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Living Brain 3000

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Everything posted by Living Brain 3000

  1. Like I said at the top of the post keep the game the same pre lv 32 post lv 32 which is 35 Base IOs we move the game to balance around that. And for those saying I am forcing my style of place. No things like Labyrinth and Incarnate content and 4 star are forcing these changes these changes are once again running. I have run so much content on Excel that yes on excel I have looked at plenty of builds I can also look on the discord and see majority of builds use Set IOs so this argument of well people still use SOs is a weak argument when it comes to the fact of the game being again 2 generations better in play patter or playstyle. If the small minority of players who still use SOs hate it that much then let me remind those who still do that use all used to use trainings and we got better at the game when SOs came out. We can do it again stop holding the majority of the player base back.
  2. again the few people who still do are not the majority of the player base slotting sets.
  3. People for the most part are already slotting Set IOs in we are talking about bringing the game into the modern day. I hate to break it to you but NCSoft had a plan prior to sunset to help this issue and we as a player base didnt get to see that.
  4. This game is a damage bomb when NCSoft put in IOs and then Set IOs it left them with the choice of make the game a damage bomb like we have today or balance out for either sets or base IOs. NCSoft didn't want a meta forced down on people so they never wanted set balance. We up the power scale of the game already with new powers or tougher enemies in the form of Incarnate lvs and powers this is a small way to force balance and tougher things without adding more to the game. No one cried when TOs were taken away and to the solving of DOs and SOs originally the game didnt put things like (damage) next to the name of say an SO or DO so you had to go on the color which was fine but you had to know that back on live. TOs were easy in the fact it said Training Damage. Just Strip SOs out make vendors sell Base IOs. We can even up the drop rate of Salvage and Recipes like I have addressed above. In computer terms if Trainings were version 1 DOs version 2 and SOs version 3 then most of the player base is using version 5 when the game should be balanced around version 4 instead it is based around version 3 (SOs) this change is something again that adds nothing in terms of content but makes the game less of a damage bomb and more of a balanced set. Players should and will always be stronger than the enemies because you lv faster and or run sets or even multiple Base IOs. This is strictly to modernize the game for 2024 and beyond.
  5. We wouldnt even be forcing them to be using the strongest cause IO Sets exist we are talking about a version below sets we are talking base IOs. Yes its about 38.5% harder when you take in all the stats when you break it down stat to stat but this game is in a state of damage bomb in teams. If you dont keep up with a group in team play you might never hit anything this will force more damage or it is going to force us players into building better def res stats so that we dont get put into the floor like we put the mobs into the floor now.
  6. you are telling me you are fine with this game having pretty much 2 "generations" (Base IOs and Set IOs) better than what the game is currently balanced for? Yo are not willing to give this game a modern look just balance around Base IOs not sets just Base IOs? Again I addressed the cash flow issues and if you are not willing to see this game change for what would be the better with a 1.5% to 4.5% stat boost to the enemies in a game where this is a damage bomb game solo and more so in teams. We would be making enemies post lv 32 slightly harder. Its already horrid that new players need to solve TOs to DOs to then SOs we are talking about cutting steps out seeing as we already cut TOs out from merchants but no one cried wolf about that and we cut DOs out too from venders and no one cried wolf about that. Get rid of SOs too make the game streamlined and more new player friendly so they can solve 1 system and then learn the system of IO Sets as they go. The argument of just "well some people still use SOs" is weak that is like telling vet players that they are stupid and unwilling to learn to be better at this game.
  7. Lets address the common concerns in this post We all want the fantasy of a super hero beatem up This raises the price of IOs all around New players might have just figured out SOs The game play change is too big and or too much work for the devs SOs are a money source SOs are in place for those who have altitis People who are above 32 will just have empty slots. Buying SOs is quick and easy. Lets start with the first issue that this is a super hero beatem up fantasy. Fine but this game is already a massive damage bomb when playing with the community this puts anywhere from a 1.5% for minions all the way up to a 4.5% change to AVs due to the level rules of Minions through AVs and their lvs. Next this raises the Price of IOs all around which is true but if we are going to remove something we can up the drop rate for salvage and recipes which should offset the price point paid. Also lets be honest we all either have farmers or know someone who does that would let us sit in on their runs to get some Inf… SOs are money source I will refer you to the argument above when it comes to price, New players might have just figured out SOs. Yes that could be true and this game being balanced around SOs is part of the issue we as modern players know that IOs are better post lv 32 and beyond that sets are even better than that which makes SOs 2 “generations” behind what we are all using as modern players. The game play change is too much work or too much for free to play game devs. Come on be honest they put out bug fixes new content new power sets and even recently a new zone if the devs wanted too they could bring this game to the a “generation” prior in balance and make this game ever so slightly harder for us the players. SOs are there for those who have altitis. We all do but again most all of us have farmers or know of a person with a farmer who would let us sit in. This is the same as the money issue you have a 1000 slots for toons and most of us will focus on playing really 5-10 toons with friends and other 5-10 with just solo play. Truth is this game has so much cash flow in it that taking away 1 small form of cash flow is just silly. People above lv 32 will just have empty slots. Okay fine this happens anyways unless you are playing the game and wanting to be top of the line for X content or you put things in every time you lv up then fine you have a small counter argument there. The reality is that us vets and even new players are taking the double EXP for 8 hrs and are only making money off oranges trainings and recipes. Buying SOs is easy from the store. Fine want an in-game lore solution we say stores have modernized and are hiring the graduates from Blue (or red) side Unis and you can go as far as to but backgrounds in that say the mutant and magic stores take people from Croa. Natural takes from Founder and tech and sci take from steel. Same argument for red side.
  8. this guide is out of date since then yes also it does not cover the change to things like zombies and the medic in soldiers and such guide is otherwise up to date from that
  9. To me dead is dead you probably should have exited the mission then deleted the toon to stop the exp gain. Ironman rules dictate that a death is a death is a death no matter what or how it happens to that toon
  10. One aspect I wish City of Heroes would implement to enhance the game's challenge is the removal of SOs (Single-Origin Enhancements) above Enhancement Level 35. After this level, the game should be balanced around Base IOs (Invention Origin Enhancements), as the numbers indicate that Base IOs are stronger than SOs beyond level 35. The game would remain unchanged for pre-level 35 enhancements. Admittedly, this would require significant effort, but it offers a more engaging alternative to simply adding 4-star Task Forces or creating areas like the Labyrinth. Some might argue that this is a free game and the developers are unpaid. However, considering the consistent release of challenging content, such as new bosses in enemy groups like CoT or Warriors and 4-star content, it's evident that the game evolves with tougher scenarios. A common counterpoint is the extensive changes needed for several story arcs, task forces, and missions. However, adjusting enemy stats to align with IO levels shouldn't be overly complex. For example, a level 35 damage IO offers a 36.5% increase compared to a 35% increase from a level 35 SO. To balance this, enemy stats could be adjusted by approximately 1.5% to match the new enhancement levels. This minor tweak would align enemy difficulty with player capabilities without drastically altering gameplay, especially at higher levels where most players utilize sets. Balancing around sets can lead to an arms race between builders and number crunchers, but focusing on Base IOs provides a more stable foundation for game difficulty and could possibly enforce a “meta” to the game. By making the game balanced around Base IOs we don’t get that arms race and we don’t force a meta to the game which I am firmly willing to bet the devs don’t want. Let me know your thoughts or arguments down below
  11. Thank you for referencing my guide from years back. I am glad it still being used while it is pretty out of date as of current patch
  12. unpopular opinion there needs to be a leaver penalty for people dropping in and out of leagues/teams. I get it if there is something that came up like "the dog is on fire" but just randomly dropping from the TF/Trial... its starting to get to a point at least on Excel where it is becoming an issue. If you need to go at minimum say something. Ive been running things for quite some time now and there was never an issue with people leaving randomly. If we need to make the leaver penalty you cant join a league/TF for 20 mins fine but this is getting to the point where I know im not the only one who will say that people randomly leaving Trials/TF for random reason since the HC takeover has gotten out of hand. We are in 2024 where any computer can deal with this game, a vast majority of the game population has great internet this isnt early 00s where people are still on dial up. I dont know what you do to make this issue go away or lessened but make it harsh enough people will stop doing it
  13. This is 100% correct 1 slip up and you can have a team wipe on this trial. It is why I will never ever lead it without asking for an outrageous price for each person. Doing the badges is tough enough as it is and getting people to do just phase 1 without messing up is a pain.
