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Posts posted by Menelruin

  1. 3 hours ago, marcussmythe said:

    If my wishes were fishes, stun would be replaced by some kind of ground-punch PBAOE.  Punch the ground and the ground explodes, causing knockup?

    I love this idea, especially if the effect emphasizes ENERGY exploding from the ground, as compared to the generic "the ground got smacked really hard" of Foot Stomp, Mighty Judgement, etc.

  2. 42 minutes ago, Troo said:

    It was mentioned as a possible item for the next Issue . Could be a little bit and we'll get to see it on the test servers well before it hitting live.

    Blergh.  Haven't see any updates to the test servers since April.  I'm just super anxious for THIS change because one of my fave toons (thematically) is an EM/EnA Brute, and if this happens, I might just be able to find a good build and make him my "main" hero 🤩

    • Thanks 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Snowdaze said:

    I would also be ok if it just started from the onset, at .01 end/sec and started a slow exponential curve culminating at some point where it's beyond incapable of sustainment.

    Right, and for those powers that BOOST Recovery, they probably completely offset it at first....then gradually just lessen the blow, until eventually they can keep up.

  4. Awesome idea, I love it!  One other possible suggestion though, to hybridize solutions and address concerns?  What if the endurance cost is just gradually building up the whole time?  So it starts out manageable, then at 60 seconds it starts to ramp up more.  This would be more of a "soft landing" than a crash, but still involve a cost for using them for brief stretches.

  5. If my Earth Dominator's EQ and Animate Stone can't stick around after I go squish, and my Mastermind has to resume his bots from square one any time he dies, why should mobs get to keep their pets? *grumps*

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  6. I think this might be a little too Meta.  There aren't many instant-end powers, but there ARE a lot of instant-health powers.  This might give someone virtually unlimited blasting power, depending on secondaries.


    That said, as someone mentioned, red Water Blast could work for range, and I personally have used red Dark Melee for a toon I envisioned as having tactile hemokinesis.

  7. Does anyone know if the dev team ARE still at work on this?  I check up on the Beta patch notes now and then just to try and catch a glimpse of what may be in the pipeline, but haven't seen anything in a while, it seems.  Not to sound at ALL ungrateful for the FREE work they do and we get to benefit from, just it's nice to have something to look forward to and get excited for, y'know?

  8. 42 minutes ago, Drazah Krad said:

    Captain marvel (MCU) Mutation origin

    sebestian shaw (Fox) mutation

    Shocker (MCU) Tech origin

    Green Lantern (DC) science/tech origin 

    Dragon ball universe Natural origin 

    Ancient one (MCU) magic origin 


    some explanations: 


    shocker and captain marvel are pretty self explanatory. 

    Sebastian Shaw has both energy defense and energy melee.  The absorbed energy could be used as he saw fit. 

    green lantern and dragon ball fighters often have energy surrounding their fists


    ancient one used magical knock back on her strike leveling hulk.  (Bit of a stretch but I struggled with magic)


    IMO Shaw and Captain Marvel are both Super Strength when they actually hit, they're just boosting their strength via energy, same as a kryptonian. 

  9. There's discussions in Suggestions and Feedback about what EM should/shouldn't be, and that got me to thinking of what style it's supposedly patterned after.  Who are some "Energy Melee" characters in media?  Please note I DON'T mean "I channel energy into my muscles to hit even harder" as that's an offshoot of super strength, I just mean "I make my fist go BOOM!"  The main cases I can think of are Cannonball, and MAYBE Iron Fist specifically when he lights it up.  Sunspot has enhanced strength, not just hitting hard.  Maybe the movie version of Negasonic Teenage Warhead?


    EDIT:  To clarify, folks who can empower their strikes and hit hard, but do NOT necessarily have Super Strength.

  10. 25 minutes ago, marcussmythe said:

    Valid, but at the same time, what exactly does 'Energy Not Otherwise Specified' do to a target?  🙂


    In the alternate, a long duration, small but stacking resist debuff would get there - here I am talking each hit leaving a small debuff with a duration in minutes or tens of minutes, such that over an extended fight, the target would take more and more and more damage - but by here I mean 'extended' in the form of 'multiple minutes' - IE, not going to threaten the pylon timers or the AOE herders, just able to trade licks with Lusca without having to throw poison daggers. 🙂

    Welp, I guess that makes about as much sense as Sonic lowering damage resist...."Energy burn" status, I guess?

