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Kent Tomorrow

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Everything posted by Kent Tomorrow

  1. I leveled a Necro/FF MM on Redside. I didn't spend an awful lot of time in each level range, as I mostly wanted to see what the power progression was like, and test several of the changes from each of those sets. If I hadn't known power level availability had changed, I wouldn't have had a clue that anything was different. Because I chose to skip a couple of FF powers that I didn't need yet, I still had plenty of room for travel powers and the Leadership pool, at levels where they still felt like good choices to make. I definitely appreciated having the Lich earlier. If I were leveling appropriately, there's no question it would have been a quality of life improvement.
  2. I was playing a Necro/FF on Redside. I liked how Repulsion Field felt. I had a couple of "oh no" moments, popped Repulsion Field, and watched my minions do their thing. The same thing happened with Dampening Bubble. I was trying to figure out if I had any suggestions for it, when I was suddenly surrounded. Popped Dampening Bubble, minions did clean up, before I could even thing of turning Repulsion Field on. I can see how I could invest more recharge into it, though it still won't become an "every pack" kind of thing. I'm ok with that. I am curious how it will perform on some of the other FF characters I have. With Necro MM, I didn't have a need for Force Bolt or Force Bomb.
  3. I played around with a Necro/FF on Redside. Overall, I like how the Necro MM played. It felt super aggressive, especially outdoors where the specters aggroed whatever as quickly as they could. A couple of things seemed unusual: Spectres don't attack vault doors (not a huge deal, but MM attacks aren't known for their damage, so every little bit would help) Zombie minions didn't attack vault doors, even when the door was targeted and the minions were set to Aggressive (this felt like a bug) Enemies attacking spectres did not trigger minions when set to Defensive mode (this might be working as intended, as I was not attacked, just the spectres)
  4. Welcome home!
  5. Since we’ve been able to put down roots again, I think it should be Homesteader.
  6. Welcome home!
  7. Yes. Masterminds greatly benefit from the Leadership pool, as it does buff both the mastermind and her pets (while they remain in range).
  8. @Kent Tomorrow here on Everlasting! I was also Freedom Lad, Flaming Mantis, Bagpipe, and dozens of other alts, including Guardian Myrd.
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