  14. Ladies and gentlemen I am Living Brain 3000 and this will be the all inclusive guide to Master of Underground Trial. Now a bit of lore for those who would like to know where to run this in the cannon timeline The Underground Trial is the fourth Incarnate Trial, released with Issue 21: Convergence, which takes place in First Ward, Praetoria. It requires a maximum of 24 players to join this raid. The Underground.in the cannon lore, takes place after the Keyes Island Reactor Trial The all but abandoned subway and access tunnels beneath Praetoria have been the home to the Resistance for many years now, They have a plan they have been working on for a few years now it is time to implement this plan. This plan is to bring down the city and put a stop to Marcus Cole. Desdemona plans to meet a group of Incarnates and lead them through the tunnels into the belly of the beast to rescue Vanessa DeVore from the monsters that dwell alongside the Resistance. However, the passage is not without its perils and is guarded heavily by the IDF lest anyone finds out one of Praetoria's darkest secrets…. Before we talk about the badges to attain Master of Underground Trial we need to discuss common terms you might hear in the league. LoS or line of sight- to break LoS simply stand behind any object blocking your view from the AV The next abbreviation you might hear is the 20/10/5 Rule- When fighting the final At which point you will rush the Health of Hamidon to 20%. then slow down your major damage powers while still hitting the AV down to 10% once at 10% the league needs to CAREFULLY tap the AV to 5% (note 3% is the lowest you should go before getting the FEW kill order from the league leader The Badges that are needed for Master of Underground Include… Underground Seeker- You will get this badge simply by running the trial to its end. Regenerate This Badge- You will earn this badge by killing the Self-Repairing War Walker and Lichen Infested War Walker within 8 minutes of starting the fight Tour Guide- While keeping Desdemona's health above 50% Preservation Specialist badge by killing all the IDF bombs before they detonate Avatar Assassin- Defeat the Avatar of Hamidon at the same time as a Detonating Seedling After you have earned each of the badges you will earn Master of the Underground It's important to know what destiny powers players should equip. Ranged Damage dealers should bring Clarion. Debuffer/Buffers should have Barrier or Rebirth slotted depending on preference. Melee damage and Tanks should consider equipping Ageless. DO NOT HAVE INCAN SLOTTED BECAUSE DESDEMONA IS NOT TELEPORTABLE. Now let's discuss each phase in the trial DURING TRIAL PHASE 1- Desdemona Ritual The League must protect Desemona while you clear the initial groups of IDF in order to gain access to the Underground proper. Please NOTE; Olympian Guards have a stacking mag 30 stuns. Once all the initial IDF have been cleared you will go down the stairs. Once Demona is down the steps she will stand between 4 pillars and begin a ritual. While she is standing there players should deal with the two waves of approximately 10 IDF. Once this first part is done Desdemona will run to the other side of the room and you will do the exact same as before. Once you finish PHASE 1 proceed down the nearest elevator to start PHASE 2. PHASE 2- Subway Halls 1 The league must proceed down the long subway hall killing all IDF along the way. It is recommended that the league treats this section as a kill all due to Desdemona’s habit of letting her pets aggro everything. Conversely the league can proceed down the right hand side of the hallway killing only the mobs on the right side .After killing everything along the way the league should head into a room that will give you a popup counter. Once everything is dead proceed to Phase 3. NOTE: If you are a tank during this phase head into the room and find the nearest elevator and pull the mob(s) closest to the elevator to you. Your league's tank should be one of the first few people down the elevator. Optional if your team is low on healing: The person with Desdemona can stay in the room prior to avoiding her taking damage. PHASE 3- War Walker 1 Mechanics- All War Walkers have a variety of AoE attacks that will appear as red text with the following: Crowd Dispersal, Targets Acquired and Lethal Force Authorized. If you have any of the red text by your health bar it is advised to break line of sight or LoS behind the pillars. If you are a tank it is advised to turn the War Walker away from the league to lessen the number of targets affected by the AoE Once the league is down the elevator you will encounter the first of 3 War Walkers. There is no need for Lore pets at this time however you must be this War Walker in less than 8 minutes to have a chance at Regenerate This. Once this War Walker is defeated you will proceed down the elevator closest to where the War Walker was standing. PHASE 4- Mushroom Time During PHASE 4 the party will see glowing spores as they proceed to kill everything once more. When the league reaches a room with a large boat like barge it is advised to clear this room. Optional: The league can leave Desdemona in between the four crates on the boat after PHASE 5. Simply have the Desdemona player stand in the middle of the 4 crates in the boat room. Then one league member can teleport the Desdemona person to the rest of the league. Once the boat room is clear the league will work its way down two hallways that culminate with a large metal door. DO NOT CLICK THE DOOR TILL DESDEMONA IS SAFELY AROUND THE CORNERS AND AT THE DOOR. When you enter this room you will have reached PHASE 5. NOTE; Clicking the door before Desmona is around the corner to see the big doors will trigger an ambush that has a high chance of killing her. PHASE 5- Trap Room Once the league has gotten Desdemona around the corner and near the big metal doors you will open the door and have everyone split up into the 4 corners of the room. While you get set up Desdemona will stand in the middle of the room. Desdemona cannot be healed so it is imperative to kill the adds and the crystal in each corner. Once you have cleared your crystal head to the next closest corner and help out the rest of the league. Note: the spawns of Devouring Earth are EBs that reduce the damage dealt to the crystals Once you have finished the room the league will proceed to PHASE 6. PHASE 6- Subway Hall 2 Once the league has cleared the trap room of its crystals head out the only unopened door. As you go along make sure to pick up the glowing mushrooms these will be used on the next War Walker you will fight. Once your league has cleared the room with a counter on how many enemies are left to kill, your tank should head down the elevator and proceed down the hallway where he will taunt the War Walker ( Self Repairing-War Walker) into the corner at the opposite end of the hallway. NOTE: Tanks should behave just like the prior elevator make sure you are one of the first few down this way it is easy to grab the door and rush to the War Walker. Once everyone is