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Everything posted by nethod

  1. the art isn't lost! only patched over a few times 😄
  2. the oldschool method before the pbaoe team bubble change was 4 minutes for each shield applied. Made it quite weird buffing cycle of Powerboost + 4x shields on teamates, then 2 minutes wait for power boost to come back up to buff the remaining 4 players. When I came back I was in shock after finding out it went from single shield to the team targeted aoe it is now. Super QoL addition, not sure who did that but that was 70% the bubbler's work at least in those days. Way back there was a program called herostats anyone could remember - that kept a timer on screen for various buffs, kinda like what overwolf does now for some games.
  3. there is likely 4 parallel dimensions of AE content I have never witnessed
  4. How do you like playing with beam on FF? I've wondered a lot how fast disintegrate comes into play after the whole luck of gamblers 7.5s peppered into the build
  5. darkblast for the synergy of -tohit with bubbles
  6. Beat the 16x agro cap by having the entire team go pull and draw things to the tank/focal point person. When the team is softcapped, everyone can pull 16 mobs at once from everywhere to a single point. Then count past 16, and burn down the entire pile. Force bubble is great to pull mobs with, however the bubbler should be prepared to take a few hits while doing it. Dispersion bubble prevents most mez though I get slept time to time. Mixing 1 LOTG 7.5% + 5 Shield Walls is my goto slotting for most +def abilities. I find the extra resistance and HP is helpful on defensive builds for balancing out when the hits happen.
  7. Mine hangs on a black screen till says "coh is not responding"
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