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Everything posted by Xandyr

  1. I wonder if it's too similar to Staff fighting? And that's a whole lot of debuffs thrown in with each attack.
  2. What models are in place now that could be used for the pets? There are plenty of "winged" or angel type models in game already, there's baby new year that could be modeled a bit different for the T1 pets? Modified Grave Knights for T2? Modified Lich for T3? I haven't researched yet for the models....those just came to mind. Possibly Knives of Vengeance could be used for T2? And I wonder if we should start putting out the actual damage/powers/effects the pets have, what IOs can be slotted, damage/effects of the MM powers? Hopefully someone could chime in and give a little direction. I have wanted Angel Summoning for a LONG time, and would love to see this get started. -x
  3. Wonder if any Devs/GMs have read this suggestion and if so, what their thoughts are?
  4. Ok....here's a few thoughts.... Pets I think the pets would be more "Defense" based, with some resistance. Their Defense could be Typed (good vs S/L/E/F/C, weak against Negative Energy, pretty good against Psi,weak against Toxic.) Resists could be similar. Summon Cherubs So, would their attacks be mainly Ranged? Their powerset could be from Archery? IMO, I still feel that with each successful hit, it would cause a small -To Hit Debuff since the enemy would be overwhelmed with the sheer awesomeness of the Angels. Tier 2 pet Archangels Again, in my own mind, I'm seeing Archangels as more of Holy Knights....maybe modeled after the Grave Knights from Necro? Each would have a flaming sword (of Righteousness!!!). They would mainly be in melee. Perhaps they would have a self heal as the GKs do also. We could even go as far as letting them have an Aura of their own. Whether it's a Damage Aura, Healing Aura, -To Hit/- Resistance aura perhaps? T3 Pet Seraphim I really feel like this pet should have a good mix of control, damage, and support. A mixture of the Lich, Demon Prince, and Dire Wolf. With more focus on the Control/Support side. Being the highest ranking Angel, enemies should tremble at the very sight of Seraphim. The 1st upgrade could take Defense enhancements as it bestows some of their powers, and their Defense. The 2nd upgrade could take Heal enhancements. They'd obviously get the rest of their powers, and the Healing would benefit their Max HP, their heals, and the "Soothing Aura" Heal toggle. As far as personal attacks, that leaves 4 powers. The 7th power pick could be Meditate. " You meditate for a moment to strengthen your Angel army". This could be a power similar to Serum....it gives a nice bonus to To Hit, Damage, Regen, Recovery, and Resistance. These bonuses cascade over a period of time. The other 3 powers? Hmm...I don't know. Divine Purge sounds nice. Maybe a beam of light that causing minor Energy/Psi damage with a -Resistance effect thrown in? Or a minor PBAoE heal? Righteous Strike....again the name is awesome. Maybe it could be modeled after the SFX of Direct Strike from Storm Blast? You call down a beam of light from the Heavens causing moderate Energy/Psi damage? With a chance of Knockdown. I like it. The level 8 power...instead of Divine Cleansing, it could be more like the Call Ravens power from Beasts. Perhaps it would be a Swarm of Angels/Army of Angels? It would be a cone attack , Moderate DoT (Energy/Psi), with a side effect of -Speed and -To Hit Debuffs? Again, with each successful hit your Pets/Henchmen/Angels do, it could cause of minor PBAoE Heal or a mixture of the heal and a minor -To Hit Debuff. Their Defense values could be similar to Beasts (with the exception of being TYPED and not M/R/AoE) along with mediocre Resists as mentioned beforehand. Their survivability would depend on the strong Typed Defenses, with mediocre Resists backed up by the minor PBAoE heals when they hit their target? It could be that the 3rd T1 pet only has this ability, and the T2 pets would have a "Soothing Aura" PBAoE Heal toggle. I like it. I like it a lot. -x
  5. I had suggested Angel Summoning about 2 years ago. People struck me down because Masterminds wouldn't be able to summon any kind of Angel/Throne/Dominion/Cherub/etc etc. Blah blah blah. I still feel like it would be a great set to have. I do like the idea that one of the pets would have like a healing Aura....or each successful hit would cause a small AoE heal. Or lower enemy -To Hit as they are overwhelmed by the power of the Angels. And I've been thinking about revamping my ideas for Angel Summoning and resubmitting...
  6. I think EA is pretty good. Shock and Discharge lower enemy damage, end, recovery, and regen, so those are staples in my opinion. Your "buffing" powers will give absorb shields, +damage, and + to hit. My Demons/EA is one of the toughest MMs I have. I would suspect that later on, the -Regen from your attacks and from Shock/Discharge will be a great asset. You can enhance the -End/Recovery in Shock/Discharge as well. I say stick with it. As far as Sonic goes, I have a Ninja/Sonic, and it's pretty fun. You can get really good Resistance for your team and pets(don't forget the +Pet Resistance Uniques!). As much as everyone focuses an building for Defense on their toons, on a team it's nice to see a Sonic to "fill in the gaps". It also brings some really good -Resistance debuffs to the table. However, I'm not sure Sonic would fit your "theme"... maybe the Sonic vibrations are you brain waves manifested...dunno. It's a nice set,especially since you don't see it much.
  7. Xandyr

