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Posts posted by Jimmy

  1. 15 hours ago, TemporalVileTerror said:

    In the context of a for-profit venture, I could see someone in management making that argument (and have, numerous times).  Operating in that paradigm, there's this belief that "angry gamers won't buy our product, so don't do anything to make them angry."

    Nearly there. "Angry gamers", as you put it, make for an environment which isn't conducive to happy volunteers. The project lives and dies on the time, dedication and talent of all the volunteers involved, and as such it's incredibly important to me that we keep everyone happy. If something (ie: "angry gamers") causes anyone to become unhappy, they'll leave, and if that keeps happening then the project will slowly die.


    It's key to keep in mind that not all the devs are like Naomi, Piecemeal and myself - some will want to keep to themselves. And we need to give them that space to be comfortable and work in the way that they want to work.


    • Like 4
    • Thanks 8
  2. The reality is that both Cipher and myself (who tend to be the ones posting publicly) have both been extremely busy in real life lately - just take a look at my post history since Christmas. The little time we have had has been spent on other areas of the project.

    • Like 7
  3. 1 minute ago, Draeth Darkstar said:

    I'd love to know what I did to do it, then. I did quite a bit of testing for Page 1 powers changes and additions, and from what I remember seeing, my feedback was pretty thorough and much more polite than a lot of the more... let's say "aggressive," folks on the Beta boards at the time.

    We aren't even the ones inviting people - current testers are free to invite whoever they wish. In the unofficial testing Discord (which is volunteer-run, not managed by us) you can request an invite from current testers.


    We only intervene if someone is being disruptive, which to my knowledge hasn't happened since before i27 (and quite possibly longer). This hands-off approach allows us to just focus on development, and as a software engineer I'm sure you can appreciate the benefits of multiple phases of testing with different users.

    • Thanks 1
  4. And it may surprise you to learn that almost everyone that actually engaged in active testing of Page 1 was added to the closed beta group and is helping out with Page 2 currently. It's not cliquey or hand-picked at all - you have to work quite hard to get yourself excluded.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 2
  5. 10 minutes ago, Black Zot said:

    Cloudflare hosting.  Why am I not surprised?


    90+ times out of 100, when a website craps out on me Cloudflare is the middleman.  They love to pass the blame on to the individual websites they host, but they're the common thread ...

    Cloudflare isn't a host


    You're mixing up causation and correlation. Websites that have, for lack of a better term, issues (due to extreme demand or malicious activity) will employ Cloudflare to help mitigate them, but it's not perfect and won't resolve everything, so you'll still see problems sometimes. Very rarely is Cloudflare actually the cause of any problem, but as with all technology it does very occasionally fail.


    If you don't like it, blame the kids and their DDoS attacks, not Cloudflare.

    • Thanks 3
  6. @Grasshopper @Ferrous_Sapien

    Are you still experiencing this issue?


    @Coyotedancer @hulkchevy

    Did you transfer your characters and log in before the server maintenance on December 1st?


    @Darkblue Can you confirm if the following is true:

    1. Silent Knights wasn't logged in between i27 being released (November 24th) and your server transfer
    2. The server transfer happened after the server maintenance on December 1st
  7. @Kanil @GruntledDave @MindOverMatter @macskull @Monos King @Apparition


    Please log into the game and send me a PM once you've done so! In order for us to award the Bug Hunter badge, you need to have logged in once since the last maintenance window.



    Now awarded: @macskull @Kanil @Apparition @MindOverMatter @Monos King

    Still awaiting: @GruntledDave

    • Thanks 1
  8. Hello everyone!


    There's quite a lot to go over today, so let's dive right in.


    LFM: Web Designer with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript Experience

    We’re currently working on a new website and are on the lookout for some help to make it as awesome as it can be. We’re already hard at work on the new back-end services, so we’re primarily looking for volunteers that have experience writing modern HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript to create responsive mobile-friendly websites to help design and build the front-end of the website.


    Check out Cipher's post for the full details if you're interested!


    Architect Entertainment Holiday Contest Winners

    The winners for the AE Holiday Contest have been announced!

    • The Christmas Contagion (Arc ID 34661) by @Shocktacular: “A Portal Corp. scientist found a Christmas dimension, and she brought back some amazing eggnog. Turns out it was contaminated with The Christmas Contagion! Now people everywhere are being “Jollified” as the contagion spreads! Can you stop this holiday disease and defeat whoever is behind it?”
    • Secret Christmas S.O.S. (Arc ID 34930) by @aekolm: "It’s Christmas Eve...Eve, you know that day where everyone races to supermart for last minute gifts and the intense anxiety of dealing with the relatives and disgust of raw egg nog merge to create a new emotion even worse than it parts. But as you dwell in agony you notice an S.O.S from near by.“

    Check out GM Sparky's post for the full details.


