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Whitest Light

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  1. Lucianna posted in the suggestion forum some suggestions for a Kheldian revamp but, unfortunately it got locked after things got a little chippy. Since that will probably be lost to time, I thought I'd post a suggestion I made there for altering the Kheldian Inherent (slightly modified since I've given it more thought). Background: Cosmic Balance/Dark Sustenance are inherents from all the way back of I3 when Kheldians were introduced. Back then, Kheldians were Post-50 ATs aimed at folks who had a solid understanding of the game and wanted a little more challenge. Likewise, Kheldians were supposed to be team-oriented and work best while on a team. As such, the inherent gives some fairly significant boosts to damage, resistance, mez protection, and debuff resistance if you're part of a full (and varied) team. There's nothing wrong with that in and of itself but these inherents have gone untouched after major changes of the game have occurred . A well-built PB or WS can self-cap resists and has mez protection, meaning teaming with half of the ATs available has no real benefit. In short, the inherents are antiquated: made for a age long-past and a meta that no longer exists. They need a refresh. Suggestion: PBs are jack-of-all-trades and WS's are chaotic clouds of death but both have at their disposal the ability to become mini-Blasters or mini-Tanks with the press of a button. Human-only playstyles do exist for those that don't want to engage in the frenetic back-and-forth of Bi-Form or Tri-Form but on the whole, I think shapeshifting is what sets Kheldians apart from all other ATs. The inherent should lean into that. Like... hard. My proposal is to revamp the inherent into a mechanic with two primary design goals: 1.) Incentivize shapeshifting as the hallmark of the AT. The more you do it, the more powerful you become. 2.) Incentivize playing as part of a team. Kheldians should thrive when teamed up. 1.) Kheldian Shift I've dubbed this "Kheldian Shift" but the name is can be anything. This is where Kheldians could really shine as shapeshifters. Switching forms and attacking causes a Kheldian to gain Shift utilizing a bar like Fury. Attacks immediately following a form switch generate Shift as function of the base endurance costs of attacks. 1 Endurance spent equals 1 Shift generated with stronger attacks naturally generating more. However, Shift generation from attacks drop in effectiveness the longer you stay in one form: -10%/sec, all the way to 0 after 10 seconds That is to say, a Radiant Strike 3 seconds after coming off of Nova didn't generate 10 Shift, it only generated 7. Also note that the overall Shift bar decays rapidly at 10%/sec. (If this seems punishing, it is! But read on...!) As Shift builds, the Kheldian enjoys improved attributes (depending on what form they're in) at a 1:1 ratio of percentage. That is, at 25% Shift, you'll get 25% improvement in a given attribute. See below. In Human Form, they gain +Recharge and Recovery. Human Form powers have the least amount of damage but at high Shift levels, they can use them more often and without worrying too much about Endurance. Being in Human Form also "fuels" the Recharge of long click powers like Light Form and Eclipse. I would like to think of Human Form as the foundation, and the most versatile, but definitely the weakest in combat. In Nova Form, they gain +Damage and Accuracy. This is essentially doubling-down on what Nova already provides. With high Shift levels and good slotting, Nova form should easily double the damage of equivalent Human Form powers. However, staying in Nova Form for too long will cause Shift levels to drop so you can't deal high damage forever. Likewise, Nova doesn't have access to heals or other click powers. in Dwarf Form, they gain +Regeneration and Damage, albeit at a 2:1 for Regen and 1:1/2 for Damage. That is to say, at 100% Shift, Dwarf has +200% Regeneration and +50% Damage. Dwarf in Melee hits harder than Human and due to Regeneration, has more lasting power than Human Form even with Light Form/Eclipse. However, it is melee only and has a limited attack chain. 2.) Team Dynamics The above appears to make Kheldians able to buff themselves at-will so who needs a team? This is where the second design goal comes in and where the difference between PBs and WSs becomes more apparent. Gone are the AT-specific buffs of Cosmic Balance/Dark Sustenance and instead it's simplified to just the total number of teammates. For every additional teammate: Peacebringer Shift decay is reduced by 10% (minimum 3%/sec) Warshade Shift generation is increased by 10% (maxed +70%) Maximum Shift is increased by 5% (maxed at 135%) So on a team, PBs gain Shift normally but decay at a much slower rate. Warshades are on the opposite end, rapidly gaining Shift but decaying at normal speed. Two different approaches but roughly the same outcome while in battle. PBs are better at sustaining high Shift but Warshades are