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Everything posted by SpectralPhantom

  1. Incredible. Thanks so much for all your hard work bringing my favorite game back to life. You guys will always be my real heroes.
  2. Now that my team has had a decent amount of testing out the new maps, (Thank you for new maps btw) I have a few notes on them. Keep in mind I don't intend to make more work for you Faultline, nor do I have much clue how in depth some of these things would be. - Industrial- Is there any way to maybe block off the walkways so players don't get stuck as much? This has been a common complaint among multiple teams that the map has way too many "sticky" points. - Liberty town- The new spawn points seem better in that they focus the play in the most sensible area, however the one team on the water's edge is at a disadvantage being very vulnerable. If it was back behind the nearest building it might be just slightly more protected. - Most new maps- Common concern.. they are too large. Although the battles tend to end up in specific locations, I think we have to remember that these are arenas and not zones. Spawn points that are too far apart can lead to "try hards" playing the map like what happens on Eden and attempting to pull the fight to a certain location, or even worse, closer to their spawn. This leads to more of a fight based on map control than actual strategic 8v8 playstyle. Not the direction we want to go. I guess my question to that regard is, if we could give feedback on where battles will most obviously end up, can we shrink some of the maps to accommodate that, or is that a major overhaul? - More map size related- The vertical size is way too big. If I can jaunt up 3 times and still not hit the ceiling, what's the point? Why do these need to be so high? Again, these are meant to be arenas, not zones, so lowering the ceiling actually adds an element that could play into jaunt balance. eg. if I jaunt twice and I'm at the top of the map, I can only evade so far vertically. Something to consider right now. - Final note- The map favorites right now (Skyway and Steel) are loved mostly because of their simplicity. What makes a good map is moderate size with few details. A few protected areas and evasion routes, without a big delay in getting to the fight. I like most of the new maps, I just feel like if they were a bit smaller it would benefit the overall experience. I might be too late on that as I have no idea if resizing means a complete rework, but I just wanted to bring my testing experience here.
  3. Team Renegade? @Maximum @-Spec @Silent Method @Tempty
  4. Renegades Leader: @-Spec Captains: @Maximum Blaze @Maximum Game @Maximum @Silent Method Members: @macskull @Not Mac @Mac @Shin Magmoose @Mogy @Mogy Emp @Mogy stalker @-barrier, @barriah @doyler @doyler2 @Acidz- @Acid- @Avid @realponed @Poned Too @Sensor @dark chaos
  5. Team Renegade @Reminiscence @Maximum Mercs/Therm MM Ice/Mental Blaster
  6. Do you mean Global account name? Should be on the sign up posts right? Or are you talking sign in?
  7. 3, 5, 8, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17
  8. Global(s): @Reminiscence Known aliases: SpectralPhantom, Spec PvP builds you have/if they are IO'd: -Poison/Sonic Def (fully IO'd) -Ill/FF Controller (fully IO'd) -Psy/Rad Sent (Not IOd)
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