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Posts posted by Widower

  1. 4 hours ago, biostem said:

    OP, I understand your frustration, but then I have to ask - what is the official policy, regarding what can or cannot be done in the help channel?  If there isn't one, (besides the general rules of conduct), then all you can do is hide the channel or deal with it.

    Good news! There is a policy!


    At all times people in Help and/or LFG should A) always be able to use the channel for its primary purpose and B) stick to CoH-related subjects (so please for the love of Jimmy do not get into long-winded debates about politics). That's it.


    21 hours ago, MetaVileTerror said:

    One of the GMs used to tell us that there were plans to create Shard-specific socialization channels, but I haven't heard hide-nor-hair of that for months now.

    There are! There are plans to do many things. Not all of them can happen at once. Some things are more important at the moment, for better or for worse.

    • Like 1
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  2. We're putting the maps in drain state manually to keep them from hitting the handle cap and crashing, because that's been a problem this last week. The fix'll be patched in on Tuesday, gods willing, and then we won't have to do that anymore.

    • Like 1
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  3. 1 hour ago, Rigged said:

    Please do consider allowing the spawn system to handle mob balance, flawed as it may be.

    What you are suggesting exists does not, in fact, exist; everything is manual. That particular map (with spawns inside!) was, I believe, pulled from Graham Easton's arc, and the spawns are what Paragon's "spawn system" picked.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Hedgefund said:

    For Shauna's arc, I got a "mission fail" the 3 times I ran it.  Note - I never failed it.


    Edited to add - I did get expected rewards and badges, so I'm not saying this was a catastrophic bug.  

    IIRC, the way that the final mission works is that if you pick the "wrong" choice at the end (from the contact's point of view, anyway) you fail it, because that's just how branching paths have to work in CoH. So, WAI.

  5. Just now, Myrmidon said:


    You finally did it. You’re deleting Empathy and replacing it with a new powerset!

    If Jimmy's going to delete anything, it's pineapple pizza Storm Summoning.


    Disclaimer: No, we're not actually going to delete Storm Summoning. We like our heads where they are, thank you very much.

    • Haha 4
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