better at getting it high to begin with. Playing solo, a Kheldian would have to frantically switch forms every few attacks to to keep the bar topped off but as a part of a team, you'll have a significantly easier time keeping Shift going. Not only that, but your maximum is higher even if you have a perfect build. Teaming up is still the "intended" way to play Kheldians. ...but wait, there's more! If you go above 100% Shift, the portion over 100% spills over to your teammates. They get 50% of the Shift bonuses from any "overflow", so on a full team, you could theoretically buff all of them +17.5% Damage, Accuracy, Recharge, Recovery, etc. depending on what form you're in. Alas, Shift overflow only stacks one additional time from multiple Kheldians (sorry all-Kheld teams). Just by the nature of how Shift works for PBs vs. WSs, PBs will be the "steadier" of the two for team buffs but Warshades will bury the needle once they get going. I think that's about par for the course, anyway. However, this makes teaming with a Kheldian a much more positive experience. They're naturally giving off a lot of useful buffs just by being themselves! Summary: The more you switch, attack and switch, the more Shift you build. Kheldians would be known for getting stronger as they fight while also helping nearby teammates. +Recharge in the inherent also mitigates the necessity for high global recharge (which lowers build variety). With Shift in place, the need for such high global recharge is diminished and less-than-perfect slotting can still achieve high-end survivability. The extra damage in Nova/Dwarf also makes them more attractive overall. If this all this seems like we're going into OP territory, don't forget that Kheldians are having to team up or perform a whirling dervish in order get to high Shift levels (especially solo). If they're slightly over-tuned, it's because they have to work for it. It's my hope something like this would make playing a Kheldian a unique but fun experience but also have something to show for all the work you do. Let me know what you think and any suggestions!
  2. I can't get Mids to export due to a bunch of unhandled exceptions... I'll just put the .mbd file below 🙂 Whitest Light MAX.mbd
  3. I wasn't clear on the duplicate thing: If you pick Luminous Detonation as Human, it carries over to Nova. You don't pick Nova Detonation (it's not even a pick!). Basically, ranged attacks picked as Human carry over to Nova, melee attacks you pick carry over to Dwarf. Any you skip as Human aren't available in Nova/Dwarf. The upside is you only slot one power. Yes, Warshades would be hurt not being able to double Mire which is a valid concern. To be frank, only PBs have so much overlap between forms so maybe this doesn't apply to Warshades at all. I understand the "2" is from character creation but according to that, all ATs are 2 except for Controllers/Doms/Crabs at "5" and Masterminds at "10". Warshades are considered 5s, but I don't consider Dark Extraction on par with Controller/Dominator semi-permanent pets. Personally, I think PBs should be 3s and Warshades 4s - i.e. access to pets beyond Epic Pools but nothing to write home about (with WS being better). For Knockback: just let Null the Gull give you the option to turn your KB to KD if you want. 😄
  4. To elaborate (I didn't want to make a huge post) on a few things: 1B is in response to something no other AT has to deal with: duplicate powers. If I get Luminous Detonation as Human and get Nova form, I now have two identical powers that are begging for slots. The rub is that Nova form Detonation is literally twice as strong out-of-the-box which means I get way more bang-for-the-buck slotting it over the Human form. But it begs the question Why am I being asked to slot both in the first place? They're the same power! Perhaps cutting the Gordian Knot is to make Nova and Dwarf less of an "mini-AT-unto-themselves" and more of extension of the Human form powers. Imagine Nova and Dwarf not having their own inherent attacks at all but carry over ranged and melee attacks, respectively, from Human form. So, if you want Nova to have Detonation and Scatter, you have to pick them as Human. The upside is that the powers carry over into the forms so you're only slotting one. Nova provides the better damage modifier, extra range, and free flight however, you lose access to heals and shields. Dwarf provides superior resistance, access to Taunt/Punchvoke, and Mez protection but you lose ranged attacks. Human is weaker than both but is the most versatile. This would also kill the changeling exploit because the recharges on the powers would carry over from each form. (Again, coming from a PB perspective. WS rely on Double Mire a lot and both Dwarf and Nova have attacks not represented in Human Form. These might just have to carry over) 2 - I say Mez protection because up until Level 20, you don't have any while most Tankers/Brutes/Scrappers have something by then. Light Form is also weak Mez protection (for all practical purposes, Mag 4) which is good enough for most things but I do occasionally get Mezzed. I'm not against Debuff Protection. If I really had it my way, shields would be pure Defense but that makes PBs very layered in survivability. 