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Everything posted by BlackSpectre

  1. As you know, one of the big problems with using /monitor_attribute with binds is the dang 256 character limit! Not only is the slash command long, but the attribute names are also very long. I did some poking around and discovered several number codes and a bunch of random letters for attribute names. I also found out the command searches for the attribute names using some sort of inconsistent text or pattern matching that helped me figure out some abbreviations. There is a known bug with the command that prevents the use of "Energy Defense" and "Energy Resistance" as attribute names. When those names are used, "Negative Energy Defense" and "Negative Energy Resistance" pop up instead. Luckily, I discovered you can use the number "7" as a substitute name for "Energy Defense", and "DamageType[4]" as a substitute name for "Energy Resistance." Anyway, here's the list of codes and abbreviations I came up with (I also updated the Wiki with this info): 1=Toxic Defense 2=AoE Defense 3=Smashing Defense 4=Lethal Defense 5=Fire Defense 6=Cold Defense 7=Energy Defense 8=Negative Energy Defense 9=Psionic Defense ED=Ranged Defense MEL=Melee Defense BAS=Base Defense L R=Lethal Resistance G R=Smashing Resistance RE R=Fire Resistance Cold R=Cold Resistance GY R=Negative Energy Resistance NIC R=Psionic Resistance C R= Toxic Resistance DamageType[4]=Energy Resistance CC=Accuracy Bonus SE P=Confuse Protection T E=Current Endurance NT H=Current Hit Points DA=Damage Bonus SU=Endurance Consumption XP=Experience Debt XT=Experience to Next Level D P=Hold Protection INF=Influence NH=Inherent TC=Last Hit Chance DS=Level Shift X H=Max Hit Points ME B=Recharge Time Bonus Y RA= Recovery Rate N RAT=Regeneration Rate PVE=Stealth Radius (PvE) T B=To Hit Bonus FL=Flying Speed PI=Jumping Speed RU=Run Speed
  2. SG, do you still need to know this answer? This is an old thread. But hey, as long as I'm here... The window name for the Attribute Monitor is "combatmonitor". Can't be opened with /Window_show or closed with /window_hide. Can be resized with /window_scale, however. I just updated the Wiki with a whole bunch of codes and abbreviations for the various combat attributes that can help fit them into the 256 character limit for binds.
  3. I've updated the Wiki with codes and abbreviations to use with /monitor_attribute. They cut out a lot of characters which help us fit many attributes within the 256 character limit in binds.
  4. I concur. PowerReady seems to accept only 1 variable/power, processing from left to right.
  5. I don’t think we need a new zone. Instead we need things that will bring people to the currently empty zones… fault line, Crey’s folly, rikti war zone, all of Praetoria, khalisti warf, shadow shard, etc. They need to be bustling with activity, thriving and alive… even if the only ones in the zone are NPCs. More cars, trucks, pedestrians, construction machinery digging trenches, electricians working on power lines and cell phone towers, police helicopters flying around, jets streaking through the sky, smaller and large planes flying across the sky, trucks, cars, bicyclists, motorcyclists, gondolas sailing the canals of Venice, Italy… er, i mean Founders Falls, lines of people, shoppers inside stores, etc. just make it feel more ALIVE! how about a bunch of cars moving on the amazing highways in Skyway? Make it busy! have Rush hour throughout the zones! Playing in PRAETORIA and Khasti Wharf I get a very empty and eerie feeling. PRAETORIA looks beautiful, but the vacuum Robots being the only ones in the zone is disturbing. where are all the gas stations? and there’s more but you get the gist. 🙂
  6. OK cool. I have only opened specific .pigg files, so knowing it can view all of them at the same time is very helpful! Thanks!
  7. Ah. OK. That's completely counter-intuitive, that uncompressing something and then executing the file is faster than executing a loose file that doesn't need any decoding. But I get it. If executing loose files in the data folder is an additional sub-routine and requires processing through a lot of additional code, then yeah, it'd be slower than a simple decoding. Good to know, and thanks for the explanation. I'm only now starting to explore the code side of COH. Not being a programmer (I've only learned a few scripting languages), it's a bit of a learning curve. I'm definitely not comfortable mucking around in the game files yet. If I guessed that tracking installed mods is simpler because City Mod Installer assigns each mod its own ID number and organizes them accordingly in the folder, would I be correct? I really need to try out City Mod Installer. I'm so used to just using the data folder, and having direct access to the files without any need to convert them from another format, that I've been hesitant (I run a Mac which complicates things). Also, adding the flag to the game's launch parameters also gives me pause. Adding ANYTHING extra to the way the game runs gives me pause because it's yet another thing that can break, or become unsupported. But I know enough to either fix things if they break or adjust that really it's just nervousness talking. It's like the various binding apps like City Binder. I know many people love it, but since I have a fairly decent level of expertise in creating binds, and I'm so used to doing them by hand and from scratch, something like City Binder is something I don't really need. To me such an app is a layer of obfuscation between me and the files. This is kind of the way I've been thinking about COHModder. So I've never tried it. May I just say how grateful I am for all that you do, Michiyo? Stepping up like this and writing a new app to take the place of COHModder is yet another example of your generosity and how much you care about COH and its community. I'm glad to be in such good company. I'll try out City Mod Installer this weekend. 🙂
  8. OK! Really liking your ChatRanges popmenu! What I find especially valuable are the ranges you chose for the various levels: whisper, indoor, etc. I know it took a lot of testing to settle on those distances. Great job! And I even like the names you chose for them! I was going to suggest a 10 ft range for talking in a small group or across a table, etc., but in all honesty with all the testing you've done, you've probably already tested that range. And so... to your expertise I defer. 🙂 I do recommend you add the ability to check what chat range you're currently set to though... Divider Option "Check Ranges" "Speak_range$$listen_range" I put it at the bottom so as not to interfere with quick role playing. On my version of your popmenu I added the actual feet after the names just so I would have a better understanding on how far the "sound" is going. In practice, once I get used to it, I can totally see just using the names. Here's an example of what I did: Option "Whisper 3'" "Speak_range 3" Now if I could only find that dice rolling popmenu I ran across once... 🙂
  9. I think I just couldn’t find this .mnu file or the mod at the site. I was doing a lot yesterday and I admit I didn’t look too hard. Hey, as long as I have you here, do you happen to know the reasoning for why the COH Modder changed to installing .piggs rather than just the .mnu files?
