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Everything posted by Trike

  1. Great use of the various pieces that I hadn’t thought to combine. 👍🏻
  2. Ghost Man
  3. Dread Vilda stalks her prey. Prompt: “oil painting, Alex Ross style, lake, a stealthy red-haired warrior woman with just her head above water, the tip of a sword can be seen above the water surface in front of her” Not quite what I asked for but no complaints. Alternate take:
  4. Reminds me of the greatest movie ending scene of all time:
  5. The Ferrous Pharoah
  6. Elvish Press-Lee Looks like you have to click on the gif to play it.
  7. I found a new AI generator, this one makes videos or turns pics into videos. It’s https://hailuoai.video/ You only get one day free, but it says you can make unlimited videos in that 24 hour period. So here’s my guy The Frankenstein Mobster that Bing generated back in the early days of this thread. And here’s a video converted to a gif - the video is smoother. Prompt: “Frankenstein Mobster lights a cigar”. I used the free ezgif.com site to convert it.
  8. Stand-Up Chemic? Chemic Al? Poe Shunn? Captain Compound? The Solution?
  9. That’s pretty keen. I had a similar but opposite glitch back on live when I turned my graphics all the way up - my entire character was in silhouette except for their chest logo and cape. Looked like the Justice League cartoon opening. I probably have screenshots somewhere, but it looked kind of like these:
  10. I don’t see them any more, either, although I did when the post was new.
  11. Loving the Doberman - three kinds of brilliant right there. What powersets did you pick?
  12. I have a couple pandas and one Winnie the Pooh toy type named Shreddy Bear. Bamboom the Panda Pugilist: https://www.deviantart.com/dashmccool/art/Bamboom-1039859757 Boom-Boom the Panda, Bamboom’s dad (from back on Live): https://www.deviantart.com/dashmccool/art/Boom-Boom-the-Panda-155296102 I don’t have a pic of Shreddy on my iPad. I’ll have to edit this post tomorrow from my PC. Shreddy: .
  13. I’d be more into minis if you could have them all out at the same time.
  14. This is literally how I play regularly. Am I a Natural Hardcore? LoL
  15. We did that for Tanker Tuesday this past week and my level 19 Tank got a couple levels and two debt badges. I’ve had root canals that were more fun. Frankly I’d rather just sit in a Fire Farm where I can chitchat and crack jokes. Or play Halo instead. (I should have been protecting my alts’ names that I lost, actually. Kinda feel like I wasted my playing time since I didn’t actually enjoy the MSR *and* I lost some names that I really liked.)
  16. Aka “kill me now”. I’d rather watch paint dry than run an MSR, especially under 35.
  17. Four baby Controllers on +4 Frostfire? That’s just Faceplant City.
  18. I’m bummed that I’ve already lost a bunch of names. The arthritis meds I was prescribed caused blood clots and pulmonary embolisms, so I haven’t been able to sit for any extended period which has drastically reduced gaming time. There are plenty of names I don’t care about so I’ve been prioritizing the ones that are on my specialty hardcore and once-a-year holiday characters, but I haven’t been able to get to all of them. As soon as the names were available someone snagged them. The two that hurt the most were RipCurl and Lyrica. I only played Lyrica with a music-themed SG that’s been quiet the last year so she was only level 16 and I guess over the 365-day threshold. I mean, I get the reasoning behind it, but it’s still a drag. I do wish it looked at Combat Level because I have a couple hardcore characters that are permanently level 2. I know that one is Combat Level 39, but now I’ll have to log it in every month rather than playing it when I feel like it. For the others I guess I’ll get the 2xp boost and level them up quick so I can keep the names without worrying about losing them. Actually, I wish it looked at accounts, so if I logged in at all then my names would be safe. ”Altitis player looking for FF please.”
  19. That did come out great. Looks like your character could be played in the CoH TV series by Daredevil’s Charlie Cox.
  20. I can only see the second image but it just looks like a smudge. Zooming in on my iPad reveals that the black stripe to the left of him is a ramp rather than a cape, which duh, but my first impression was “cape weirdness”. I think you need to take him to Ouroboros and face him into the sun, then crop out everything that’s not him.
  21. I concur. Feels more true to the pulp hero vibe, too.
  22. I’ve been messing around with other music generators. So far Udio is the best. This tune it created is flat-out amazing: https://www.udio.com/songs/rneXG39K4Gb51QMhqutbLg If you told me this was a track from a Matt Helm movie, I’d totally buy it. (For those not as ancient as I, Matt Helm was a James Bond knockoff, played by Dean Martin in the groovy movie adaptations. It has that swingin’ 60s Dino cool, echoed in the scores. Matt Helm is who Mike Meyers was parodying with Austin Powers.) The prompt I used was “Epic superhero film score with lots of brass and drums”. I’m not even mad it got it wrong. Here’s the other song it created from that: https://www.udio.com/songs/9ZQMwATwrmF6Sao5vuipuC Edit: For comparison, here’s Lalo Schifrin’s theme for the Matt Helm movie Murderer’s Row:
  23. It did create both a 3- and 4-minute song after I asked for a march in the style of John Williams’ Superman, but neither were very good. Brev.AI can only be used 5 times every 24 hours, so I’ll have to wait until tomorrow to try again.
  24. That looks amazing. Were you emulating a specific artist?
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