5 - "They want us to be a 2 on pets" - Do they? Even if Photon Seekers lingered a bit longer and did light damage, I don't see them being much more than an annoyance. However, their current iteration is just a second Nuke. I'm not against that per se, but they're not pets: they're an attack. Compared to Dark Extraction, they're far inferior, even if they did have their own attacks. 6 - Agreed. I should have replaced Bolt, not Eye. 7 - Pulsar as a toggle might make it worth it. Carried over into Dwarf would be cool! Inherent Idea - Yes, I also thought of Form-specific benefits but didn't want to get super-complicated initially. However, I thought almost exactly as you did! Nova gets +Damage/Acc, Dwarf gets +Regen/Damage (half as much damage bonus as Nova, though), Human gets +Recharge/Recovery. I wanted to give both forms +Damage because I think that's ultimately what motivates players. Nova basically does twice the damage of the other forms but is the squishiest, Dwarf is a slow bruiser, Human is the weakest but can spam attacks and "fuel" the recharge reduction in the long click powers. However, you'll want to switch between them frequently to keep Shift topped off. Also, not mentioned in the OP or anywhere else: Knockback to Knockdown. If nothing else: THIS.
  5. As a PB player, I guess I'd want to start with "What is the intended role of a PB?" When they were first introduced on Live, they were supposed to be "the ultimate teammate" but I don't believe the meta suits that in any capacity now. The OP's points are good. I especially like some of the base modifier tweaks, especially concerning damage. PB single-target damage feels very low, not necessarily because the powers are bad but you have long animations, knockback that forces you to chase enemies, etc. Personally, I couldn't care less about having access to Epic Pool Powers or having Pool Powers available while shapeshifted. I have enough powers to manage as-is. My personal vision for Kheldians is to really lean into form-switching. That's what makes them unique compared to other ATs, rather than poorer versions of other existing ATs. To that end, regarding PBs: (this is a re-post in another thread): #1a. Make both Nova and Dwarf forms inherent powers at 4 and 20, respectively. That means every Kheldian is Tri-Form now and you can balance around it. It also saves 2 power picks. #1b. All duplicate powers (or near-duplicates) share a single slotting between Human and shapeshifted forms. Gleaming/Nova Bolt, Proton/Nova Scatter, Luminous/Nova Detonation, Gleaming/Nova Blast, Radiant/Dwarf Strike, Incandescent/Dwarf Smite, Reform Essence/Dwarf Sublimation, etc. That saves a ton of slots and makes it so the powers/forms never get "left behind" because you can't afford to slot them. If you don't pick up, say, Proton Scatter in Human Form you don't get the power just because Nova Form has it but if you do pick it up, you don't have to slot Nova Form. #2. The Human Shields need to add incomplete Mez protection of some kind. Shining might offer knockback and immobilization. Thermal offers hold, sleep. Quantum adds stun, terrorize, etc. If you get all three, you get full protection, though maybe only Mag 3 like Light Form. The point being, you shouldn't have to rely on Dwarf for mez protection nor have to wait until Light Form. It also makes the shields more valuable early and possibly worthwhile to use even when Light Form comes around. #4. Inner Light and Light Form (maybe Essence Boost?) should be accessible from all forms. I'm ok with toggles and other click powers staying Human-only but these click powers are Kheldian-specific and carry over anyway so dropping to Human just to click them feels unnecessary. #5. Make Photon Seekers "true" albeit short-lived pets. For 55 out of 60 seconds, they are non-suicidal light balls that shoot Gleaming Bolts. In the last 5 seconds, they operate as they currently do. The player can manually activate their suicidal approach by setting them to Aggressive. #6. Replace Glinting Eye for the equivalent of a light melee attack like Barrage from Energy Melee. The choice between a melee and ranged attack at the beginning communicates that the PB mixes it up at range and melee. Second, the single-target chain for PBs in melee is lacking a "light" attack filler between Radiant Strike and I Strike. This Barrage-like ability could replace the current "Dwarf Bolt" attack somewhat shoehorned in. The loser in this exchange is Nova, where Glinting Eye was actually pretty strong but it has two ST blasts as it is and if 1b occurs, Nova Bolt might be slotted. #7. Pulsar needs help. Redesign, make it available in Nova form (?), I don't know. I know I've never used it and I can't recall seeing anyone else use it either. Finally, the inherent. Renamed: "Kheldian Shift." This is where Kheldians could really shine as shapeshifters. Switching forms and attacking