    New Dev Choice Arcs in Architect Entertainment

    We’ve recently highlighted two more Dev Choice arcs in Architect Entertainment:

    • Adventures in Wonderland (Arc ID 28330) by @Ankylosaur: “Alice Liddell could use your help at the University library in Croatoa. Wait, was that THE White Rabbit that just ran by? [SFMA]”
    • Release Candidate (Arc ID 31010) by @Takel: "WANTED : Superpowered Individuals to test an advanced new AI matrix for Architect Entertainment. Excitement guaranteed!“ 




    Check out GM Sparky's post for the full details, as well as information about submitting your own arcs for consideration.


    Thank You to Testers!

    Now that Issue 27 has been live for a few weeks, we wanted to take a moment to thank the testers who helped ensure we had a stable and polished release with their time, feedback and bug reports.


    So, we'd like to extend a thank you to @Wavicle @AustinSmith @csr @Molubdos @America's Angel @Hopestar @Doomrider @Kanil @GruntledDave @Ratch_ @Tsuko @Keleko @MindOverMatter @Nayreia / Karonax @oedipus_tex @Keen @Lines @zenblack @Tater Todd @Myrmidon @Infinitum @Replacement @ScarySai @macskull @Monos King @Apparition @Vanden @Yuro, and an extra big thank you to @Bopper and @Galaxy Brain for helping to organise the testing efforts!


    You've all been sent at least one Bug Hunter badge. You can find it in your account mail in-game (the same place where Super Pack items appear). Please be aware that each Bug Hunter badge can only be claimed on one character, so choose wisely 🙂 




    Participation in the testing process is hugely important for ensuring a solid release, so we really do appreciate the time that everyone has put in. If you're interested in earning a Bug Hunter badge for yourself, be sure to join in with the testing of future patches!


    Zone PvP Showdown Events (December 13th, 20th, 27th)

    CR Mochi is hosting a series of Zone PvP events on Indomitable this month! The first event will be taking place tonight at 9pm Eastern in Recluse's Victory.


    The subsequent events will be taking place at 9pm Eastern on the 20th and 27th of December, and the zones are currently being voted on! Check out CR Mochi's thread for the full details, and to vote on the locations for the 2nd & 3rd events.


    Monthly Costume Contest: Retro! (December 26th)

    Come join us on Saturday December 26th at 4pm Eastern (9pm UTC) in Kallisti Wharf on all shards for the final costume contest of the year. This month the theme is Retro!


    As usual, a myriad of prizes will be up for grabs - check out GM Kaiju' post for the full details.


    Reminders: Winter Event & Donation Window

    And before we sign off for today, two quick reminders:

    • The Winter Event will be running until server maintenance on Tuesday the 5th of January
    • The donation window this month will be held a week early, on Saturday the 19th of December, rather than the last Saturday of the month

    And that's all for today. From all the GMs, developers and other volunteers at Homecoming, we'd like to wish you all a very happy Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and New Year!


    - The Homecoming Team

    • Like 9
    • Thanks 12
  9. 1 minute ago, CFIndustries said:

    Any chance the Winter Forest could remain on Tunnel in some "de-Christmased" version year-round?


    I like having my winter-based alts hang out here. It's quite a lovely little mini-map.


    I'd go a step further and love if there was a base teleport beacon to get there. 🙂

    Null the Gull can send you there all year, and there's a permanent entrance to it under the Ski Chalet 🙂

    6 hours ago, Freakenstein said:

    Maybe an ideal solution would be not to include all that info in the LRT OR Fast Travel Menu, but instead a separate macro just for tracking zone unlocks that you could remove from your tray when you have all the zones you need for that char. Similar to this but with whatever fancy code you guys used on the Fast Travel version(I'd still love to have that code!).. 


    We actually don't want it in Fast Travel at all in the long run, this was more of a temporary fix to let you see where you can go without burning the cooldown. There's some player-made options if you just want a badge checking popmenu!

    • Like 1
  10. 5 hours ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

    Ok, for posterity's sake as of right now there are 9,983,800 for sale.  1 December 2020 1:45PM EST.

    We seeded exactly 10 million when the price changed, so that was the value when the shards went up.


