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  1. They took their name from Aldous Huxley's book The Doors of Perception
  2. Close, do unto others as you would have them do to you.
  3. This; it is why I have played for 20-ish years and it is what keeps me here. For some unknown reason once I'd discovered P.U.G.s I was instantly addicted to CoH all of those years ago and I learned the game through that and, 20 years later I'm still learning. The star system us great for identifying 'sore-players' and avoiding them. I have no problem with a leader forming a team to their own requirements, what irks me is being ignored for no reason whatsoever so upon that happening I g/ignore those who do that. Apart from that the game and the player base keeps on improving under the custodianship of our mature player base.
  4. Great for multiple static mobs pity about the long recharge.
  5. Not on HC AFAIK but I recall Thunderspy and another manifest (I forget which sry) allowed that kind of freedom in the creator.
  6. Like, as if Eastgate and Overbrook wasn't enough...
  7. "Open da tin, nowz..."
  8. I believe that's the American way of saying it.
  9. I've never heard Manticore pronounced as "Sonic the Edgehog."
  10. 99% of my toons ever (live and HC) have never used more than 1 LotG if there is one slotted at all. The most I've used on a single character is 2. I play mainly support. There are so many goodies to swap it out with but yeah, 1 is worth it at any cost. If slotting more at the expense of other set pieces and procs it seems non frugal within the limitations of slots. It does of course work out great for offensive AT's who want to commit fully to the min/max (apparently).
  11. According to the video @Moonsheep posted - Sin-apse calls him Mandycorr
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