down the elevator proceed to summon your lore pets or any extra damage you might have on hand. As your league proceeds to kill the War Walker make sure you are hitting him with the temp power received from clicking on the glowing mushrooms along the way. This will stop his massive regen advantage. NOTE: The temp powers behave just like the nades in Lambda. All robots operate on the same targeting mechanic as before Once the first War Walker is dead you will immediately begin PHASE 7. If you killed this War Walker in less than 4 minutes you are on pace for the Regenerate This Badge NOTE: the mechanics for this War Walker are the same when it comes to targeting. PHASE 7- Lichen-infused WarWalker Immediately after the Self Repairing War Walker is dead a 2nd War Walker will spawn. While the tank pulls this War Walker up against the wall or in the corner, the rest of the league should clear any of the mushrooms next to or close to the War Walker. Once your tank has given the go ahead or there are no mushrooms close by. The league should use ALL of their damage to kill the War Walker. You will have 8 minutes to kill the First War Walker and the second War Walker. If you have congratulations you have earned the Renerate This Badge as long as you finish the Trial NOTE; This War Walker still has the targeting mechanic in play so watch out. PHASE 8- Spores and Bombs NOTE PRIOR TO PHASE 8: There are two generally accepted methods. The first method is commonly referred to as Zerging. The second method that is accepted is to do the Sniper method.This guide will explain how to do both methods Zerg Method: Once both War Walkers are dead the league should head down the elevator and clear the room. Then proceed to dismiss any and all pets as well as turning off any powers that give the players/league +speed (this includes but not limited to Speed Boost, Fly, Afterburner, Super Speed, Super Jump). Once this has been achieved the party will stand behind the LEAGUE LEADER until they give the kill command. At which point the whole league should use short animation powers to destroy the demolition charge. Once the first 2 bombs are down the league will have a debuff applied that does sustained toxic damage as well as a -Range Debuff. The league comes to a side room the league leader should give the kill command and rush the bombs and any added leftovers. Sniper Method: The league leader as well as Blasters and or Corruptors WITH SNIPE GREATER THAN 150FT should proceed down the hallways and use ONLY their sniper power to kill the demolition charge. If the league leader does not have heals it is advised to bring 1 healer to keep the party full life. Once the first 2 bombs are down the league will have a debuff applied that does sustained toxic damage as well as a -Range Debuff. NOTE: Both methods have their downside and is up to the league leader’s discretion on what method they use. NOTE: In both methods it is advised to NOT CHASE the mobs that run away from you to lessen the chance of accidentally setting off a demolition charge NOTE: Any devouring earth left in the side rooms will count as a fail due to them being counted as part of the bomb. Once the league encounters a group of runners down a hallway after the bomb you will have finished PHASE 8 and procced into PHASE 9 PHASE 9- Zig Zag Bombs As the league clears the adds they will come to a large room. The league leader should have any player with a snipe power greater than 150ft (45.72 Meters) head into the next hallway where they will see more bombs set up in a zig zag pattern. The leader should inform the snipers to ONLY USE THEIR SNIPE POWER. Once the 8 bombs are cleared in the hallway their are two more bombs. NOTE: Advise your snipers to hug the right hand side wall to see the left bomb at the end of the hallway The final bomb is at the end of the hallway inside the room on the right hand side in view. Once all 10 bombs are destroyed you have earned :Peservation Specialist Badge as long as you finish the trial. You league should now proceed into PHASE 10 PHASE 10- Hami Time Mechanics- Discordant Spores: This is a PBAoE confuse with a 600 foot radius. This power is a mag 20 confuse that does not require line of sight and is used every 20 seconds. The confusion lasts for 10 seconds. Will of the Earth (Grasp of Gaea): This power works like the other powers that use a targeting selection system. The player that is targeted by Will of the Earth has 6 seconds to move away from the rest of the league before players near them are damaged and the Avatar heals. The damage scales based on how many players are caught in the attack. It will hit for a minimum of 15% damage and increase by 5% per additional player. Up to a maximum of 50% damage. The Avatar heals 2% per character affected by the attack. Cripple: This is a cone attack that the Avatar uses to drain players of endurance. A target is chosen at random, and a few seconds later the Avatar fires the attack at the location where the target was when they were selected. You can avoid being hit by this attack by continually staying to the back of the Avatar. Devour: This is a PBAoE buff that has a 40 foot radius will buff the damage and to-hit for the Avatar. Infection: This is a PBAoE debuff (40 foot radius) lowers resistance and defense by 33%. Once all the bombs are clear the league leader should inform the person Desdemona is attached to that they need to stay put in the large room with Desdemona. As the league proceeds to the final PHASE they will be greeted with a cutscene with Desdemona and Hamidon. After the Cutscene the tanks and melee toons should stand on the bluish of Hamidon while squishy players should stay on the more spore-covered side of Hamidon. As you are fighting Hamidon the league should follow the 20% 10% 5% Rule. OAfter the Cutscene the tanks and melee toons should stand on the bluish of Hamidon while squishy players should stay on the more spore-covered side of Hamidon. As you are fighting Hamidon the league should follow the 20% 10% 5% Rule. Once Hamidon is at 10% the league leader should go into field general mode advising the league to STOP OR KILL.. The league should time up Hamidon’s Death with a Seedling Detonation to earn Avatar Assassin Badge as well as Master of Underground Badge. NOTE: If your league is light on damage then go to 3% before killing NOTE: Tanks and melee toons should use Ageless to counter Hamidon’s Cripple Attack. Ranged Damage should use Clarion to avoid having someone on the team being hit by Discordant Spores. POST TRIAL After defeating Extinction War Walkers and a score of the IDF, the allies find that Vanessa DeVore has already been slain, and that an Avatar of Hamidon killed her to keep her silent. However, Desdemona dons her fallen mask when the beast has been defeated and finds out that Emperor Cole made a deal with Hamidon to keep it at bay, a deal that forced Praetoria's Marcus Cole to attempt the destruction of Primal Earth to keep his end of the bargain!. Thank you for watching and the next trial guide will be about TPN Campus. Don’t forget to like and comment.