    I suppose that doesn’t factor in any that players had listed already, but I can’t imagine it being that many.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 2
  11. Build 27.1.3516


    Winter Event

    • The Winter event is now active!
    • See the Wiki page for more info
    • The event will be active for 5 weeks, and will end during maintenance on Tuesday the 5th of January

    New for 2020: Snowbound Badge

    • Awarded for logging in during the event
    • Grants you the Holiday Spirit (debt protection) and Holiday Cheer (a gift for another player) temporary powers

    New for 2020: Winter Forest Updates

    • The Winter Forest, a special zone previously only accessible via Null the Gull, has been updated to be a seasonal hang-out spot
    • While the Winter event is active, it can be accessed from any TUNNEL portal or by using Long Range Teleporter
    • While the Winter event is active, several NPCs gather in the zone: Ms. Liberty (Trainer), an Icon Cosmetic Surgeon, The Candy Keeper, Shady Nick (Black Market), a P2W Winter Agent, a Last-Minute Gift Shop (Quartermaster), a Merit Vendor, several heroes and villains from around Paragon and the Rogue isles, and of course, Null the Gull himself
    • An invention table, a base portal, and a TUNNEL portal have also been added, and they remain at all times, even after the winter event ends
    • Several small geometry fixes have been made
    • A minimap and a special loading screen have been added





    Long Range Teleporter

    Destination List

    • Destinations are now categorized and coloured based on their location (Paragon City, Rogue Isles, Praetoria and Shadow Shard)
    • "Your Supergroup Base" is visible at the top of the list if you are in a Supergroup
    • "Enter Supergroup Passcode..." is visible at the top of the list at all times
    • Locked destinations are now listed
      • This makes it easier to see where you can and cannot go, and also keeps every destination in a consistent location regardless of how many you've unlocked
      • Zones that your current alignment cannot visit are not listed
    • Shadow Shard zones moved to the bottom of the list
    • Hero zones re-ordered slightly, all co-op zones are now at the bottom of the Hero zone list
    • Zone levels have been removed in order to make the list easier to read

    Zone Checker

    • A zone checker list has been added to the Fast Travel macro,  allowing you to check which zones you have and haven't unlocked in LRT has been added to the fast travel macro
    • Unlocked zones can be clicked, doing so will activate LRT (you'll still need to select the destination in the LRT popup)
    • This is likely only a temporary solution, we'd like to add something more integrated with the power itself
    • Thanks to @AboveTheChemist and @Jacke for their assistance with this
    • NOTE: If you have manually downloaded an updated version of fasttravel.mnu, you need to delete it in order to see this update

    Other Changes

    • Long Range Teleporter can now be purchased from the P2W vendor
      • It costs 1,000,000 influence
      • It can be found under Prestige Powers > Travel > Long Range Teleporter
      • This only unlocks the power itself (with the default base access), exploration badges are still required to unlock each zone
    • Long Range Teleporter's long and short descriptions now clearly state it allows you to access Supergroup bases
    • Long Range Teleporter now uses a long interruptible animation when used inside a mission with Temporary Powers disabled (eg: in Master Of runs)
    • Fixed Faultline not unlocking properly
      • Previously it would unlock if you owned any badge from Echo: Faultline, rather than Faultline proper





    Story Arcs

    The Graveyard Shift

    • Updates to spawns in the rave mission to reduce the chance for extreme psychological trauma
    • Adjusted the Raverobber spawn to ensure that the spawn clears as complete as soon as Raverobber drops
    • Reduced the potency of the viral cocktail, now only reduces endurance by 10 instead of 20

      • MM pets now also get the Viral Cocktail

    • Immune booster power corrected to run for 60s, not 30s, stacking

    • Upgraded the Zoombie explosions: They move faster, hit harder, hit you AND enemies - and added knockback

    • Disclaimers added to Pathogen and Cortex missions to bring friends

    The Freakish Lab of Dr. Vahzilok

    • Doc Buzzsaw contact updated to remove the HREF store link which would cause the contact to crash if clicked while running the arc via Ouroboros

    • Unkillable enemies getting onto the other side of the fence in the Zig should be less of a problem

      • Wardens using Gale were the issue, and that spawndef simply stops spawning bosses for Longbow now

    Cortex (Both arcs)

    • Heroside version

      • Rise to the challenge and wasting disease removed from him

    • Redside version

      • Psychic Scream removed fromdecaying version

      • Also has no confuse power still, intended

    • Mind Stab: 20s rech (was 4s), 1.24 damage scale (was 1.64)

