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Posts posted by Jimmy

  1. 10 minutes ago, Blackbird71 said:

    The problem with this thinking is that Arcane Bolt seems to be most often taken in builds that lack sufficient primary/secondary powers to build a reliable attack chain, and so use AB to fill a gap in that chain, not displace an existing power.

    And this mentality concerns me:  why should pool power attacks, especially in origin pools, not be on a par with primary/secondary powerset attacks, even if only on a T1/T2 level?  Putting them at a similar power level increases build diversity options; arbitrarily making them inherently weaker decreases those options and ensures these pools will remain an oddity among builds.

    I'd say that it's definitely stronger than T1 blasts and only a tad weaker than T2 blasts - without the potential bonus damage. With the bonus damage it easily outclasses T2 blasts.

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    12 minutes ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

    Any chance I can talk you into dropping the whole combo mechanic for Arcane Bolt? Why does every powerset need a wack-a-mole combo mechanic? Why can't the Council just up the damage and call it good?

    The Arcane Power mechanic exists to allow Arcane Bolt to be a power that's useful to have in your build due to its situational potential, but not be so reliable and powerful that it can become a core part of your attack chain and displace a primary or secondary power.


    4 minutes ago, Arbegla said:


    (note: I like the whack-a-mole combo mechanic)


    Would it be possible/probable to tie to bonus damage to the number of Sorcery powers you take? Like the fighting Synergy? With both Spirit Ward and Enflame getting the 'you're a toggle now' treatment, having Arcane Bolt just do more damage the more Sorcery you know could make it simpler.

    This would run somewhat counter to the powers being strong independent picks. Baseline Arcane Bolt would likely end up being pretty weak if we went ahead and did something like this.

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  3. 12 minutes ago, Blackbird71 said:

    Just going to lay down some general thoughts on the changes to the Sorcery Pool at this stage in the review process.


    First, I appreciate the efforts to look over the entire pool and attempt to improve the balance of powers.  This is very much a better approach than just nerfing RoP without considering the context of the powers required before being able to take it.


    However, I question the wisdom of changing an entire pool this late in the beta process.  Granted, I don't know what the dev's timeline is for releasing Page 2, but this appears to be a rushed change that likely will not get the amount of testing and productive feedback that it deserves.  Going off of past experience, when Build 3 of Page 1 went out, the first Release Candidate was imminent, and much of the Build 3 feedback seemed to get cut off prematurely.  I can only speculate that Page 2 is rapidly moving toward its first Release Candidate, and the dev posts here highlighting the need for quickly evaluating these changes would seem to support that.  I fully expect that these changes to the Sorcery pool may only get this one iteration before going into release mode, and I really don't think that's giving something as big as changing an entire pool enough time and opportunity for proper testing and feedback, especially given the volunteer nature of both devs and players doing the testing.


    I'd much rather see all the Sorcery pool (including RoP) rolled back to the live version for Page 2, and the changes pushed off to Page 3 when they can be given the full development cycle for vetting, instead of having this crammed in at the end and likely pushed out without the opportunity for sufficient development iterations.


    This is a fair concern, although I will say it's somewhat the other way around - Page 2's release is dependant on us being happy with Sorcery, rather than us rushing the Sorcery changes because of an arbitrary timefame. No shareholders or marketing department here, we release when we're happy it's good enough!


    There's at least one more set of changes for Sorcery coming, and I think with those changes it's going to be in a really good spot.

    • Like 6
  4. 3 minutes ago, PeaceMack said:

    And hiding responses simply because they disagree with your decisions isn't a good look either.

    I know you've read the thread because you've reacted to several posts in it, so to try and make this claim is incredibly disingenuous and is the exemplification of why we go places that aren't this forum. Thank you for proving my point.


    Anyway, let's get back on topic - which is Sorcrery, not Discord.

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  5. 3 minutes ago, Carnifax said:

    Am I being dim or are the Stealth Pool changes not in the patch notes on Page 1 of this thread? 


    Trying to figure out what the new power is. 

    It's sometimes tricky to decide which thread to put things in, but the stealth / invisibility change was so tightly tied to Infiltration that it's in the travel thread. This thread is basically an "everything else powers related" thread.

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  6. 1 hour ago, PirateCrew said:

    To avoid future distraction here & elsewhere, can / will there be an update to the Beta FAQ to mention this use of Discord for testing purposes?  A few hints about what types of feedback are most likely to occur there, in contrast to the forums, would be useful -  e.g. rapid prototyping of a short list of options & survey on which to try in next test build, versus the forum being better for bug reporting or long-form testing commentary, etc.

    It's not an official platform, and we won't advertise it as such. It is in fact incredibly useful as-is because it's an unofficial platform. Giving it a spotlight and more structure will damage the casual, informal environment (and at the end of the day, it's also not our platform to make decisions about).