  15. 5. The Great Depression - Kings' Row: -203 -0 -2228.5 (Freestanding, on the corner of a terrace, with one skyscraper behind you and another in front)
  16. Ladies and gentlemen I am Living Brain 3000 and this will be the all inclusive guide to Master of Underground Trial. Now a bit of lore for those who would like to know where to run this in the cannon timeline The Underground Trial is the fourth Incarnate Trial, released with Issue 21: Convergence, which takes place in First Ward, Praetoria. It requires a maximum of 24 players to join this raid. The Underground.in the cannon lore, takes place after the Keyes Island Reactor Trial The all but abandoned subway and access tunnels beneath Praetoria have been the home to the Resistance for many years now, They have a plan they have been working on for a few years now it is time to implement this plan. This plan is to bring down the city and put a stop to Marcus Cole. Desdemona plans to meet a group of Incarnates and lead them through the tunnels into the belly of the beast to rescue Vanessa DeVore from the monsters that dwell alongside the Resistance. However, the passage is not without its perils and is guarded heavily by the IDF lest anyone finds out one of Praetoria's darkest secrets…. Before we talk about the badges to attain Master of Underground Trial we need to discuss common terms you might hear in the league. LoS or line of sight- to break LoS simply stand behind any object blocking your view from the AV The next abbreviation you might hear is the 20/10/5 Rule- When fighting the final At which point you will rush the Health of Hamidon to 20%. then slow down your major damage powers while still hitting the AV down to 10% once at 10% the league needs to CAREFULLY tap the AV to 5% (note 3% is the lowest you should go before getting the FEW kill order from the league leader The Badges that are needed for Master of Underground Include… Underground Seeker- You will get this badge simply by running the trial to its end. Regenerate This Badge- You will earn this badge by killing the Self-Repairing War Walker and Lichen Infested War Walker within 8 minutes of starting the fight Tour Guide- While keeping Desdemona's health above 50% Preservation Specialist badge by killing all the IDF bombs before they detonate Avatar Assassin- Defeat the Avatar of Hamidon at the same time as a Detonating Seedling After you have earned each of the badges you will earn Master of the Underground It's important to know what destiny powers players should equip. Ranged Damage dealers should bring Clarion. Debuffer/Buffers should have Barrier or Rebirth slotted depending on preference. Melee damage and Tanks should consider equipping Ageless. DO NOT HAVE INCAN SLOTTED BECAUSE DESDEMONA IS NOT TELEPORTABLE. Now let's discuss each phase in the trial DURING TRIAL PHASE 1- Desdemona Ritual The League must protect Desemona while you clear the initial groups of IDF in order to gain access to the Underground proper. Please NOTE; Olympian Guards have a stacking mag 30 stuns. Once all the initial IDF have been cleared you will go down the stairs. Once Demona is down the steps she will stand between 4 pillars and begin a ritual. While she is standing there players should deal with the two waves of approximately 10 IDF. Once this first part is done Desdemona will run to the other side of the room and you will do the exact same as before. Once you finish PHASE 1 proceed down the nearest elevator to start PHASE 2. PHASE 2- Subway Halls 1 The league must proceed down the long subway hall killing all IDF along the way. It is recommended that the league treats this section as a kill all due to Desdemona’s habit of letting her pets aggro everything. Conversely the league can proceed down the right hand side of the hallway killing only the mobs on the right side .After killing everything along the way the league should head into a room that will give you a popup counter. Once everything is dead proceed to Phase 3. NOTE: If you are a tank during this phase head into the room and find the nearest elevator and pull the mob(s) closest to the elevator to you. Your league's tank should be one of the first few people down the elevator. Optional if your team is low on healing: The person with Desdemona can stay in the room prior to avoiding her taking damage. PHASE 3- War Walker 1 Mechanics- All War Walkers have a variety of AoE attacks that will appear as red text with the following: Crowd Dispersal, Targets Acquired and Lethal Force Authorized. If you have any of the red text by your health bar it is advised to break line of sight or LoS behind the pillars. If you are a tank it is advised to turn the War Walker away from the league to lessen the number of targets affected by the AoE Once the league is down the elevator you will encounter the first of 3 War Walkers. There is no need for Lore pets at this time however you must be this War Walker in less than 8 minutes to have a chance at Regenerate This. Once this War Walker is defeated you will proceed down the elevator closest to where the War Walker was standing. PHASE 4- BOAT ROOM During PHASE 4 the party will see glowing spores as they proceed to kill everything once more. When the league reaches a room with a large boat like barge it is advised to clear this room. Optional: The league can leave Desdemona in between the four crates on the boat after PHASE 5. Simply have the Desdemona player stand in the middle of the 4 crates in the boat room. Then one league member can teleport the Desdemona person to the rest of the league. Once the boat room is clear the league will work its way down two hallways that culminate with a large metal door. DO NOT CLICK THE DOOR TILL DESDEMONA IS SAFELY AROUND THE CORNERS AND AT THE DOOR. When you enter this room you will have reached PHASE 5. NOTE; Clicking the door before Desmona is around the corner to see the big doors will trigger an ambush that has a high chance of killing her. PHASE 5- Trap Room Once the league has gotten Desdemona around the corner and near the big metal doors you will open the door and have everyone split up into the 4 corners of the room. While you get set up Desdemona will stand in the middle of the room. Desdemona cannot be healed so it is imperative to kill the adds and the crystal in each corner. Once you have cleared your crystal head to the next closest corner and help out the rest of the league. Note: the spawns of Devouring Earth are EBs that reduce the damage dealt to the crystals Once you have finished the room the league will proceed to PHASE 6. PHASE 6- Subway Hall 2 Once the league has cleared the trap room of its crystals head out the only unopened door. As you go along make sure to pick up the glowing mushrooms these will be used on the next War Walker you will fight. Once your league has cleared the room with a counter on how many enemies are left to kill, your tank should head down the elevator and proceed down the hallway where he will taunt the War Walker ( Self Repairing-War Walker) into the corner at the opposite end of the hallway. NOTE: Tanks should behave just like the prior elevator make sure you are one of the first few down this way it is easy to grab the door and rush to the War Walker. Once everyone is down the elevator proceed to summon your lore pets or any extra damage you might have on hand. As your league proceeds to kill the War Walker make sure you are hitting him with the temp power received from clicking on the glowing mushrooms along the way. This will stop his massive regen advantage. NOTE: The temp powers behave just like the nades in Lambda. All