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Is there a way to export character builds?
Ico replied to dmaker's topic in Tools, Utilities & Downloads
Sorry to necro this thread, but for anyone else who is frustrated nd annoyed with a "Here's how:" message pointing to box that says "Sorry, this content is no longer available", the command you use is "/buildsave". It's kinda, sorta sometimes imports. -
Is Level 50 your start, your end, or a foreign land?
Ico replied to Gentoo's topic in General Discussion
I'm somewhere in the middle. I have three characters with at least T4 Alphas, but about 20 other alts that anywhere from 10 to 40-something. Some days I want to play a defender, other times a controller, more often than not a blaster. And there's still some AT combos I have yet to try. I recently got an archery/regen sentinel up to 40 and don't know if I'll play him. I found it to be a little underwhelming. I recently decided to pick a main, get T4 everything, full IO sets, the badge buffs, etc. I've got one more buff to grab and then he's done. Mostly I wanted to see what all the min/max hype is about. And I'm also going to use him and go to Ouro to do old arcs I missed. -
It's a thematic character. But I don't find the shorter range all that annoying. And I like the animations. One of the few that I think work well. Devices just has so much to offer, I can't quite it.
Where you could land being marked as AFK. Gotta hand it to Blizzard, they really do know how to stretch out a subscription. It hilarious when everyone gets all excited because the BAF cut scene got skipped.
Probably a little late here, but blasters are my favorite AT. I've tried all sorts of combinations, and always end up with devices as a secondary. And with the changes to it from when it was Cloaking Device, Field Operative is a must-have. I never, ever run out of endurance given its new bonus. Three slot that and Stamina for end redux and you can run as many toggles as you want and just keep Fly on without worrying about it. Super easy to position yourself. Also being able to go almost anywhere I want is super handy. A Smoke Grenade and you can walk right up to them if you want. It's too good. Right behind that is Targeting Drone. Slotting this means you only have to put one +acc into any power and you'll rarely miss even purples. That frees up slots for stuff like 3-slotting health and such so you have amazing regen. It also lets you slot more in your secondaries. For example, you can put 3 -recharge into Trip Mine and it'll have something like a 14 second recharge time, so you can stack a few up in short order. And you'll have room for a KB -> KD IO in there, so even when using Trip Mine you can better keep all the NPCs in a nice tight group for AOE. Once you start getting sets going, you'll be able to have three Gun Drones out at once, which is hilarious. And I should mention that I don't like melee. I find it to be too fiddly, so I tend to emphasize range. A lot of the other secondaries for Blasters have too much melee stuff in them I never ended up using, and it always felt like a waste. The only power in devices I don't take/use is Time Bomb since it's overly situational IMO. Everything else I get a lot of use out of.
Definitely going to have to find some time to log on tonight...
My /dev Blaster is very much looking forward to the Halloween event. Knock, knock, knock... BOOM!
I've always been a weirdo when it comes to keybinds. I use the arrow keys to move, numpad 0 to target next enemy, numpad . to target the next enemy. Then I use numpad 1-9 for main toolbar 1-9. Then numpad Enter for main toobar 10, + for second toolbar 1, - for second 2, * for second 3. For the rest of the second toolbar I use the page up, page down, insert, etc keygroup. I shove my keyboard over to the left so that the arrow keys are under my left hand. That's pretty much the only way I was able to hit the keys without looking decades ago and I just got used to playing that way.
Boosting purples gives you A LOT of advantage. Boosting a purple damage IO to +5 improves the bonus from 53% to 66.25%. With ED, you want as much bonus as possible.
Oh certainly not. I didn't mean to imply that necessarily But I know some blasters don't even take Trip Mine, much less slot it, much less 6-slot with $180 million in purples and boosters in order to make a nuke out of it. So I imagined there'd be some that say I'm gimping my build or not living up to it's best damage potential or I could have had Combat Jump for more survivability whatever. Now that I think about it, what I did is actually the only way that this idea isn't wasteful. Using up five slots and then putting in regular IOs or something in it would actually be a waste since it really wouldn't have enough bonus to make much difference. But with the purples and set bonuses and Incarnate stuff, it actually works!
I totally forgot about that! My main on live was a /dev blaster and I loved laying "treats" on their doorsteps...
I didn't take Time Bomb as it was more than useless before the newest changes. But I may look into it!
Blasters being my favorite AT, I make a lot of them. One of the ones I play lot is fire/devices. Total glass cannon, but he one-shots yellow LTs so things melt pretty quickly, and he's good with AVs and giant monsters since he's a huge accuracy bonus to go with the damage. I found myself waiting for a buddy and decided to solo a couple PI radios while I waited. I had it set to +2/8, and the only way to really stay alive was to thin the herd by stacking a couple trip mines around a corner or something and pull. Bunch them up and then AoE them all the rest of the way down, standard fire blaster stuff. After that, I got to thinking. I had a respec, and If Trip Mine had a little more slotting love, with the recent changes removing the interrupt it might actually be viable to use as a kind of mini-nuke in a group when Inferno isn't up. And maybe I'd only need one on a corner when I'm solo. That'd be nice. I decided that if I'm going to go, I'm going big. I 6-slotted Trip Mine. With purples. And then I boosted each one to +5. It is absolutely friggin' hilarious. NPCs go flying. Minions dead. LTs over halfway dead. And I'm up with a new one about every 15 seconds, so I'm laying mines like I'm paid to do it. I've got Assault Hybrid to T4, so that's helping out too. I get Armageddon's set bonuses, which was the only other way to get more of the ultimate recharge. The 15% accuracy is just silly since I'm at like 150% +acc bonus. I suppose anything laying a -tohit on me has their work cut out for them, but the 95% tohit cap is a thing no matter what. But I hit purple NPCs as much as greens, so I'm happy there. The mez protection has been absolutely wonderful. I used to get mezzed regularly. Now it's way more manageable. So if Inferno is on cooldown, the procedure is to target a boss or LT like normal, run in and plop a mine down, hit Fire Ball once I'm standing up again, jump back for Fire Breath, then snipe anything still standing. It's a little slower than an actual nuke due to the animation time, but the mine goes off right when it's laid down. It actually is a fairly viable mini-nuke. Anyway, it was a wasteful and frivolous thing to do, but I'm loving it. I'm always jumping into the mobs now since Trip Mine is up every 15 seconds, where before I'd always hang back unless Inferno was up. Anyone coming around in melee distance gets a mine. I'm running over to AVs and dropping mines all the time. I'm a primary blapper now I guess?
I built a dark/regen Sentinel, as a "tough support" sort of character. The idea was to stay up, stay unmezzed, and make the enemy not hit anything at all. To that end, I slotted 3 -tohit IOs in every attack power (along with two +acc and one +dmg). It worked... sort of. I mean, it seemed like the NPC hit less often. A little. But they still generally had no trouble at all shooting back. The exception was Blackstar. When I popped that after shooting them with the other attacks, nobody was hitting anything it seemed like. But it not up all the time. I did remove all the -tohit IOs and sub in +dmg ones. I didn't really notice a difference in the how able the NPC was to shoot someone. You might be able to get some -tohit juice out of the Incarnate stuff, but I haven't played him enough to go much past unlocking alpha. Overall I don't think the idea worked. The bonus on the tohit debuff IOs is small, and they modify an already small value. So it's really not worth slotting for -tohit. You're better off just killing the NPC faster. Last couple months, that character has been parked in the university building stuff, since he's got a lot of recipes learned.