    • Subdue: 3s rech (was 8s), .6 damage scale (was 1.0)

    • Telekinetic Blast: 6s rech (was 8s), damage for Smash/Psi now .63/.34, was 1/.64

    • Mesmerize: 3s rech (was 6s), sleep duration reduced from 30 to 18, damage reduced

    • Dominate: 5s rech (was 8s), .70 damage scale (was 1.0)

    • Greater Psi Blade: 30s rech (was 15s), lethal damage removed, psionic damage at 1.7 scale

    • Confuse added back into his power kit, recharge increased to 20s, mag increased from mag3 to mag4, duration cut to 10s from 20s

    • Updated the Cortex Illusion Spawns to be less painful in quantity



    Blaster Psychic Blast

    • Several powers have had their range increased to match the bonus range that other versions of Psychic Blast have
    • Psionic Dart range increased from 80ft to 100ft
    • Mental Blast range increased from 80ft to 100ft
    • Telekinetic Blast range increased from 80ft to 100ft
    • Will Domination range increased from 80ft to 100ft
    • Psionic Tornado range increased from 80ft to 100ft
    • Scramble Thoughts range increased from 80ft to 100ft

    Sentinel Psychic Blast

    • Several powers have had their range increased to match the bonus range that other versions of Psychic Blast have
    • Mental Blast range increased from 60ft to 75ft
    • Telekinetic Blast range increased from 60ft to 75ft
    • Psychic Scream range increased from 40ft to 50ft
    • Will Domination range increased from 60ft to 75ft
    • Psionic Strike range increased 60ft to 75ft
    • Psionic Tornado range increased from 40ft to 50ft
    • Scramble Thoughts range increased from 60ft to 75ft



    • Trainers no longer lie to players about Supergroup Mode and Prestige
    • Null the Gull no longer discusses the Dimensional Warder badge with Praetorians before they move over into Primal Earth properly

    Praetorian Supergroup Registrar

    • Added a new Supergroup Registrar for Praetorians
      • They are located in front of the Civic Center in Nova Praetoria (-4369.0 34.0 -256.0)
      • They use a fancy new Powers Division Supergroup registration form

    P2W Vendor

    • The various prestige teleportation powers in the P2W store now have proper descriptions instead of just saying "Buy me!"
    • Moved Prestige Sprints into the Travel category at the P2W vendor


    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed many powers having incorrect colour palettes for power customization
      • Many powers had their power customization options incorrectly assigned in i27 - this patch should resolve these issues
    • Fixed a bug that with the Supergroup registration screen; it was showing the wrong alignment very often
    • Fixed some text errors with the Auctioneer day job
    • Fixed the Monitor Duty badge incorrectly referring to the Base Teleporter power (the old name for the Monitor Duty Teleporter power)
    • Fixed the Visionary badge not awarding credit for Overseer bosses
      • These were still being tracked, they just weren't attached to the badge, so if you killed a bunch before this patch you may automatically earn the badge when you log in
    • Fixed the Duray encounter failing during Admiral Sutter's TF

    Powers Bug Fixes

    • Travel Powers should no longer generate a flashing buff icon

      • Note: Athletic Run was missed in this first fix, will be in the next patch

    • Trick Arrow

      • Disruption Arrow: This power's -MaxEnd debuff is now affected by AT modifiers

      • Glue Arrow:

        • Fixed short description to note it is a Location AoE

        • Slow enhancements should now work on this power

      • Mastermind: The following powers had their end cost accidentally lowered, this has been reversed:
        •  Ice Arrow
        •  Acid Arrow
        •  Disruption Arrow
        •  EMP Arrow
    • Energy Melee

      • Power Crash:

        • End cost for this power was set too low, increased from 9.36 to 15.184

        • Stalker version was not doing Crit from hide, this has been fixed

      • Stalker > Energy Punch: Crit damage was hitting for too little damage. This has been fixed

    • Dark Melee > Touch of Fear:

      • Power should again have a 30% chance for additional mag 1 fear on the primary target

      • A consistency pass has been made on Touch of Fear's AoE damage

    • Blaster > Darkness Manipulation > Touch of the Beyond: Should now grant fear resistance in PvP, not fear protection

    • Blaster > Tactical Arrow > Oil Slick Arrow: This power should now grant a Defiance buff

    • Scrapper > Energy Aura > Entropic Aura: This power should no longer debuff the caster's own recharge

    • Pool > Leadership > Victory Rush:

      • End Mod Enhancements should now work on this power

      • Fixed issues where sometimes it would do the same buff if used on Lts or Minions

    • Force Fields > Dispersion Bubble: Restored a missing VFX that would indicated what allies are being buffed by the power

    • Traps > Force Field Generator: Restored a missing VFX that would indicated what allies are being buffed by the power

    • Warshade > Umbral Aura > Shadow Slip: This power is now flagged as AoE, Negative Energy attack

    • Kinetics > Transfusion: This power should now heal even if the target dies shortly after the animation starts

    • Like 11
    • Thanks 15
  12. Note: The Beta shards were wiped on Thursday, November 🦃 26th. You'll need to create or copy new characters.