  10. Ah, I see what they did! The used the different color of the “&” hot key to color the “+” and the numbers differently. They didn’t assign a color at all! I guess there’s no way to color the Option name. Bummer. We can color message text in a command, however. Blah. Hey ATC, I looked through the .piggs last night and couldn’t find it. What was the name of the .pigg file? Was it in the Assets folder? Also, do you know of a way to read the .bin files that we can extract from the .pigg fikes? I’m just full of questions today! 🙂
  11. Does anyone know how to color the Option name in Popmenus? I see in the Quickchat menu that Homecoming did it with the Notoriety Difficulty Level sub-menu. Does anyone know how to get a copy of Homecoming's current Quickchat menu? I could probably just look in there...
  12. Having trouble with the website. Would it be possible just to attach the .mnu file here? Thanks!
  13. Hey! I thought it would be a good idea to call your attention to a simple slash command called /conprint. It is able to take a message and send it to the System chat channel. This is perfect for giving ourselves feedback that a command we just executed actually worked. I know some people have been using the chat variable $name to do this, but that gives you a double tell. /conprint is smooth and seamless. Works great in binds, macros, and pop menus. Anyway, just a tip. Check out the wiki page on the command that I linked above. 🙂
  14. Wow. Sorry to see you go, PK. I know we only just started talking, but dang! We were like kindred souls. Messing around with the game mechanics and mods, etc. I'm sorry you were slighted by the Homecoming crew (or at least feel that way. I didn't read what happened and wasn't involved, sorry). But if what you love about the game is the community, the camaraderie you get from us, and the joy you get out of helping many, many players who have the same love of the game... then stay, PK. We weren't the ones who dissed you, and yet we're the ones who will suffer from your absence, not the devs. Anyway, I'm sure if you ever decide to come back that nothing will be held against you. You're always welcome here.
  15. For the buff icon in the buff bar of the Status window for the Warmth of Prometheus temporary auto-power... The buff icon description reads +7.0%, but it should read +7.5% for recharge, damage, and healing bonuses.
  16. Typos highlighted: Power description for Ice Slick Dominator/Controller reads: 'You can create a large patch of ice at a targeted area, causing all foes that pass through it to tale cplose their footing. Those caught in the Ice Slick are dramatically slowed, take cold damage over time, tend to fall down and will be unable to jump.'
  17. Very good set. Meteor is awesome! Love the sound effects and the huge explosion! Brace yourself… Here it comes!!! Incoming!!! Lol It’s a bummer that stalagmite , a tier 8 power performs like a tier 2 power if you’re not on the ground or have built up enough combos. There are many times when neither of those circumstances are possible and it ends up being useless. Would be nice if its base damage was built up a bit and let the combo be extra but not necessary for the power to be useful as a damage power. I took Martial Combat as my secondary and the power Reaction Time when 3 slotted makes any endurance problems a thing of the past!
  18. A lot of people miss out on the storyline merely because they don't read... they can, they just choose not to. Making the text spoken by actors would be great! Just audio.
  19. SEISMIC MASTERY FOR BLASTER EPIC POWER POOL PLEASE. I just rolled a seismic blaster and was very disappointed there were no epic powers that had a stone theme. I ended up picking Electricity Mastery, and reduced all the special effects to a low as I could get them... cuz my seismic dude isn't electric, but yeah, wish there was stone armor, stone shield, another stone attack, a stone hold, stone psionic defense, mud pots, sand storm, stone pet, earthquake, ground smash, stone hibernation, stone machine gun, tunneling teleport, volcano ranged AOE, hot steam thermal AOE perception/defense debuff and minor DOT damage, stone wall, space debris cyclone, or any of a number of cool epic stone powers. There's a lot to choose from.
