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Dark Current

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  1. Thank you! Next vids are live today for you.
  2. Next up... Awoo! Werewolves in Paragon! 02) Shok Ko'lar Claws / Elec / Mu Brute Theme: Old school CEBR Mids Build: Shok Ko'lar - Brute (Claws).mbd Videos Part 1 Build Discussion *Errata on my live build - I was using Degenerative Core interface over Preemptive Core due to my electric farm focus with EBs. But I have both built. Part 2 Solo Strategy Part 3 Team Shok 'n' Klaw... (subtitled "Why I Hate Dimension Shift")
  3. 01) Nordic Star Staff / Energy / Fire Brute Concept: harnessing the power of the aurora, this Scandinavian super takes down heroes and villains with equal brutality. Mids Builld: Nordic Star 1 - Brute (Staff Fighting).mbd Build Discussion Video: Solo Strategy Video: Team Work Video
  4. Welcome to the 20 / 20 Rewind! One year ago, I embarked on a grand effort to showcase FIFTY different Level 50 builds from my stable of Heroes, Vigilantes, Rogues and Villains I play on the Excelsior Shard. After wrapping up that series last week, I felt hollow and rudderless. So what's a poor altoholic to do? Start up another series of course! I therefore present to you the 20 / 20 Rewind! A look back at the level 50s I could've showcased, but never did. So the plan is, an additional 2 Level 50s from each of the main ATs I play: everything EXCEPT scrappers and stalkers... and I don't have any more Epics to show, either. For each character, I will present 3 videos. The first is the Build Discussion where I present my 'on paper' character using the awesomeness of Mids Reborn (thanks to the developers of that tool!). The second is the Solo Strategy where I run a pair of Council paper / radio missions set first to +2 x6 and then to +3 x8 and show my tips and strategies of how to use the build in a 'typical' scenario. Finally, the third video showcases the build on a set of 3-4 team missions set at +4 x8 against a variety of foes that appear on tips and radios/paper missions. The idea here is to progress from a theoretical discussion of a build to how it works in reality in both solo and team scenarios. Is the build as good in practice as it is on paper??? Watch the series of videos and decide for yourself! First up (because I can't remember alphabetical order), are 2 more Brutes!
  5. FIFTY - FIFTY FINALE!!! NUMBER 50 LEVEL 50!!! 50) Dark Current - Defender Dark Miasma / Dark Blast / Soul Mastery Theme: Fear and Intimidation... Neutering by Massive To Hit Debuffage Videos: Build Solo Team Mids Build: Dark Current - Defender (Dark Miasma).mbd
  6. Almost been a full year since I started this project! Finally getting around to posting my HEATs and VEATs Enjoy! Epic Archetypes 46) Brite Horizon - Peacebringer Theme: Human Form defense debuffery Videos: Build Solo Team Mids Build: Brite Horizon - Peacebringer (Luminous Blast - Luminous Aura).mbd 47) Proteous - Warshade Theme: Tri-form AoE monster Videos: Build Solo Team Mids Build: Proteus - Warshade (Umbral Blast).mbd 48) Tarvos - Crab Spider Theme: Crabbermind, pets pets pets Videos: Build Solo Team Mids Build: Tarvos - Arachnos Crab Spider Soldier.mbd 49) Turpentine - Night Widow Theme: Debuffing speed / recharge / to hit / regen Videos: Build Solo Team Mids Build: Turpentine - Arachnos Widow (Night Widow Training - Widow Teamwork).mbd
  7. Thanks for the looks. I spend a good deal of time on costumes when I make a new character. I'm no pro at it, but I like unique looks and try to tie them in with the character's theme. Luckily this game's costume creator is unmatched still even after all these years. And the screenshots probably are the hardest part of this whole series - getting the right angle, some sort of action pose, moving the camera, editing the pic. The screenies aren't are good as the real things, but they get the idea across for what the character looks like. Spore King is a hodge-podge of parts from different sets with a lot of the fire/ice elemental pieces. Included a lot of asynchronous pairings. It's hard to make a mushroom looking guy, so I went with this amorphous combo that suggests different types of fungi all fused together. Head Hats Face - fire and ice 1 Hat - resistance Ears - elf Detail 1 - cosmic corsair left Detail 2 - soul patch Upper Body Robotic Arm 3 Chest - fire and ice 1 Shoulders - circle of thorns 1 Right arm - fire and ice 1 Chest Detail - fire and ice - ice Left Glove - organic armor thorny Belt - fire and ice - fire Lower Body Tight Pants - fire and ice 1 Left Boot - fire and ice 2 - ice Right Boot - organic armor Tails - none Weapons Bows - cupid Back Detail Back Packs - fire and ice 2 Auras - steam jets Effect - body Path Aura - none
  8. Tanks have been spanked. So what's next? Warshade? Crab? Any AT requests for the other 3 aside from Scrappers and Stalkers?