robots operate on the same targeting mechanic as before Once the first War Walker is dead you will immediately begin PHASE 7. If you killed this War Walker in less than 4 minutes you are on pace for the Regenerate This Badge NOTE: the mechanics for this War Walker are the same when it comes to targeting. PHASE 7- Lichen-infused WarWalker Immediately after the Self Repairing War Walker is dead a 2nd War Walker will spawn. While the tank pulls this War Walker up against the wall or in the corner, the rest of the league should clear any of the mushrooms next to or close to the War Walker. Once your tank has given the go ahead or there are no mushrooms close by. The league should use ALL of their damage to kill the War Walker. You will have 8 minutes to kill the First War Walker and the second War Walker. If you have congratulations you have earned the Renerate This Badge as long as you finish the Trial NOTE; This War Walker still has the targeting mechanic in play so watch out. PHASE 8- Spores and Bombs NOTE PRIOR TO PHASE 8: There are two generally accepted methods. The first method is commonly referred to as Zerging. The second method that is accepted is to do the Sniper method.This guide will explain how to do both methods Zerg Method: Once both War Walkers are dead the league should head down the elevator and clear the room. Then proceed to dismiss any and all pets as well as turning off any powers that give the players/league +speed (this includes but not limited to Speed Boost, Fly, Afterburner, Super Speed, Super Jump). Once this has been achieved the party will stand behind the LEAGUE LEADER until they give the kill command. At which point the whole league should use short animation powers to destroy the demolition charge. Once the first 2 bombs are down the league will have a debuff applied that does sustained toxic damage as well as a -Range Debuff. The league comes to a side room the league leader should give the kill command and rush the bombs and the any adds leftover. Sniper Method: The league leader as well as Blasters and or Corruptors WITH SNIPE GREATER THAN 150FT should proceed down the hallways and use ONLY their sniper power to kill the demolition charge. If the league leader does not have heals it is advised to bring 1 healer to keep the party full life. Once the first 2 bombs are down the league will have a debuff applied that does sustained toxic damage as well as a -Range Debuff. NOTE: Both methods have their downside and is up to the league leader’s discretion on what method they use. NOTE: In both methods it is advised to NOT CHASE the mobs that run away from you to lessen the chance of accidentally setting off a demolition charge NOTE: Any devouring earth left in the side rooms will count as a fail due to them being counted as part of the bomb. Once the league encounters a group of runners down a hallway after the bomb you will have finished PHASE 8 and procced into PHASE 9 PHASE 9- Zig Zag Bombs As the league clears the adds they will come to a large room. The league leader should have any player with a snipe power greater than 150ft (45.72 Meters) head into the next hallway where they will see more bombs set up in a zig zag pattern. The leader should inform the snipers to ONLY USE THEIR SNIPE POWER. Once the 8 bombs are cleared in the hallway their are two more bombs. NOTE: Advise your snipers to hug the right hand side wall to see the left bomb at the end of the hallway The final bomb is at the end of the hallway inside the room on the right hand side in view. Once all 10 bombs are destroyed you have earned :Peservation Specialist Badge as long as you finish the trial. You league should now proceed into PHASE 10 PHASE 10- Hami Time Mechanics- Discordant Spores: This is a PBAoE confuse with a 600 foot radius. This power is a mag 20 confuse that does not require line of sight and is used every 20 seconds. The confusion lasts for 10 seconds. Will of the Earth (Grasp of Gaea): This power works like the other powers that use a targeting selection system. The player that is targeted by Will of the Earth has 6 seconds to move away from the rest of the league before players near them are damaged and the Avatar heals. The damage scales based on how many players are caught in the attack. It will hit for a minimum of 15% damage and increase by 5% per additional player. Up to a maximum of 50% damage. The Avatar heals 2% per character affected by the attack. Cripple: This is a cone attack that the Avatar uses to drain players of endurance. A target is chosen at random, and a few seconds later the Avatar fires the attack at the location where the target was when they were selected. You can avoid being hit by this attack by continually staying to the back of the Avatar. Devour: This is a PBAoE buff that has a 40 foot radius will buff the damage and to-hit for the Avatar. Infection: This is a PBAoE debuff (40 foot radius) lowers resistance and defense by 33%. Once all the bombs are clear the league leader should inform the person Desdemona is attached to that they need to stay put in the large room with Desdemona. As the league proceeds to the final PHASE they will be greeted with a cutscene with Desdemona and Hamidon. After the Cutscene the tanks and melee toons should stand on the bluish of Hamidon while squishy players should stay on the more spore-covered side of Hamidon. As you are fighting Hamidon the league should follow the 20% 10% 5% Rule. Once Hamidon is at 10% the league leader should go into field general mode advising the league to STOP OR KILL. The league should time up Hamidon’s Death with a Seedling Detonation to earn Avatar Assassin Badge as well as Master of Underground Badge. NOTE: If your league is light on damage then go to 3% before killing NOTE: Tanks and melee toons should use Ageless to counter Hamidon’s Cripple Attack. Ranged Damage should use Clarion to avoid having someone on the team being hit by Discordant Spores. POST TRIAL After defeating Extinction War Walkers and a score of the IDF, the allies find that Vanessa DeVore has already been slain, and that an Avatar of Hamidon killed her to keep her silent. However, Desdemona dons her fallen mask when the beast has been defeated and finds out that Emperor Cole made a deal with Hamidon to keep it at bay, a deal that forced Praetoria's Marcus Cole to attempt the destruction of Primal Earth to keep his end of the bargain!. Thank you for watching and the next trial guide will be about TPN Campus. Don’t forget to like and comment.
  17. Please look above it is posted above as of now
  18. In honor of a fallen brother in CoH, Cosmic Council would like to take a moment of silence to honor @Burnt Out who was in an accident and did not make it through. @LB3K will host a special MoUG this Sunday (July 19) at 5:30PST 8:30EST in Dark Astoria on Excelsior. Please come in your funeral blacks as we pay our respects to @Burnt Out. After the MoUG run, we will head to the graveyard and pay our respects to a great member of this community. Burnt Out was a fierce advocate for the hard of hearing and seeing, as he was deaf himself. However, he never let that deter him. He wanted people to be aware that although not everyone can hear in life, everyone can choose to listen. Not with our ears, but rather with our hearts and our soul. May he rest in peace as we raise a toast in his name and remember all the great times we have had with such an amazing member of the community. If you would live to give to a charity in his honor. He gave to Canadian Hearing Services.
  19. @SurfDThe issue iis you MUST rescue them in order for the badge to work.
