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Everything posted by Trike

  1. You’re far ahead of the game from what I can see. I’ve tried demoediting and the instructions read to me like “Argle bargle get a magic wand for this bit, also mathy math.”
  2. Spectacular! Champion Chimp sits right in the center of the Venn diagram of Golden Age, Anthropomorphic, and Boxing. I assume you did a Demoedit to get this pic, and it looks amazing.
  3. I really like this. The color really brings the disparate elements together, like Jeff Lebowski’s rug.
  4. In the theme of all these boxing guys, here’s my toon from back in the day, Boom-Boom the Panda. The name is more of a meta pun than my usual, riffing off famous pandas like Ling-Ling and Hsing-Hsing combined with fisticuffs. Once the boxing costume was added to the game I made an alternate outfit using those bits, but I never uploaded those pics. https://ibb.co/1zYzvZM https://www.deviantart.com/dashmccool/art/Boom-Boom-the-Panda-155296102
  5. I’m surprised you didn’t go with Street Fighting.
  6. The other night some of us on a team were talking about legacy characters after I mentioned that I had created an aged-up version of one of my teen heroes from back in the day. He was 16 then and 28 now, so Mighty Lad became Mighty-Man. (I retconned the dates a bit.) Mighty Lad: https://www.deviantart.com/dashmccool/art/Mighty-Lad-94031428 https://ibb.co/MkLysTK https://ibb.co/wwzD7rr Someone else mentioned that the character they were playing was the kid of their original toon from Live, and I wanted to do that, too. Probably my second all-time favorite costume I made (after Mighty Lad) was for a character called Air Force, who was one of my originals. I was in an SG called Sentinels Prime, and once we hit on the whole portals thing and alternate Earths, we created their evil counterparts, Sentinels Crime. So evil Air Force was Air Strike. https://ibb.co/FkpXDk0 So tonight I made the kids of the good Dayton Wright and the evil Dayton Wright, Air Speed (I can't believe that name wasn't taken!) and Air-Raid. https://ibb.co/PtH0kQp https://ibb.co/Qc0SLDv
  7. I keep coming back to this one because it’s perfect. Simple, stylized, straight out of a comic or cartoon of that era.
  8. She’s the star of numerous Japanese horror films, I wager.
  9. This is awesome. One of the best “space centurion” looks I’ve ever seen.
  10. This is neat. Last night I saw you scooting away as I was popping through Atlas doing the Midnight Society arc and thought that was an interesting name, but you jetted off before I could get a closer look.
  11. I knew I was forgetting a couple. https://ibb.co/hKFjDdD https://ibb.co/Tk0ZmgQ
  12. More that you did me a huge favor, since Lady Vamp is not a real damage-dealer, and Mercyground made everything better. 🙂 (I sent out a request for help because I was facing a mission with 2 Elite Bosses, and immediately 7 people responded with offers to help, including Singularis, who then teamed up with me after, which made it awesome. This game and the community is so great.)
  13. I like movies, too. https://ibb.co/5jRQHsX https://ibb.co/R6K5tK6 https://ibb.co/8dycHBD https://ibb.co/sJcVj8N
  14. For fun I made Reddy Killerwatt, based on the old advertising mascot named Reddy Kilowatt from waaay back in the day. https://ibb.co/dfqNH2q https://ibb.co/zN8X5CJ
  15. Here's a new one I made whose look I really love, despite being your basic vampiress. I figure she's cold all the time so she can rock the full leather suit. It's difficult to get a good shot of it, though, being all black. Lady Vampyre. https://ibb.co/F5d3NbQ https://ibb.co/QkL5xzW And look who I ran into on Talos Island tonight: https://ibb.co/WDt6sgR
  16. Grievous has a cape, which would set this off nicely.
  17. This is spectacular. Jealousy, I has it.
  18. I love that he has a cow-catcher on his face. 😂 Perfect!
  19. By the way, I saw a guy tonight on Everlasting who has made the costume you're circling. Maybe it'll help spark an idea. https://ibb.co/x3MmxyH
  20. Back in the day I used to have a couple characters that made full use of the multiple costumes. Monster Child was a teen and a giant demon and a time-displaced half-man/half-demon combo. Polly Morph was a shapeshifter. I wanted to do that again, but different. So here is Every-Were, the ultimate animal changeling. The pic is really big, so just the thumbnail here. Click to see the larger version, then click the down arrow to go to full size. https://ibb.co/Hn510MJ I wanted to use the glowing Yakuza tattoos as the transformation method, but I didn't realize it was only on the female side. Which is no biggie, but I was driving myself nuts trying to find it in the male side. After that, finding a top/belt combo that covered the human skin when she transforms into various creatures was a challenge, but it mostly works. I can't explain the pants. I guess they're magic pants.
  21. CoH, black velvet style. https://ibb.co/my8DDPj
  22. Which emote is that?
  23. I feel ya on the wrong costume causing you to lose interest. I have a couple of those. Have you tried the costume help thread? I like the 70s guy except for the belt. That feels very 90s to me. A couple pages back in this thread I posted my Baron Britain which might give you some ideas, and the other night I saw a similarly-designed character. https://ibb.co/Tb7BhxC
  24. How are you making gifs? I assume you're using something like OBS to capture video, but what do you use to convert it?
  25. I rewatched Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest this morning, so... meet Maynard. https://ibb.co/85805bV
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