    Tough as nails

    Stone armor can be built to have soft capped defenses to pretty much everything (S/L/F/etc etc). And a pretty high regen rate to back that up. All without Granite.
  8. I was on a TF a while back with most of the players on the team being Ines I regularly team with. We filled the team with 2 PUGs. One of which had group fly (can't remember what AT/powersets this said person had). Everyone else on the team constantly asked this person to turn off group fly as it was messing with them/their playstyle/their powers/their pets). After 6 people asking this person to turn off group fly, the leader of the team finally said "if you do not turn off group fly within the next minute, I will kick you". The said person NEVER even acknowledged anyone at all. Never responded, never said anything at all. Finally, leader kicked the person. Now...could everyone go to Null and turn off those powers? Yes. Do they? No. Either they forget, don't know, don't take the time, or are afraid if they do ALL players' powers will stop affecting them ( buffs,etc). If it was me, I would either tell the team that you prefer to run with group fly, start your own team, or remind everyone how to turn off powers that affect them. Personally, I used to love fly, but due to an accident (lost part of my forefinger) it makes it very hard to maneuver with fly...so now I typically take SJ for my travel.
  9. I'm running mercs/marine. I have an Achilles in Soldiers, and was tempted to put the Annihilation proc in shifting to stack even more -resistance.
  10. But if you had the Annihilation Proc in one power, and Achilles' heel in another, and they both go off, those WOULD stack, correct? So you'd get 32.5% Resistance debuff?
  11. Xandyr

    bio / staff

    Yeah. I posted it just the other day under the topic "Help with a Bio tanker" . That post is just 1 or 2 below this one. -x
  12. Howdy! Yeah, I've got that build....it's an old build, but should still do the trick. Staff is so under appreciated IMHO. On a Tank, you hit EVERYTHING. And it has a +DEF(Melee/Lethal). In Form of the Body, with 3 stacks of Perfection, when you execute Eye of the Storm, you cause additional Smashing Damage AND lower enemies' Resistance ( -10% for 6 seconds). Also, in Form of the Body, with 3 stacks of Perfection, when you execute Sky Splitter, it will cause additional Smashing Damage AND give you a bonus to your Resistances ( +13.3% for 15 seconds). That really helps offset the resistance penalty you have while in Offensive Adaptation. 'Course, while in Offensive, your Fire/Cold Defenses are almost 54%, while your Energy/N. Energy Defenses are a little over 55%. With Guarded Spin, your Lethal Defense is almost 48% and your Melee Defense is almost 52%. Even while in Offensive....you shouldn't be getting hit very much. I played this build,and it is fun. Been a long time since I have, but it was worth it. I took Focused Accuracy because, well, I hate to miss and hate my Accuracy being debuffed. Plus it was a good way to get an extra +2% Damage and a little more E/NE Resistance. You can make Bio/Staff work on basic IOs. It just shines when you're able to fully kit it out. What server are you on? Hope that helps.! And have fun! -x Tanker - Bio Armor - Staff Fighting2.mbd
  13. Xandyr