    New or updated changes are listed in green (these remain part of the patch notes)


    Notes relevant to testing or changes from the previous build are listed in blue (these are deleted before the next build or before the live publish)


    Winter Event

    New for 2020: Snowbound Badge

    • Awarded for logging in during the event
    • Grants you the Holiday Spirit (debt protection) and Holiday Cheer (a gift for another player) temporary powers

    New for 2020: Winter Forest Updates

    • The Winter Forest, a special zone previously only accessible via Null the Gull, has been updated to be a seasonal hang-out spot
    • While the Winter event is active, it can be accessed from any TUNNEL portal or by using Long Range Teleporter
    • While the Winter event is active, several NPCs gather in the zone: Ms. Liberty (Trainer), an Icon Cosmetic Surgeon, The Candy Keeper, Shady Nick (Black Market), a P2W Winter Agent, a Last-Minute Gift Shop (Quartermaster), a Merit Vendor, several heroes and villains from around Paragon and the Rogue isles, and of course, Null the Gull himself
    • An invention table, a base portal, and a TUNNEL portal have also been added, and they remain at all times, even after the winter event ends
    • Several small geometry fixes have been made
    • A minimap and a special loading screen have been added





    Long Range Teleporter

    Destination List

    • Destinations are now categorized and coloured based on their location (Paragon City, Rogue Isles, Praetoria and Shadow Shard)
    • "Your Supergroup Base" is visible at the top of the list if you are in a Supergroup
    • "Enter Supergroup Passcode..." is visible at the top of the list at all times
    • Locked destinations are now listed
      • This makes it easier to see where you can and cannot go, and also keeps every destination in a consistent location regardless of how many you've unlocked
      • Zones that your current alignment cannot visit are not listed
    • Shadow Shard zones moved to the bottom of the list
    • Hero zones re-ordered slightly, all co-op zones are now at the bottom of the Hero zone list
    • Zone levels have been removed in order to make the list easier to read

    Zone Checker

    • A zone checker list has been added to the Fast Travel macro,  allowing you to check which zones you have and haven't unlocked in LRT has been added to the fast travel macro
    • Unlocked zones can be clicked, doing so will activate LRT (you'll still need to select the destination in the LRT popup)
    • This is likely only a temporary solution, we'd like to add something more integrated with the power itself
    • Thanks to @AboveTheChemist and @Jacke for their assistance with this
    • NOTE: If you have manually downloaded an updated version of fasttravel.mnu, you need to delete it in order to see this update

    Other Changes

    • Long Range Teleporter can now be purchased from the P2W vendor
      • It costs 1,000,000 influence
      • It can be found under Prestige Powers > Travel > Long Range Teleporter
      • This only unlocks the power itself (with the default base access), exploration badges are still required to unlock each zone
    • Long Range Teleporter's long and short descriptions now clearly state it allows you to access Supergroup bases
    • Long Range Teleporter now uses a long interruptible animation when used inside a mission with Temporary Powers disabled (eg: in Master Of runs)
    • Fixed Faultline not unlocking properly
      • Previously it would unlock if you owned any badge from Echo: Faultline, rather than Faultline proper





    Story Arcs

    The Graveyard Shift

    • Updates to spawns in the rave mission to reduce the chance for extreme psychological trauma
    • Adjusted the Raverobber spawn to ensure that the spawn clears as complete as soon as Raverobber drops
    • Reduced the potency of the viral cocktail, now only reduces endurance by 10 instead of 20

      • MM pets now also get the Viral Cocktail

    • Immune booster power corrected to run for 60s, not 30s, stacking

    • Upgraded the Zoombie explosions: They move faster, hit harder, hit you AND enemies - and added knockback

    • Disclaimers added to Pathogen and Cortex missions to bring friends

    The Freakish Lab of Dr. Vahzilok

    • Doc Buzzsaw contact updated to remove the HREF store link which would cause the contact to crash if clicked while running the arc via Ouroboros