causes a Kheldian to gain Shift utilizing a bar like Fury. Attacks immediately following a form switch generate their full Shift values but have rapid diminishing returns. If you stay in one form long enough (~10 seconds), or don't attack, the returns are too low to sustain the bar level. As Shift builds, the Kheldian enjoys improved Recharge, Damage, and Recovery up to 100% (1% per Shift %). Shift does not accrue or decay as quickly as Fury and is primarily based on the relative endurance costs of attacks (stronger attacks generate more). At Shift levels above 50%, Kheldians impart 20% of their total Shift bonus to nearby teammates. I.e. a PB has 50% Shift - the PB gets +50% Recharge/Damage/Recovery and all teammates have +10% of the same. The logic here is to incentivize switching forms. It can be back and forth between two forms or utilize all three. The more you switch, attack and switch, the more Shift you build. Kheldians would be known for getting stronger as they fight while also helping nearby teammates. Also, the inherent cuts down on the absolute need for Hasten/Global Recharge to sustain Perma-Lightform, Eclipse, Hasten, etc. Shift wouldn't be terribly difficult to sustain in a mission setting so you can count on roughly +70% Recharge. The damage boost also puts Kheldians on more level footing with other ATs (the damage cap increasing to 500% would be needed). If this seems "a little much", don't forget that Kheldians are having to jump through a lot of hoops and perform a whirling dervish in order get to this point. If they're slightly over-tuned, it's because they have to work for it. At present, I think playing a Kheldian is a lot of work for only good-not-great reward.
  6. As a much-delayed update, here is my current "goal" build for my PB. I've gotten all but a few of the purple sets (Armageddon and Apocalypse). Featuring: 85% Resist to all but Psi (70%) ~21% Melee/Ranged/Psi Defense, everything else between 16-18% 125% Global Recharge (195% with Hasten) Almost never runs out of endurance All attacks 6-slotted in Human and Nova Knockback-to-Knockdown in the 3 worst offenders. If I ignored this, I'd have more defense and Psi resistance but, alas... Perma-Hasten, -Light Form, -Inner Light and -Essence Boost Nuke every 37 seconds, Photon Seekers every 53, Solar Flare every 5, endlessly cycle Nova Blast and Glinting Eye or the Nova AoEs 3 significant heals every 16, 20, and 90 seconds, respectively. Self-rez every 90 seconds. 50% uptime for Conserve Energy (50% endurance discount) MidsReborn chunk:
  7. The KB to KD suggestion is probably my #1 "simplest-but-most-effective" change I'd make to Khelds. If we want to go hog-wild on ideas (this is from a PB perspective): #1a. Make both Nova and Dwarf forms inherent at 4 and 20, respectively. That means every Kheldian is Tri-Form now and you can balance around it. It also saves 2 power picks. #1b. All duplicate powers (or near-duplicates) share a single slotting between Human and shapeshifted forms. Gleaming/Nova Bolt, Proton/Nova Scatter, Luminous/Nova Detonation, Gleaming/Nova Blast, Radiant/Dwarf Strike, Incandescent/Dwarf Smite. That saves a ton of slots and makes it so the powers/forms never get "left behind" because you can't afford to slot them. If you don't pick up, say, Proton Scatter in Human form you don't get the power just because Nova Form has it but if you do pick it up, you don't have to slot Nova form. #2. The Human Shields need to add incomplete Mez protection of some kind. Shining might offer knockback and immobilization. Thermal offers hold, sleep. Quantum adds stun, terrorize, etc. If you get all three, you get full protection, though maybe only Mag 3 like Light Form. The point being, you shouldn't have to rely on Dwarf for mez protection nor have to wait until Light Form. #4. Inner Light and Light Form (maybe Essence Boost?) should be accessible from all forms. I'm ok with toggles and other click powers staying Human-only but these click powers are Kheldian-specific and carry over anyway so dropping to Human just to click them feels unnecessary. #5. Make Photon Seekers "true" albeit short-lived pets. For 55 out of 60 seconds, they are non-suicidal light balls that shoot Gleaming Bolts. In the last 5 seconds, they operate as current (death-seeking grenades). The player can manually activate their suicidal approach by setting them to Aggressive. #6. Replace Glinting Eye for the equivalent of Barrage from Energy Melee. The choice between melee and ranged at the beginning communicates that the PB is not a ranged AT. Second, the single-target chain for PBs in melee is lacking a "light" attack filler between Radiant Strike and I Strike. This Barrage-like ability could replace the current "Dwarf Bolt" attack. The loser in this exchange is Nova, where Glinting Eye was actually pretty strong but it has two ST blasts as it is and if 1b occurs, its Nova Bolt might be slotted. #7. Pulsar needs help. Redesign, make it available in Nova form (?), I don't know. I know I've never used it and I can't recall seeing anyone else use it either.