  9. Sentinels are going on break. Time to call in the tankers! Tankers 41) Dione - Fire / Staff / Pyre Theme: Burn, burn, burn. Burning with fire. High damage tank. Mids Build: https://mids.app/build/preview/kbZH5Dm0CMC.htm 42) Yule - Ice / Staff / Arctic Theme: Freeze and shatter. Slow and slam high damage ice tank. Mids Build: https://mids.app/build/preview/kcmq0Rc9YbI.htm 43) Sao - SR / TW / Mu Theme: High speed and agility to build momentum fast and dodge hits like Neo. Very scrappy. Mids Build: https://mids.app/build/preview/kcCkRqS77sq.htm 44) Cressida - Rad / Fire / Pyre Theme: high survivability nuclear furnace Mids Build: https://mids.app/build/preview/kdqGcA5QZlk.htm 45) Puck - Bio / Savage / Leviathan Theme: Brutal, high speed slasher. High survivability through regen and absorb. Mids Build: https://mids.app/build/preview/kesCeUMYcqi.htm
  10. Masterminds have run out of pets, so it's time for you to keep your eye out for the Sentinels! Sentinels 36) Astrologer - Dark / Invul / Dark Theme = Flying Fortress Mids Build: https://mids.app/build/preview/gzFqrauoB76.htm 37) Skin Tight - DP / Ninja / Ninja Theme = Femme Fatale assassin / spy Mids Build: https://mids.app/build/preview/gA4cJBVLxgi.htm 38) Banisher - Sonic / Dark / Psi Theme = Stun stacking, fear-wielding wicked soul collector Mids Build: https://mids.app/build/preview/fJmYfKoPJPU.htm 39) Sifon - Elec / NRG / Elec Theme = Drain and pain hovering energy siphon Mids Build: https://mids.app/build/preview/fKwvy1UxtcW.htm 40) Europa - Ice / Ice / Psi Theme: How slow can you go? Stacking -SPD, -RCH Mids Build = https://mids.app/build/preview/bUsCrCGU39o.htm
  11. Now that Mids has been updated, I can finally post all the missing build links since Episode 13. Also had to update all the older links as they didn't seem to function in the new version. Anyway, enjoy!
  12. Thanks, Janus is one of my favorites. That was before the costume feature was added that would allow asymmetrical options for all sorts of things. But I like the classics!
  13. Dominators have run out of endurance. So it's on to the masters of pets! Masterminds 31) Witch Leather - Thugs / Traps / Mace Theme: Insurmountable defense and high recharge to cycle traps quickly. Build: https://mids.app/build/preview/b8OQDWwK60a.htm 32) Spore King - Ninjas / Nature / Soul Theme: "Creeping Doom" tank - mobile mass of regen, heals, absorb, resists, and debuffery that spreads infection across the field Build: https://mids.app/build/preview/jVw1MJYowAm.htm 33) Air Drop - Mercs / FF / Heat Theme: AC 130 Gunship - Death from Above using Group Fly + Machine Guns Build: https://mids.app/build/preview/fFWSlOUgkEK.htm 34) Doctor Voltaous - Necro / Elec / Mu Theme: Mad Buffbot Build: https://mids.app/build/preview/iwJyuWPPBYW.htm 35) Galatea - Beast / Rad / Lev Theme - Radioactive rage monster! Build: https://mids.app/build/preview/bHtHf5IkDPU.htm
  14. Defenders be done, so it's on to the dominators! Dominators 26) Miranda - Gravity / Earth / Primal Theme: Ground 'Em and Pound 'Em. Or as Conan would say, "To crush our enemies. See them driven before you. And to hear the lamentations of the women." Build: https://mids.app/build/preview/fYHnDi0fvhI.htm 27) Spring Fury - Plant / Electric / Psi Theme: Plant seeds of confusion, then call down the thunder among the creeper patch. Build: https://mids.app/build/preview/fWUzqMCAj2y.htm 28) Thalassa - Fire / Rad / Fire Theme: High damage output, with mistaken reliance on Medicine Pool. Build: https://mids.app/build/preview/fWsOrIHloLA.htm 29) Janus - Dark / Energy / Soul Theme: Stun Stacker Build: https://mids.app/build/preview/fU8q0xtuoDs.htm 30) Pasiphae - Electric / Martial / Mu Theme: Chain, Drain and Pain Build: https://mids.app/build/preview/fTXeihVOjeu.htm
  15. Controllers are finit! Say bonjour to the defenders! Defenders 21) Juliet - Traps / Water / Psychic Theme: slow, slow their roll + high defense + debuff the bejeekers out of the enemy Build: https://mids.app/build/preview/f8tdPcVLpAW.htm 22) Portia - Nature / Psi / Psychic Theme: Stand-off buffs and blasts... but, ah heck, let's swoop in and nuke their minds! Build: https://mids.app/build/preview/f67VmRmsH2y.htm 23) Sycorax - Storm / Beam / Mace Theme: Hover Blasting Chaos Warrior Build: https://mids.app/build/preview/f5IzGX5IGgS.htm 24) Red Ridin Hood - TA / Fire / Flame Theme: Offender - Debuff EVERYTHING and then burn it to the ground! Build: https://mids.app/build/preview/f3ox9SIo96q.htm 25) Triton - Cold / DP / Soul Theme: Mobile defense platform - raining shields and icy death from above Build: https://mids.app/build/preview/f10jETgfJp6.htm
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