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Posts posted by Jimmy

  1. 14 minutes ago, Glacier Peak said:

    This forum poster’s opinion got me thinking how best to demonstrate speed similarities and disparities. I designed some simple testing to come up with evidence to do so, with a focus on extreme/outlier situations. I used the following methodology:


    Three courses: Peregrine Island (Bottom to Top), Nerva Archipelago (Bottom to Top), Grandville (Blackline Helicopter to red windows at the top of W.E.B./Tangle Tower).


    These locations were selected due to their simplicity, extreme distance, and direction – no missions take you to these locations, no badges to go to or from, no enemies to fight, and in the case of the Grandville course, no reason to get to the red window near the top of the tower (unless you want to jump off maybe?) – all that to say that they are outliers because the way this game exists on Homecoming, with the combination of using travel powers, tram lines or ferries, super group bases or long range teleport, LFG tab, or my favorite, either of the two mission teleporter powers – players can get to anywhere in such a short amount of time that it doesn’t require more than two minutes to go from one place in the game, to anywhere else. I dare you to prove me wrong! (And please post your methodology so I can verify your results, just like you can test mine!)


    Each course is run three times with each power for an average. Course layouts are posted as images below. Each run is done with only the specific travel power active; i.e., Super Speed only, Super Jump only, Fly only. Results posted in the table below. Each power is at its cap during testing. For the Grandville course, the routes for Super Speed and Super Jump use whichever structure allows for quickest ascent – (north ward entrance to north ward lift 1, to the cabling all the way up was my fastest method for SS at least). One interesting thing on the Peregrine Island with Afterburner runs, I was able to activate Afterburner TWICE during these journeys.


    If anything, this data should indicate how speed is just one aspect of travel utility – verticality is also an aspect that, in the case of the Grandville course, makes a lot of difference.



    Peregrine Island (2.72 miles)

    Nerva Archipelago (1.96 miles)

    Grandville (0.83 miles)

    Super Speed

    1 minute, 22 seconds

    59 seconds

    1 minute, 35 seconds

    Super Jump

    1 minute, 36 seconds

    1 minute, 10 seconds

    58 seconds


    1 minute, 50 seconds

    1 minute, 20 seconds

    34 seconds

    Fly w/Afterburner

    1 minute, 41 seconds

    1 minute, 15 seconds

    28 seconds


      Reveal hidden contents

    image.png.53a51fe1876d9395a0c9cc6af45902ff.png      image.png.297c2a0666e0430224968c0a1b9aa3ba.png    image.png.35f9043387ef3c01d787f068e5a174f8.png


    Lastly, this testing required approximately two hours of investment on the beta server to conduct. The next time a forum poster complains about someone’s testing, I strongly recommend they replicate the testing to see if their results are different (instead of just complaining about their testing). As an aside, during this testing I discovered that if you fly to the bottom of the map in Peregrine Island, it teleports you to the top of the northern islands in Talos Island, I had no idea it did that! Is that even intentional?



    This is great to see, nice work @Glacier Peak!


    Regarding the MSR comments - Fast enough MSRs wouldn't be allowing you to activate old Afterburner for the full duration between each Pylon. You'd be much more likely to fall behind then than you are now that you can fight without dropping the toggle giving you your enhanced speed cap.

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  2. 11 minutes ago, InvaderStych said:


    Apologies if I missed any additional replies in this vein while glossing over the intense discussion in which I had no dogs, but is there any possibility that a Stance solution might be applied for Hover/Fly?


    Same method as the recent addition of Ninja/Beast run stances?



    The short answer is that it doesn't work that way unfortunately, but Powerhouse is looking into alternative options!

    • Thanks 2
  3. 1 hour ago, QuiJon said:

    If it is perma now has does keeping it perma unbalance anything. As it stands These changes basically re-institute it seems like all the unbalanced nature of flight from before Afterburner was added to the game. At least for any trip that is longer then .9 miles. 


