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About the_osprey

  • Birthday 01/01/1004

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  1. A GM simply closing a ticket doesn't mean much. What was the customer satisfaction?
  2. I feel your pain. Not sure who would ask for these Mind Control changes.
  3. My concern is that, once again, NCSoft will have the opportunity to claim COH is unprofitable even as licensed IP. And we know what NCSoft did last time.
  4. Many of the costume changes are appreciated. Unsure about the rest.
  5. Judgement powers currently offer just one animation option per power. For those of us who stick to themed characters, the one option doesn't always fit what we're looking for. For example, Cryonic is a cone. Let's have Frost Breath's animation as an option. Pyronic has the same animation as Fire Ball. Could we mirror, for example, Bonfire's animation? Options abound and variety is the spice of life.
  6. And we just started a LRSF, but that's less inconvenient -if the whole team gets back on at the same time. Oh, well. I guess I'll do other stuff on this week's day off.
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