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Everything posted by PeterDutcher

  1. Leaping has a knockback immunity power.
  2. Been a while since I fought any...what do Giant Monsters, Monsters and Underlings drop?
  3. Playing solo melee has ceased being fun because the bad guys attack me then run off. I have to stand and wait for their return unless I want to agro a bunch of other bad guys. This is happening on every melee toon I have. I hope this isn't permanent.
  4. Not a hard solution. Only allow the templates to be applied with fully empty bases.
  5. I don't have any problem with people copying my designs...they don't belong to me anyway. If someone can recreate something, all power to them.
  6. Control Z is a lifesaver in these instances. It undoes the latest action, several steps back. So the item would reappear.
  7. This is an excellent idea. CoHH could have a contest for the best premade templates. Or come up with something like the Mission Architect in-base that stores publicly available base templates. That way, people choose what to share. That way new bases could choose plot size and look at a group of templates that suit their desires, then apply. You would have to start with an empty base though because of storage.
  8. Obviously, I don't think there is a way ingame to do it, but is there a text file I can make a copy of and just change the sever name to match one on a different server, thereby copying my base over? Or any other method?
  9. The temp one is actually still working. I just checked.
  10. Two complaints: 1) The Power Pool. Currently, it lists a lot of choices...choices we do not get in game. It would be nice if fitness was not there, (we all get that automatically) in the dropdown, and it would be nice if it only displayed hero powers vs villain powers...or at least gave us a way to tell what is available (maybe blue highlight for hero powers, red for villain?). 2) I play on a laptop, and the hero designer is so very tiny when it comes to viewing the powers and such. It would be nice if we could have the OPTION of switching to two column with scroll capability. That way the powers can be displayed bigger.
  11. I swear I did not have that option until today, lol. I cycled yesterday through ever ceiling option. I am getting old.
  12. When you release, release the mouse button first. Also, how high you move it is related to your angle. Sometimes you can only move it a little and have to do it a second time to lift higher...maybe adjust your point of view first.
  13. I set my sky to Space. But I've seen mention of a way to show it under 'very high' ceilings. I cannot find anything about that. How do I remove my ceiling?
  14. You do not have to be in base edit mode. I was having trouble figuring it out, and ended up doing it while in the base outside of edit mode. I could not get it to work on an alt, but it did on the SG leader toon. Also, something I did not see mentioned...the numbers people mention at the end? They were randomly generated by the game. For example, I kept trying 'Angel-777' and it did not work. But when I entered 'Angel', it generated the code 'ANGEL-3460'. I'm on Indomitable server, but my base is barely started at this point (I just returned).
  15. Second seconded! For 1, there's no need for all volunteers to use any particular software, just software that can output whatever basic file format CoH uses (JPG? TGA?). The HC devs just need to provide the specs, or even sample textures. For 2, it's not easy to embed malicious code into an image file. It's fairly easy to pull out the pure pixel information. Heck, I do that all the time with images people upload to web sites I produce for work. You can certainly encrypt data into the byte sequence (Al Qaeda was suspected of communicating this way) but that's not the same thing. I agree...but it is more difficult than that. Items are rendered in true 3D, so you would need 3D Studio or something like it. It isn't JPG or TGA.
  16. What decline? If anything they need to make another server and name it after me.
  17. This is where Multiple Select would come in handy. And a select all option. And copy/paste
  18. ...I can no longer run two instances on one computer. If I log in then launch a second instance, the first instance crashes every time. I've had no issue other than some lag in caves before that restart (even ran two accounts this morning just before the restart). Edit: Running a Dell Inspiron n5050 with Win7 64 Bit Hardwired Ethernet (also have Wifi but donn't use it to play) 6 GB Ram Intell HD 3000 Graphics (It's a laptop) 100mb Internet
  19. I basically recreated my old Supergroup just to have a base building outlet, but I also have alts in another SG. So what I am wondering, since I like hunting badges, is if there are still SG Badges and are they worth getting outside of nostalgia?
  20. Bump. This issue is a recent development. I have the most recent drivers available too.
  21. Yesterday and today I am getting severe lag on Indomitable. This happens mostly in the underground caves...almost solely. Not sure how to attach an image, but I got a pic and will try. https://scontent.ftpa1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/65889526_10219427898318247_1026186412795363328_n.jpg?_nc_cat=104&_nc_eui2=AeFcYIXoOMOFW0fYifHjW8TfWcy-TkAAkyat6JTXNxEIDDEoAfgVEZ22RuI2GqIPO--bymBwRBVR5xr7cxrVqjRUNNSdcmUvyN3Ax3tkUgtE4A&_nc_oc=AQnjUWCEhf0h01YR4Rs5OgssrYWZVJQlRfVV9uHOIVk1WeWn4_vAGVySxWh0HzdcrGf-2oZuquzqX-ZpgTi-lDU-&_nc_ht=scontent.ftpa1-2.fna&oh=6d74c279a3306ce4a7315bbf0d763f5c&oe=5DB4C63E
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