    When the game came out (its been a while but if i recall correctly) flight speed capped with fly and 3 slots at around 62-65 mph. While SS caped with nothing but its native slot at like 92 mph. So really the best that a flier could do was 25-30mph slower then a SSer. And it was always cried it was balance cause flying was direct path, safer etc. However as game play went on SS was found to really be just as safe and way faster, especially if you took something like CJing with it. Eventually they did a new round of powers and fly got afterburner, SJ got that teleport attack etc. So with afterburner flight got boosted to the 87mph it is now, still slower then speed when you consider that with free p2w powers the vertical limits of speeding are easily overcome. And the way it is right now, with afterburner i get to a mission maybe just behind a speeder and a jumper but not to far behind. 


    But these chagnes boost SS to 120 mph ALL THE TIME, if i read it correctly. Which means that anytime afterburner is not running i am essentially going to be back at the same mph difference that originally existed in the game, even at a higher speed cap. Where previous to these changes the afterburner boost mostly closed that difference and allowed me to keep up. Not exceed mind you but keep up. Now even with AB on i will be 18mph slower then a speedster and if it is long enough it goes off i will be some 32mph behind them. 


    So yeah i dont see any reason why the AB buff can not be perma like now, 10 - 30 second cool down. Keeping the only effect self and move the defense to elusive maneuvers. 

    Two key points:


    Firstly, Fly with Afterburner was fast, yes, but it required a huge investment - 3 power picks and several enhancement slots - to truly maximize. That's way too much for a travel power, and that's why you can now achieve the same thing with one just one power pick and minimal extra slotting.


    Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, all other travel powers require an element of interaction to reach their max potential. Super Speed obviously requires the most, and as such it has the fastest base speed. Super Jump requires a bit less, and is slightly slower. Teleportation has the potential to be incredibly fast with the right investment and use. And finally, Fly requires the least interaction.


    But! Now you have the option of a little interaction in order to reach its maximum potential. You can use it to bump your speed up, or you can fly at the existing top speed with zero interaction (and far less investment required). It's up to you, but it's unlikely that we'd increase the always-on speed of Fly any further.

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    • Confused 1
  4. 20 minutes ago, arthurh35353 said:

    I had a power I picked for travel that allowed me to travel at the top end for as long as I want (no number).


    Now, that power has been removed for a combat power, so I will have to respec. My ability to go as fast as I possibly want all the time is now a finangly toggle that detoggles and only puts me at top speed sometimes. 


    "But complicated engineering feature is better!"


    "I want my super cruise mode back."


    "No, you'll take our numbers or die!"


    "I want my easy to use out of combat power max flight speed back. You can take your combat power back that you turned my NON-COMBAT power into."


    "Well, we'd have to knock about 2/3rds of the speed bump off afterburner-"



    87.9mph is the Fly speed cap with a travel power. You aren't going to get any permanent toggle which takes you above that speed while flying because it needs to be balanced against the other travel powers.


    I will repeat: 87.8mph is the top end for long-distance flight. This hasn't changed from live, it just requires fewer powers and slots.


    Afterburner is just an extra, in the same way that Translocation is. You don't have to use it if you don't like it.


    Your argument simply doesn't hold water because you would be happier if this new version of Afterburner was removed entirely so nobody could use it. We won't be doing that just to satisfy you.


    That's the end of it - if you continue clogging up the thread with posts about this same concern, they will be removed. Allow others to post their feedback without the noise.

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  5. Just now, Shaman Coyote said:

    That's a lot of inf to spend on getting to almost where others can do with next to no expense, don't you think? It sounds almost like you're proving my point: Concealment shouldn't be considered on par as a travel pool with the other travel pools. As it stands, Infiltration doesn't have anything to put it in the travel power set league.


    Please note, I'm not saying it doesn't have it's thematic uses. It's just not worth taking unless you have a very specific reason for it. You can do more by taking CJ and Stealth. At least with that combo you get to keep some reasonable defense and CJ's end cost is negligible. Since Infiltrations suffers from suppression in combat you're getting the same movement and can be slotting for +def. Obviously you'd need some kind of out-of-combat travel power but that's where SJ comes in. Using next to no slots on movement, you've got everything you wanted. It does cost more power choices but you'd save on slots so, as always, it's a give-and-take.

