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Posts posted by Menelruin

  1. 18 minutes ago, 0th Power said:

    it use to be the power thrust animation and it was glorious

    I get that, but what I mean is that now it goes long windup, then hit and damage.  I'm imagining no windup, not even a FIST, just hand reaches out, glow builds up, THEN burst of damage.  Like if Gambit decided to blow up a robot in melee.

  2. On 3/21/2020 at 8:10 AM, S33k3r said:

    You wouldn't be willing to share your build for the Bio / Dark tanker, would you? 🙂



    Over in the Brute forums he posted a kickass DM/Regen build, and last night I successfully used it to tank Hami without outside support 😁

  3. 8 hours ago, Galaxy Brain said:

    Hm, if we are tossing all sorts of ideas at the wall, how about a bonus if you are at 100% hp?


    The problem with Regen is that it cannot take an alpha well, and conversely it lacks any sort of mitigation unless you are actually being damaged. Maybe if certain powers in the set (the passives) also had a built in bonus effect if you are at full health:


    Fast Healing: when at full HP, gain an absorb layer equal to 10% of your hp (enhanceable)


    Resilience: when at full HP, the resistance values are doubled (enhanceable) and you also gain a small amount of defense vs all (3%, unenhanceable).


    The idea would be these two could combine to give you a sturdier layer of mitigation. Jumping into a fight at full health, and rewarding you for constantly healing back to full and giving you some breathing room once you do so vs a number of hits or one big hit.

    I'd say more at 90%+ HP.  With all the random shots flying around, 100% isn't going to happen often in combat, I'd imagine.  You'll get NICKED, but heal it up in 5 seconds when Regen tics.

  4. You know, it's hard to conceptualize a sort of offensive buff for FF.  Is the game's code capable of any sort of counterattack or damage reflection ability?  You could have 2 buff types, one being a "spiked field" that made melee attackers take some damage back when hitting a buffed target, and the other being a "reflective field" that caused ranged attacks to potentially ricochet back and hit the target....thematically, at least. 

    • Like 1
  5. Was just toying with the idea of making Hamidon's human form as a character.  I'm thinking sentinel, with either recolored water blast or radiation blast as the primary (water since the goo is digesting you supposedly), and either regen (like the green mitos) or bio for the secondary.  Bio also fits as it would add toxic damage, again like the green mitos.


    How would you guys build him?

  6. 1 minute ago, AgentForest said:

    If there was a weaker move called "Warp" that's very fast cast time, short range, and lower cost, and provides a minor regen buff or something upon warping, so you can jump around a battlefield, that would be neat.  The only problem with balancing that would be PvP.  This was just an idea off the top of my head.  Perhaps make it so it builds up stacks, and each Warp cast increases the cooldown of the next one, so if you use it too many times in a row, you end up unable to use it when you need it, forcing you to be more careful with it.  Attacking enemies eats up the stacks so you can Warp again.

    Reminds me of Kassadin in LoL, who has a teleport-attack move that he can use rapid fire...but every time he does it in rapid succession, DOUBLES the mana cost.....

    • Like 1
  7. I'd been thinking about different sets are restricted by AT, and Brute gets almost EVERYTHING it could want. 


    Super Strength is a DPS set that doesn't go to the melee DPS specialist because it would be too good, supposedly. 


    Energy Aura is a defensive set that doesn't go to the defensive specialist because it would be too good, supposedly. 


    Does combining both on the dps/defensive hybrid class just become insane?  Or is it diluting the different strong points too much? 

  8. Can I make a minor alteration to one suggestion?  Comic book regeneration tends to place more emphasis on your BODY recovering from effects than your MIND.  Maybe give the set major resistance to all debuffs, with the exception of confusion, fear, and possibly sleep?

  9. 1 hour ago, ABlueThingy said:

    1. Fold TP Ally and TP foe into one power that's different depending on target.  And shorten the animation time by... lets say 0.2 for every other TP power you have.


    2. Add in Combat Teleport.  Short range, no animation, no hover effect, just a flash.  Gives small (nonstacking)+def boost.  Maybe one quarter the range of TP and 50% of the cost?  Not effective to travel with... but you could if you really wanted.  People do use CJ instead of SJ after all.


     3. Speed up the animation and the lockouts on regular TP a little bit for every TP power.


    4. Make Long Range Teleport a free power you get for picking Group Teleport.  Also it offers a TP prompt to the whole team to follow you when you LRT.  ie Group LRT baseline.


    5. Fill in LRT's slot with TP Beacon.  First cast drops a little floating mote of light pet.  If you target the mote and cast again, it switches to Safety Beacon Mode.  In Safty mode it will TP Ally you as soon as your health dips below... lets say 1/3rd.  If you cast it again targeting anything besides the mote(or targeting nothing) it orders the mote to cast TP Ally on you.  Limit is map range.  ...You could also get a little weirder with it and make it so you can cast it while targeting an ally and it will spawn where the ally is standing and bind to them.  Otherwise works the same.  So you can yoink your ally right out of the fight.  Or if you're busy, you can set to auto-yoink.




    That's what I'd want.  Give it some useful buffs and folding redundant powers in. Some good in-combat powers that work well with melee classes.  So you can have the thoughtful battlefield manipulator AND the lightning fast nightcrawler type who weaves in and out, yanks foes around.


    TL;DR Give TP more tactical options and more strategic options.


    A whole lot of awesome in there.  And it seems like pretty much everyone can agree that TP Ally/Foe need to be rolled into one.

  10. 3 hours ago, biostem said:

    Why should "can I use this power to mule set IOs" be a consideration when it comes to adjusting powers?