    These feedback threads exist for the sole purpose of aiding the development team in creating the best update possible for everyone. We use these threads and every avenue at our disposal to do that - and that includes the official Discord, various unofficial Discords, this forum, reddit, in-game, and the closed beta server. In the nicest possible way, neither you or any other specific player is entitled to be consulted about any particular change. We'll go where we think we'll get the most helpful thoughts and answers in the timeframe we have in order to create the best possible update.


    And to be entirely honest, these threads are frequently not the most helpful place because certain individuals, despite being asked not to, will continually repeat their points over and over again, which makes it harder for us to see feedback and answers from respectful players who just post their thoughts once. At a certain point filtering through that just becomes a bad use of a volunteer time.


    We do still read every post here, and it is the single biggest individual source of feedback. And despite the problems mentioned above, it's still incredibly useful to us and very influential in our decision making.


    But... there are very good reasons why we also go elsewhere, and outbursts of indignation will only cause those reasons to grow (this comment isn't directed at you, PirateCrew, but I can't quote the pages of hidden posts...). I don't think I've seen a single complaint on any other platform about us paying so much attention to the forum.


    (These threads also get continually derailed by pages of off-topic posts, like this 🙂 )


    1 hour ago, PirateCrew said:

    Those parameters for RoP would be extremely helpful to know, as soon as they get formulated.  Please aim our feedback by setting the bounds on what is negotiable.  Should we consider 60s to be the max uptime possible per cast, regardless of the resistance and mez protection values?


    I agree it would be helpful for us to provide more context for these changes, and we will be doing that soon.


    Something I do want to make clear though: This isn't really a negotiation, it's a collaboration. We aren't selling or trading anything with the playerbase here. We're not trying to one-up you, we're not nerfing things just because we have a deep desire to upset people, and we're not doing this out of spite. We're all working together to try and create the best end result possible. The highly combative us vs them attitude held by some posters simply isn't helpful, as it just gets in the way of that collaboration.

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  7. 1 minute ago, QuiJon said:

    Accept i have the new base fly speed now, or within 2 mph of it, full time on my current live fliers because of the current afterburner. And when i can not use after burner it feels like i am dragging my ass wherever i am going because i am used to the full time travel speed it gives me. It really is not a matter of saying 89mph feels fast enough, it is that 102mph feels faster, and when that toggle drops you are going to notice the slow down. I mean obviously my first choice would be 102mph with full time afterburner OAS. But IF matching jumping speed full time is a no go no matter what concession is put on afterburner, i would rather be the 7mph less then jump and not have to ever be slower then that. BTW i would also be ok with 102mph AB no toggle drop OAS, and just give the extra speed to jump to raise their cap a little bit also. ... Just saying. 

    OAS is a garbage mechanic (outside of very specific use cases like Personal Force Field) and should never have been added to a travel power - it won't be coming back 🙂


    I do definitely get what you're saying as I feel that way about Fly / AB on live too, but I would point out the differences are quite, er different: 87.9mph to 58.6mph is a 33% drop, whereas 102.27mph to 87.9mph is only a 14%~ drop. It really does feel much smoother.


    At this stage I think we just need to see it hit live and get more feedback at that point, there's absolutely no reason why further adjustment couldn't be seen in the future if it turns out we've missed the mark here.

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  8. 13 hours ago, QuiJon said:

    One of the main problems i have with this timed afterburner is that you grow accustom to how the game feels to play. So since i have invested in afterburner currently, when i exempt down to the point i no longer have it, fly feels incredibly slow again. Now i know that this is sort of being addressed with how they are removing the level scaling and such, but ultimately the cap of fly will have a top value. Afterburner with a timer will allow me to exceed that yes, but at any point it is not running after becoming used to 102 mph i will just feel slow again. I would rather have it cap a few mph slower but be 100 percent of the time so no matter what level i am at, no matter how far i have to go, i get used to a consistent speed to my travels that is always available. 

    This I can definitely appreciate, but I think after playing with it for a while you'll find the new base Fly speed is plenty fast on its own. The transition between it and Afterburner is pretty smooth.

  9. 4 hours ago, chi1701 said:

    This is build 4. and yet no stance customisation for hover/combat flight on keldians.


    4 hours ago, arthurh35353 said:

    I think they mentioned that messing with some animation sequencers is much more involved and it may not be as feasible to do that. The developer mentioned that trying to change the warshade teleport animation was not a simple thing.


    Peacebringers don't have the hover stance at all on live right now.

  10. 5 hours ago, M3z said:

    Should apply speed cap raise to pvp as well, 0 reason not to and the movespeed is the biggest appeal of this game's pvp.


    Doesn't change anything balance wise.