    I think it's a matter of preference - which is the aim of the game really.


    The classification of a "Travel Pool" is there simply to allow Infiltration to be picked off the bat without a pre-requisite. Different travel powers have different levels of utility. Fly for example requires a similar amount of slotting to reach a similar speed, but it too has a very high amount of utility.


    My bet is that Infiltration is actually going to be a very popular pick for those that want a one-and-done travel power which also includes decent utility and slotting potential. It'd be difficult to argue it should go any faster or it'll start stepping on the toes of other travel powers.


    And speaking of stepping on the toes of other powers... we theoretically will also be adding Freerunning at some point. It obviously will not have a stealth component, and as such will need to between Infiltration, Super Jump and Super Speed, so we've got to leave some room for that.

    • Like 4
  6. 6 minutes ago, Shaman Coyote said:

    There have been a full 7+ pages of notes since I last read this yesterday so I hope this hasn't been addressed already. Just in case I tossed a tl/dr at the end.


    Setting aside the stealth portion of the new stealth pool changes, calling it a "travel pool" is very misleading. Infiltration is no different (as described in the patch notes and shown in game) than any of the free movement powers. Those are not nearly on par with the true travel pool powers and it seems inappropriate that concealment should be included in the list of travel pools. While it would be nice to have another travel power--especially one that could work as half-way between Super Jump and Super Speed--Neither the movement running powers nor Infiltration come close to doing that. This is especially true now that SS has the Momentum Jump mechanic and SJ has DJ. When one claims to have a "travel power" it means one is able to get to missions in a relatively quick timeframe. If Infiltration is supposed to allow anything near that, it fails completely. If adding stealth to Athletic Run is supposed to make it worth it to use up a power choice, I really don't think many will be doing so for the purpose of travel.


    That being said, I'm wondering if the idea here is to be able to have a run (not travel) power and stealth on with a reduced endurance cost compared to using both before. There's no difference at all as far as power selections. Or is the idea that now you can slot both run and jump in the run power? I'll have to experiment to see if that would turn this "movement" power into a "travel" power. Even if it would, however, I doubt it would be worth it to use slots in that way. Most of the time I doubt anyone puts more than three slots in a travel power. Slotting would likely be EndRed/Run/Jump (1 or 2 each, depending on how many slots you want to devote to it) since the Defense buff would be meaningless. I doubt many people would want to 6 slot a travel power, especially when it still wouldn't let them come close to keeping up with others who have their travel powers one or two slotted.


    Lastly, as to the defense portion of Infiltration: neither Combat Jumping nor Hover lose their defense buff while in combat. Infiltration has no immob or KB mitigation so why does it lose the defense when the others doesn't lose anything? It also suffers from the suppression that happens during combat so as far as speed/jump, it's no better than CJ. All in all, it makes no sense to spend a power choice on Infiltration when you can get Athletic (etc) Run for free. Again, the exception would be for endurance cost limits.  I can foresee some arguing that since the defense comes from the stealth and the stealth is meaningless once the foe is aware of you, so logically the defense must be lost. If they were to set mechanics to be logical this game would cease to exist, so that argument doesn't hold water. Besides, the defense should be coming from the maneuverability just like it does in the case of CJ.




    TL/DR: Infiltration should keep its +Def in combat, just like CJ does and Concealment doesn't deserve to be called a "Travel Pool".


    I think you're missing out the key difference - the speed can be enhanced, and it can be enhanced with universal travel IOs and HOs.




    This is fully slotted Infiltration (Winter's Gift + Blessing of the Zephyr), with 1 IO in each Sprint, Hurdle and Swift. You get to the standard jump speed cap, and aren't far off the standard run speed cap. I'd say that's definitely a worthy middle ground between Super Jump and Super Speed.

