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I need help with a safe AE farmer build. (see details within)


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I am looking for a lazy AE farming tank. I am a dad with 4 kids, and it seems like every time I go to play COH. I get turned around, and one of the kids is pulling on my arm and needs something. Or the wife needs me to go do something. So, I tend to have to step away for a minute or two from the computer more then I would like while playing. And that means my toon dies. 


So what I am after is a tanker that can run fire farms in AE in hopes of being able to get inf and drops to pimp out a future defender class toon. I figured a tanker would be the safest and easiest to get to the soft caps on defense and fire resistance.  I don’t want to be super clicker and try to stay alive while a child is hanging on my arm. So, I figure that a tanker is the way to go. I don’t need to clear a 4x8 run in 3 minutes. If it takes 12 minutes, that is fine. I truly hate having my toon die. Every single player game I play I have all my toons on hardcore so a death means no more playing on that toon. I know this game is not designed that way, but I still don’t want to die. 😊


I have a Fire \ Rad tank that is level 32 already. I am hoping someone can help me out with a build that can accomplish what I need. I plan on only having a few toons overall 2 tanks (this one) and a dark \ rad tank for other things that are not AE farm related. A defender and a controller. I have limited time to play so I want to stick to just a few toons if possible.


If another tank combo makes more sense then a fire\rad then please post something to help me out.


Is there anyone that can help me out with a build that can accomplish a safer farmer that can farm AE with children all over your arms and a wife in your ear. I am sure I am not the only guy in the world who could use a toon like this.


Thank you for all the help in advance.

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I'm familiar with fire/ tanks, but not the radiation melee aspect.    I can give a few suggestions, but it comes down to, how much do you wish to invest into your farmer?    Are you limiting yourself to a few farm maps (e.g. demons, freaks, etc).   I assume an easily playable, not uber toon ...


Step 1: Cap SL damage resistance.

1.   Power pool: fighting.   Take tough.   

1b.  Take a single defense power (weave, combat jumping, hover, stealth).   You dont have to use it, but you want it to hold the 2 defense IO's in #2.

2.  Splurge for these 2 IO's: shield wall +5% all and Reactive Defenses: Scaling Damage Resistance (3-13%, but at least 3% always!).


I think, without any bonus, this should give you around 80% SL resistance?   There are various IO sets (cheap) that give +1.5% here, and 2.25% there.  The rest of the build can be SO's, until you decide to make something tougher.


Step 2: Optimize your heal (healing flames)

1.   3 heal/3 recharge SO's (or a 5 set of Doctored Wounds) (or a  4 frankenslot heal/rech from various IO sets).



Now, simple playstyle.   You are very tough, esp to SL and fire damage.   Child A says 'daddy, daddy, <child B> made a mess.   Auto set healing flames  to 'on' (right click, you can have 1 power set to auto fire).     Between reduced damage taken, and healing every 20 seconds, I would be very surprised if anything happened to your fire tank.   If the mobs are +4 freaks (dont forget they have electric damage), your mileage may vary.


Other steps:

Step 3.   Fully slot burning aura:

If you are gone, you still can do damage!   Feel free to pop in a few procs.   I like the psi damage proc in the taunt set (cheap and easy).   Or, slot burning aura with the knockdown procs (avalance and/or overwhelming force).   I put these in my fire/spines farmer, and having your foes knockdown, considerably, helps your survivability.



Step 4: Become incarnate:

Get a tier 3 alpha, makes you +1 in the game.   Thus, you can farm level 50s as if they are level 49's.   


Step 5: Add defense 

Feel free to add IO set bonus defense (melee or SL), as desired.    I put it last as this can increase a build cost considerably.


I dont have mid's or the game available to give better numbers.    Without knowing how much you plan on spending, I assume your farmer maybe cheap (primarily SO's) build.   Spend a bit on the necessary IO's.



EDIT:  Fire/ tanks are not known to be the most survivable.   They are known for damage (damage aura and burn).    For survivability, almost all the other tanker primaries are more survivable, but they dont have the damage potential of a fire primary.


Edited by tellania
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Thank you for the reply,


This will be my first 50 - and I will use him to farm AE for inf and what ever else is needed to make him the best farmer I can make him. So I will start slow and build him into what ever is needed. I do not have a budget. But all the inf will come from this toon. I plan on farming him for the long haul. Then once I have his build where I can safely farm in a decent time.  I will move on to other classes and come back to him for money -  drops - power leveling etc. 


Most any build to work off of would be great. - as of now this toon is 34 and growing. I am just using drops that I have found. I have not made anything from recipes or purchased anything of off AH as of yet.


Thank you for the help in advance.

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I feel you've got the right idea here.

Generally speaking, softcapped defense, hardcapped resistance to 90% and grabbing about ~300% regen with 2000 hit points makes a character able to survive a +4/x8 farm without any player input. As in, you can be dragged off by the kids and the wife and come back 30 minutes later, and you will find your character at full life. From that point you only need to have passive AoE damage to take down mobs eventually.

It's hard to softcap on a budget by lvl 34 - but we can get part of the way. Good news is, Healing Flames is worth a solid ~600% regen if we use it consistently.

What I think I would do in your position, would be to use my second (or third) build for a dedicated farming build; put healing flames on auto; and play it to the best of my ability, mostly using Burn and insps and the like. Then when there's real life aggro, it would hopefully slowly wittle the mobs down through damage auras, and stay alive with HF.

Example build:

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |


Level 36, should be in the 50-100M range, 28% fire defense and 220% regen. I would start at +3/x8 and work my day down if it dies. +4/x8 is generally not worth it without actively playing, as the purple patch hits hard without the incarnate level shift.


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16 hours ago, tellania said:


Other steps:

Step 3.   Fully slot burning aura:

If you are gone, you still can do damage!   Feel free to pop in a few procs.   I like the psi damage proc in the taunt set (cheap and easy).   Or, slot burning aura with the knockdown procs (avalance and/or overwhelming force).   I put these in my fire/spines farmer, and having your foes knockdown, considerably, helps your survivability.



Tellania's advice is pretty spot on. I'm just going to add on to this one bit of advice here. Make sure to also fully slot Irradiated Ground similarly to Burning Aura. Max out the damage enhancement and if you can add in a damage proc or two, go for it. Two damage toggles (one with a -Def debuff) and some procs will go a long way for whittling down mobs when you need to go AFK. 

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The leveling has been going great .. I just hit 50 on my safe farmer. I am still new to the trying to build a proper farming toon. (but I am getting better) is there any chance someone can post a level 50 build.  I don't want to spend billions. But I am willing to farm out as much inf as needed to make this the best farming with kids and family interruptions toon I can make.  


Much appreciated on all the help so far.



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I love Tankers first and foremost but for farming there are better choices. A Brute is a better farmer than just about anyone. I have a decked out Spines/fire like most everyone else but I still feel a SS/Fire Brute is the best but Radiation melee is pretty dang close. Easy farming while the kids ruckus up around you? SS/Fire. Why? Set Foot stomp to auto and if you have a macro keyboard and can run burn also then it becomes a party. You can rustle up the kids, kiss your wife, come back and still be alive. 


SS/Fire easy mode

Rad/Fire just as easy mode

Spines/Fire awesome also but requires lining up a cone or two for max dps.



Edited by pro24
I like Taco's
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