  20. Prior Information Lore: In Issue 22: Death Incarnate, picks up after the conclusion of the main storyline in Dark Astoria. It pits you against Diabolique, a powerful Praetorian who fled to Primal Earth after the events of First Ward and who threatens to become a walking avatar of death. Though Mot, one of the ancient gods of the Banished Pantheon, is successfully contained, a cleanup operation undertaken by the Freedom Phalanx and the Vindicators has gone awry, and both groups have been captured. Diabolique plans to use their great power to fuel a ritual that will allow her to absorb the power of Mot, becoming an unstoppable force of destruction and death. Under the guidance of the Dream Doctor, the founder of the Midnight Squad, you are sent to put an end to this ritual by any means necessary, even if that means descending into the Maw of Mot and fighting Diabolique in the depths where she works her spell Dilemma Diabolique Incarnate Trial Personnel Needed: League of 8-16 characters Character Level: 50 Trial Level Shift: Bosses (+3), Enemies (+1 to +2) Alpha Slot: Can be unlocked here Incarnate Slot Experience: Earn Judgment, Interface, Lore, and Destiny slot experience (if Alpha Slot already unlocked) Stage 1: Spine Breaking The trial starts on a bone path leading into a plateau of the cemetery. Along the path are four Repulsive Spines protected by Banished Pantheon. The best way to do this badge is to start by clearing around each of the four spines (see below for a map) Once all spines are cleared have everyone split up the party four people per spine (this may vary depending on your team makeup and damage output) Once everyone is at a spine each group should start to destroy the spines taking them to ~20% before giving the go ahead to finish them off. If done within one minute (60 Seconds) you will be awarded the Spinebreaker Badge at the end of the trial (Under Achievements) Stage 2: A Hero’s Rescue Once your team has finished breaking the spines you will receive a pop up in orange letters saying Badge Challenge Completed. You may now move on to the next part directly Northeast of the Northern spine across the spine bridge. There you will be given ample time to buff up. Once you are able to start freeing the Freedom Phalanx and The Vindicators your map will change (see map below) In order to get the badge Sentinel Smasher you will need to free each of the heroes starting on your left with Valkyrie/Positron they spawn in the same spot it is just random which one you get . By freeing either one the Sentinel of Mot will no longer be able to boost its defense and regeneration. As well as stopping Sentinel of Mot from using the bonus power of a Targeted AoE Damage Debuff. Moving North from Valkyrie/Positron will be Aurora Borealis or Manticore. Again this is random but both heroes spawn in the same place. Upon freeing either hero the Sentinel of Mot will no longer have bonus range and chance to hit. As well as the bonus power they grant which is a targeted AoE weaken, which lowers healing, recharge, range and chance to hit. Moving slightly Southeast on the map you will find Ms. Liberty or Synapse. As before you will get either hero; the spawn point is the same.Upon freeing either hero the Sentinel of Mot will no longer have the boost of recharge rate and damage. As well as the bonus power they grant which is a targeted AoE endurance drain.Moving due South and slightly West you will find Back Alley Brawler or Mynx. As with all the others either hero will spawn in the same location. Upon freeing either hero the Sentinel of Mot will no longer get a boost in damage and recharge rate. As well as the bonus power they grant which is a targeted AoE fear. Upon clearing the last captive hero proceeds to the front of the Maw of Mot (big giant head). Once the party has assembled and buffed up the Sentinel of Mot will appear. It is at the point your primary tank should walk towards the beast and be ready to taunt him. There are a few key things to remember during this fight. First if you have characters that like to fly up high in the air have them hover on the ground so that Sentinel of Mot’s stomach juices do not hit your members that are on the ground. Secondly your Primary tank that has Sentinel of Mot’s aggro should be on the lookout for white patches on the ground and pull him away from those. Otherwise Mot will gain a massive defense and regeneration buff. Third Mot will be reinforced by Banished Pantheon every 30 seconds if your party is struggling to stay alive it can be a good idea to some scrappers or blasters to deal with them when they spawn .Finally the party should refrain from using lore pets at this time.Once the party has beaten Mot an orange pop up will come across your screen saying Badge Challenge Completed. The badge awarded is. Stage 3: The Descent Once you have defeated the Sentinel of Mot at this time have all party members proceed into the big head you all gathered at to defeat Mot. You will be teleported inside where the party should stay as a tight unit and defeat the on-coming waves of Banished Pantheon. The goal here is to survive for five minutes. As a group this should not be too difficult however do be aware that if your team wipe here the trial is over and you will be awarded 0 badges and 0 rewards. Note: while during this phase You suffer continuous damage from the stomach of Mot's digestive acids. As well as a new wave of Banished Pantheon will spawn every 30 seconds. You can only be rez’ed via inspirations and powers there is no hospital at this point. Tip: It is best to let the waves come to you as opposed to the tanks going out to gather the mobs. After five minutes have passed. Dream Doctor determines Diabolique's location. She is performing her ritual in a shadow world that mirrors this one. He hastily prepares a spell to safely shift you to the shadow world. Stage 4: Diabolique Just as Dream Doctor completes his spell, Mot unleashes a corrosive burst that kills you outright. This fate is not true death, though. Dream Doctor shields you from that by shifting you to the shadow world at the last moment.Here you are restored to full fighting form and ready to confront Diabolique and the two captured heroes. During this battle Diabolique is accompanied by either Citadel or Infernal as well as Numina or Swan. As before with the Sentinel of Mot they grant Diabolique bonus resistance and defense from Citadel or Infernal. As well as Numina or Swan granting Diabolique chance to hit and range. However the captive heroes do not grant Diabolique extra powers like before during the fight with the Sentinel of Mot. Note: You may have Sister Psyche or Luminary they will give Diabolique regeneration and resistance. Once you and your party are standing up right again your blasters should take positions near the Lifegiving Essences (Green Orbs) After all buffs have been cast and lore pets have been brought out. Primary tank should get Diabolique’s aggro. If you happen to have a second tank have them lead away the two captive heroes that accompany Diabolique. This way your AoE characters do not accidentally kill them thus denying you one of the two remaining badges needed for Master of Dilemma of Diabolique. When the fight has started your blasters should kill the Lifegiving Essences as fast as they can. These Lifegiving Essences will spawn every 30 seconds upon which time Diabolique will consume them giving her a massive regeneration buff per each one consumed. When one is killed they will grant the party healing over time effect to all living characters. Now that the fight has started the party is limited in the amount of deaths allowed during this part. The party as a whole is allowed 20 deaths during this fight. If you go down early, get back up as soon as you can. As before there is no hospital anymore you can only be rez’ed by inspirations and powers. If your party exceeds the 20 death limit the trial fails and all rewards and badges are lost. If your party manages to kill all the Lifegiving Essences and Diabolique whoever landed the killing blow will be featured in the cut cinematic. After the cut cinematic the party will be awarded the final three badges. As well as Two Empyrean Merits upon successful completion of the Trial once per 20 hour period.Any successive completion of the Trial within that 20 hour window will instead award one Empyrean Merit. This functionality is essentially the Incarnate Trial version of Merit Reward Diminishing Returns. An Astral Merit will also be awarded immediately for freeing the fourth hero during Stage 2. An Astral Merit will be awarded immediately for defeating the Sentinel of Mut during Stage 2. An Astral Merit will be awarded immediately for completing the objectives of Stage 3. An Astral Merit will be awarded immediately for defeating Diabolique during Stage 4. An additional Astral Merit can be rewarded at the end of the trial for running as an Open League. An additional Astral Merit can be earned if the requirements for the Spinebreaker badge are fulfilled, even if you already have the badge. It is awarded at the end of the trial. An additional Astral Merit can be earned if the requirements for the Sentinel Smasher badge are fulfilled, even if you already have the badge. It is awarded at the end of the trial. An additional Astral Merit can be earned if the requirements for the Sacrificial Lamb badge are fulfilled, even if you already have the badge. It is awarded at the end of the trial. An additional Astral Merit can be earned if the requirements for the Life and Death badge are fulfilled, even if you already have the badge. It is awarded at the end of the trial. A random Rare Incarnate Component is awarded the first time the Master of Dilemma Diabolique badge.
