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11 Good
  1. What you're suggesting is highly disruptive to people who don't actually want to PvP I think. Walling off areas of the map, even if there are no interaction points on them is going to be highly disrupting to travel, aesthetic, etc. Not only that the scrying out of appropriate "dynamic arenas" and properly spawning the shields, etc seems like a ton of work for something that's going to get in other people's way. An easier to implement version of this idea that doesn't impose on people who just don't want to be interrupted or effected by PvP would be to allow a base/badge/etc that allows characters to choose to play their missions in PvP mode, and allow players of opposing moralities the opportunity to disrupt the missions for a reward. You could develop a PvP arch nemesis this way if the invasion menu allows searching for specific characters. Call it "Broadcast Mode" or something and run it through contacts at newspaper buildings and broadcast centers, the idea being you've made your activities public through the media for additional influence/infamy which also opens you up to those missions being raided by the opposition. Like an advanced pvp focused evolution of what the newspaper or police scanner already does, only you're scanning for players in broadcast mode. If you've taken on a target to attempt to disrupt, you get a submarine/flier/whatever door to take you to the zone, and you're confined to that zone and their mission door until either your target completes the mission or you defeat them and cause it to fail. (No getting an invasion in boomtown and taking the train to atlas park. You're a supervillain!) and your target is notified when you arrive in the instance, the idea being the time it takes you to go from the mission entrance to their location gives them time to react by either disengaging from mobs, setting traps, or abandoning your mission and taking the L to avoid a particularly notorious opponent. Since the layout and travel times within mission maps are highly variable this is a pretty interesting variable in terms of how long you may or may not have to react to an invader before they're on you. Win condition for the invader is to defeat the mission runner once. This causes the mission to fail, and for good measure and risk lets lock the runner out of attempting that mission again in broadcast mode for some time, half an hour maybe? Win condition for the mission runner is to complete the mission. Defeating the invader simply kicks that invader out of town but another may take their place. Give this mode some kind of additional bonus for mission completion, merits or something maybe, a set of badges etc. Have a scaling streak bonus to encourage sticking with the mode even if you get beaten, scaling rewards for winning higher the more missions you remain in broadcast mode, win or lose. Require players to collect tokens via successful mission completions and pay for invasion attempts with said tokens so that no one has the ability to only invade and must play both sides of the mode. Maybe later look through existing content that subs in more randomized opponents (e.g. bank missions or other instances where an opposing hero or villain isn't plot critical) and allow people to invade those missions if the owner is in broadcast mode as a "waiting to spawn" replacement for the normal NPC hero or villain without paying the token fee. This would keep the PvP in instances where it can't disrupt anyone else's play, but create a sense of free roaming danger with additional reward for the risk for players that choose to play this way, and could be accomplished with a lot less development effort, as you'd mostly only need to set already existing flags and teleports and the only new thing would be the UI to pick invasion targets (could you reuse a version of the teleport dialogue with dynamic name/zone entries? IDK) This would also allow even PvE players to participate in a little passive teamwork by phoning in when they see a hostile in the zone, possibly giving players doing missions in this mode additional advanced warning. You know "Heads up Blarf Man, Docter Narf is in the neighborhood" "Thanks for the heads up! That guy has it out for me!"
  2. Fire's armor's visuals are terrible. I don't know why, but I just really really hate them. I think it might have something to do with how monochrome they are, or how everyone likes to recolor them with TERRIBLE color schemes. Bruh, we know you're a superhero, maybe just rely on the costume and take the glowy bullshit down from a 12 to like a 7. People on this street are trying to read newspapers and buy bagels and shit. Also You guys are really going to hate my bots/sonic MM and I'm not sorry.
  3. I am simultaneously horrified and impressed by the contents of this thread. My only thing is rebinding stuff to utilize my mouse thumb buttons I have a big button which is bound to P, and that's rebound to jumping so I can single handed run and jump while I have a drink in my other hand. I also keep ctrl and alt on my mouse thumb and my trays tend to look like 1 2 3 4 5 R ctrl1 ctrl2 ctrl3 ctrl4 ctrl5 ctrlr and then alt 123 and so on. This puts my tray setup with east access to about 15 keys without straying from WASD which is more than enough for most builds in most games.
