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Posts posted by Menelruin

  1. 4 minutes ago, ImpousVileTerror said:

    Supersonic Melee!


    Make it do Smashing/Energy, and have a -Res component.


    BAM! (Well done, @Menelruin)

    While I'd love that, it might be too OP.  That's why I just went with a straight up accuracy bonus and smashing damage, to keep it straightforward.  TBH MECHANICALLY Savage Melee probably would fit a Speedster type well, in terms of rapid attacks, reducing endurance cost, etc.....but damnit, I don't wanna claw things apart, I wanna punch them 90 times in a second!


    But yeah, @ImpousVileTerror, Supersonic Melee would be awesome!

    • Like 2
  2. 17 hours ago, ImpousVileTerror said:

    Shop the name a little, I think, and the premise is sound enough otherwise.   Avoid the word "Speed," I think.  Especially avoid "Speedster."


    Celeris Melee?



    Hmm . . . tough job . . . 


    EDIT:  WAIT!   It just hit me (ouch)!

    Fleet Fists!


    eh?  eeehhh?



    Although, I will say that Melee has the MOST Sets right now, so . . . I'd like to see three to seven more Control Sets, and a few more Mastermind Sets too while I'm dreaming.

    Well, we've already got "Kinetic Melee" which....if we're being technical, would be like 90% of the melee sets, wouldn't it?  Maybe Accelerated Melee?  Personally I think Speed Combat sounds about as good as Street Justice, but whatevs, so long as we fill in that concept gap for supersonic punching ^_^

    • Thanks 1
  3. @Replacement so move the T2 down to T8, any thoughts on a better T2?  Maybe Ki Push?  And should the new T8 be Whirlwind, or maybe just use a weaponless Whirling Strike?  Also, I stuck the T8 in there because mostly the set is AoE heavy (due to running around smacking a bunch of baddies at once), but I figured there should be ONE heavy-hitting ST attack.  Almost like an inverse of Energy Melee, where you have lots of ST attacks, but only one AoE.

  4. 11 minutes ago, Replacement said:

    The t2 seems a little out of place with other t2s. I'd probably move that ability down and get rid of the t8 (the set already has Burst of Speed).

    I realize it's immature to fixate on autocorrect typos, but this brought me great joy.

    Autocorrect has been the Bone of my existence lately.....

    • Haha 2
  5. 11 hours ago, ImpousVileTerror said:

    Shop the name a little, I think, and the premise is sound enough otherwise.   Avoid the word "Speed," I think.  Especially avoid "Speedster."


    Celeris Melee?



    Hmm . . . tough job . . . 


    EDIT:  WAIT!   It just hit me (ouch)!

    Fleet Fists!


    eh?  eeehhh?



    Although, I will say that Melee has the MOST Sets right now, so . . . I'd like to see three to seven more Control Sets, and a few more Mastermind Sets too while I'm dreaming.

    I've been wanting some more "natural" control sets for a while.  The recycling powers thread had some cool ideas for a riot suppression rifle, with things like smoke bombs, etc.  Like I said though, this is just a gaping hole in character themes that needs to be filled IMO.

  6. 8 minutes ago, Thezanman said:

    I don't see how "hit really fast" isn't a universal concept. We already have "hit really hard" in super strength. Both of those can easily be made to work with any of the origins and countless character concepts.

    Hell, even TASKMASTER could arguably make use of most of it, other than Whirlwind....

  7. Ganked from one of my comments in the Power Recycling thread.  Posting it here too because there's a gaping hole in character themes, where we need a solid melee option for characters like the Flash.


    Okay, rough draft, but I suck at thinking of new names for powers, so I reserve the right to slowly edit them in as I think of things:


    SPEED COMBAT:  You are able to make use of your enhanced speed to deliver blows with the force of a wrecking ball.  All powers deal smashing damage.  This power set has an accuracy bonus, as the enemies seem to be moving in slow-motion to you.


    T1:  "Rapid Strikes."  Flurry, taken from Super Speed.


    T2:  "Vortex Draft."  A 1-second duration Whirlwind, take from Super Speed.  Causes knock-UP on all nearby enemies, in addition to smashing damage.


    T3:  "Dashing Strikes."  Burst of Speed, taken from Martial Combat.


    T4:  Chronos, taken from Temporal Manipulation, as the Build-Up clone.


    T5:  Reaction Time, taken from Martial Combat.  I figure if Dark Melee can have a power that's just a debuff, we can do it here, too.  It just FITS thematically, and for that "I'm faster than all the baddies" feel.