  8. I've been away a little bit but my biggest gripe is the "Knockback tax" in most of the PB powers requiring Sudden Acceleration. I have 4-5 slots devoted to it because Knockback actively hurts the rest of my AoEs. I'm not even talking about team play others complaining. If all PB powers turned into Knockdown, I would gain a ton of slots back (which are a premium for all Khelds) or be able to slot them better. Second, Cosmic Balance is mostly useless at the endgame. I'm already capped on resistances, damage is a drop in the bucket, mez protection is sort of nice but I manage just fine without it, etc. I know what it was intended to do back in the day when it was first introduced but it's completely lackluster compared to some of the others that have been revamped. I don't mind it being tied to teammates but the bonuses need to be relevant. +Defense, +Recharge, +Endurance, etc. would be far more productive. Lastly, only thing I feel my PB really lacks is single-target damage. There's just not a great attack chain for ST when I-Strike has a long animation and there's no "filler" after Radiant Strike. I'd kill for an additional melee attack in lieu of Gleaming Bolt (that also transfers into Dwarf). I end up using Dawn Strike and Photon Seekers in my attack chain because they're the only things that seem to do chunk damage. Beating an AV or other hard target is an exercise in endurance more than anything.
  9. I hopped on today for the first time in...(let's not talk about that!)... and found some interesting changes. I still have Quantum Acceleration also have Quantum Maneuvers? Did it get replaced or something? I'm also enjoying Leadership toggles cycling back on after form switches, though they still sometimes turn off. Are all toggles this way now? Ran some random missions and can confirm I was having a blast. Still virtually unkillable, Dawn Strike/Photon Seekrs/Solar Flare combo still owns bones, and dropping back to blast fools with Nova still felt good. I wish the single-target damage was higher (I struggled even hurting an AV) but for everything else, I'm still quite happy with my build. It warms my little Kheldian heart that so many folks have said this old guide convinced them to give PBs a try. We're still pretty rare, though! I had a team yesterday say that I was the only level 50 PB they'd ever seen. A few went so far to say they had never encountered a PB, though plenty of Warshades. I feel like a bit of a unicorn but I hope that's a temporary condition. GD PBs all the way!
  10. Thanks! I haven't been on in ages but I noticed the guide was still sort of lingering in the PB/WS forum so I took a gander. Since they changed when powers are available, I suppose the guide would need an overhaul (which I'm not willing to do) but hopefully the mentality of PBs stay the same!
  11. I'd be all for the Incandescent Strike animation reduction. PBs really don't have a good attack chain and IS is part of the problem because it's 3 seconds of no DPS. As for the Photon Seekers, I'd much prefer they just float around and shoot Gleaming Bolts for their duration. The player would also have the option of using them to kamikaze but this wouldn't be their default behavior until their timer runs out and then they seek out enemies as before. Likewise, if they take enough damage to die, they explode per usual. Overall, this would improve PB single-target damage (especially if all 3 are attacking the same target) while not taking anything away because the player can elect to detonate them should they choose.
