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Everything posted by Trike

  1. That head is next level. Bravo.
  2. I rewatched Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest this morning, so... meet Maynard. https://ibb.co/85805bV
  3. "The C also stands for Chad." 😂🤣
  4. Now you've done it. You went and gave me an idea. Freempunk. I learned it from you, okay?! https://ibb.co/bH4kkm8
  5. Monster Detective. And Judy. https://ibb.co/fNsJd3Z
  6. Challenge? No sir. I appreciate all you ODSTs keeping the rearguard safe.
  7. Monster Detective. And Judy. https://ibb.co/fNsJd3Z https://ibb.co/qMqCqvp
  8. I made Battletank a bit ago (still can't believe that name was free): https://ibb.co/Vm7Pbt4 But when I was done I thought, "That kinda reminds me of a character from another franchise," so... https://ibb.co/hdJbWJV
  9. Battletank https://ibb.co/Vm7Pbt4
  10. Orca-inspired guy with sonic powers: Wailsong. https://ibb.co/B2Y7cgm https://ibb.co/yd0fJtw https://ibb.co/YbL6pbN
  11. Do you play on Everlasting? The other night I thought I saw a comment referencing a character named Checkout fly by in the General chat at one point.
  12. Wow... when you said that gave you an idea the other day, I wasn't expecting something this involved. This is like Tolkien going, "Oh, elves, eh? That gives me an idea..." 😄
  13. It never ceases to amaze me what we can create by just cycling through options. Few other games allow one to "play" the game by chatting with a total stranger and showing off costume to pieces to one another for two hours.
  14. Very cool design of that concept. I always wondered what I could do with the Recycle logo, but I think you've made the definitive toon for it.
  15. "Gallimaufry" is a synonym of hodge-podge or mish-mash... or Kit-Bash.
  16. So I made another robot using an idea I had back in the day, but could never do because of the lack of asymmetrical parts: Kit-Bash. https://ibb.co/fr6mx8x Then someone named Unchained Valor was asking for help doing a gender-flipped Wonder Woman and as I was messing about I came up with this Union Jack-type costume. Someone randomly zipping by stopped and gave it a compliment. So I figured I should make it. https://ibb.co/MP2XXM1 So here is Baron Britain. https://ibb.co/8g29Pf5
  17. Brilliant! That combo of parts to simulate greenery is next level, and the Claws pattern + chest detail as an eye... chef's kiss. And here I thought I was being clever.
  18. Timefighter, one of my (many) robots/androids. The rocket boots and jets on the wings look great in flight. https://ibb.co/hsmDvdC https://ibb.co/LJ3TSmV
  19. That's a cool (pun? what pun?) use of plants.
  20. Nice. Is that also Kibuka, or someone else?
  21. It's hard not to repeat characters I created from 2004-2012, but this is an evolution of my original beta character Little Green Man, seen in the Alt Alphabet I linked earlier. I'm assuming he's now taken on the moniker of Mister Meteor. Like Klingons and their bumpy heads, we don't talk about why he went from green to gray. https://ibb.co/ydnY4gY
  22. On the less silly side, more of an RP character is Kid Kibuka. Kibuka is the East Africa god of storms and war, who rides on a cloud. He's basically a combination of Thor and Ares. This concept leans into the idea that he's been reincarnated. https://ibb.co/5Rcsq7b
  23. I made this guy during Pride Month, because whimsy. https://ibb.co/nbVJwQs
  24. Goofing around in the editor I came up with this. Watching him run around makes me giggle. https://ibb.co/BqqWdKL
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