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  1. That's precisely the behavior I get with wine-stable. wine-devel has the fixes applied for Rosetta memory locations which I think also fixes that as it works for me. What versions are Homebrew and Wine64 reporting? Homebrew is 3.0.1 and wine64 5.7 here. Unless Crossover overrides some wine libraries, I can't think of any reason other than wrong Wine version it would work for me and not you.
  2. Only thing I can think of is that it either picked up a pre-existing wine config or CoX config. Try hitting alt-enter when you get the window, should try to fullscreen it if it's minimized. The wine window manager interacts strangely with MacOS... Crossover is much better with that sort of thing, almost worth it for that.
  3. To install Homebrew, paste the following into terminal: /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)" Next, install wine-devel by running the following commands in Terminal: brew install --cask xquartz brew tap homebrew/cask-versions brew install --cask --no-quarantine wine-devel After that, Island Rum should be able to do its magic.
  4. I got an Apple Silicon Mac Mini to install and run Homecoming with Island Rum by first installing wine-devel (current supports rosetta and wine64) with Homebrew. It runs very close to as well as it did in Crossover. No obvious bugs or visual artifacts.
  5. Farsight absolutely has a range limitation and a line-of-sight limitation.
  6. All the other powers in Beam Rifle do KD and don't change mag. They also take KB enhancements. I really think this is a bug.
  7. Even though the power description says KD, the mag of the power changes as you level and at level 33 breaks .90 which turns it into KB. Suspect this is a bug as no other KD power changes mag as you level like this that I am aware of.
  8. PB lets you stack Mez protection mag with recharge, some dudes want that.
  9. Agreed, but I'm finding Bio armor for sentinels a bit of a mixed bag compared to other ATs. The cone on Parasitic Leech is nice but the lack of a damage aura hurts it.
  10. Because ToF has a hefty to-hit debuff and reduces incoming DPS from the target. Some sets benefit from this. I know ToF saved my DM/SR from those nasty Warriors bosses more than once.
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