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About Nightmarer

  • Birthday 04/09/1970

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  1. When doing that, I usually go for 5 procs and a +5 acc/dmg from any set, usually one that gives me a bonus together with one of the procs however, I usually round up my builds with +acc and pretty much always get Tactics, otherwise, just a +5 acc/dmg is low accuracy (on a regular 75% accuracy power). Also, I check the dmg on Mid's, it takes into accounts the ppm, dmg, etc... Just an example:
  2. The guy still there? Well that's pathe... ah well, not going there. I once joined hi Discord channel, there were literally thousands of builds made by him personally. Checked a few of the Dominator ones and were really awful (I mean, REALLY awful). I made the mistake of mentioning that to him so he just got annoyed and replied "they are perma-dom" so I guess if you really want something to be true and all that but hey, my fault since it was his Discord channel and therefore his rules.
  3. This is mine. Haven't played him in ages though so I'm sure there are a few things to change somewhere. I find him totally unplayable without Vigor Alpha. I used to run him with Tough off (can't remember where did I allocate the two slots) and Musculature Radial but I prefer this build tbh. Scrapper (Savage Melee - Dark Armor).mbd
  4. Bio will boost your dmg output the most if in Offensive Adaptation, although I personally think it is a bit "wasted" on a tank since pretty much any other melee AT gets more from that dmg output boost but, again, that's just a personal opinion. I am partial to Rad armor so I can get a couple AoE attacks to make up for the lack of them in Energy Melee plus either Soul Mastery or Mu Mastery to access another AoE attack. I't s abit tricky to softcap but you can softacp your tank to S/L as well as Melee dmg plus very good resistances except psi and cold but hey, can't get them all I guess.
  5. No idea if it's awesomesauce but this is the one I use. This was a respec after lvl 50 so the lvl choices are quite screwed up since it was totally different to when lvling. I do not use Hasten on Dark themed chars because of concept. Defender (Dark Miasma - Dark Blast).mbd
  6. Tbh, the Aoe immob spam has always been a problem, especially on live, back when immob nullified KD, anyyone who lvld an ice controller knows what I mean. However, same thing would apply for Dark Miasmists and Tar Patch or Traps toons with Caltrops. If the one aranging the TF has a tank and wants to herd freely, then they might have to prepare for an unpleasant surprise even without trollers / dominators on team, I personally think that explaining things clearly before starting would be a better way, not perfect, but better because in some players cases, might be lack of AT knowledge (ah, the joys of unchecked AE PLing) and clear instructions might be helpful in the long term.
  7. I got one I got one I got one: CORRUPTER
  8. Miskatonic University
  9. I don't think you should do anything more, I'll read the guide for next run and see how it goes. For people who do not read forums, might be confusing but I guess if something in an MMO is confusing, then you should go to the forums. Missing your UG runs though.
  10. *cough*
  11. Mmmkay, yesterday I joined my 1st Labyrinth. It was on Excelsior and saw the announcement "Broadcast when in zone" so I went to Midnighter Club and followed some people who were also going that way. Then, I arrive to some room that was empty and no clue what to do. Finally, I see a temp power for teleporting to team, so I use it and get in the middle of... some fight I guess. I got one shot (or close enough) so I craft a wakie and by the time I revive, I am alone with no clue where to go so I start using doors randomly until I read in League chat that apparently the thing is finished and everyone is "wooo" and gj" and shit. I kept wandering a little more until i got tp'd again to the league who, apparently were killing some guys who appeared periodically and were saying something about tagging and recalling. I thanked for the invite after a while killing some foes that showed up apparently randomly and left without even knowing what the hell happened there. Sooo, my question is, is that it? there must be more to the Labyrinth and Minotaur and all that, right?
  12. Grav/Storm is awesome, so is Earth/Storm being Plant/Storm on the third spot. Grav helps solo because it is quite an offensive set plus you get one of the funniest powers in game that allows you throwing lamp posts, gargoyles and pool tables to enemies: Propel
  13. With a storm/nrg defender, of course
  14. Guess this whole thread means Kheldians should be removed from game since their only function is getting all the hate so ppl do not hate other AT's and this thread proves Kheldians can't even do that...
  15. That'd be awesome. People seem to forget that sets like Fire Assault only have 1 melee attack so I guess some sort of buttstroke like attack could be implemented taking animations from another set. In this case, the PBAoE would be the T9 for the Assault set (Hail of Bullets) or replaced by a Targeted AoE (Bullet Rain).
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