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Everything posted by Trike

  1. Oh, I see it now. Thanks! It wasn’t defaulting to Create mode but still had the Create button so I didn’t notice. I’ll give it a go when my credits refill.
  2. Mighty Lad - sounds like the translation of a Japanese cartoon but I kinda like it https://suno.com/song/63a48555-7b82-40d4-86ce-83df25cc4173 OG bio: https://www.deviantart.com/dashmccool/art/Mighty-Lad-94031428
  3. I was going to ask, weren’t we able to write our own lyrics for this at one time? Or was I suing a different app?
  4. That came out pretty good, actually. I notice that most of these songs have similar syllable count and scansion, but even within those constraints they’re fairly unique.
  5. Moon Vixen https://suno.com/song/de10c355-ce34-472b-ba73-8681f7ea0cbc https://www.deviantart.com/dashmccool/art/Moon-Vixen-1038104468 https://www.deviantart.com/dashmccool/art/Moon-Vixen-Enhanced-1038110126
  6. Bamboom, the Bamboo Brawler https://suno.com/song/762f0b0b-564a-44d3-a5c4-aeee64f6ebd2 His dad, Boom-Boom the Panda (2009)
  7. Dance Fighter, the diva of danger. (pow-pow!) https://suno.com/song/4a442f87-4c75-4d0d-b054-897a02977af7
  8. Excellent mix of different types. 👍🏻
  9. A little menacing side-eye, too.
  10. Wow, that’s actually great. By far the best one I’ve heard.
  11. A few years ago my wife and I were watching a movie about shopgirls in 1950s Sydney — hang on, IMDBing… ah, Ladies In Black, it’s good — and one of the girls is Angourie Rice who plays Betty Brant in the Spider-Man movies. Their boss is an older guy who looked super familiar so I looked him up and it’s Nicholas Hammond! The original Spider-Man from the 1970s TV series, with an Aussie accent. They let Lou Ferrigno be in Incredible Hulk but not Hammond in Spider-Man? Boo.
  12. Well, Andor is also the most Empire-centric story we’ve seen, and the Imperials are racist and xenophobic. There’s literally only one non-human in the Empire’s ranks, so there aren’t any in the Imperial senate or the various offices we see. But every time the show goes to a non-Empire location aliens are present. True, there’s no Chewie or Yoda equivalent, but I find it odd that people are complaining about this when throughout Andor there are almost as many alien characters as black characters. I don’t recall a single Asian actor. That seems like a bigger issue to me, honestly, because the rest of it is very Star Wars. Although being whitewashed is pretty on-brand too.
  13. Very Ukrainian, I like it.
  14. The autopsy is in and it’s horrible.
  15. I thought there were plenty of non-humans in Andor’s first season. Am I misremembering? To me it felt like the non-human quotient was about the same as Star Wars - they’re present but in limited quantities. Mostly it’s Chewie and the two droids, with a couple background aliens here and there. Andor was the same way: 95% humans, a couple aliens sitting in the bar, and a couple front and center. Edit: I just turned 60 on Wednesday, so it’s never been “A New Hope” for me, always just “Star Wars”. But the retcon title “Episode IV” from 1977 is the one I’m referring to.
  16. Re: disguises for superheroes. I made this way back in 2013 for a similar discussion: In the original Superman movie, Clark walks with a stoop, wears glasses, and parts his hair on the right. All of that should be enough to fool most people, but when you add the milquetoast acting on top of it, it’s easy to see how people can be fooled.
  17. All the sharks in the movie make it relevant.
  18. As you said up top I can’t really pick a favorite MCU movie. It’s easier to list the few I don’t like: Iron Man 3, Quantumania, Eternals. People really seem to hate Thor 2 and The Marvels but I think they’re both solid films. The fact they managed to achieve such a high level of quality over so many movies is beyond impressive. My wife was out of town last weekend so I did an MCU binge. 11.5 hours of Marvel (skipped the credits). Captain America: The Winter Soldier 2:16 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Captain America: Civil War 2:27 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Thor: Ragnarok 2:10 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Avengers: Infinity War 2:29 ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Avengers: Endgame 3:01 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ If forced to make a top 10, I’m going to go with the movies I’ve rewatched the most times. But it’s kind of like Jenga - they’re so interconnected it’s hard to choose just one. 1. Thor: Ragnarok 2. Captain America: The Winter Soldier 3. Avengers: Endgame 4. Iron Man 5. Doctor Strange 6. Captain America: Civil War 7. The Avengers 8. Spider-Man: Homecoming 9. Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2 10. Shang-Chi The fact there are multiple terrific trilogies within the MCU is pretty amazing given all the moving parts. Captain America, Spider-Man, GotG, Avengers… quality across the board.
  19. Have you seen House Shark? Don’t, but watch the trailer. It’s simultaneously the apotheosis and nadir of shark movies: Shark attack in your toilet. I’m not kidding.
  20. I thought the first two episodes were a solid continuation of the previous series. That shocking twist at the start of the series is either a terrible mistake or a definitive “throw down the gauntlet” moment. Time will tell. The way they handled White Tiger seems to imply he was previously introduced elsewhere, probably in the Echo series, which I haven’t seen. (Is this how normies feel when watching MCU stuff? 😆)
  21. Hollywood has never understood that, honestly. Look at Jaws, for instance. A superb film with excellent acting, an iconic score, amazing direction and cinematography, with a script that is scary, funny, and exciting, and the movie is tightly edited down to its core. It became a huge hit; it was *the* hit until Star Wars came along. The message Hollywood took away from that was, “Fish eating people = money.” That’s why we were inundated with those movies for the next decade, and no one remembers any of them. Orca, Piranha, Tentacles, Mako, Barracuda, Killer Shark, Last Shark, Devil Fish… on and on. Movie makers have been doing the same thing since forever, riding a trend for decades. A recent example is the whole subgenre of “couple stranded in the ocean surrounded by sharks”. Ever since Open Water was a hit they’ve made a dozen versions of the same flick. These are made alongside movies where the shark is somehow inside the building: Bait, Swim, Under Paris, and Malibu Shark Attack. Shark Night at least had the predator in a lake next to the house, and Dam Sharks has them in a river (where the sharks use human bodies to build dams). Sharknado came out in the middle of all this. All because Jaws was a hit.
  22. Going to the movies is now cheaper than buying eggs.
  23. I have been summoned! Unfortunately my video card imploded last November so I don’t have access to my PC, but here are a couple Star Trek posts. For Uhura of the Mirror Universe (or in my version, O’Hiya from the Reflected Universe) I used dual knives because she was all about cutlery. For Spock (Dr. Logic) I went with Mind Control/Time Manipulation. For everyone else I used Beam Rifle.
  24. Very cool. I’ve not tried to do a character like that. What description did you use?
  25. Anyone remember the Paragon City commemorative stamp from the 1960s? Check it out, the USPS has reissued it!
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