  12. Of all the major holes in a PB (I can't speak much for Shades), the only one I feel I can't do anything about is Endurance Drain. Defense just isn't part of the set and though I can achieve a fair bit of defense via set bonuses, I know those are accessory and not built-in to the actual Primary/Secondary. Recharge Debuff Resistance can also be added via sets so while that is a major concern for PBs/WSs, there are options available, even if they're expensive or have other opportunity costs attached. Endurance Drain, though, that's a big hole against certain enemy types. But, to be fair, a lot of ATs struggle against Sappers, Mu, etc. They were intentionally designed to be a threat to high level toons. So while I would greatly enjoy having some Endurance Drain Resistance somewhere on my PB, I also understand that we can't have everything. If I could bake in some Drain Resistance, it should probably be attached to Dwarf Form as the "tankiest" form shouldn't get detoggled due to endurance draining attacks. That being said, Light Form is candidate since it has Recovery attached to it and it would stand to reason that it would resist your Recovery being negatively effected. Alternatively, and I'm not a big fan of this because I'd have to totally rebuild my character, you could put some Endurance Drain Resistance in the Human Shields. While we're talking about weaknesses, let me ask a question: If Human Shields also offered decent Mez Protection (on par with other melee classes), how would that affect your builds? Would it make Dwarf less appealing? Would it make Light Form/Eclipse less mandatory? An additional question, if Human Shields re-toggled after form switching, would that drastically affect your build?
  13. I updated the guide with corrections/additions. Here's the build I'm working toward: Hero Plan by Hero Hero Designer 2.23 https://github.com/ImaginaryDevelopment/imaginary-hero-designer Click this DataLink to open the build! Level 50 Natural Peacebringer Primary Power Set: Luminous Blast Secondary Power Set: Luminous Aura Power Pool: Speed Power Pool: Leaping Power Pool: Concealment Power Pool: Leadership Hero Profile: Level 1: Glinting Eye -- Dcm-Acc/Dmg(A), Dcm-Dmg/EndRdx(5), Dcm-Dmg/Rchg(5), Dcm-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg(7), Dcm-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(7), Dcm-Build%(33) Level 1: Incandescence -- StdPrt-ResDam/Def+(A), GldArm-3defTpProc(9), Ags-Psi/Status(19), ImpArm-ResPsi(25) Level 2: Shining Shield -- ImpArm-ResPsi(A) Level 4: Essence Boost -- DctWnd-Heal/EndRdx(A), DctWnd-EndRdx/Rchg(11), DctWnd-Rchg(13), DctWnd-Heal/Rchg(15), DctWnd-Heal/EndRdx/Rchg(15), DctWnd-Heal(29) Level 6: Bright Nova -- PrfShf-End%(A) Level 8: Radiant Strike -- Hct-Dmg(A), Hct-Dmg/Rchg(11), Hct-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(21), Hct-Acc/Rchg(23), Hct-Dmg/EndRdx(37), Hct-Dam%(40) Level 10: Hasten -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(33) Level 12: Inner Light -- RechRdx-I(A), GssSynFr--Build%(36) Level 14: Combat Jumping -- LucoftheG-Rchg+(A), ShlWal-ResDam/Re TP(50), Rct-ResDam%(50) Level 16: Stealth -- LucoftheG-Rchg+(A) Level 18: Incandescent Strike -- SprKhlGrc-Acc/Dmg(A), SprKhlGrc-Dmg/Rchg(34), SprKhlGrc-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(34), SprKhlGrc-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(34), SprKhlGrc-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(43), SprKhlGrc-Rchg/FormBuff(46) Level 20: White Dwarf -- ImpArm-ResPsi(A) Level 22: Reform Essence -- Prv-Heal(A), Prv-Heal/EndRdx(29), Prv-EndRdx/Rchg(43), Prv-Heal/Rchg(45), Prv-Heal/Rchg/EndRdx(45), Prv-Absorb%(45) Level 24: Conserve Energy -- RechRdx-I(A) Level 26: Solar Flare -- Obl-Dmg(A), Obl-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(36), Obl-%Dam(36), Obl-Dmg/Rchg(37), Obl-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(37), SuddAcc--KB/+KD(42) Level 28: Quantum Acceleration -- LucoftheG-Rchg+(A) Level 30: Maneuvers -- LucoftheG-Rchg+(A) Level 32: Dawn Strike -- Arm-Dmg(A), Arm-Dmg/Rchg(39), Arm-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(39), Arm-Acc/Rchg(39), Arm-Dmg/EndRdx(40), SuddAcc--KB/+KD(40) Level 35: Photon Seekers -- ExpRnf-EndRdx/Dmg/Rchg(A), ExpRnf-Acc/Dmg(42), ExpRnf-Dmg/EndRdx(46), ExpRnf-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(46), SuddAcc--KB/+KD(48) Level 38: Light Form -- Ags-ResDam/Rchg(A), TtnCtn-ResDam/Rchg(42), EndMod-I(43), ImpArm-ResPsi(48) Level 41: Restore Essence -- RechRdx-I(A) Level 44: Thermal Shield -- ImpArm-ResPsi(A) Level 47: Super Speed -- WntGif-ResSlow(A) Level 49: Quantum Flight -- EndRdx-I(A) Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A) Level 1: Cosmic Balance Level 1: Energy Flight -- EndRdx-I(A) Level 1: Prestige Power Dash -- Empty(A) Level 1: Prestige Power Slide -- Empty(A) Level 1: Prestige Power Quick -- Empty(A) Level 1: Prestige Power Rush -- Empty(A) Level 1: Prestige Power Surge -- Empty(A) Level 1: Sprint -- Empty(A) Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A) Level 4: Ninja Run Level 10: Combat Flight -- LucoftheG-Rchg+(A) Level 2: Swift -- Run-I(A) Level 2: Health -- NmnCnv-Regen/Rcvry+(A), Mrc-Rcvry+(3), Pnc-Heal/+End(33) Level 2: Hurdle -- Jump-I(A) Level 2: Stamina -- PrfShf-End%(A), PrfShf-EndMod(3) Level 6: Bright Nova Blast -- Dcm-Acc/Dmg(A), Dcm-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(23), Dcm-Dmg/EndRdx(31), Dcm-Dmg/Rchg(31), Dcm-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg(31), SprEssTrn-Rchg/Global Heal(50) Level 6: Bright Nova Bolt -- Acc-I(A) Level 6: Bright Nova Detonation -- PstBls-Acc/Dmg(A), PstBls-Dmg/EndRdx(9), PstBls-Dmg/Rchg(13), PstBls-Dmg/Rng(17), PstBls-Dam%(17), PstBls-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(19) Level 6: Bright Nova Scatter -- Rgn-Dmg(A), Rgn-Dmg/Rchg(21), Rgn-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(25), Rgn-Acc/Rchg(27), Rgn-Dmg/EndRdx(27), Rgn-Knock%(48) Level 20: White Dwarf Antagonize -- Taunt-I(A) Level 20: White Dwarf Flare -- AchHee-ResDeb%(A) Level 20: White Dwarf Smite -- FrcFdb-Rechg%(A) Level 20: White Dwarf Step -- Range-I(A) Level 20: White Dwarf Strike -- FrcFdb-Rechg%(A) Level 20: White Dwarf Sublimation -- Heal-I(A) Level 50: Assault Core Embodiment Level 50: Musculature Radial Paragon Level 50: Ion Core Final Judgement Level 50: Diamagnetic Core Flawless Interface Level 50: Ageless Radial Epiphany ------------ ------------
  14. That's a solid build. It would appear that your primary goal is strong survivability via Defense and strong single-target damage. If that's accurate, you're well on your way. Personally, I think you'll feel the lack of AoE by endgame. Solar Flare and Dawn Strike are great but Luminous Detonation in Human Form will feel lackluster comparatively. It also knocks stuff all over the place and will actually knock enemies out of Flare range. If you use it, I'd suggest a Sudden Acceleration KB->KD IO. Honestly, if you lost a slot from Hasten, you probably wouldn't feel the 2 extra seconds (or finish the Ragnarok set and get another 6% Psi Resistance). If you're using Luminous Detonation as a pseudo-Solar Flare (i.e. at point blank range while you're in melee), you'll want to get rid of the knockback.
  15. @Honorbridge Thanks for the clarification on the Mag levels. The chance for the +1 Stun on Pulsar still doesn't justify its use, as we both mutually agree. As for I-Strike, in practice, I don't see the Hold all that often (though this may be confirmation bias). Maybe its because it also tends to do knockdown and by the time they get up and start animating again...they're dead. :P I would never slot I-Strike for Hold, though. The Hold is the cherry on top of a sundae of pain so I'd rather buff the sundae than the cherry! As far as Essence Boost, I was trying to keep the illustration simple but you are correct. I was purposefully leaving regen out but you're right about it also increasing the HP/tick and overall surviveability. @McOz Yeah, the resist slow is super-helpful to a max recharge build. Honestly, I had forgotten it so throwing it in Flight (which every PB has) is a smart play. The Resist Slow is one of the primary reasons I took Ageless for my Destiny slot. It also improves Recharge but the Debuff resistance is key. @ everyone else I'll update the guide itself in the coming week for corrections/additions. I'm still loving the heck out of playing my PB and when I switch to other characters there's a nagging feeling of "but I could play my PB".
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