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Frostbiter last won the day on January 16 2024

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1235 Excellent

About Frostbiter

  • Birthday January 1

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  1. I make jokes and occasionally post reviews for my own amusement. I absolutely do not want to be a revolutionary savior. I'm fucking awful. Though I do feel bad for anyone who believes violence is anything but a last resort. Sure, it's nice to fantasize about burning the whole system down. But at the end of the day fire, death, and blood is a terrible burden for everyone to bear. We're supposed to be civilized.
  2. Probably better than making a joke around here about how I'm the only one who hated that movie. Opinions are serious biddness.
  3. they don't use tapes for that anymore, just FYI. 😆
  4. Maybe the poster that I had to block for giving me an unreasonably hard time on numerous occasions should consider being less of an overbearing douchebag? Nobody needs them crashing down on them like a ton of bricks for not conforming to their views on things. The world does not revolve around them and their take on things. Oh well. Se la vie. Not my problem anymore.
  5. Careful. Don't you know I'm not allowed to have an opinion on here? I'm pretty sure that comment is actionable.
  6. At least we can all admit now that the Joker movies were garbage. (Please don't burn my house down Joker movie fans)
  7. Didn't I settle this argument once already?
  8. Jingle All the Way is technically a superhero Christmas film. Howard (Arnold Schwarzenegger) even uses a jetpack.
  9. Probably behind that wall all the employees walk through.
  10. It's not a cakewalk without an actual cake at the end of it. That'd be like having a blood drive with no blood.
  11. I think everyone is ignoring the common denominator here: people. People suck and if you involve them in things you can expect it to go poorly.
  12. The insta 50s that are restricted to PvP content only.
  13. 😢 That's a shame because I was looking forward to an adaptation of that work terrifying generations of children to come.
  14. Tubi TV has a ton of classic and cult movies going on right now, including Lifeforce.
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