    • Like 4
  7. 2 hours ago, MJB said:

    When I respec to get the slots back it dousn't seem to happen again, so might just be on first zone?


    edit: Actually just gets weirder, same toon this just happened on i respecced in AP, slotted and toggled up, went back into RV and CJ doesn't have any enhancements or slots again

    If you can reproduce this with a copied character, can you let us know the character name and server they are from, and your exact steps?

  8. I've rewritten the Flight section to hopefully be a bit clearer:



    Pool: Flight

    • Flight_TravelFlight.png.74244b2f884386eb35f8ac9428278017.png Fly
      • Now increases your fly speed cap by 50% while toggled on (from 58.6mph to 87.9mph)
        • This increased cap is the equivalent of fully slotting the old version of Afterburner
          • You now get this for free, without picking two more powers, and without old Afterburner's Only Affect Self component
        • This means Fly speed buffs and enhancements actually matter, as you won't hit the new cap without them
        • This increased cap doesn't apply in PvP
      • Flight_Afterburner.png.9890bf9208f976be5c62e00f21c62b82.png Afterburner
        • Now built into Fly as a free secondary (server tray) power that doesn't require a power pick
          • If you already had Fly, you will now also have Afterburner for free
        • Now a timed toggle with a 30 second duration and a 60 second cooldown
        • Increases flight speed cap by a further 25% (to 102.27mph), and speeds you up to the cap
          • This allows Fly to match Super Jump's new speed cap for short bursts of time (it wouldn't be appropriate to have Fly match that speed permanently)
          • Note that the old speed cap that fully-slotted Afterburner previously allowed you to reach is now built into Fly for free, you don't need to use this new version of Afterburner to reach that speed
        • No longer applies Only Affect Self or any other effects - Evasive Maneuvers has inherited most of Afterburner's old defensive effects
    • image.png.a9de0837a33cf33379309a4bbfe9e4d0.png Group Fly
      • This power now applies to all pets regardless of their distance from the caster
      • No longer inaccurately claims it applies -Acc
    • Flight_EvasiveManeuvers.png.1e67b92f6c3529ffd38620fc25871fd4.png Evasive Maneuvers
      • Replaces the old version of Afterburner as Flight's tier 5 power
        • If you previously had Afterburner, you now have Evasive Maneuvers
        • Note that if you previously had Fly, you will now have the new version of Afterburner for free
      • Toggle with moderate endurance cost, aimed at providing you with excellent airborne combat mobility
        • Evasive Maneuvers is not intended as a travel power, it is a defensive combat mobility power
      • Whilst flying, this power provides:
        • Protection against -fly and immobilize, and some resistance to knockback
        • A small amount of flight speed
          • This flight speed is not affected by travel suppression, allowing you to remain mobile in combat
        • Good air control (the same level that Afterburner previously provided)
      • Also provides the same level of defence as old Afterburner out of combat, but this is removed while in combat
        • This follows the same 4s suppression timer as movement speed
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  9. 10 minutes ago, SuperPlyx said:

    Not sure I understand this....sorry....I have super speed and super jump and combat jumping on my MM (dont judge me) ...and even activating super speed will not pop up the server tray for it's new power. I was thinking Gull did something with the server tray so went to the D to check and did not see an option to change anything

    It means that (I think) you have previously asked Null to hide a popup tray for Mighty Leap, which (I think) currently shares the same tray-disabling flag with Super Jump.

    • Like 1
  10. 8 minutes ago, Tigraine said:


    How will this work with the Kheldian shapeshift power trays?

    Can't say for sure right now.


    What I will say is that there will be a way to hide these trays. What I am not sure of yet is if we will be adding support to hide each of them individually - it's more likely it'll be wrapped up into a single option which hides all travel power related popup trays.

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  11. 12 minutes ago, Arcadio said:

    Speed phase is thematically very cool, but technically it's kinda weird that you get such little benefit for an "only affecting self" power. If it's going to stay as this sort of out of combat power, it would be nice if it behaved like afterburner or maybe gave some +rech or other defensive benefit while on.

