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Hero Star

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  1. That's right, I got my attacks mixed up, thanks.
  2. I don't think Shinobi ignores other crit % increases, but maybe someone can confirm. I believe Seismic Smash has the highest base crit chance at 20%.
  3. CoD is showing 15% base crit for Soaring Dragon. https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=scrapper_melee.katana.head_splitter&at=scrapper
  4. Hero Star


    Do you have any tips on dealing with Psi damage? I had my first encounter with Arachnos and the Psi bosses tore me apart lol. I'll have to see how high I can get Psi Resists from set bonuses, but I'm thinking my best bet would be taking Shadowmeld and hopefully killing fast enough.
  5. Hero Star


    I haven't done Market Crash or and have only done +2 Freaks, but I use Icy Bastion especially for Stunners and kill as fast as possible lol. I have nothing against base buffs or amplifiers, so I'll definitely be grabbing the Endurance Protection one.
  6. Hero Star


    I just made one and I'm at lvl 34 now. I'm sure you have more experience with ice melee than me. I'm currently built for survival while solo leveling, so I put -recharge proc in Chilling Embrace, and a -recharge and chance for heal procs in Frozen Aura. I also took Ice Patch which has been great. Is Ice Patch not as beneficial at high level content? I can also see taking Cross Punch since Ice Melee can be damage lacking when not critting. I also planned on taking Frozen Spear as well. This has been one of my favorite characters to play in a while.
  7. One thing I hadn't considered was access to powers above your level when exemplared. (powers +5 your level I think?). Also, do unique enhancements such as Winters Gift (slow resist) and Kinesmet (+ to hit) apply to level 1? I thought I read that Steadfast and Shield Wall do. Is there a way in mids to set your enhancements to Attuned and also your character level to see where I'd be at with stats? Thanks for all the help!
  8. I was more thinking of covering bases from lvl 1-30. Would it make sense then to have a 3rd build for content before rage and GZ? Give me a bit to go over the builds you guys provided. Thank you!
  9. I already have a level 50 build for this combo. I'm looking to have a separate build for when exemplaring(sp?) under level 30. My main focus is being able to provide enough AoE at lower levels, so definitely Crosspunch at lvl 14. Also considering proc bombing Radiation Therapy for damage and a Theft Of Essence +End. TIA!
  10. As far as armors go Electric is one of my favorites. You get resistance to all types, an early dmg Aura for your ATO, a heal, an endurance replenish, resistance to slow, and the only one to get recovery debuff resistance? If it had any sort of +Dmg buff it might be #1. I've paired it with both Electric Melee and Super Strength. I'd give Electric the edge for AoE dmg and SS for the edge for ST and the ability to pierce through tohit debuffs.
  11. I finally tested this out today. I set a timer on my phone for 1min 30s. Once Hasten hit 1min 30s of recharge left, I started the timer. I had the FF proc fire off, let it run out, and then compared the recharge time on Hasten to my timer. It always reverted back in sync with my timer. I had the FF proc fire off around 4-5 times during that 1min 30s. By the end of it It they were both the same. Maybe I am misunderstanding what you meant. I don't think its useless, but I still have a lot to learn with the Battle Axe/Bio I'm leveling. It definitely helps to chain my attacks faster until I get set bonuses. On my ST chain I can get almost perma-FF. On my AOE chain, its less, since I still have lots on recharge slotted in those attacks. I'm still working out what kind of benefit it has I longer recharge powers, like the ones in Bio, but I think @Sovera touched on this in his above post.
  12. Care to go into detail or link on why it's a bad idea? Thanks.
  13. Do these KD proc enhancements stack? As in if I use both in one power will it KD more often? Thanks.
  14. Thank you for your time in explaining this. I didn't actually calculate if it reverted the timer back to where it would be. I just assumed since it went back up. I'll have to play around with it. I understand some builds not needing permaHasten, and if I get to that point with mine, great! I'm running a Stone Melee scrapper right now who's only level 30 so I still have time to build and experiment. Stone Melee has fairly long recharge times compared to some sets, so recharge is important to me to get a good chain down. Thanks everyone! I'll let you all know what I end up figure out when I build it out!
  15. I see where you're coming from I think. However, unless the power you're wanting to benefit from FF completes recharge within FF's proc, it reverts the timer back to where it would be without the proc. In Mids, I see that if I get Hasten down to 163s (175% recharge from bonuses without FF) and then activate FF its at 120s (275% recharge). So would that mean if I proc FF when Hasten has 43s left it will get Hasten to recharge itself full? I feel like I'm missing something else.
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