1 o'clock). It's the only one that takes damage.
  14. Third Room Warp at 75%: Defeat Dr. Zeon. This is the time for burnouts for debuffers for powers like Heat Loss. It's not particularly hard here, it's just a long fight.
  15. Finish the Midas fight
  16. Follow the waypoint to the last room, pose for the camera before someone clicks the console glowie.
  17. Talk to the Arbiter to end the SF
  18. Make sure to choose D-Sync Enhancement in the reward tables.
  19. Congrats on your new Acc/Mez D-Sync you got for all that hard work. Definitely worth all that effort and stress.


Let me know if you have any questions! Good luck and happy hunting!

Edited by Projector
Formatting and shortened/edited the Vanguard fight instructions for clarity, added targeting macros
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  • 2 weeks later
On 7/6/2024 at 12:40 PM, Projector said:

Congrats on your new Acc/Mez D-Sync you got for all that hard work. Definitely worth all that effort and stress.

Talk about great endings. Well done. lol


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