  11. 1 hour ago, marcussmythe said:

    If we are interested in EM as a single target set (and we are), and given that the ultimate example of single target demand is AVs and GMs - 


    How would we feel about a significant -Regen debuff as an EM secondary effect?  Probably best to make the debuff relatively small per hit, but long duration and stacking, such that after a minute of focusing on one target, you can assume even a GM or a +4 AV is floored?


    Might give a niche that wouldnt break PvP...




    Mechanically cool, but thematically doesn't really fit, sadly.  It would almost make more sense to give that gimmick to Rad Melee and then pass an equivalent of Contaminated over to EM with the "detonation" idea someone mentioned....except of course, that would again shift EM away from ST......

  12. 1 hour ago, BrandX said:


    Okay.  This would change it up a bit and possibly mess up some slotting for a few, who I'd guess only use it as a set mule, but for Stun and to add a bit more AOE.


    Stun becomes a Targeted AOE.  Main Target gets the Stun at Mag 3, while those around the target get hit with the same low damage, but on the plus side, people can proc it out for more damage.


    And, like I said, there would be a .05% who'd complain. 🙂

    Since Stun is so unused, I think that it's the best candidate for an AoE.  It either doesn't affect your build anyway if you were ignoring it, or it gives you a second option.


    One other odd idea I saw somewhere was to make it so Whirling Hands sets off a targeted AoE burst of damage on EACH mob hit by it, so that your effective radius is greatly increases.  Though now that I think about it, that might get kinda crazy if you use it in the middle of a crowd, and every mob takes the blast damage from every OTHER mob.....

  13. 13 hours ago, Nanolathe said:

    Then your feet wouldn't be planted on the hoverboard, which was the proposal I was responding to. If you use the flying animation set you're defeating the premise of using ground animations as a "fix" for the problem. This applies to every attack that moves the feet around more than a shuffle. There are literally hundreds of animations that wouldn't work, especially in newer sets.


    Apologies if I wasn't clear, but I'm saying that just using the grounded animations for every power when on the hoverboard will not work, and using the flying animations as you suggest defeats the purpose of having a character that only has flight due to standing on a hoverboard.


    Unless the HC team has figured out how to insert new animations into the game (which last I looked, they have not), this is a request that simply can not be achieved without massively compromising the professional look of the animations.

    Why not just have the hoverboard stay under wherever the player is positioned?  If the character wants to dance around on it, and looks a little silly, so be it.  I've seen more ridiculous things in video games (the plane level in Sonic 2 springs to mind).

  14. Dunno if this is a common issue, or maybe I just suck and need to git gud, but with all the bright flashy lights, it's hard to pick out that moment of vulnerability when an AV's resistances to holds are lowered.  Is there any way of making it more obvious/notable when their resistances drop or raise again?  Some possibilities include having the AV resistance symbol be obvious near their name in the target window, have the triangles change color depending on if they're up or not, or have some graphical effect (a rising or lowering BIG triangle, maybe?) when the resistances turn off or on.  Thoughts?



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  15. 5 hours ago, MTeague said:

    Minor quibble on the use of the term "Thematic".  I have a Plant / Psi dominatior with a 1023 character backstory that fully justifies both powersets and explains how she came to be what she is today. Many combinations may be thematic for the character you create without being low-hanging-fruit of sets to pair together at first glance. 


    I can create a Mercs / Dark MM and have it feel entirely thematic based on character backstory, even if you might consider Necro/Dark or Mercs/Traps to be the more obvious combinations.


    That said.

    • Blaster:  Archery / Tac Arrow has been much stronger than I anticipated. It was a breeze going through Praetoria 1-21 soloing vs +2/x1 missions with bosses.  I expected to faceplant left and right on a blaster.  And I did die a few times.  But it proved extremely strong in being able to burst down bosses, in being able to lock down lieuts while dealing with minions, and in being able to fairly safely retreat and come back later if I bit off more than I could chew.  Glue Arrow gets you a massive lead if you need to make tracks and lose aggro as well as helping you kite things that want to melee and make them waste all kinds of time trying to get to you.
    • Brute:  Energy Melee / Energy Aura:   painful at low levels.  Don't even try to tank for a team unless you have several buffs or really enjoy debt.  You will be winded and out of END fairly quickly, and at low levels a defense set just doesn't have enough defense.  However.  Around lvl 20 this combo starts to come into it's power and rolls through baddies fairly quickly.  Some attention will still be needed to END management, and the more +END procs you can slot in Health or Stamina, the better.  At lvl 25, my Brute rocks and just doesn't stop and this should only get better as he get the Energy Leech/+Def PBAE. and while it may not be the fastest attack ever, damn but Total Focus is glorious to see in action.



    I've been off for a couple weeks, did they finally fix Energy Melee?

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