  4. This is just about the least productive stance a human can have when discussing an MMO. Farming builds are an inevitable and inextricable part of any game that includes loot, levels, and pve monster opponents. You literally can't remove them because they're a mindset, not a specific set of skills and abilities. Disapproving of farming builds is like disapproving of New Jersey. It's still going to be there no matter how mad you want to get about it.
  5. You really have it out for seven year olds man.
  6. I like this as a melee control/damage or damage/control type archetype powerset. Essentially a secondary perma-pet that uses grappling for holds while you use damage powers. Basically you control activation of all powers, but your pet actually uses half the set. The up side is the powers recharge very quickly. The down side is you both share an HP pool at well as your END pool. Damage dealt to one is dealt to both split evenly. the You get a "team up" bonus to damage and stacking more hold duration for striking a target held by your own powers or an aggro reduction(you) and scaling mitigation (pet) for doing holds for your allies and striking a different target. Ult would be a fusion where you use both simultaneously at increased effect with slower cooldowns. Making your holds deal instant upscaled damage or your damage do instant CC. Wired up to an alternate costume slot if possible. Wonder twin powers activate!
  7. Portal versions of all doors and vehicles. I'd like to have portals that don't look like portals. Just the model set up as a portal. Renamable portal locations? IDK if this is even possible but it would be cool if we could rename the teleport list entry to something other than "aleph point" etc. Lone SG logo. Just the logo as a single sided alpha textured poly for easily slapping on to surfaces. Decals. Like the above, only with some fields of bullet holes, scorch marks, etc. Auto-flight toggle in edit mode under options. Itd be cool to fly in edit mode for some things. More NPCs/ NPC animations. Animated FC or arachnos would be cool. Tintable uniformed NPCs would be even cooler. Music Triggers. Like skies per room maybe?
  8. My DREAM list: Engage with the community for creation of new content to democratize the further development of new side content (ex. let people use architect to prototype missions, and engage core level building tools) Make some attempt to collab with Posi and whoever from the old team is interested to realize their planned arcs in some way. Don't worry too much about timeframe for updates I'd rather have infrequent updates and a healthy game than burnout developers and a thing teetering on financial ruin. Retool and reintroduce (optional) base raiding as a PvE activity with optional PvP mode. Allow SGs to select which type of raids or none they want to be involved in. SGs should be able to declare a cosmetic morality for this purpose, used only if you really want to RP a heroic organization and only raid villains for instance. PvE Activity using architect tools to create base staff and the mayhem mission logic of a timed mission with bonuses for blowing up debris. Your decorative base parts count as debris, time bonus calculated via percentage of room destroyed (automatic 100% bonus if rooms are devoid of deco, this logic is to prevent having more/less deco from being something people game for time denial) Use pbaoe special damage to prevent the old cheese of walling stuff of with bookshelves by having any destroyed thing also destroy other debris in a radius around it. In this way anything deco you need to destroy will have the same median HP for a 'section" of the room regardless of how it is built. I miss base raiding a lot and I think having a PvE version with these tweaks would really add it back in a fun way that engages much more of the community while using the same tools to bring back the old PvP raiding. Free base building should make base raiding far more accessible and based upon creativity/design rather than wealth. As a side note the core tech (marrying architect tools with SG bases) would necessitate spawning logic that may allow dynamic use of SG bases as content space in new mission computer arcs (imagine a quest which culminates in an AV assaulting your SG base) A mastermind Cyborg set with melee, ranged, and self destructive clones of my character. More EPPs. All the rage is incarnate powers but honestly I think having some further EPPS would be a great content drop that's compelling for a much larger number of players. My REALISTIC list: Keep it free to play. Don't continue running on donations. Its only ever one cycle away from dead servers. Don't be afraid to make some money for the work you do. Monetize us ethically and we'd be happy to pay you. Not to mention it would be a great example to NCsoft and the industry that not being a total asshat can stiff make money. Monetize xp boosters, new emotes, alternate powerset animations, new costume packs. These were OK microtransactions. Do not monetize power sets, access to incarnate abilities, or other gameplay effecting features. These were the microtransactions/changes that made me quit the game. Sell microtransactions ethically, no loot boxes, allow preview functions before purchase (allow selecting all parts in costume designer, logic check before applying if parts are owned) Update as frequently as the budget/time allows, no more no less. Enjoy running a massive corporate mmo like a passion project, you've earned it, and we thank you.
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