  21. Table of contents: Commonly Asked Questions Common Mistakes What is Bodyguard Mode (BGM) Power Bar Set Up Example Builds Helpful links In Closing Commonly Asked Questions Q: What is the most common reason people do not play Masterminds? A: The most obvious reason is due to the lack of info of masterminds. The second most common issue is other players giving masterminds a hard time due to pets getting in the way. Pets were fixed in Page 4 of CoX Homecoming Q: If you were to give advice to a new mastermind player what would it be? A: The best advice I could give is that bodyguard mode is a life saver. Q: What are the highest DPS pets? A: Robots. However Thugs can easily contend for highest DPS Common Mistakes The biggest and possibly the most prevalent mistake is a mastermind who does not micromanage each pet. Newer mastermind players do not know when or how to use BGM (Bodyguard Mode) Newer mastermind players do not know when or how to use BGM (Bodyguard Mode) Masterminds not using the IO Auras for pets Call to Arms: Defense Bonus Aura for Pets Expedient Reinforcement: Resist Bonus Aura for Pets Sovereign Right: Resistance Bonus Command of the Mastermind: Recharge/Pet Defense Bonus Aura. Mark of Supremacy: Endurance/Pet+Resist all + Regen Aura. Edict of the Master: +Defense Bonus Setting up your num pad to micromanage your pets https://cityofheroes.fandom.com/wiki/Mastermind_Numpad_Pet_Controls Treating each pet as separate parts. You should be treating each as a separate entity that works by itself. Newer MMs may find this hard at first however with time it will be easier. What is Bodyguard Mode (BGM) Bodyguard mode(BGM) a stance to put your pets in that will turn you into a sudo-tank. You can set BGM by selecting the Defensive Stance and the Follow all pets within Supremacy range will be set to BGM and they will be damage mitigators. Defensive/Stay and Defensive/Goto work as well. Each pet takes one 'share' of the damage, and the Mastermind himself takes two 'shares'. This is in addition to any damage that the pets themselves might incur from Area attacks. Example: If a Mastermind has 3 pets set to Def/Fol, and he gets hit with a 100 point attack, each pet will take 20 points of the damage, and he himself will take 40 points. Example 2: If a Mastermind has 3 pets set to Def/Fol, and he gets hit with an Area Effect attack for 10 points of damage, then each pet will take 2 points of damage, and he himself will take 4 points. Pets that were also in the Area of Effect will take an additional 10 points each, as normal. This in effect turns your mastermind into a sudo-tank as long as your pets are alive. Power Bar Set-up Num Pad Method There are several ways to set up your power bars on masterminds. The first option you can do is to set up your num pad as a way to control your pets. This option tends to be the most common among masterminds. http://web.archive.org/web/20120904222729/http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=117256 Multi Bar Method If you do not have a num pad the next option is to set up separate bars for each group of pets (see below for example) Multi Bar Individual Method The third most common way seen by masterminds is swapping to individual commands you can do this by summoning pets-clicking Options- Show Individual Pet Commands then placing the commands in their respective power trays. (see below for example) All Pets One Bar Method The fourth and probably the most common way for beginner Masterminds is to control all the pets at once. This is the suboptimal method to control the pets due to the fact that in a team masterminds pets can sometimes aggo more than what is intended. The other reason that controlling pets this way is a suboptimal method is because pets tend to get in the way when your team needs to click a door or a glowie. At the end of the day it is best for each mastermind player to find their own bar set up that is right for them. Be it any of the methods above a combination of them or their own unique style. Example builds Some things I look for personally in a build are ranged defenses. Part of the reason for this is because if your pets die they can easily be resummoned where as if you die then you are taking time out of someone else’s attack pattern to rez you. With high ranged defense you should be over top of your group and be playing field general with your pets while also providing the Debuffs/Heals/Buffs to your team and allies. Lets now take a look at a few builds that can accomplish this goal of high ranged defense. Above is an example of a Demons Thermal Soul Mastermind lv 1- Summon demonlings- Superior Command of the Mastermind: Rech/Pet +AoE Defense Aura Superior command of the mastermind Dam/End Superior Command of the Mastermind Acc/Dam Edict of the Master Defense Bonus Edict of the Master Scc/Dam Edict of the Master Dam/End Lv 1- Health Preventive Med Chance for +Absorb Panacea +Hit Points/End Lv 1- Stamina- Power Trans Chance to Heal Self Power Trans EndMod Lv 1- Warmth- Miracle heal/end Miracle End/reach Miracle heal/reach Miracle Heal/End/Reach Miracle Heal Miracle +Recovery Lv 2- Fire Shield- Steadfast Protection Res/end Steadfast Protection Res/+Def 3% Steadfast Protection Knockback Protection Lv 4- Cauterize- Numi Heal/End Numi End/Reach Numi Heal/Reach Numi Heal/End/Rech Numi Heal Numi +Regen/+Recovery Lv 6= Enchant Demon Rech IO Lv 8- Hasten- 2 Reach IO Lv 10- Gladiator’s Armor End/Res Gladiator’s Armor Rech/Res Gladiator’s Rech/End Armor Gladiator’s Res/Reach/End Armor Gladiator’s Armor Res Gladiator’s Armor TP Protection +3% Def (All) Lv 12- Summon Demons- Expedient Ref Acc/Rech Expedient Ref Acc/Dam Expedient Ref Dam/End Expedient Ref Acc/Dam/Rech Expedient Ref End/Dam/Rech Expedient Ref Res Bonus Aura for Pets Lv 14- Fly- Blessing of the Zephyr Knockback proc (4points) Run,Jump,Fly,Range/End Lv 16- Hover- Blessing of the Zephyr Knockback proc (4points) Run,Jump,Fly,Range/End- LotG Global Rech LotGDef/End Reactive Def Scaling Res Damage Lv 18- Hell on Earth Soulbound Alleg Chance for Build UP Sover Right Res Bonus Lv 20- Thaw- Reactive Armor Res Reactive Armor End Reactive Armor Res/End Lv 22- Kick- Sudden Acc Knockback to Knockdown Lv 24- Tough- Reactive Armor Res Reactive Armor End Reactive Armor Res/End Lv 26- LotG Global Rech LotGDef/End LotG Def Shield Wall +Res 5% Res (all) Lv 28- Summon Demon Prince Sup Entomb Acc/Hold Sup Entomb Hold/Rech Sup Entomb End/Rech Sup Entomb Acc/Hold/End/Rech Sup Entomb Rech/Chance for +Absorb Call to Arms Def Bonus Aura for Pets Lv 30- Forge Gaus’s Syncho ToHitBuff Gaus’s SynchoToHitBuff/Rech Gaus’s Syncho ToHitBuff/Rech/End Gaus’s Syncho Rech/End Gaus’s SynchoToHitBuff/End Gaus’s Syncho Chance for Build Up Lv 32- Abyssal Empowerment- Rech IO Lv 35- Stealth LotG Global Rech LotGDef/End LotG Def Lv 38- Melt Armor- Achilles’ Heel Def Debuff Achilles’ Heel Def Debuff/Rech Achilles’ Heel Chance for Res Debuff Lv 41- Heat Exhaustion- Rech IO Lv 44- Dark Embrace- UnGuard Res UnGuard +Max HP Impervium Armor Psi Res Aegis Psionic/Status Res Impervious Skin Status Res Lv 47- Soul Tentacles- Artillery Acc/Dam Artillery Dam/End Artillery Dam/Rech Artillery Acc/Dam/Rech Artillery Acc/Rech/Range Artillery End/Reach/Range Lv 49- Invisibility- LotG Def/End Reactive Def/End This build in the hands of someone willing to manage their pets will quickly come to find out