    T6:  Confront (obligatory)


    T7:  Rending Flurry, taken from Savage Melee


    T8:  "Supersonic Strike."  A weaponless version of Shield Charge, from Shield Defense, but targeting only ONE enemy, for extreme damage.


    T9:  "1,000 Fists."  A toned-down version of the Vorpal Judgement, with some of the graphics animations removed, fewer targets hit, less damage, but a quicker activation.  May add some sort of "cloud" effect in the targeted area, as if all that can be seen is a blur of your character dashing around.


    Other powers I considered throwing in were Ki Push from Martial Combat, and a weaponless version of Whirling Smash from Titan Weapons.



    • Like 3
  8. 6 minutes ago, Force Redux said:

    Here's my 0.2 INF based on my experiences with MMs, from their inception until now.



    Robotics  - tanky, most damage tied up in Assault Bot, blooms late, has good AoE, but low DPS. This is countered by regen debuffs in Assault Bot's plasma attacks, which is helpful with AVs, but not so much with clearing weaker mobs. Needs ways to mitigate knockback from AssBot's attacks, either with procs or things like Electric Fences. This is a ranged pet set, so with new pet AI they just sit and light up things from a distance. Works best with Secondaries that buff defense, although a solid resistance set will also perform well. It is still a top performer, overall, coming in just after Thugs and Demons.


    Robotics Secondary Pairings: Recommend with Force Field, Cold, Time, Nature, Electrical Affinity or Dark. 


    Thugs - top performer (tied with Demons) - also tanky due to Enforcer buffs, but these do not affect the MM (unlike Bots, which will buff the MM). High damage, both ST and AoE (much of the AoE is tied to Arsonist, so you have to keep him alive -easier with the improved pet AI. The damage is more spread out between all the pets, so easier to level up than Bots. Can take more procs in the Enforcers than some sets (-resist, damage procs). Bruiser gets fury as a mini-brute. Arsonist is a mini-Corruptor with scourge. Brute is melee, rest are ranged. Again, new pet AI makes this much more manageable as Brute doesn't wander off too far. Works best IMO with sets that boost defense, but again, they are so good they benefit from almost anything.  Comes with Gang War, which is an excellent power as well as a MM proc mule. 


    Thugs Secondary Pairings: Recommend with Time, Dark, Thermal, Pain or Cold. 


    Demons - the other top performer - more resistance based defenses (some of which benefit the MM and team mates), a little bit of self-healing, and lots of -damageresistance to amp up damage. Mixed variety of damage types (fire, cold, toxic) but also makes them a bit tough to proc out their attacks.  Like Thugs, damage is spread out a bit among the pets, making leveling easier. Demon Prince also has some decent controls, particularly his hold which he spams a lot. Mostly ranged, and they benefit from the improved pet AI. Demons are so good they just pair well with almost anything (except Trick Arrow...but then again... does anything?). Has Hell on Earth, which is not as good as Gang War, but is still serviceable and also a proc mule. 


    Demons Secondary Pairings:  Recommend with Dark, Time, Cold, Thermal, Pain or Nature. 


    Necromancy - an old, but still true set that allows you to blend damage with control. Lower on the damage scale, and more single target, it offers more control via the Grave Knight's knock up sword attacks and the LIch, who is a mini Dark Miasma controller. They also toss out lots of -ToHit. They damage is concentrated in the Grave Knights, who are excellent and can take the same procs as Enforcers in Thugs (-resist, damage procs). They pets have always been pretty well behaved, and are immune to slows. The Lich tends to hang back while the other pets go forth into melee. Also has a proc mule in Soul Extraction, which is arguably the least powerful of the three proc mule powers (the others being Hell on Earth and Gang War). But it saves you slots on the pets. Lich can also take Clouded Senses damage proc, which works on all his attacks.  Th,e pets lack Lethal resists, but have some exotic resists, and with pet IOs you can get them 35% lethal resist or more anyway. 


    Necromancy Secondary Pairings: Recommend with Dark, Time, Cold, Nature.


