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  1. Yes, but WHY? What is the problem you are trying to solve? You already have the option of selling salvage to the auction house, so what would this arbitrary restriction add to the game? I wouldn't mind being able to do that too, actually... Wait, THAT'S the reason? Kinda burying the lede, there. Sorry, my dude, sounds like a skill issue.
  2. I'm not sure I follow your reasoning here. What are you trying to accomplish? Personally, anything that can be sold at a vendor, I do, just to get rid of it quickly. Why shouldn't I be able to?
  3. I try to keep a couple of Wakies and Breakfrees handy, in case of emergency. Reds, Yellows, Oranges, and Purples tend to get used as soon as they drop. I might hang onto a few if I know a tough Boss is coming up. Mostly, I just let the tray fill up with Blues and Greens, because when I need those...I tend to need a lot of them in a hurry. 😄
  4. Yes. Also, any time the number 69 comes up in any context, you are legally required to nod knowingly and say, "Niiiiiiice..."
  5. Not sure how much more clearly I can spell it out for ya -- a "1337" Boss gave him a "1337" amount of experience. It's a funny coincidence.
  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leet
  7. To me, levelling up is the fun part. I enjoy trying out new power combos, gradually unlocking the abilities, and seeing how the character grows and develops. Especially the early levels, when you're levelling up every few minutes, is like constant little jolts of serotonin. While it's true that eventually you've seen all the major story arcs, there's enough of them (especially factoring in redside and goldside) that I can mix them up and not feel like I'm travelling the exact same path each time. It doesn't feel like grinding, unless I'm going for badges (which I do occasionally when the mood strikes me). The "Endgame" is a complete bust, IMHO. I played a bunch of the Incarnate Trials back on live, and they were uniformly awful. The idea of running a "hardmode" TF makes the veins in my forehead start throbbing. Now, if you actually enjoy the Endgame the most (you weirdo), I can understand why you'd want to fast-forward to it. But to me, hitting level 50 pretty much means "time to start a new alt". Which is cool, because I like starting new alts.
  8. Can confirm. My "main" is currently sitting at 1283 badges, and I'm a scrub who runs at -1/x1 and folds like an accordion whenever I run into an EB.
  9. On the other hand, I don't understand why this information would be of any interest or use to anyone.
  10. It never hurts to ask, but I imagine if the devs were willing/able to make that information public, they would have already. I wouldn't be surprised if there were NDAs involved.
  11. I looked through the patch notes, and the accompanying discussion thread, and couldn't find any official word on the motivation for the changes. Was there some specific problem that was occurring due to the Council being "weaker" than some other faction (I personally never noticed this alleged discrepancy)?
  12. This description is probably the best advertising I could ask for. 😄 Thanks for taking the time to check it out!
  13. I love this idea. Maybe even send new Kheld characters there for a specialized tutorial? I know the complexity of the class has always put me off...
  14. Say, does this "Council randomly turning into Werewolves" thing only happen at certain levels? Because I just took my lvl 33 Scrapper through Jose Escalante's Council arc, and I didn't see it happen once. The Galaxies weren't rezzing, either.
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