    Because it's definitely a factor when people decide what pools to get?  Do you have a reason NOT to allow it in?  Right now people take Leaping and Flight for LotG, Speed for Hasten, and Sorcery for slotting in that arcane barrier power, whatever it's called.  Teleport is the only one left out in the cold.

  11. Just throwing out whatever ideas people can come up with.  Here's a couple:


    1:  Combine Team Teleport and Long-Range Teleport into one power, that lets you select an ally on the same map, and move both yourself and any willing allies to their location.  Like a reverse "Gather the team."


    2:  Super Jumping and Flight both have handy slotting options for Defense IOs.  What if we make at least 1 teleport power give some tiny, trivial amount of damage resistance (perhaps due to a sheath of residual dimensional energies?), just so different IO options can be slotted in it? 


    3:  Combine Teleport Enemy with an attack, akin to a Scorpion "GET OVER HERE!" strike.  Alternatively, just make a fast-acting teleport-attack.  Seriously, why does Jumping get a teleport-attack, and not the TELEPORTATION pool?


    4:  Give Teleport Enemy a minor defense debuff, due to it throwing off the enemy's equilibrium and catching them off-guard.  Again, more for slotting options.


    Any other thoughts? 

    • Like 1
  12. 5 hours ago, Keen said:

    To answer the OP, I've done quite a bit of research about what would be the best Hamidon tank ever. My parameters for this would be that a good tank:


    • should endure Hamidon + 18 mitos as long as possible,
    • alone in the goo,
    • without any external buffs or temporary powers,
    • and only relying on EoEs and their own powers.


    Bio Armor/Dark Melee Tanker is currently the top contender. Thanks to endurance drain and slow resistances in an auto power, it can stay stunned and not have endurance dropped to zero (hence not die). This build is currently capable of staying for almost 3 minutes taking full Hamidon + 18 mito damage until defeat.


    Stone Armor/Dark Melee Tanker made a good run, taking second place for tanking duration alone. It lasts around 2 minutes. Best thing of this build is stun protection (34), which allows more variety in Incarnate choices. But this is quite a hard build to play with due to movement restrictions by Granite + Rooted. Teleport is a must here. The biggest issue with this build is the lack of unresistable big heal: Earth's Embrace is their version of Dull Pain, but the heal is resistable so it doesn't work against Hami. If it did, it would surpass Bio Armor in survivability. Unfortunately, Siphon Life alone isn't enough to make this build survive for long.


    Dark Melee/Regeneration Brute makes third place. They have a serious issue with endurance recovery, and Ageless Destiny isn't able to protect them for long. They don't last more than 1 minute alone in the goo as all their endurance will be drained quickly and they will be unable to heal or use any powers.


    Dark Armor/Dark Melee Tanker makes fourth place. They last longer than Regeneration Brutes, but they have a larger number of issues. Their endurance drain protection is in a toggle, which gets suppressed when stunned. Incarnate mez protection isn't able to protect them for more than 1 minute when solo, so Clarion + Melee Hybrid has to be stacked and this is really counterproductive. Their lack of KB protection/resistance also makes it harder to build. In a league setting however, they're as good as Regeneration Brutes.


    Well damn, now I'm wondering if I need to make a Bio/Dark tanker for this project instead....


    @Keen do you already have a build you've used for this?  Also, what keeps the Bio build alive during Hami's blasts?  I'm not seeing any heals, and I'm not sure how the "unresistable" regen boost works if regen overall is floored.  Is it just the absorb from Ablative Carapace?

    • Like 1
  13. So I have a tendency towards Buyer's Remorse on characters, and it always sticks in my craw when a powerset I'm using is missing the ONE thing I could really use in a given situation.  My Kinetics Defender doesn't have Rez.  My Time Defender doesn't have a de-mezzer.  My Empathy Defender doesn't have teamwide buffs to either defenses (other than just boosting regen rate) or offenses (other than recovery), nor any notable debuffs.


    After a quick scan, it looks like Thermal is the best set to check ALL these "optional extras" boxes for Defender.  I'm now trying to figure out the best pairing for it, for "all-around" team support.  Obviously something with either major debuff potential in and of itself, but there's a couple options, and there's endgame to consider:


    Dark Blast has that built in -acc, but by endgame everyone has capped defense anyway, so probably not the way to go.


    Radiation Blast has -Def, which runs into the same problem as Dark (accuracy is probably capped at endgame), but I'm given to understand it can be paired with some awesome proc options.


    Ice Blast, slows are always useful, but only defensively, they won't make things die faster. 


    Sonic seems like a solid choice, -Res makes anything die faster.  Not sure if it has defensive benefits though. 


    Dual Pistols is overall lackluster I've heard, BUT it has the option of choosing just what sort of debuff you want to apply, including both offensive and defensive options, which also means tons of proc-slotting options.


    Any suggestions?  Are there any blast sets I missed, with extra noteworthy secondary effects?


    EDIT:  I guess Beam Rifle has a nice mix of effects, but the limited AoE may hurt in general content.

  14. Yeah, I wasn't aware of the slow debuffs, but basically there's 2 kinds of attacks from Hami I knew about


    1:  The Green mitos, nailing you with toxic. 


    2:  EVERYTHING ELSE, which ignores any defense/resistance other than that given by "Essence of the Earth" inspirations, AND massively debuffs basically anything that makes your green bar go up (being healed, using an inspiration, the Rebirth destiny), with a VERY small number of "unresistable" exceptions....the main ones I know of being Siphon Life from DM and Reconstruction from Regen.  Hence why I picked both sets.

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