    • Unkillable enemies getting onto the other side of the fence in the Zig should be less of a problem

      • Wardens using Gale were the issue, and that spawndef simply stops spawning bosses for Longbow now

    Cortex (Both arcs)

    • Heroside version

      • Rise to the challenge and wasting disease removed from him

    • Redside version

      • Psychic Scream removed fromdecaying version

      • Also has no confuse power still, intended

    • Mind Stab: 20s rech (was 4s), 1.24 damage scale (was 1.64)

    • Subdue: 3s rech (was 8s), .6 damage scale (was 1.0)

    • Telekinetic Blast: 6s rech (was 8s), damage for Smash/Psi now .63/.34, was 1/.64

    • Mesmerize: 3s rech (was 6s), sleep duration reduced from 30 to 18, damage reduced

    • Dominate: 5s rech (was 8s), .70 damage scale (was 1.0)

    • Greater Psi Blade: 30s rech (was 15s), lethal damage removed, psionic damage at 1.7 scale

    • Confuse added back into his power kit, recharge increased to 20s, mag increased from mag3 to mag4, duration cut to 10s from 20s

    • Updated the Cortex Illusion Spawns to be less painful in quantity



    Blaster Psychic Blast

    • Several powers have had their range increased to match the bonus range that other versions of Psychic Blast have
    • Psionic Dart range increased from 80ft to 100ft
    • Mental Blast range increased from 80ft to 100ft
    • Telekinetic Blast range increased from 80ft to 100ft
    • Will Domination range increased from 80ft to 100ft
    • Psionic Tornado range increased from 80ft to 100ft
    • Scramble Thoughts range increased from 80ft to 100ft

    Sentinel Psychic Blast

    • Several powers have had their range increased to match the bonus range that other versions of Psychic Blast have
    • Mental Blast range increased from 60ft to 75ft
    • Telekinetic Blast range increased from 60ft to 75ft
    • Psychic Scream range increased from 40ft to 50ft
    • Will Domination range increased from 60ft to 75ft
    • Psionic Strike range increased 60ft to 75ft
    • Psionic Tornado range increased from 40ft to 50ft
    • Scramble Thoughts range increased from 60ft to 75ft



    • Trainers no longer lie to players about Supergroup Mode and Prestige
    • Null the Gull no longer discusses the Dimensional Warder badge with Praetorians before they move over into Primal Earth properly

    Praetorian Supergroup Registrar

    • Added a new Supergroup Registrar for Praetorians
      • They are located in front of the Civic Center in Nova Praetoria (-4369.0 34.0 -256.0)
      • They use a fancy new Powers Division Supergroup registration form

    P2W Vendor

    • The various prestige teleportation powers in the P2W store now have proper descriptions instead of just saying "Buy me!"
    • Moved Prestige Sprints into the Travel category at the P2W vendor


    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed many powers having incorrect colour palettes for power customization
      • Many powers had their power customization options incorrectly assigned in i27 - this patch should resolve these issues
    • Fixed a bug that with the Supergroup registration screen; it was showing the wrong alignment very often
    • Fixed some text errors with the Auctioneer day job
    • Fixed the Monitor Duty badge incorrectly referring to the Base Teleporter power (the old name for the Monitor Duty Teleporter power)
    • Fixed the Visionary badge not awarding credit for Overseer bosses
      • These were still being tracked, they just weren't attached to the badge, so if you killed a bunch before this patch you may automatically earn the badge when you log in
    • Fixed the Duray encounter failing during Admiral Sutter's TF

    Powers Bug Fixes

    • Travel Powers should no longer generate a flashing buff icon

      • Note: Athletic Run was missed in this first fix, will be in the next patch

    • Trick Arrow

      • Disruption Arrow: This power's -MaxEnd debuff is now affected by AT modifiers

      • Glue Arrow:

        • Fixed short description to note it is a Location AoE

        • Slow enhancements should now work on this power

      • Mastermind: The following powers had their end cost accidentally lowered, this has been reversed:
        •  Ice Arrow
        •  Acid Arrow
        •  Disruption Arrow
        •  EMP Arrow
    • Energy Melee

      • Power Crash:

        • End cost for this power was set too low, increased from 9.36 to 15.184

        • Stalker version was not doing Crit from hide, this has been fixed

      • Stalker > Energy Punch: Crit damage was hitting for too little damage. This has been fixed

    • Dark Melee > Touch of Fear:

      • Power should again have a 30% chance for additional mag 1 fear on the primary target

