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Echo Night

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Posts posted by Echo Night

  1. I have a mid-30s Necro/Cold and was wondering if the build you posted for this combo is end-game or if it's a basic leveling build geared towards defense? And, is it more important for this combo to go after 1. Defense, 2. Recharge then 3. Damage?

  2. I'm having an issue with both the binds and macros (from page one of this guide) for swapping forms and trays. When I first bind them to either command set, everything works fine, but within a few minutes, the only thing that works is tray swapping. Form swapping does not happen. I've rebound and unbound so many times that frustration is seeping in. A fellow squibster in need.

  3. 38 minutes ago, Greycat said:

    Oh, wait. We're completely misunderstaning the OP. Sally needs to distract those that want to boop, punch, blast, etc her ... so she'll yell out how long 'til Adamastor can be summoned again. Sally gets an Adamastor timer. *nods*

    Yes. Yes, you are misunderstanding. But that's okay. I'll let it slide this time.

  4. I've never used Clipchamp before and only noticed it today, but it's a Microsoft tool apparently. It's not even installed and to use it, I have to sign into MS. I have Paint and the Snipping tool which I've used in the past. I'll poke around and see what else there might be but this is strange because I've always been able to post pics before.

  5. 12 minutes ago, Rudra said:

    I have never seen a carcass of Sally since that bug that left her on the lake after being tagged was fixed. You're right, she doesn't "Obi-Wan Kenobi". She goes through a dive animation and is despawned.

    When I say carcass, I mean her targeting reticle. Carcass took less effort to spell out.

  6. 29 minutes ago, Rudra said:

    Do what? First, when you hit Sally, she immediately dives. There is no carcass floating on the lake because she is never defeated/killed.* Second, why would the other player announce "Hey! Sally is right here!" if the player was going to bop her. There is no shared credit for Sally. Even if you are on a team. The 1 character that gets the hit in gets the credit. While it would be nice to announce that (s)he had tagged Sally so others looking can stop for a while, that is up to the individual player. (And considering how often players don't announce what they are doing even for limited availability objectives? Doesn't surprise me in the least.) And lastly, it doesn't matter where Sally spawns, she swims through all her spawn/sighting points until she is hit. So you have to do the figure eight search to find her.


    (Edit: As for the notice? Notices about Croatoa monsters are locals reporting they saw the target. And Sally is elusive. She is only rumored per the canon for the zone. According to the lore, the locals keep looking for her and not seeing her. Like how people go to Scotland and look for Nessie but never see her. That's why the badge description says you can finally prove she exists.)


    Edit again:

    * - And if it was a time when she glitched and left a carcass to find? You should be happy because then you know to come back and look for her in 45 minutes.

    There is a carcass for a few seconds after she dies just like every other mob in the game. She doesn't "Obi-Wan Kenobi." Your second point is as I stated, a frustrating aspect. There is shared credit. When I got the badge earlier today, I was on a team of three and the team leader bopped her ( not me) and we all got the cred. I don't remember the exact wording for the event that occurs in Croatoa, but there is a flash (if you have the event dialog enabled in chat) that says something like, "There is unusual monster activity spotted in Croatoa." The stand-alone, no, I don't think there is a flash.


    As for your second edit, until today, I didn't know and still don't know if the 45-minute timer is official. It could be and for this small sample, seems to be the case. I was under the impression that it was a 30-minute timer and when Sally didn't spawn, I assumed someone had beat me to her and therefore could not possibly know when to hunt next. I'd rather not have to spend a couple of hours or even an hour hopping or flying around the lake hoping to get to her first when I could be running missions.

  7. 23 minutes ago, Luminara said:

    If it's only when posted, the post editor may be downscaling the picture.  Control+right-click and select Edit Image to see if it's trolling you.

    After I've posted or before? I tried this after I posted the pic and didn't see the edit option. Before posting, there is an option to edit with "Clipchamp" which shows the true image.

  8. 1 hour ago, arcane said:

    How is Sally comparable to Adamastor? Doesn’t the latter spawn on a set schedule while the former spawns at random?

    I believe Sally has a spawn timer of 30-45 minutes. I got the badge about an hour ago or so, with the first bop on her nose being at 9:38 central time. I set a timer for 30 minutes and went back for the second bop. She didn't appear at that time. Another player was searching for her too and suggested that she spawns every 45 minutes and said the time would be at 20 after the hour his time. To the minute, she appeared at 20 after the hour.


    I was in no way comparing her to Ada. I suggested that she needs a timer like Ada for simplicity's sake. What's the harm? There are timers for just about everything else in this game, so why should Sally be denied a predictable nose-bopping? I've been on the hunt for this badge many a time and when I was in one spawn location, she would spawn in another and a player would come along a tag her without even announcing that she was on her casual swim only for me to circle back around and see her carcass floating in the lake. That is just one of the frustrating aspects of this badge and the prime reason why I only have Geas on one character since CoH came back. Another is not knowing when she spawns. Still, another is not knowing when the last time she was bopped. I got lucky today. That luck happens (for me) once in a blue moon.


    Elusive "Nessie" aspect aside, give the girl a predictable bopping already. Every GM (I know she's just a monster) in the game has a notification flash (I think) that they are out and about, or about to be out and about. Why not Sally? Or an Ada timer? Something.

  9. After years of trying to get this thing to work, I finally did it. Whenever I tried to install this to the launcher, the mod tool could not find the installer. It turns out I had three different CoH files on my D drive. Combined em all and voila! It works. Lightsaber sounds! Vidiot maps works! However, Echo: Dark Astoria seems to have not received the updated memo. Even with that, this 'ol guy is happy.

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