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About skoryy

  • Birthday 01/23/1974

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  1. And I see DCUO and Champions in maintenance mode, Marvel Heroes Online closed 😔, and the only successful superhero games during the MCU era being the ones where you play Batman or Spider-Man. The game market was just never there.
  2. If you have the inf to spare to trick one out right, Elec/Elec can be real fun and surprisingly tanky. And the elec animations themselves are just *chef's kiss*. That said, @tidge is right. You really can't go wrong with any combo, except maybe Willpower. I'm now leveling a DB/Nin, and its a lot of fun too even if DB is underwhelming compared to the other melee ATs. You too can be a real ninja! (Turtle shell sold separately.)
  3. I had an old costume that's been sitting around since Live that I finally put together a concept for. Rather than go the traditional Nin/Nin route, I went with DB since I've always loved the animations. Even if the combos aren't nearly as fun as scrapper DB, I've found the powersets fun enough that I've got him to 35 in two days. XD That said, I've got a final build ready that I wanted to fine tune before I started throwing inf around. It's a hasten-less build since I needed the slots for all the Ninjitsu and Weapons Mastery toys. I also do a lot more teaming than soloing so I'm not worrying about his solo ability. The chain will ultimately be AS -> SS -> filler? -> AS -> AB. I do have a couple questions though: Is it better to proc out Caltrops or use it as a set mule? How useful is Smoke Flash? I've been trying it out but it doesn't seem to drop threat all that much. Is there a trick to using it? If there's anything else I'm missing, I'm open to suggestions! Street Ninja - Stalker (Dual Blades - Ninjitsu).mbd
  4. Shadow Maul is up to 135 degrees. That's not an issue anymore with Dark Melee.
  5. In the immortal words of Rocket J. Squirrel: "Again?"
  6. I think we all know what Marine Affinity is in preparation for:
  7. To quote Shaggy, "Its a g-g-g-ghost!"
  8. Oh hey, its this thread again. I was wondering when it would pop up after the last one on the Suggestions forum petered out.
  9. I mean, if y'all want to run this at +4, fine. If I'm hopping into a PuG that didn't announce that they're going +4, that's another matter. At least tell me up front so I don't hop in on something I didn't want to join.
  10. Good gawd awmighty. Two quotes come to mind: "Well, there's your problem!" and "No reward is worth this!" I've been more and more considering not doing task forces on my leveling alts because of stuff like this where they wind up woefully underpowered in a task force that is going to take forever and a day. (I'll leave it to the reader to draw the connection to players deciding to farm to 50.) +1 or +2 can be a fun time, but any higher and I'm looking for the exit button. You're making things slower, not faster!
  11. Yeah, this thread inspired me to finally getting to writing a blapper guide. (Don't hold me to it.)
  12. They got bored of traditional leveling, then ran out of alt ideas. That's not an 'us' problem, they don't like what CoH offers. And that's okay.
  13. Balmung. At least the MSR is optional. The Quicksand is the starter area. EDIT: Nobody on Everlasting has ever bought a billboard, either!
  14. That's your Defiance damage boost. Its over 7.5 seconds because it includes the power's activation time.
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