      • A consistency pass has been made on Touch of Fear's AoE damage

    • Blaster > Darkness Manipulation > Touch of the Beyond: Should now grant fear resistance in PvP, not fear protection

    • Blaster > Tactical Arrow > Oil Slick Arrow: This power should now grant a Defiance buff

    • Scrapper > Energy Aura > Entropic Aura: This power should no longer debuff the caster's own recharge

    • Pool > Leadership > Victory Rush:

      • End Mod Enhancements should now work on this power

      • Fixed issues where sometimes it would do the same buff if used on Lts or Minions

    • Force Fields > Dispersion Bubble: Restored a missing VFX that would indicated what allies are being buffed by the power

    • Traps > Force Field Generator: Restored a missing VFX that would indicated what allies are being buffed by the power

    • Warshade > Umbral Aura > Shadow Slip: This power is now flagged as AoE, Negative Energy attack

    • Kinetics > Transfusion: This power should now heal even if the target dies shortly after the animation starts

    • Like 4
  13.  Note: The Beta shards were wiped on Thursday, November 🦃 26th. You'll need to create or copy new characters.


    New or updated changes are listed in green (these remain part of the patch notes)


    Notes relevant to testing or changes from the previous build are listed in blue (these are deleted before the next build or before the live publish)


    Beta Only

    Winter Event

    • The Winter event is now active
    • New for 2020: Snowbound badge
      • Awarded for logging in during the event
      • Grants you the Holiday Spirit (debt protection) and Holiday Cheer (1 gift for another player) temporary powers
    • New for 2020: The Winter Forest, a special zone previously only accessible via Null the Gull, has been updated to be a seasonal hang-out spot
      • While the Winter event is active, it can be accessed from any TUNNEL portal or by using Long Range Teleporter
      • While the Winter event is active, several NPCs gather in the zone: Ms. Liberty (Trainer), an Icon Cosmetic Surgeon, The Candy Keeper, Shady Nick (Black Market), a P2W Winter Agent, a Last-Minute Gift Shop (Quartermaster), a Merit Vendor, several heroes and villains from around Paragon and the Rogue isles, and of course, Null the Gull himself
        • Todogut has been moved slightly
      • An invention table, a base portal, and a TUNNEL portal have also been added, and they remain at all times, even after the winter event ends
        • A few more invention tables have been added
      • Several small geometry fixes have been made
        • It's now much easier to jump in and out of the cabin
        • Fixed the interior lighting inside the cabin
      • A minimap and a special loading screen have been added





    Long Range Teleporter

    • Several updates have been made to the Long Range Teleporter destination list
      • Destinations are now categorized and coloured based on their location (Paragon City, Rogue Isles, Praetoria and Shadow Shard)
      • "Your Supergroup Base" is visible at the top of the list if you are in a Supergroup
      • "Enter Supergroup Passcode..." is visible at the top of the list at all times
      • Locked destinations are now listed
        • This makes it easier to see where you can and cannot go, and also keeps every destination in a consistent location regardless of how many you've unlocked
        • Zones that your current alignment cannot visit are not listed
      • Shadow Shard zones moved to the bottom of the list
      • Hero zones re-ordered slightly, all co-op zones are now at the bottom of the Hero zone list
      • Zone levels have been removed in order to make the list easier to read
    • A zone checker has been added to the Fast Travel Macro
      • A list allowing you to check which zones you have and haven't unlocked in LRT has been added to the fast travel macro
      • Unlocked zones can be clicked, doing so will activate LRT (you'll still need to select the destination in the LRT popup)
      • This is likely only a temporary solution, we'd like to add something more integrated with the power itself
      • Thanks to @AboveTheChemist and @Jacke for their assistance with this
      • NOTE: If you have manually downloaded an updated version of fasttravel.mnu, you need to delete it in order to see this update
    • Long Range Teleporter can now be purchased from the P2W vendor
      • It costs 1,000,000 influence
      • It can be found under Prestige Powers > Travel > Long Range Teleporter
      • This only unlocks the power itself (with the default base access), exploration badges are still required to unlock each zone
    • Long Range Teleporter's long and short descriptions now clearly state it allows you to access Supergroup bases
    • Long Range Teleporter now uses a long interruptible animation when used inside a mission with Temporary Powers disabled (eg: in Master Of runs)
    • Fixed Faultline not unlocking properly
      • Previously it would unlock if you owned any badge from Echo: Faultline, rather than Faultline proper

    image.png.c0437bbf66e879edd33312f507f4331f.png image.png.0bc982c5983839d113a94b08cf0626f4.png