    Beyond running through civilians and cars just cus, Speed Phase is actually meant to be used to complement Super Speed's stealth component to make ghosting through missions easier.

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  12. 4 minutes ago, Sovera said:

    No Bopper, apologies but you may be misremembering. Looking at my own character at level 50 power details using just Fly the speed is hardcapped at 58mph without any (direct) slotting (I have the usual little speed increases incidentally found in sets, not something I worked for) or gimmicks involved.


    Fly + AB without any (direct) slotting puts it at 72.95mph. The jump pack caps it at 87mph.

    Is some of that coming from Swift?

  13. 8 minutes ago, arthurh35353 said:

    And yet, my choice of Fly + Swift + Afterburner to go the absolute fastest I *could* go no longer exists. While the numbers might technically be 'faster' my power and slot choices are no longer valid and I have to respec my character and figure out what power I want to steal from to get the 'fastest I could go'.

    I'm really struggling to understand what you're trying to say here.


    You already had Fly.


    Fly now makes you as fast as Fly + Afterburner used to.


    You can optionally also use the new version of Afterburner (a free power that you do not need to pick or slot) to go even faster.


    Evasive Maneuvers isn't a travel power. It's a defensive combat mobility power. It's not needed to go fast, so if you only care about travelling and going fast, you can pretend it doesn't exist.


    The new speed that Afterburner takes you to isn't appropriate as a permenant Fly speed in order to keep the various travel powers balanced.


    Your existing slotting will either have you be as fast, or faster, than before, both with and without activating the new version of Afterburner.

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  14. 15 minutes ago, InfamousBrad said:

    At 7 pages of comments before I even woke up, someone has probably said this, but I have two minor concerns about the travel power redesign, both related to the "cottage" rule.

    These are some good points!


    15 minutes ago, InfamousBrad said:

    One of the fundamental principles behind all the travel powers in the game is that the easier they are to use, the slower they are, which is why flight is slower than super leap is slower than teleport is slower than superspeed. If the flight speed cap is higher than the jump speed cap, why would anybody ever take super leap? The jump speed cap may not need to be much higher than the flight speed cap, its base speed doesn't need to be much faster than fly's base speed. But under the "cottage" rule, it absolutely does need to be faster.

    We have kept this in mind with the changes - Fly isn't actually faster than Super Jump all the time, only a tiny bit faster for short bursts with Afterburner.

    • Super Jump = 101.8mph
    • Fly = 87.9mph
    • Fly with Afterburner = 102.27mph (only for 30s out of every 90s)
    15 minutes ago, InfamousBrad said:

    Similarly, travel speed scales with level for a solid design reason: with few exceptions, higher level zones are physically bigger than lower level zones. It should take a level 14 character about the same time to fly the length of Port Oakes that it takes them, at level 35, to fly the length of St. Martial, that it takes them, at level 50, to fly the length of Grandville. (Independence Port and Nerva break these rules, and that's why they've always been hated). Since it's literally impossible to resize the lowbie zones, I think the travel speed cap should probably still scale with level. I'm not going to fight and die on this hill ... but the rule exists for a good reason.

    Although the powers themselves don't scale, Enhancements and other bonuses do.


    This means that as you level up and change your slotting or gain set bonuses you still will be gaining speed. You definitely can't hit the max speeds as soon as you get the powers - without set bonuses, you need to 3 slot SOs to even come close to the flight cap.

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  15. 2 minutes ago, Infinitum said:

    Have You even tested this, or anyone else with this complaint?


    Fly+Evasive is currently equivalent to old Fly+AB. So thats two toggles - the new design allows you to function in combat instead of locking you out like old AB did.


    Now if You activate new AB in conjunction with Fly+Evasive yiubare rivaling old sj and SS at that point 


    Its a net gain in every sense of the notion and if you tested this responsibly and thoughtfully its blatantly evident.

    And if you only care about speed, then you just need to turn Fly on. That's one less toggle than before 🙂

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