that they should not get into melee range of things and to hover overhead throwing out their shields as well as Warmth and Cauterize to keep both their pets and team alive. This is a great general build for anyone looking to play with a team or large group while at the same time be perfectly fine solo’ing AVs. In a pinch this build can also do a low end Fire Farm due to Demons casting Def to Fire/Cold shields however you may find yourself healing your pets and resummoning them than you are actually throwing your debuffs out. When fighting an AV or in team play your opening attack may change a bit or it may look like Set pets to petcom_all Defensive as well as petcom_all Follow Move pets to location safe from the fight to start using petcom_all GoTo Cast Farsight on as many targets as possible do not be afraid to get in close to cast this to help your melee fighters as well as yourself. Distortion Field into Time Crawl this holds any adds around and or slows them so your AoE can do its job Remember you are not the damage and are more commanding your pets from the air or the ground Move pets using petcom_(pets name) GoTo into place that have Hell on Earth on them This will allow Hell on Earth to Proc more consistently Cast Mending on that target as often as possible Soul Tentacles and reposition pets closer By now Hell on earth is either down or just about which means its time to let bodyguard do its job Build 2 is a Robotics/Time/Soul Build this time focused on being a well rounded high defense focused debuffer. lv 1- Battle Drones- Superior Command of the Mastermind: Rech/Pet +AoE Defense Aura Superior command of the mastermind Dam/End Superior Command of the Mastermind Acc/Dam Superior Mark of Supremacy Dam Superior Mark of Supremacy Acc/Dam/End Lv 1- Health Preventive Med Chance for +Absorb Panacea +Hit Points/End Lv 1- Stamina- Power Trans Chance to Heal Self Power Trans EndMod Lv 1- Time Crawl - Pacing of the Turtle Acc/Slow PotT Dam/Slow PofT Acc/End PotT Acc/End PotT Range/Slow PotTEnd.Rech/slow PotT Chance of -Rech Lv 2- Temporal Mending - Miracle End/Rech Miracle Heal/Rech MiracleHeal/End/Rech Miracle Heal Miracle +Recovery Lv 4- Time Juncture - Deflated Ego ToHitDebuff Deflated Ego ToHitDebuff/Rech Deflated EgoChance for Recovery Debuff Lv 6= Equip Robot- Rech IO Lv 8- Hover- Blessing of the Zephyr Knockback proc (4points) Run,Jump,Fly,Range/End LotG Global Rech LotGDef/End LotG Def Lv 10- Boxing- Stupefy Acc/Rech Stupefy End/Stun Stupefy Acc/End Stupefy Stun/Range Stupefy Acc.Stun/Rech Stupefy Chance of Knockback Lv 12- Protector Bots - Superior Command of the Mastermind Acc/Da, Superior Command of the Mastermind End/Pet +Res+Regen Lv 14- Fly- Blessing of the Zephyr Knockback proc (4points) Run,Jump,Fly,Range/End Lv 16- Distortion Field - Sup Entomb Acc/Hold Sup Entomb Hold/Rech Sup Entomb End/Rech Sup Entomb Acc/Hold/End/Rech Sup Entomb Rech/Chance for Sup Entomb Acc/Hold/End/Rech Lv 18- Hasten- 2 IO Rech Lv 20- Time Stop- Basilisk Gaze Chance For Rech Slow Basilisk Gaze Rch/Hold Ghost Widow Chance For Dam(Psionics) Lv 22- Tough- GladtArmor TP Proc +3%Def(all) Impervious Skin Res/End Impervious Skin Status Res Lv 24- Weave - LotG Global Rech LotGDef/End LotG Def Shield Wall +Res Reactive Def Scaling Res Damage Lv 26- Assault Bot- SoulBound Chance for Build Up Call to Arms Acc/Dam Call to Arms Dam/End Call to Arms Acc/Dam/Rech Call to ArmsEnd/Dam/Rech Call to Arms Def Bonus Aura for Pets Lv 28- Farsight- LotG Global Rech LotG Def Lv 30- Stealth - LotG Def/End LotG Def/Rech LotG Def/End?rech LotG Def LotG Global Rech Lv 32- Upgrade Robot- Rech IO Lv 35- Slowed Response -Achilles’ Heel Def Debuff/Rech Achilles’ Heel Chance for Res Debuff Lv 38- Chrono Shift- PrefShift Chance for +End PrefShift EndMod Lv 41- Dark Embrace- UnGuard Res UnGuard +Max HP Steadfast Proc Knockback Protection Lv 44- Soul Tentacles- GravAnchor Immob GravAnchor Immob/Rech GravAnchor Acc/Immob/Rech GravAnchor Chance For Hold Lv 47- LotG Global Rech Blessing of the Zephyr Knockback proc (4points) Run,Jump,Fly,Range/End Lv 49- Invisibility- LotG Def/End Reactive Def/End In this Robotics/Time/Soul build you will still play as a field general however with your defense being as well rounded as they are you can survive in melee to get in and throw Farsight on your tanks/scrappers/brutes/and stalker in team play. If you are solo your opening rotation may look something like this Set all pets to petcom_all aggressive on chosen target This will force them to attack the nearest thing. You should then quickly set your pets to BGM after they fire their first power During these fights pets dying is not bad so long as you are quick about resummoning them. Cast Farsight (this is your bread and butter power.) Cast Distortion Field into Time Crawl this holds any adds around and or slows them so your AoE can do its job Tab to the next group repeat your Robots should have things from this point. Set pets to petcom_all Passive petcom_all GoTo and send them near you Move to re-set where pets are attacking Repeat step 1-5 as needed till trash mobs are dead. If you are fighting an AV the attack pattern changes slightly Set pets to BGM Move your pets using petcom_goto to keep them out of the AV’s alpha. Cast Farsight Cast Distortion Field into Time Crawl this holds any adds around and or slows them. Cast Chrono Shift on as many allies as you can. Time Mend any ally that needs it after the opening of the AV If you have Vanguard Medal use it If the AV is not dead by this point Cast Soul Tentacles as well as Distortion Felid and Time Crawl Move your pets inwards so they can use smash as needed If you are ever at a loss for what to build for on a Mastermind the is Positional Def (ranged is preferable this way you can stay out of harm's way and let your pets work in BGM). If you find yourself over capped in one or more positional defenses it's not a bad idea to look into taking the Ghost Widow Patron set as opposed to Black Scorpion the opposite also is true if you find yourself lacking Scorpion Shield works just as well as Dark Embrace. Helpful links https://www.reddit.com/r/Cityofheroes/comments/bn51p3/helpful_mousecentric_mastermind_binds_that_i_want/ https://cityofheroes.fandom.com/wiki/Mastermind_Numpad_Pet_Controls In Closing In closing the most daunting thing about masterminds is knowing you are not the damage and also not the primary debuffer/healer your role is a jack of all trades master of none. Masterminds are one of if not the hardest AT to master and at the same time one of the most rewarding experiences in the game to master. There is no such thing as a bad set for masterminds so feel free to open up and try things like Ninjas Electrical Affinity. Finally a good mastermind is someone who can keep their pets controlled while still maintaining productivity of attacking. You never notice a great mastermind however everyone remembers a bad mastermind.
  22. Not sure if this was covered up above but i can tell you that since HC has come back the art of herding has been lost now this is partly due to power creep of end game and the fact that it is casual and most groups are PUGs. that being said the art of pulling a whole room into a corner and then keeping the aggro has been a bit lost
  23. This arc when run twice is in my top 10 all time lore related arcs
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