    New Story Arcs

    • The Graveyard Shift
      • Updates to spawns in the rave mission to reduce the chance for extreme psychological trauma
      • Adjusted the Raverobber spawn to ensure that the spawn clears as complete as soon as Raverobber drops
      • Reduced the potency of the viral cocktail, now only reduces endurance by 10 instead of 20

        • MM pets now also get the Viral Cocktail

      • Immune booster power corrected to run for 60s, not 30s, stacking

      • Upgraded the Zoombie explosions: They move faster, hit harder, hit you AND enemies - and added knockback

      • Disclaimers added to Pathogen and Cortex missions to bring friends

    • The Freakish Lab of Dr. Vahzilok

      • Doc Buzzsaw contact updated to remove the HREF store link which would cause the contact to crash if clicked while running the arc via Ouroboros

      • Unkillable enemies getting onto the other side of the fence in the Zig should be less of a problem

        • Wardens using Gale were the issue, and that spawndef simply stops spawning bosses for Longbow now

    • Cortex (Both arcs)

      • Heroside version

        • Rise to the challenge and wasting disease removed from him

      • Redside version

        • Psychic Scream removed fromdecaying version

        • Also has no confuse power still, intended

      • Mind Stab: 20s rech (was 4s), 1.24 damage scale (was 1.64)

      • Subdue: 3s rech (was 8s).6 damage scale (was 1.0)

      • Telekinetic Blast: 6s rech (was 8s), damage for Smash/Psi now .63/.34, was 1/.64

      • Mesmerize: 3s rech (was 6s), sleep duration reduced from 30 to 18, damage reduced

      • Dominate: 5s rech (was 8s), .70 damage scale (was 1.0)

      • Greater Psi Blade: 30s rech (was 15s), lethal damage removed, psionic damage at 1.7 scale

      • Confuse added back into his power kit, recharge increased to 20s, mag increased from mag3 to mag4, duration cut to 10s from 20s

      • Updated the Cortex Illusion Spawns to be less painful in quantity


    • Added a new Supergroup Registrar for Praetorians
      • They are located in front of the Civic Center in Nova Praetoria (-4369.0 34.0 -256.0)
      • They use a fancy new Powers Division Supergroup registration form
    • Trainers no longer lie to players about Supergroup Mode and Prestige
    • Null the Gull no longer discusses the Dimensional Warder badge with Praetorians before they move over into Primal Earth properly
    • The various prestige teleportation powers in the P2W store now have proper descriptions instead of just saying "Buy me!"
    • Moved Prestige Sprints into the Travel category at the P2W vendor

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed many powers having incorrect colour palettes for power customization
      • Many powers had their power customization options incorrectly assigned in i27 - this patch should resolve these issues
      • Please test and let us know if you see any problems!
    • Fixed a bug that with the Supergroup registration screen; it was showing the wrong alignment very often
    • Fixed some text errors with the Auctioneer day job
    • Fixed the Monitor Duty badge incorrectly referring to the Base Teleporter power (the old name for the Monitor Duty Teleporter power)
    • Fixed the Visionary badge not awarding credit for Overseer bosses
      • These were still being tracked, they just weren't attached to the badge, so if you killed a bunch before this patch you may automatically earn the badge when you log in
    • Fixed the Duray encounter failing during Admiral Sutter's TF
      • Please test:

    The only thing testers need to attempt is: Defeat Duray, let the clone spawn, defeat the clone, and then wait to see if a SECOND clone spawns. Not sure if it it does or not. If a second clone spawns and you defeat him, you technically trigger the failsafe with Primal Duray still alive.


    The clone spawns at least 2 other invisible actors to check the status of Prae Duray, which attach to the spawn originally designed for two positions. When the tangible jerks die, either the invisible guys don't despawn properly OR the spawndef gets confused because now it recognizes other enemies that must be defeated to clear it.


    There's now a failsafe script running that counts how many Durays you kill, the same script that is used for defeating WEB cables in the STF 😄

    That script is set to count kills on PraeDuray, PriDuray, and PraeClone Duray. Total kills needed: 3.


    So you can see why I'm interested in making sure only one clone spawns


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  14. 4 minutes ago, Mystic Fortune said:

    Final question... and then you'll see where I'm going with this... Since it is technically an Accolade, does Long Range Teleporter and its 'Supergroup passcode' function work on 'Master of' challenge TFs?

    The power can't be used with the Master Of conditions active.


    Or rather, it shouldn't be able to be. If it does, that's a bug.

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