    Appreciate the shoutout. It's been a LONG time since I've played any Tank, much less my beloved Bio Tanks. I've been too busy/caught up playing MMs lately, especially /Marine. -X
  14. Haa anyone tested Power Transfer:Chance for heal in Torrodial? Does it proc decently?
  15. I have a Demon/EA, and it is STURDY. Get the MM uniques to bump up your pets' resists/defenses/regen. If needed, use Hell On Earth to slot some of them. It's a fun and very potent combo. Hang in there, and it will get better, trust me.
  16. It's possible to have soft capped defenses, but you'll have to work for it. Here's one that I built in Mids. I have a StJ/Shield scrapper that is fun, and I've been thinking about making a StJ Tank. Stone Armor checks off a lot of the "wishes" for a Tank Primary.... ability to soft cap S/L/F/C/E/NE/Psi, decent resists, damage aura, respectable Regen, a nice heal, DDR, and a few other Debuff Resistances. Here's what I've thrown together. Please note, since Mids was updated a while back, the SMotT Proc (+6.7% to resistances) is NOT showing up in your values. So, your Resistances will look like this with 1 stack of SMotT: S/L 68.07 F/C 95.22 E/NE 53.58 Toxic 83.09 Psi 25.7 HOWEVER, let me point out that your Defenses look like: S/L 52.04 F/C 46.67 E/NE 47.14 Toxic 21.04 Psi 50.03 Melee 33.54 Ranged 21.04 AoE 35.1 Your Regen rate is 69.3 HP/Sec. Like I said, I've been thinking about pulling the trigger on a StJ Tank. I'm leaning towards Stone, but time will tell. I hope this gives you some help/inspiration. -x Tanker (Stone Armor - Street Justice).mbd
  17. Ahhhh. See, I didn't know what the henchmen's HP cap was. Thanks for clarifying that.
  18. Back again....sorry. So I finally got around to putting some IOs in my Necro/Marine MM on Test. The values I'm seeing are pretty impressive. Then I started thinking.....what if I was on a team that had just 3 /Marine Affinity MMs on it, and their slotting was barely remotely similar to mine? What would that look like? em/DominateEverything em/GameBreaker Lemme explain. I realize that if a team of 3 MMs that all had the same Secondary Powerset, and had roughly similar slotting, it would be a sight to behold. I get that. HOWEVER, with /Marine Affinity, here's roughly what these powers would do for the pets (and the MM him/herself). Tidal Forces + 54% to damage Toroidal Bubble Roughly +84% Smashing/Fire Resistance Roughly 42% Resistance to everything else Power of the Depths Roughly +1200 Max HP (INSANE for pets!) Roughly +1,100% to Regeneration Brine -67.5% Resistance to enemy -1200 Max HP to enemy (and if you were running Degenerative as your Interface....holy cow) Wellspring Roughly 300 Absorption points So...if 3 /Marine Affinity MMs had their pets out, then they all cast their powers, you're talking that your Henchmen would have an additional 1200 Max HP, with a 300 HP "absorb shield". They would be at the Resist cap for henchmen (if they had all the MM IOs for +Resistance). With Supremacy and running Assault, the pets would have a +90% Bonus to Damage. ( Granted....I actually can't remember the last time I was on a team that had 3 MMs that all had the same secondary powerset.) I list all that to say/ask this..... Is there a cap for Pet HP/Max HP? Damage? If so, what are said caps? I can see the Max HP cap for the actual MM (and any of the ATs in our beloved game using Mids). I can only imagine a group getting together, say a team of 3 or 4 /Marine Affinity MMs with a couple MA Defenders/Corrs....and totally annihilating everything. The potential of stacking so much Max HP,Absorb,and Regen is ridiculous. Of Course, my Willpower tank is looking forward to teaming with some Marine Affinity toons 😎 Actually, ALL of my Tanks are looking forward to teaming with Marine Affinity toons. So, IS there a cap for Henchmen for HP/Max HP?
  19. Another find.... When looking at your Pets' Attributes, under Defense it is showing "Barrier Reef" as giving the pets a Defense Bonus. This is actually coming from Wellspring. Either the Power "Wellspring" needs to be changed to "Barrier Reef", or in the attributes window Barrier Reef needs to be changed to show Wellspring is actually giving the bonus. Personally, I think "Barrier Reef" sounds so much cooler....so change the name Wellspring to Barrier Reef. 😎
  20. Tide Pool says it's a Toggle, but when you read the description, it's a "Click" "Location" that lasts for 4 minutes 5 seconds. The "Toggle" needs to be changed to "Click". Also, it states that Tide Pool does +Team Damage, Foe -Damage, -Speed, and -Jump. Can the values of the Foe -Damage, -Speed, and -Jump be listed? All it shows is +18% strength to all damage (Mastermind value). Thanks. -x
  21. Xandyr

    Ice Mastery

    I've got a Sonic/Storm Blast Defender and I took Ice Mastery. I have Frozen Armor, Hoarfrost ,Build Up, and Ice Elemental. I cast it, then apply my shields and Disruption Field on it. It will usually end up in melee range, so the Disruption Field works perfectly. It supplements my damage pretty well. Its attacks slow the enemy a bit (of course, Storm Blast also slows....so anyway). In Mids, with the slotting I have, it shows the following: Ice Swing 149 cold damage Freezing Touch 296 cold damage Ice Bolt 141 cold damage I have 4 pieces of Soulbound in mine, and it is not perma. I'm not sure if you could get it perma or close to perma. Mine's off by 57 seconds. Base recharge is 900 seconds, with a duration of 240 seconds. For me, being Sonic, it helps because I can cast Disruption Field on it. The added damage is nice as well. For now, I'm keeping it.
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