    Beasts - a newer set that is pure melee, all the time. There have been debates over the efficiency of their attack chain, but I played them all the way to T3 incarnate and found them no better or worse with their pauses in attacks than any other set. They are the ONLY set that can self-buff their Defense to soft-cap with Pack Mentality, allowing you to choose other secondarys that you might not consider due to attempts to keep them alive. They also have decent S/L/Cold resists. They also have about 11-12% base Defense. Damage is concentrated more into Dire Wolf, though not as lopsided as Robots; they are also more single target, with Dire Wolf having some AoE. They come with -movement speed debuff attacks that help keep things near them and other than Ninjas, are the fastest pets on the ground that I've used.  Still, you might want to get an Epic or Seconary with some immobilization or control to help the pets keep things close by. Beasts are a bit more prone to Knockback recovery time, so Clarion Destiny or a secondary with KB protection (Electrical Affinity) is helpful, if not mandatory. The nice thing about Beasts is they are always where you expect them to be, since they are all melee. They do not have a proc mule power in Pack Mentality, but if you don't need it to get Defense up there, due to a secondary like Force Field, then you can leave it unused to build +damage and +Crit, which turns beasts into chainsaws. Single Target chainsaws. 


    Beast Secondary Pairings: Recommend Kinetics, Time, Cold, Nature, Thermal, Pain, Electric. 


    More later, this is what I have for now. 

    Thank you, this helps a lot!  I notice you didn't include Sonic Resonance as syngergizing with anything.  Is it not very strong for MM?  I would have though it paired well with Thugs or Demons, from what you wrote about them....

  9. So I know this probably gets asked a lot, but is there a guide somewhere to the advantages and disadvantages of the different kinds of henchmen, and what sort of secondaries tend to synergize best with them?  So far, all I've gathered is:


    1:  Robots are durable, and Force Field takes that up to 11.

    2:  Demons have lots of types of elemental damage.

    3:  /Time goes with everything.

    4:  /Trick Arrow sucks.


    My only MM right now is a Bots/FF, because I figured it was the easiest starter choice, and it works thematically.  I tend to try and combine powers that FIT with origins, so that's why I'm curious if, say, having an army of street thugs has a better pairing than chronokinesis.....

  10. 1 hour ago, Zepp said:

    I was going to assert that Psi and Toxic were resisted by a lot of enemies, especially at higher levels. @Zeraphia, thanks for linking the data that demonstrates my intended assertion.

    Psi could definitely have a good judgement - probably with a strong control component (confuse?). Toxic would have to be a different type of judgement, but I wouldn't mind a patch or pseudopet (dot + summon pseudopet on nearby enemies) type of power.

    Most of the judgements are either PBAoE or target AoE in front of you, with only Ionic being a chain.  I was thinking it might be interesting if a Toxic one chained, like a plague/contagion.

  11. IF they fix Energy Melee, my main will probably be my Energy/Energy Brute, as he's already durable, and will hit hard enough to be a decent "workhorse" character....and he's also one of my few "original" concept characters that aren't homages to something else (mostly Mega Man bosses).  As it stands, if I don't know what's needed for something, I tend to bring my SD/Rad Tanker (styled after Proto Man), as I figure if I'm unkillable, it helps minimize how much of a drag I can be to a team 😜


    Otherwise, I have more of a stable of preferred characters at 50 who can provide different key roles a team might need:  A Fire3 Blaster (Fire Man) for ranged offense, a Time/Beam Defender (Flash Man) for Support, and a Earth2 Dom (original character) for Control.  Along with my Tanker, about the only role I still need to fill is melee DPS, which will probably be either my TW/Bio scrapper or my Claws/WP scrapper (Cut Man).....unless something AMAZING happens to Energy Melee, as I said.

  12. 2 hours ago, Keen said:

    I have a finished version of my Bio/Dark Hami Tanker.


    Keen (Hami Tank) - Tanker (Bio Armor).mxd 5.32 kB · 0 downloads


    It's a league-setting oriented build -- it doesn't have enough KB protection from IOs, so you'll need mez protection for the initial launch/alpha. Melee Hybrid + Clarion to be 100% safe against the initial stun (38 mag total). In a league setting, it doesn't require any external buffs to stay alive, neither on launch or during mito clearing.


    cc @Menelruin @S33k3r 


  13. You could also THINK you're a mutant, but actually an alien, or descended from demons?  Maybe your parents made a deal with an Eldritch abomination and it's manifesting in you gaining powers?  Maybe you THOUGHT you had natural abilities, but a mutation is giving you an extra edge?  Maybe you were a soldier, but the government was using your troop as test subjects without telling anyone?

    • Like 2
  14. My only Dom is an Earth/Earth, and is fun to play, but it sounds from this thread like some of you guys have amazing powerhouse builds for this combo.  Anyone feel like sharing? ^^;;

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