    Honestly, I just disabled most of this for PvP when doing the very first iteration because I know pretty much nothing about PvP and didn't want to cause an upset. If you can agree amongst yourselves that you'd like the speed cap buffs added in PvP then we'll consider it.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 11 hours ago, Blackbird71 said:

    I'm trying to understand what any of that has to do with my post that you quoted.  My comment had nothing to do with the speed values, only an objection to the need for a secondary power on a pop-up tray as a needless hassle and QoL problem.  A minor one, yes, but still an unnecessary annoyance.

    You asked why the popup Afterburner exists, so I explained why it's set up the way it is 🙂


    Afterburner doesn't just increase the cap, it also boosts your base speed as well which is helpful for those who don't slot for Fly Speed (and also helpful for mirroring some of the net effect produced by the live version of Afterburner). Moving some or all of that that base speed or speed cap to basic Fly would marginalize Mystic Flight, which is counter to the goals of providing different but equal travel power choices.

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  12. 12 minutes ago, Sovera said:


    Same behavior with Rocket Board, Magic Carpet and Skiff. So these can now be considered aesthetic customization of the Fly powers requiring only an extra toggle or click. It may or may not be possible to make a bind to activate both with just one click but regardless they have gone from curiosities to honest alternatives to the flying super hero theme. It is just spoiled by when ditching them to combat Hover without their aid.

    Yup that’s basically the intention. We’d love to have them usable in combat but sadly it’s just not practical given what we’ve got to work with.

    • Like 1
  13. 9 minutes ago, Blackbird71 said:



    I'd much rather see the death of the "fiddly bits" that are pop-up power trays.  Just bake 1/3 of the new Afterburner bonus into the base Fly power and be done with it.  I'd much rather have that lesser increase constantly if it means avoiding pop-up trays, or the need to disable such trays at Null the Gull and adding Yet Another Click Power to my existing trays, which are already packed full on any high level character.

    Fly travel powers now take you to 87.9.


    Mystic Flight gets a teleport. Fly gets a short term speed boost.


    All the travel powers with “mirror” versions have received the same treatment so they can be equal, but different options.

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  14. On 4/5/2021 at 4:44 PM, Icecomet said:

    After watching the discussions and conversations that go on here, the lack of any real dev engagement or willingness to change a direction on these powers.  I had a more generic suggestion regarding the beta of changes.  Instead of a closed beta, where a small collection of minds decides the direction for everybody to a point that when it hits open beta we're basically going to be stuck with the chosen direction with maybe being able to get a few % tweaks around whatever the point is.


    I am not entirely sure that a small collective should be base lining the direction for the servers at large from the first iteration and I would ask that in future decision making that the beta is open from the beginning before a "general path" is set in stone to a point where many are unhappy, except the chosen few that laid the path out.  Please consider changing your approach in future development so the people paying for the monthly support of costs can not only know they are directly supporting the game financially, but providing valuable feedback at a time when suggestions can be realized.


    I want to be clear that I am appreciative of the devs time and willingness to keep things fresh in game while making no money or profit for their efforts.  In the MMO world companies shove their choices down the consumers throat and they just have to take it.  I do also recognize that you'll never please everybody with any given change (i.e. a camel is a horse designed by committee, I get that), though I can't imagine anybody (including me) with being upset at flying faster. It's the renaming of powers, addition of unnecessary powers in a system tray that I think was avoidable and simply modifying the powers that exist would have accommodated the desired changes and you'd have seen FAR less push back and complaints if you simply said "we are improving the powers as they exist today.  Fly will be faster, AB will have it's affecting self removed and some 'defensive' bonuses added, etc".  People could say, great, the powers we have are just buffed up more, fantastic.


    Anyway, thanks for reading, though I know this won't necessarily change where we are today with the current changes.



    Icecomet, this really isn't a fair assessment of what's been happening. You've repeated your own points and suggestions multiple times, and they generally amount to "I want more speed without more investment" reorganised in a few different ways. We don't agree, and we aren't going to spend our time implementing your suggestions against our own direction just because you and a very, very small group want us to. That doesn't mean we are ignoring you, and it doesn't mean we aren't engaging, it just means we think you are incorrect. I know that sucks, and I'm sorry, but that is the reality of the situation. Repeating yourself over and over certainly doesn't help your cause.


    The players who take part in the closed beta process don't have a great deal of influence as you may be imagining. They just make sure things aren't flat-out broken before we open up for wider testing. If anything, open beta is where we can actually focus on feedback and iteration more then just ensuring if the thing works. Seriously, the closed beta builds can be pretty rough sometimes. You've seen some of that happen here when a few builds bypassed closed beta - EvMa being broken in the most recent build really got in the way of getting proper feedback.


    In general I think we do actually engage quite a lot - just go take a look at past feedback threads and the patches that happened alongside them. We know we're never going to please everyone, trying to do so would be a fool's errand, but we try our best, and I genuinely believe that most players will be happy with these changes.