  20. There’s a lot that could be improved, changed, added, and removed. A lot. So instead of a lengthy list, let me just suggest 2 things… 1) no defense or resistance caps, soft or otherwise. Make the combat difficulty scale into perpetuity. Eliminate the possibility of any character to be completely invulnerable no matter how many mobs at the same level attack them. As far as I can tell, this is the biggest problem in the game. 2) Make missions less consistent and introduce surprise or unpredictability that goes against our expectations. Increase wandering groups of mobs, randomize ambushes, randomize mob group placement and numbers, include environmental traps, include tactical and strategic traps that are unexpectedly sprung in already difficult circumstances or circumstances that put the player up against the wall looking for a way out, include intellectual puzzles to solve that make sense in the context of the mission/story, have more than one storyline or outcome for each mission, etc. in short, try to make repeating missions less hum drum and boring while at the same time spicing up the game.
  21. You're out of luck. /emailread and /emaildelete are internal commands that can only be used by the game system. If we were privy to the indexed inventory ID number for each email, we'd probably be able to use it... but that info is not accessible to players. Also, an "indexed" item is one where the game system assigns an ID number to the item that is based on the order of occurrence but also on the given structure of the data. It can potentially assign each item a new ID number each time the game client is restarted. Although not completely random, for all intents and purposes for the player, it's basically random. According to the game files, it utilizes an unsigned 64 bit process (U64) to do this. This means that an email message could have an ID number anywhere from 0 to 2^64-1 (2 to the 64th power minus 1). That's 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 (yep, that's quintillion). The ID number could be anything within that huge range, and the likelihood that it's a manageable number between 0-100 is remotely possible but very, very low. This effectively makes the message ID number of any email message impossible to figure out. Any slash command that requires a message ID number is therefore also impossible for players to use, including /emailread and /emaildelete that both require message ID numbers. UPDATE: 12/18/22 I was just made aware of some information that shed light on the fact that I don't know what I'm talking about when it comes to the in-game email system! Everything I wrote above I did find in the configuration files, and it did seem to be related to email... and it still might be. However, there's a lot of guesswork I'm doing since I'm not a programmer and can't just read the code and understand it like an expert. The new information I got was the ID numbers for 3 of my most recent global emails. They are surprisingly small numbers and sequential. The IDs were: 920, 921, 923. I have no idea if these ID numbers are the "Message ID" numbers that /emailread and /emaildelete require. All I know is that neither command seems to work... still. I tried reading and deleting messages from both my global and my local emails. Nada.
  22. It depends. The difference between /target_X commands and /team_select commands is that /target_X only works for targets that are in line of sight. Targets to the side and behind you can't be targeted. Whereas /team_select will select the target no matter where they are. I think the distance to target something using /target_X commands is perception distance, not power range. If my memory is correct, /team_select doesn't have a targeting range limit. The above macro will cycle through different teammates who are alive and within line of sight with each click. To use /team_select you'll need to create either a rotating bind or a rotating macro (AKA text binds or text macros). What I usually end up doing for powers that buff teammates is assigning a /team_select bind to each of the keys on the number pad (1-8), and then activate the power using one of the other keys on the numberpad such as "0", ".", or "+", etc. I'm not sure, but you might be able to assign /team_select to each key in Options--> Keymapping tab. Also, I vaguely remember a problem with binds meant to target/select something and then execute a power when combined in the same bind string. I think the target needs to be solidly selected first, pause a few milliseconds, and then activate the power. To do this I used the "+" prefix in combination with /bind_load_file to create a rotating toggle key bind so that the target is selected on key press, and the power activated on key release, but it still doesn't work perfectly. If the key is pressed too quickly, it messes up... and it didn't work well for healing powers that are frantically being fired off during combat. Long story, short... I recommend just using the numberpad.
  23. So then is inf gain directly related to xp gain then? Xp goes down, then inf goes down. Xp goes up, then inf goes up? obviously, number of powers and class (minion, lt, boss, etc) i”are 2 factors. But is xp also a factor that’s considered when the game determines inf gain?
  24. Thanks man. I'm an active farmer... but the changes still have a pretty big impact. Once my fire defense is floored to 10% or less, my health goes down so quickly that I need to retreat... even when using my heal. They just slaughter me if I stand my ground. Yes, I'm at 90% fire resistance and something like 85% S/L resistance. When using my Lore pet, the situation changes drastically. The pet takes enough aggro to make any Defense Debuff much smaller. So I can see dual boxing, using 2 toons, as an effective counter... even without changing my farmer's stats. But dual boxing is a pain. The AE map, The Story of a Real Big Dog, is a classic fire farm. The mobs have both ranged and melee attacks, and they are well built. Deadly. So I'm at a loss as to why they're now giving less influence. They should actually give more. They are far more deadly now than they ever were! I have tried some newer Page 5 fire maps made by people to maximize inf gain, but it's the same amount as I'm getting from Real Big Dog (I convert everything into inf gained per hour (inf/hr). With Real Big Dog I was about to make about 41 million inf per hour. Now it's 30 mil.
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