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DR_Mechano last won the day on February 4 2020

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About DR_Mechano

  • Birthday 01/01/1004

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  1. Oh I see...well did a test run with my Spines/Fire brute and the difference was...incredibly minor to say the least...I assume people were using Scrappers for faster clear speed or something because those fire attacks basically tickled and wasn't anything the occasional green insp couldn't fix. I'm guessing they've turned off the double XP booster in AE, noticed a drop in the amount of levels a test run gave.
  2. As someone who has been away from the game for some time...what are all these changes that have reduced fire farming effectivity, I'm kind of out of the loop here but if push came to shove, My War Mace/Bio brute can smash through the old S/L farms in pretty quick order...not nearly as quick as my Spines/Fire brute but I'm guessing something has changed which makes Fire Sword bypass fire resistance or now deal S/L damage + Fire damage instead of pure Fire?
  3. Holy heck, only just discovered this but...the canadian City of Heroes homepage is still up and running...somehow...so yeah if you fancy reading some old news or looking through old patch notes, knock yourself out. Take a look peeps!
  4. This was waaay back when the servers were 'live'. I remember a wave of Chinese bot farmer accounts appearing both EU and NA trying to peddle their inf selling services... ...only to get laughed out of the place when people pointed out making inf via either farming or simple market play far outstripped the time = money cost the Chinese bot farmer accounts could do. I distinctly remember one of them spamming chat where it was like 100 million inf for $50 and the chat responding "I can literally make that in about 30 to 60 minutes...that's not even cost effective on an hourly wage front.." Then the prices started dropping, it became $30 for 100 million, then $20....then they just seemed to give up and leave... To this day I think this is the only game I've seen break Chinese bot farmers by players just being more efficient and better game knowledge along with ease of access to IOs.
  5. Yeah one of the main reasons I take Super Jump over Force of Will is because on a lot of my builds they're power pools are already full and I want to work Combat Jumping in without taking an extra pool, it adds an extra 3.5-5% defense.
  6. Currently got an Nrg/Nrg scrapper fully IO'd out, the build wasn't made specifically to be 'the best' in terms of DPM (running Zap instead of Moonbeam and adding in Ball Lightning for more AoE). but she's running 177% recharge without Ageless, softcapped defenses to all but Psi and she hits like a truck I've noticed, I've not done my standard 'marauder test' (putting them up against Marauder as an AV that I've done for my TW/Bio and Psi/Bio) yet as she's not fully incarnated out.
  7. Firstly, fair enough, yes I have made an AR/Invuln Sentinel but AR/Invuln are pretty much the two easiest sets to build, you want everything from Invuln. From AR you want all your cones and the tier 3 (IIRC) that says it does low damage, high stun, when in fact it does high damage and basically out DPAs every other single target attack. I will also point out that I have stated several times that AR/Invuln was so miserable to play and left such a terrible first impression that I'd effectively sworn off playing Sentinels and this Water/SR one was going to be my return to the fold to see how it worked.
  8. Well not really, you're building for Typed defenses on Energy and Positional on SR plus Energy gets its own heal, SR does not.
  9. No I haven't played it yet, keep in mind I have NO idea what I'm doing on sentinels. Water Jet and Steam Spray are usually skipped on Water Blasters so I was going on that. Why do you think I was asking people to take a look at the build...there's no need to give off that kind of attitude just because someone is asking for help, let alone not explain those choices (WHY is Water Jet and Steam Spray good on Sentinels but Steam Spray is usually skipped on Blasters for example). I mean I was just going to give on advice since the topic had literally sat there for five days unanswered.
  10. AH I knew saying anything about sentinels would get attention :D. But yeah my opinion and the opinion of most in the discussion was that Sentinels don't suck...they're perfectly well balanced...a little TOO well balanced (I get the feeling the HC devs erred on the side of caution when making them), the Target caps, the shorter range, the lower damage, it's not really a good enough trade off for the secondary armour effects in my opinion. However, it's just that, my opinion and people are free to disagree with it and, like I said, 90% of the time it's REALLY not going to matter, it's only when you're going for speed taskforces and the like are people ever going to care about optimal and not just invite whatever or whoever comes first.
  11. Honestly surprised I got the name Venomtide on Everlast today. Also managed to snag the name (this is a long time ago mind you) of Invulnerabelle.
  12. I will say we got in to a discussion on Sentinels on Everlasting with various people chiming in and it never really got hostile. Most people understand where others were coming from (why Assault Rifle/Invuln sentinels make just the WORST first impression because Assault Rifle is F tier bad on Sentinels with only Sonic below it), why Sentinels are in a kind of funky spot right now (they don't really do anything better than any other AT, IMO they're balanced so well that they're bland...especially in a game with extremes outshining them AND being able to be survivable enough that secondaries aren't an major benefit). Heck me saying that "Sentinels are in need of a major rework and probably a niche to fill" is bound to get people riled up but...most people just shrugged and went "eh yeah, if you're looking for top end builds, 90% of the time if you're just on a regular TF run, it's not going to matter."
  13. As someone who, back in the day, had an EU account and an NA account and use to play on Virtue and Union. plus RP'd in WoW. I have this to say, RP groups in general is very cliquey. The thing I found interesting between Union and Virtue was that Virtue had 'group canon' that whatever was happening to that group was what was going on and any other groups largely did not interfere with it, which leads to a conflict if there is cross group roleplay, after all whose group canon is the correct canon? On Union, because of the smaller playerbase, you had 'server canon'. That was things that were firmly established on the server and generally recognized by everyone. For example Dr Mechano opened a business selling walky talky toasters (for toast on the go!)...they begun cropping up in other peoples fiction and it slowly became server canon that it was his ONE successful business venture transitioning him into less a 'invent it in a shed' mad scientist to 'actually owning a factory in Sharkshead' and that was accepted by the people on the server. However the problem arose on Union if you tried to go against server canon and do something the majority had not agreed on, it largely got retconned and could lead to people feeling disillusioned etc. ] With Argent Dawn EU, if you weren't part of one of the 'big guilds' then you largely didn't matter, it also meant that if you tried to form your own guild, people wouldn't be interested because they'd want to be part of the big guilds in order to maybe get a place in server canon (like the war between Forsaken and Stormwind which raged on that server...which was annoying because the horde side were all RP-PvP guilds whilst 95% of the Alliance guilds were all RP-PvE guilds and very few characters were running top of the line gear. My Fury warrior was one of the exceptions because I PuG'd Heroic raids which meant I could stand toe to toe with PvPers for the most part, yes humble brag I know).
  14. Hi guys just wondering what you more knowledgeable people thought about a test run build I came up with for water/SR.
  15. Sadly no. It also really changed the vibe of Astoria. Original DA was very much Silent Hill inspired, with the thick fog and the ghosts vanishing the moment you got too close to them, the fact we only sort of knew what was going on. Modern DA is kind of more end times Cthulhu inspired what with cultists in the street, the red sky, the fog being removed etc. I kind of preferred the original look if I;m honest.
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