    • Thanks 3
  15. We've seen every post in all the feedback threads.


    Again, no matter how many different ways it's proposed, we do not agree that Fly needs more speed. Fly has already been significantly buffed. I know you want more, but we don't agree.


    All the actual testing has shown that Fly, SS and SJ are on fairly even footing in real world use cases right now, so we're happy with that (Teleport will always be a special case).

    • Like 7
  16. 8 minutes ago, siolfir said:

    but I agree with you that the latest build is worse than the first two because it does require one to maintain similar or better performance if you have it slotted for flight speed. That was not the case until the most recent patch, and I feel it's a step in the wrong direction.

    This is fixed in the next build, there's no circumstances under which you'll be slower.

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  17. We definitely are open to ideas and alternatives being proposed. That's part of the feedback process.


    But, well, if we don't agree with your reasoning (ie, where the idea is coming from), then it's not likely we will agree with your proposals. So it's really important to explain your thought process and ensure everything you're saying is based on sound logic.


    For example - we don't agree that Fly's cap needs to be any faster. No matter how many different ways it's suggested, it's not likely to happen.

    • Like 1
  18. 13 hours ago, Zepp said:

    You should be comparing Infiltration+Sprint+Swift with EvMa+Hover+Swift (or Sprint+Swift with Hover+Swift) to be fair.


    In which case you have the following numbers:
    Swift only:
    21.45 (ground) v 25.65 (air, although functionally 0)

    Swift + Baseline travel power (sprint/hover):
    38.81 (ground) v 29.93 (air)
    Swift + Baseline + Extra (infiltration/Evasive Maneuvers):
    67.35 (ground) v 46.63 (air) [this also requires a three power investment in air compared to a one power investment in ground - ground can also achieve 56.73 with now power investments by using Athletic Run)


    In other words, air is 77% as fast at baseline and 69% as fast with the extra power.  It would be nice to see air travel being at least 90% as fast as ground.


    12 hours ago, Bopper said:

    Why would you use Infiltration to compare alongside Evasive Maneuvers? It suppresses its speed in combat just like any other travel power. Evasive Maneuvers does not.



    EvMa lets you fight in the air slightly faster (not slower) than you can fight on the ground, instead of at the arthritic airborne crawl you get from normal suppression whilst in the air.

    Infiltration, Super Speed, Ninja Run, etc, all suppress in the same way that Fly does. You'd need to compare them to Fly if you want to compare suppressed speed.


    1 hour ago, ScarySai said:

    Probably CJ or something like that.


    Combat Jumping gives you +0.14mph of speed.


    I'm not kidding. The tooltip describes it as a moderate increase.

    • Thanks 4
  19. 45 minutes ago, Mezmera said:

    That first point is pretty much the crux of any argument I'd have which I think most are seeing as an issue as well.  We'll see how flight is as a travel with the revamp but still flight is a pretty undesirable travel of the bunch except for thematic reasons and then the first power is pretty much a dead power I'd slot that preventative medicine proc into.  

    This right here is very important. You're correct that this is the argument many opponents of this change are making.


    But this argument also requires that requires you to admit RoP is overtuned, and that it deserves to be overtuned because of its lacklustre prerequisites. And that right there is the part we disagree with. It shouldn't be balanced around carrying three power picks.


    This is one of the first things I mentioned to Powerhouse after seeing this change, but I quickly realised the problem wasn't RoP being nerfed, it's the other powers which need to be buffed. Again, this is just my opinion and not a confirmation of out plans, but the rest of the pool really does need some love.


    1 hour ago, Blackbird71 said:

    Can you present numbers on how many characters (and of which ATs) used RoP to back up the claim that it was over-performing?

    A power doesn't need to be highly picked in order for it to be deemed as overperforming. I explain this clearly in my post: A single power should not be able to bridge a gap that results in entire parts of the game being obviated. Again, as covered in my post, mez in general is a systems-level discussion. Not something to be determined or solved by a single power.

    Rune of Protection is - again, as explained in my post - now more useful for low-mid range builds in situationally dealing with crowd control and dangerous situations. This adjustment is being overlooked due to the impact this change has on absolutely maxed out high-end builds, which isn't surprising given that more casual players are much less likely to frequent this forum.


    29 minutes ago, Doomrider said:

    However, the team is asking for feedback. I would like to think that would include feedback of all kinds, be it criticism or praise, rigorous testing or just insight/ opinion.
    At the end of day, if the team decided to pack it in, that is their decision and we would all lose our ability to play on these servers and that would be the end of it.
    In the meantime, if feedback is going to be asked for, it is my belief it should be honest and respectful but most importantly, without filter. Otherwise what is the point? 


    I agree with this, but let's try to maintain the topic for a little longer before derailing. We're only on page 2!

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