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I'm at a three way crossroads again. 


At L18 I can take  


A- Crushing field.                       Group immobilize that inflicts 7.5 smashing (at level 18)   8  Second Rech

B - Gravity Distortion Field        Group hold that inflicts 0 points damage of any kind and makes foes immune to knock     4 Min Rech


C - Wall of Force                       Cone AOE with 33% chance of .67 knock, inflicts 16 points smash/psionic          10 Second Rech


I am leaning toward Crushing Field




Gravity is quite effective at what it does well. But, it's a late blooming control set. So, juggling mobs and using the AOE immobilize tend to be your "go to" choices in the earlier levels. Also, consider using the vet attacks available for free from the START vendor (sands of mu, nemesis staff, and the blackwand are especially good) to take things down faster in lower levels. Here's a few routines for soloing ...


lieutenant and 1 minion ... hold the lieutenant, lift the minion into the air. When hold recharges re-apply to the lieutenant until the minion is down. Then focus down the lieutenant.


For bosses activate domination, hold them, then take out their minion(s). Then keep applying the hold to the boss and focus them down.


For 3 or 4 minions, apply the AOE immobilize to them all and hold whichever mob you miss with the AOE immobilize. Focus down one minion at a time. Feel free to use terrain / corners to only expose yourself to one minion at a time if you feel like you're having difficulties keeping your health up.

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