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  1. Which shard is this on? I'd love to come see! Need some castle inspiration. 😉
  2. On Indom: The Indo Zen Cen Use passcode: EUF-1676
  3. On Indom: The Indohub Dance Club! Use passcode Indohub-1675
  4. This sundial blew me away. Hubs did a double take when I told him "no, that's not a piece, they BUILT that!". Bravo! This base is stunning. *swoon*
  5. In my travels thru the passcodes I found Joker's Wild on Everlasting to have the most impressive DJ booths. I absolutely loved this: the vinyl even spins!
  6. Indohub Dance Club on Indo enter_base_from_passcode Indohub-1675
  7. Now open, to the left of Pocket D. 😎 enter_base_from_passcode Indohub-1675
  8. Jaded is the channel for speed/theme runs.
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