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  1. I like to alternate between blue- and red-side, just for the sake of variety. Null the Gull makes it trivially easy to switch back and forth whenever you feel like it. Of course, I know a lot of people take their character concepts and stories very seriously, and switching sides willy-nilly would spoil their immersion. I think a lot of people just don't want to play the bad guy, period. In another thread, someone suggested that there could be special Hero contacts in the red zones, with story arcs that were flavored as "stealth" or "undercover" missions in enemy territory. It's a neat idea, but I'm not sure even that would move the needle much in terms of population.
  2. There was a story in the 1970s where they "revealed' that Clark had been subconsciously hypnotizing everyone all these years into thinking that Clark and Superman didn't look alike. It was widely ridiculed, and almost immediately got swept under the rug and forgotten.
  3. Ironically, Jack Kirby had the same problem. His wife Roz joked that she had to do all the driving, because if Jack got behind the wheel, he'd get distracted thinking about stories and end up running into a tree.
  4. Keep in mind that most Contacts will buy stuff off of you too, so you don't even have to go out of your way. When you're picking up a new mission, just take a moment to click on the "Store" option in the dialogue, and dump your crap right there. If you have a supergroup base, you can place a vendor there for added convenience.
  5. Perhaps, but pretty much any change you make to the game is going to have a domino effect on other systems. If everyone can go everywhere, how does that impact the Alignment system? Badges? Task Forces? And how would Praetoria fit into all of this?
  6. Boy, I would love that. It would be a huge undertaking, though.
  7. Ah, I remembered another time I use Auto-Complete (because I just had to do it): When I get a mission to "Hunt [Faction] in {Zone/Neighborhood]", and when I go there, the only available mobs are 3+ levels higher than I am. Yeah, thanks but no thanks.
  8. I'm stubborn/masochistic enough that I'll usually at least attempt whatever mission falls in my lap, even the notoriously tedious ones. My main use of Auto-Complete is when I run into an Elite Boss I can't handle. Sometimes I'll just let the mission sit and come back once I've leveled up a couple times. But if I'm irritated enough I'll pull the trigger and Auto-Complete.
  9. Unfortunately, this is very common, and one of the reasons I quit doing TFs.
  10. That would make sense. Ross certainly wouldn't want his agent to be dependent on tech created by a foreign government. But yeah, the real-world reason is "MOAR TOYS!"
  11. My point is, you're going to have top players who want to run in this mode all the time for the extra rewards, and less capable players who won't want to because falling into that repeated die/debuff spiral is too frustrating. Any time you try to put together a team, somebody's gonna ask "Hey, are we running in Death Penalty mode?" and whether you answer "yes" or "no", you're going to have people drop out. Or worse, they'll drop out halfway through a Task Force after they've been debuffed a half-dozen times, which I believe you were complaining about in another thread...
  12. I guess as long as it's optional, I wouldn't object. But it sounds absolutely ghastly. "Let's see...I couldn't beat this guy at full strength, so now I have to try again with debuffs. Hmm, I wonder how this is going to turn out...?" My one concern is that there's already a bit of a divide between the "expert" players and the "casuals", and this seems like it would just make that gap bigger, and make it harder for people on either end to fill teams.
  13. If we're gonna start disciplining people every time a jab gets thrown, these forums are gonna get mighty empty, mighty quickly. Just sayin'... #FreeSnarky
  14. I haven't had much chance to fight the amped-up Warriors yet, but that sure doesn't sound good. I am all in favor of adding higher difficulty modes to the game as an option for those who want to play at that level. But I personally am here for the easy-going solo experience. If that becomes a non-viable playstyle, I'm outta here. Not that the volunteers running a not-for-profit server necessarily care. But I encourage them to be as inclusive as possible, if only because it costs them nothing to do so.
  15. I'd just add a line to my bio: "[Character Name] is a dirty copycat, please ridicule them whenever you see them." 😂
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